Hate speech has consequences.
The Daily Beast suggests that accused killer James Jackson — who told police and the New York Daily News that he stabbed an elderly black man to death as a sort of “trial run” for a planned terrorist massacre of black men in Times Square — was radicalized, at least in part, by watching alt-right and white supremacist videos on YouTube.
As the Daily Beast notes, in recent months
Jackson’s YouTube page, where he had previously listened to the Final Fantasy soundtrack and liked a British royal family video, lit up with likes on videos about white superiority and “black on white crimes”.
He subscribed to dozens of YouTube channels heavy on alt-right propaganda and conspiracy theorizing, ranging from well-known names like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux to obscure characters with names like CYBERNAZI and Alt-Right Andy. He also told the Daily News he was a reader of The Daily Stormer.
His statements to police and the media seem to reflect a man steeped in the toxic ideology of the alt-right, and obsessed with the alleged danger of “race mixing.” Angered by seeing black men with blonde white women, Jackson told the Daily News that he hoped that his planned Times Square massacre would somehow convince white women to reconsider dating black men.
But a closer look at his comments — and his YouTube subscriptions — suggests that Jackson may have been influenced as much by the Men Going Their Own Way movement as he has been by the alt-right.
Indeed, his YouTube subscriptions are heavier on MGTOW channels than on explicitly alt-right ones, including relatively well-known MGTOWs like Bar Bar and Sandman as well as lesser-knowns like Angry MGTOW and MGTOW is Freedom.
The MGTOW movement is an angrier and more nihilistic cousin to the now-languishing Men’s Rights movement. While MRAs like to at least pretend they want to do something about real issues affecting men (circumcision, workplace safety and of course the alleged epidemic of false rape accusations), MGTOWs feel no such compunction, devoting themselves wholeheartedly to misogynistic ravings about the alleged evils of women.
Like their close cousins the Incels (INvoluntary CELibates), MGTOWS are obsessed with, and furious over, the penchant of women to date men other than them. They complain endlessly that women throw themselves at the mythical alpha male known as “Chad” and his black “thug” counterpart “Tyrone.” (Yes, they’re that blatantly racist about it.)
Jackson’s post-arrest comments echo these obsessions using similar language. He told the Daily News that he regretted killing an elderly homeless man, wishing that he instead had killed “a successful older black man with blonds” or a “young thug,” one of “these younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”
Like many MGTOWs and alt-rightists alike, Jackson is also obsessed with female fertility, telling the Daily News that “good white women should have as many children as possible.”
With MGTOWS becoming more explicitly racist and antifeminist alt-rightists attempting to draw members from both the MGTOW and Men’s Rights Movements, it’s becoming harder to tell the difference between MGTOWs and neo-Nazis. As I pointed out in a recent post, “many … lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.”
Jackson’s vile actions — seemingly motivated equally by alt-right racism and MGTOW-style sexual envy — shows what this sort of convergence can look like.
He was charged today with “murder as an act of terrorism” for the killing of Timothy Caughman.
H/T — @TakeDownMRAs
Me: ||
The world: 卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌卌||
Honestly all the MGTOWs I know (in real life) are regular, nice people, who just prefer to not get married and just do their own thing instead – build a business, do competitive sports, etc. They’re just not interested in dating, and I’ve never seem them discriminate against anyone in social contexts.
I do see that if you know MGTOWs only from the Internet it might seem everyone is an angry troll. The truth is, vast majority of MGTOWs don’t give a damn about Internet discussions and you’ll rarely see them post anything online on the topic, and definitely not ranting about things they’re not interested in. What’s happening on Reddit/YouTube is the worst sample you can get of MGTOWs, it’s mostly an echo chamber for people who actually have no idea how to go their own way and waste their time on pointless rants instead.
MGTOW only exist on the internet. Regular non misogynistic men who are single and childless by choice are just single men. I’m childless by choice and single mostly by choice. I don’t call myself a WGTOW.
@ dalillama
Middle, between two brothers. Ooh, is there some thing behind this? I forgot my own middle name once. That was embarrassing. Then I couldn’t remember which way it was spelled (there’s two variants). In my defence it doesn’t often crop up, and I wasn’t expecting the question.
Yeah but dat xp tho.
So y’all finally found an island to settle on ? How goes the seagull hunting ?
This blog mocks internet misogyny. If you are not on the internet bashing women, this blog is not about you.
Please read the FAQ about this blog, which will explain this further.
My problem is that my best bud is an Allan of the two L variety, and so writing it that way is habit. I usually remember to check before posting, but sometimes I slip.
I knew a guy who was Jeffrey at home, on every class list, and on his driver’s license, who only learned when he was applying for his University diploma that his birth certificate said “Geoffrey.” His parents had decided to go with the alternate spelling after the fact.
You personally know several self-identified MGTOWs? Or are they, as WWTH suggests, just single dudes you’ve decided to slap a label onto?
@Handsome Jack, re: salt water
I’m aware, but my roommate has the salt canister. Also, I got some stuff that may as well be DayQuil. Only issue is the taste…
–me after taking the mawbDayQuil, 2X17
Your roommate has the salt canister? Okay…well, in the meantime, just make sure to drink plenty of water and rest as much as you can and remember laughter is actually scientifically proven to boost your immune system so you work through that pain and watch some cats chasing their own tails. It’s good for you!
@Handsome Jack
Sometimes, drinking water is like pouring lava down my throat when it’s sore. But I’ll do my best. Have to take the NyQuil and chase the not-DayQuil, anyway.
And thanks for the felines.
@MGTOW asshat
Whatever. It doesn’t matter how reasonable what you’re saying SOUNDS, or how often you say it. It contradicts objective reality of what MGTOWs are and what they do, so you even saying it is pointless cause no one here is gonna fall for obvious and blatant lies.
Single men are single men. Happily single men are single men, and ace men are ace men. The defining characteristic of an MGTOW is an obsession with misogyny and victimizing women. That’s just the way they operate, and no amount of revisionist bs from you will change that.
Okay FINE, there are non-threatening tanks. Or are there? The principal duty of a tank in an MMO is to pull aggro, which requires convincing the enemy the tank is their priority target.
Gnome punting tho.
EDIT: Plus the chieve.
@ Handsome
Naw, man, I’m a traditionalist. My momma used to say the only good gnome was a chicken-fried gnome. That’s good enough for me.
Not to be a meanie-pants just as I get up, but I always thought the gnome punting thing was definitely in poor taste, mainly because of this.
Troll-bashing though, now that’s good, healthy sport.
I find most things picking on gnomes in poor taste. Gnomes are cool.
Also it’s kinda funny that there’s actual dwarves in the game and yet…
Hmm…I think someone wrote a song about this…
You’re So Vain! You probably think this Blog is about you!
It doesn’t seem to make sense. If someone doesn’t want to get married or have children, why would they be concerned with the “survival of the white race”?
A lot of these people seem to have a nihilistic, “let’s watch the world burn without us” kind of attitude, so it’s odd to see them talking about white nationalism.
He must be devastated today!
Call him!
Man shut the fuck up
James and Elliot were Incels
Just stop spreading garbage