Hate speech has consequences.
The Daily Beast suggests that accused killer James Jackson — who told police and the New York Daily News that he stabbed an elderly black man to death as a sort of “trial run” for a planned terrorist massacre of black men in Times Square — was radicalized, at least in part, by watching alt-right and white supremacist videos on YouTube.
As the Daily Beast notes, in recent months
Jackson’s YouTube page, where he had previously listened to the Final Fantasy soundtrack and liked a British royal family video, lit up with likes on videos about white superiority and “black on white crimes”.
He subscribed to dozens of YouTube channels heavy on alt-right propaganda and conspiracy theorizing, ranging from well-known names like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux to obscure characters with names like CYBERNAZI and Alt-Right Andy. He also told the Daily News he was a reader of The Daily Stormer.
His statements to police and the media seem to reflect a man steeped in the toxic ideology of the alt-right, and obsessed with the alleged danger of “race mixing.” Angered by seeing black men with blonde white women, Jackson told the Daily News that he hoped that his planned Times Square massacre would somehow convince white women to reconsider dating black men.
But a closer look at his comments — and his YouTube subscriptions — suggests that Jackson may have been influenced as much by the Men Going Their Own Way movement as he has been by the alt-right.
Indeed, his YouTube subscriptions are heavier on MGTOW channels than on explicitly alt-right ones, including relatively well-known MGTOWs like Bar Bar and Sandman as well as lesser-knowns like Angry MGTOW and MGTOW is Freedom.
The MGTOW movement is an angrier and more nihilistic cousin to the now-languishing Men’s Rights movement. While MRAs like to at least pretend they want to do something about real issues affecting men (circumcision, workplace safety and of course the alleged epidemic of false rape accusations), MGTOWs feel no such compunction, devoting themselves wholeheartedly to misogynistic ravings about the alleged evils of women.
Like their close cousins the Incels (INvoluntary CELibates), MGTOWS are obsessed with, and furious over, the penchant of women to date men other than them. They complain endlessly that women throw themselves at the mythical alpha male known as “Chad” and his black “thug” counterpart “Tyrone.” (Yes, they’re that blatantly racist about it.)
Jackson’s post-arrest comments echo these obsessions using similar language. He told the Daily News that he regretted killing an elderly homeless man, wishing that he instead had killed “a successful older black man with blonds” or a “young thug,” one of “these younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”
Like many MGTOWs and alt-rightists alike, Jackson is also obsessed with female fertility, telling the Daily News that “good white women should have as many children as possible.”
With MGTOWS becoming more explicitly racist and antifeminist alt-rightists attempting to draw members from both the MGTOW and Men’s Rights Movements, it’s becoming harder to tell the difference between MGTOWs and neo-Nazis. As I pointed out in a recent post, “many … lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.”
Jackson’s vile actions — seemingly motivated equally by alt-right racism and MGTOW-style sexual envy — shows what this sort of convergence can look like.
He was charged today with “murder as an act of terrorism” for the killing of Timothy Caughman.
H/T — @TakeDownMRAs
This entire statement is false. You’re confusing PUA and some Red Pill guys with MGTOW, which is a totally different thing.
MGTOW at its core is about opting out of certain aspects of society in a peaceful way.
MGTOWs are completely indifferent to female fertility.
Do your research before spreading misinformation. It almost seems as if this was intentional with hidden agenda.
[citation required]
Molyneux is barely more articulate than the standard everyday-use alt-righter, that’s about the only difference. Doesn’t mean more intelligent, and it doesn’t mean he isn’t a standard everyday-use alt-righter.
If this troll’s just gonna do random drive-bys with different names and not even pay attention when we call ’em out on it, should we just ask David to not let them through moderation at their next name change ?
’cause I dunno about y’all but I think the entertainment value in that kind of troll is pretty damn limited.
… And considering that the standard alt-rightist thinks “LIBT**D CUCKS DAY O FROP” is a sentence, that’s really not saying much.
Yeah, Molyneux understands grammar, if nothing else. Doesn’t make much of a difference since he still doesn’t understand what words mean. Or how anything else works, really.
Fuckin’ magnets.
It’ll never stop being funny
I KNOW!! He’s not even trying. Sigh.
@Handsome Jack
my throat is sore why must you make me laugh so
Oooh, hello.
It’s been a while since I’ve heard the “peaceful MGTOW” thing. This should be interesting.
Just parking this here:
And this:
I’m not here for your entertainment
(I hope your throat gets better, though. If you don’t know but gargling with warm salt water will numb your throat if it’s strep or cold or whatever related. Just tossing that out there.)
This is beautiful.
Pure, unadulterated stupid. Crystal duh.
The best thing about the links you just posted, Allan, is that the first reply in the “birth rates” thread also mentions Chad.
@ viscaria
I aim to please. 🙂
ETA: being me of course the most annoying thing I find about the comment John referenced is the use of ‘less’ rather than ‘fewer’ 🙂
I spelled your name wrong again. Damn it. Sorry.
“peaceful MGTOWs” are like non-threatening tanks: They don’t exist, the concept of their existence is ridiculous, and if they existed they would directly eliminate the POINT of their own existence.
Tanks are war machines, intended to destroy and dominate, the threat is built into them as much as their armor and weapons. A tank that wasn’t threatening would defeat the point of tanks existing because it would be incapable of accomplishing it’s reason for being.
MGTOWs are the same, and anyone who’s been paying any attention at all to the reactionary assholes who call themselves mig-toes can see what I’m getting at here.
@ viscaria
No worries. My mum gets my name wrong all the time and I’m an only child.
“Hi Mum”
“Hello, who’s that?”
“Oh hi Harry”
“That’s your brother”
“Sorry; Owen”
“That’s your other brother”
(my mum’s lovely and very smart but the name thing does seem to run in the family)
@Sinkable John
I don’t really know to react to that. Tanks can go their own way too. So can most modern weapons.
That’s just how I like to see them treated. A wreck with naked folks dancing on it.
Incidentally, I don’t really have anything kinder to wish Miggy here.
Okay, you win.
@Rob, if you don’t even know what your own goddamned movement posts about, maybe you should “do your research before spreading misinformation.” Because your post “almost seems as if this was intentional with hidden agenda.”
@Alan: ?
Is your mum the eldest by any chance?