aggrieved entitlement alt-right antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism red pill terrorism

Is confessed racist killer James Jackson the first MGTOW murderer?

Timothy Caughman: Murdered by a MGTOW?

Hate speech has consequences.

The Daily Beast suggests that accused killer James Jackson — who told police and the New York Daily News that he stabbed an elderly black man to death as a sort of “trial run” for a planned terrorist massacre of black men in Times Square —  was radicalized, at least in part, by watching alt-right and white supremacist videos on YouTube.

As the Daily Beast notes, in recent months

Jackson’s YouTube page, where he had previously listened to the Final Fantasy soundtrack and liked a British royal family video, lit up with likes on videos about white superiority and “black on white crimes”.

He subscribed to dozens of YouTube channels heavy on alt-right propaganda and conspiracy theorizing, ranging from well-known names like Alex Jones and  Stefan Molyneux to obscure characters with names like CYBERNAZI and Alt-Right Andy. He also told the Daily News he was a reader of The Daily Stormer.

His statements to police and the media seem to reflect a man steeped in the toxic ideology of the alt-right, and obsessed with the alleged danger of “race mixing.” Angered by seeing black men with blonde white women, Jackson told the Daily News that he hoped that his planned Times Square massacre would somehow convince white women to reconsider dating black men.

But a closer look at his comments — and his YouTube subscriptions — suggests that Jackson may have been influenced as much by the Men Going Their Own Way movement as he has been by the alt-right.

Indeed, his YouTube subscriptions are heavier on MGTOW channels than on explicitly alt-right ones, including relatively well-known MGTOWs like Bar Bar and Sandman as well as lesser-knowns like Angry MGTOW and MGTOW is Freedom.

The MGTOW movement is an angrier and more nihilistic cousin to the now-languishing Men’s Rights movement. While MRAs like to at least pretend they want to do something about real issues affecting men (circumcision, workplace safety and of course the alleged epidemic of false rape accusations), MGTOWs feel no such compunction, devoting themselves wholeheartedly to misogynistic ravings about the alleged evils of women.

Like their close cousins the Incels (INvoluntary CELibates), MGTOWS are obsessed with, and furious over, the penchant of women to date men other than them. They complain endlessly that women throw themselves at the mythical alpha male known as “Chad” and his black “thug” counterpart “Tyrone.” (Yes, they’re that blatantly racist about it.)

Jackson’s post-arrest comments echo these obsessions using similar language. He told the Daily News that he regretted killing an elderly homeless man, wishing that he instead had killed “a successful older black man with blonds” or a “young thug,” one of “these younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”

Like many MGTOWs and alt-rightists alike, Jackson is also obsessed with female fertility, telling the Daily News that “good white women should have as many children as possible.”

With MGTOWS becoming more explicitly racist and antifeminist alt-rightists attempting to draw members from both the MGTOW and Men’s Rights Movements, it’s becoming harder to tell the difference between MGTOWs and neo-Nazis. As I pointed out in a recent post, “many … lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.”

Jackson’s vile actions — seemingly motivated equally by alt-right racism and MGTOW-style sexual envy —  shows what this sort of convergence can look like.

He was charged today with “murder as an act of terrorism” for the killing of Timothy Caughman.

H/T — @TakeDownMRAs

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Some Guy
Some Guy
7 years ago

Maybe the first one explicitly caught as an MGTOW, but I have a hard time believing the ideology hasn’t led to a large amount of domestic violence honestly :/

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I have no doubt that this dude will be (or already is) hailed as a hero by some group or other, possibly MGTOWs, probably one or more alt-right groups, much as Elliot Rodger is hailed by incels.

When your hero is a murderer, it’s time to examine your life choices.

7 years ago

Not the first. Elliot Rodgers was spouting MGTOW talking points, he just chose a different avenue for “going his own way”.

Nor will he be the last. These zealous nihilists are quikly becoming the suicide attakers of the alt-right.

7 years ago

Will the authorities begin to watch these groups and take the violent things they openly say in their online activities at face value now? PLEASE?!

7 years ago

It took this long for types like these to be charged for terrorism?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Will the authorities begin to watch these groups and take the violent things they openly say in their online activities at face value now? PLEASE?!

Nope. President Shinra said, pretty much in words, that he’s taking white groups off the watch lists, because terror only comes from brown people.

7 years ago

He told the Daily News that he regretted killing an elderly homeless man, wishing that he instead had killed “a successful older black man with blonds” or a “young thug,” one of “these younger guys that put white girls on the wrong path.”

“Wrong path”? Oh, you mean the one most of us are on to begin with, where they choose for themselves to date/marry/have sex and/or kids with whomever they like, and sometimes, it just happens to be a black guy? How terrible! Women being autonomous — literally the wrongest thing in the world!

(Also, Caughman wasn’t homeless; he was retired and had a place to live, but made ends meet as a “canner”. Might be worth correcting that.)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


My sentiment exactly, and I’m baffled that it’s happening like a month after it’s been made pretty clear and official that whites can’t be terrorists.

7 years ago

With the whitehouse legalizing white terrorism but Oregon standoff was a massive failure, but gop in all offices, but they all hate each other and Trump can’t talk his way to the restroom and failed to pass anything.

Man it must be confusing times for these white terrorists, being told that they’ll have it all and then get continuously denied. I’d almost feel bad for them, you know if it weren’t for the fact they’d slice open my cousins for not wanting to jump their bones.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

And nobody who was paying attention is even remotely surprised he’s a miggy. All bigots are interchangeable. All bigotries reinforce each other. Racism gives them a reason to hate women, misogyny gives them a reason to hate queer folks, and on and on. Same shit, bigger target pool…

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

It took this long for types like these to be charged for terrorism?

Yes. Remember when those white assholes who terrorized a black kid’s birthday party with Confederate flags and guns? They were charged with terrorism. Surprised they didn’t get charged with “disturbing the peace”.

All it took was getting Nazis in the office to think maybe we’re being too soft on white people.

(Well, not really, but it seems more white people are being charged with terrorism like they should ever since Dump got elected.)

7 years ago

Yes. Remember when those white assholes who terrorized a black kid’s birthday party with Confederate flags and guns? They were charged with terrorism. Surprised they didn’t get charged with “disturbing the peace”.

They fucked up, they did it without badges.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

They fucked up, they did it without badges.

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7 years ago
Adam Rome
7 years ago

Molyneux is intelligent. He isn’t alt-right propaganda.

7 years ago

@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
Oh yeah, they did have a lengthy jail sentence. I also particularly enjoy reading about how much they cried.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Will the authorities begin to watch these groups and take the violent things they openly say in their online activities at face value now? PLEASE?!

Yes! WHEN!? when will they face some consequences for promoting & encouraging terrorism and violence!?!

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


While happy they got their just desserts, I felt disgust. it just shows how very little they’ve ever faced the concequences of their actions when they felt sad for themselves after threatening children with guns.

They really thought they could get away with it. No one feels that sorry for themselves if they knew they did something truly bad.

7 years ago

@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
Believe me I felt the same disgust when Ammon Bundy and others were allowed to walk free after committing textbook terrorism and wielding firearms on federal land. Just goes to show what happens when society and law turn a blind eye to systemic racism . I don’t even think the couple thought of their victims as people, or that their act was anything more than a high school prank.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@”Adam Rome”,

Look, you’ve posted here as Stephan Twindale, Tyler Roberts, and now Adam Rome.

Pick one and post, otherwise I’m going to ask David to ban your sockpuppeting ass, which is against the comment policy anyhow, which apparently you didn’t bother to read, otherwise you’d know that.

7 years ago

@Adam Rome
Says the sock puppet with the same blue swastika as the other handles.

7 years ago

I’m at a point where I don’t see a great deal of distinction between racists, misogynists, and nazis. It’s entirely unsurprising, and entirely expected, that someone so intellectually lazy that they’re willing to indulge a pointless prejudice against others would indulge multiple prejudices at once…and if given the chance, act upon those prejudices.

I can’t believe he was actually charged with terrorism, and with murder. I was expecting our courts to charge him with “public indecency” or something.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Maybe some judges realized where shit was going and suddenly developped a spine ?

Ehh… that’s overly optimistic. But then I just got up.

@Tylestevam Twinromeberts

Look, pick one already and stick with it. You’re embarassingly ridiculous right now.

Or just fuck off.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
7 years ago

@Adam of Rome, First of his name

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Adam Whoeveryouare:

Just because it’s couched in language that seems intelligent doesn’t mean it’s not propaganda.

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