alpha males artificial wombs bad boys beta males consent is hard creepy cuckolding homophobia incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rapey

It came from the comments: Artificial wombs will turn straight men gay because women suck

Makin’ babies

Another day, another drive-by misogynist commenter who ends up being even more terrible than the terrible people I wrote about in the post he’s commenting on.

Yes, it’s time for another episode of The Comments I Don’t Let Through. This time, it’s a guy calling himself DownWithWomen, commenting on my post about the lonely incel who wants a nice woman to pay attention to him — while at the same time he openly advertises his belief that women “deserve the rope.” That is, a good hanging.

DownWithWomen, by contrast, thinks that men won’t have to kill women, because women will kill themselves once the men of the world discover how awful they really are. The catalyst? Artificial wombs.

When artificial wombs are invented men won’t even have to do it, women will rope themselves as their sexual market value plus power that comes alongside it is completely destroyed.

Yet another creepy dude obsessed with (cis) women’s fertility.

But then the argument takes a somewhat unexpected turn:

[W]hen [women] start to diminish men will most likely find it viable to cross the x-y line in order to flock to cute-boys to settle down with, and marry whom don’t have the hypergamous instinct of biological females.

Incels and MGTOWs often joke about turning themselves gay in order to avoid the dreaded girl germs, but this guy is serious — if a little confused as to how sexual orientation actually works.

As soon as [artificial wombs] are invented we don’t have to put up with the bullshit of women anymore, cute-boys are more feminine than western females and always eager to please/available for sex to a partner.

Hate to tell you this dude, but I’m pretty sure the twinks of the world aren’t going to want to have sex with you either.

They are more of a woman than any western whore and at the same time if you pursue them now there is no trouble, and also no ridiculous laws on what rape is(Which is everything nowadays) protecting them.

Wait, your argument is that straight guys will turn to twinks because, hey, you can just rape them with impunity? 

Rape laws protect men too, you piece of shit.

The commenter then trots out the sad old argument that women only want macho “bad boys.”

Even if one marries a nice-guy he will only get used for his money, while she will continue to sleep around with the alpha male bad boys. The beta male nice guy will be forced to pour his resources into raising his child, which should be the responsibility of the other man and not him.

Never mind that this is not actually how the world works, and that the guys making this argument have zero proof that women routinely cheat on “betas” with “alphas” and use their allegedly superior sperm to make babies that the betas think are their own.

Women are biologically hypergamous, will always date and marry up, and even if in a relationship, a woman will immediately leave the man for a higher guy if she thinks she can land him.

And men sometimes leave women when they think they could “do better.” There’s no evidence that women are less loyal partners than men.

Women also sexually desire men who have a violent criminal record(Especially murder/assault/robbery/drugs/gangs being the top most “hot”) and wear tattoos/piercings on them. The jerks and badboys half of which being criminals, sometimes fresh out of prison/jail or bullies in school are straightforward about their sexual intentions; and masculine enough to press for it.

Well, first off, this is a giant pile of bullshit. And second, DUDE YOU JUST BASICALLY ANNOUNCED THAT YOU THINK IT WOULD BE OK FOR YOU TO RAPE GAY MEN.

You’re one of the “bad boys” you’re lambasting women for dating. Except even creepier.

But hey, thanks for sharing, I guess.

UPDATE: DownWithWomen has sent along an update of sorts:

We are talking about fem-boys you idiot. To sum things up here is a post from the 8chan /cuteboys/ section:

As far as I can tell the board is devoted to young, femme gay men and crossdressers.

Fact is they are more of women than you, some claim to be straight but can be seduced still. They don’t complain often, and if they do try to cause an issue out of nowhere the gynocentric court won’t take them seriously.

So, doubling down on the rapey shit.

Women are not logical by biology, and 30% of babies born are not the husband’s baby but of alpha males.

This is not of course true. The 30% number gets bandied about because there was some study somewhere that found 30% of the time when the husband was concerned enough to demand a paternity test it turned out to not be his child.

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Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Eh pretty sure it takes more than a womb and sperm to make babies there. Going to need ovum that comes from…. women. A lot of different women.

Not to mention, I think there’s a focus on assisting gay couples have their own biological children without the need of sperm/egg donors than there are for artificial wombs to promote genocide. /eyeroll

Honestly, if those artificial wombs become a thing, it’d be used to help SO MANY ENDANGERED SPECIES! And people who may face trouble carrying their pregnancies. That’s a few things.. there’s a lot of good in that technology.

7 years ago

Well I am a lesbian who used donor sperm for my kids, so I guess (?) I’m in the clear!

I think this man is confused about ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’. He appears to think that they mean male and female, and that any man who is feminine is gay, and would appeal to a man who is hetero. Hetero men cannot make themselves be attracted to men any more than gay men can make themselves attracted to women.

I am going to make a wild guess that a feminine gay man is not going to be too keen on a partner who is with him because he is more feminine than the ‘average’ Western woman (whatever the hell that is) – a feminine man is still a man. I know that this bozo does not see that – these kind of men are so utterly limited and limiting.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
7 years ago


What I don’t get is the practicalities. I mean, are women going to bars, looking at the guys, taking photos of them, running the pictures through Google to identify them, and then checking court records? Do they have nothing better to do when at a bar? Or are these guys walking around with their criminal records painted on their faces, or maybe keeping them in their wallets so the women can see them when they pay for the drinks? Or just constantly talking about how they were in jail? Or do women have a Super-Sekrit Criminal-Identifier gene that lets them sniff the bad boys out? And if they do, how can women ever be victims of a crime? Or is that just impossible for a feeeeeemale? Would a tough-looking guy immediately become undesirable if it turned out he’d never actually beaten someone up? What if he did it but the case was dismissed, so there’s no record? HOW DOES THIS WORLD WORK???

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
7 years ago

I’ve seen that “fembois r moar sexy than Western women & know what men want!” meme before– maybe even here on a previous post. It seems to me that MRA/chan culture has the same twisted fascination with trans women as the religious Right has with gay men, simultaneously vilifying and fetishising them. It’s pretty screwed up to see these assholes drooling over “traps” while sending death threats to trans women… ?

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


I strongly suspect most women, including trans femmes because of course, aren’t going to want anything to do with him either.

I certainly don’t.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
7 years ago

And, holy crap, right on schedule over on Twitter:

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

always eager to please/available for sex to a partner.

This is so telling. he doesn’t see sex a something that you do with a partner. It’s something they provide to you whenever you want it, with no expectation that you will provide anything in return.

What a sad, selfish way to view relationships.

7 years ago

[Content Warning: transphobic/misogynist content]
Roughly a million years ago (in the late 80s/early 90s) when Jerry Springer was only starting to become the weird, over-the-top spectacle that he eventually became, he had a show about straight men who only dated transsexuals (but I am nearly certain they’d have used the T-word).

Anyway, it was a series of young guys who only dated pre-op transgirls, and their reasons were that *real* [cis-] girls are awful in every last way. “Real” girls menstruate, are selfish, stuck up, don’t care about their man, can… get… pregnant, don’t like sex, etc. And the guys — each of them — said they moved up to trans-girls (again, I am certain they used the slur) because trans-girls were more feminine, cared more about keeping their man happy, can’t get pregnant, L*O*V*E* sex, and they don’t bleed once a month.

That show was ages ago*. They were acting like the guys of today who scream how robot women will make flesh-and-blood women regret how they destroyed their chances with men, or how submissive foreign wives will make domestic white women jump off cliffs en masse, etc. But yeah, that whole YOU WOMEN ARE BEING REPLACED BY MEN WHO BTW ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO MATTER thing never quite took off.

*I worked a job where there was a TV in the lounge and Jerry Springer was the only show they’d ever let play during lunch :/

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

No misandrist like a misogynist

men will most likely find it viable to cross the x-y line in order to flock to cute-boys to settle down with

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@Cat Mara
Aight, has this guy never met a trans woman and is painting them all with his hang ups and fetishes, or has he met 1 trans woman and is painting them all with her personality, filtered thru the lens of his hang ups and fetishes? Honestly, could go either way…

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


One little nudge: “Transgender” is much preferred to “transsexual” in the vast majority of contexts nowadays, last I checked.

Nevertheless, your contribution is quite relevant and interesting on the topic of “hurrrrrrrrr men are gonna go after people with penises and not you useless feeeeeeeeeeeemales, ha ha.”

Though…back me up here, trans women of WHTM: don’t female hormones decrease libido, hence negating point 4 of the Springer show attendees? (If not, I apologize.)

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

@Sinkable John and Alan

And the guys — each of them — said they moved up to trans-girls (again, I am certain they used the slur) because trans-girls were more feminine, cared more about keeping their man happy, can’t get pregnant, L*O*V*E* sex, and they don’t bleed once a month.

Wooow. Their poor partners. The moment they stepped out of line as The Perfect Girlfriend, who knows what those creeps were likely to do.

7 years ago

@Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
I hope these are enough to appease.
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@Robert Walker-Smith
The Aristocrats!

7 years ago

@Sinkable John

Are cute-boys with hyphen different than cute boys without? Asking for a friend.

The main difference is that they’re more dashing.


Word play in a language that is not your native language! I’m jealous.

7 years ago

I hope this guy sees a registered psychiatrist. He clearly has a lot of issues with his own sexuality and needs professional help to deal with them.

And now I must reach for the mindbleach.

7 years ago

Women will rope themselves as their sexual market value plus power that comes alongside it is completely destroyed.

Heck, no. That would give me time to pursue all my interests, the ones I can’t pursue now because I’m way too busy turning away men (handsome, brilliant men with good jobs, not guys like you):

Picking mushrooms and herbs in the wild
Learning to cook Indian street food
Learning to sew my own clothes
Writing my second novel
Reading new novels the same year they’re published
Going antiquing
Perfecting the rudimentary brain surgery skills I’ve picked up on Youtube

That should keep me busy for the first year after my sexual market value crashes.

7 years ago


The video of the orange kitten playing with the design on the paper reminds me of my own orange cat. Our neighbors have a doormat with a design of a lobster on it, which he approaches very cautiously.

He’s also intrigued by their annual Christmas wreath.

But the Halloween poster they put up annually was what completely freaked him out. It’s a graphic of an enormous spider. When he first spotted it from about 50 feet away, he stood stock still, mesmerized. He approached it slowly because a spider that is supernaturally large will definitely kill an incautious kitty. After long observation and deliberation he stood on his hind legs and pawed it. Paper! Keep moving, folks. Nothing to see here.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

The design on the paper is an optical illusion that produces the illusion of motion. I think the kitty is pawing at something she sees moving!

I hope this guy sees a registered psychiatrist. He clearly has a lot of issues with his own sexuality and needs professional help to deal with them.

Comments policy, please.

7 years ago

@Krasnaya Koshka, CatMara

A misogynistic alt-right meme I saw a while back in which “alt-right girl” was a subservient transwoman suddenly makes more sense (in an understanding the mememakers thinking way).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ooglyboggles

I’m sometimes a bit wary about people dressing up animals but that alligator is likely to be this year’s christmas card.

(He looks happy enough and I suspect if an alligator doesn’t want to go along with something you soon know about it)

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

Wow! So, is this guy not aware that condoms exist? Or any other form of birth control? Because his entire frothing tantrum here hinges on the idea that men wouldn’t go near women if they didn’t want to impregnate them, which the existence and widespread use of birth control would suggest otherwise. But I suppose poking holes in his complete lack of logic is like arm wrestling a premature baby.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago


Well I am a lesbian who used donor sperm for my kids, so I guess (?) I’m in the clear!

Well, sure, except you obviously got that donor sperm from the Bank of Sperm From Hardened Criminals Who Were Also Mean to DownWithWomen When He Was in High School, right? Right??
7 years ago

Aight, has this guy never met a trans woman and is painting them all with his hang ups and fetishes, or has he met 1 trans woman and is painting them all with her personality, filtered thru the lens of his hang ups and fetishes? Honestly, could go either way…

I’m assuming this guy is viewing real-life transwomen, nonbinary folks, effeminate gay men, and more through the lens of anime, actually.

[The ironic part of Chihiro’s story arc, is that they were murdered by someone who realized, “This crossdresser is braver than I’ll ever be.”]