alpha males artificial wombs bad boys beta males consent is hard creepy cuckolding homophobia incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rapey

It came from the comments: Artificial wombs will turn straight men gay because women suck

Makin’ babies

Another day, another drive-by misogynist commenter who ends up being even more terrible than the terrible people I wrote about in the post he’s commenting on.

Yes, it’s time for another episode of The Comments I Don’t Let Through. This time, it’s a guy calling himself DownWithWomen, commenting on my post about the lonely incel who wants a nice woman to pay attention to him — while at the same time he openly advertises his belief that women “deserve the rope.” That is, a good hanging.

DownWithWomen, by contrast, thinks that men won’t have to kill women, because women will kill themselves once the men of the world discover how awful they really are. The catalyst? Artificial wombs.

When artificial wombs are invented men won’t even have to do it, women will rope themselves as their sexual market value plus power that comes alongside it is completely destroyed.

Yet another creepy dude obsessed with (cis) women’s fertility.

But then the argument takes a somewhat unexpected turn:

[W]hen [women] start to diminish men will most likely find it viable to cross the x-y line in order to flock to cute-boys to settle down with, and marry whom don’t have the hypergamous instinct of biological females.

Incels and MGTOWs often joke about turning themselves gay in order to avoid the dreaded girl germs, but this guy is serious — if a little confused as to how sexual orientation actually works.

As soon as [artificial wombs] are invented we don’t have to put up with the bullshit of women anymore, cute-boys are more feminine than western females and always eager to please/available for sex to a partner.

Hate to tell you this dude, but I’m pretty sure the twinks of the world aren’t going to want to have sex with you either.

They are more of a woman than any western whore and at the same time if you pursue them now there is no trouble, and also no ridiculous laws on what rape is(Which is everything nowadays) protecting them.

Wait, your argument is that straight guys will turn to twinks because, hey, you can just rape them with impunity? 

Rape laws protect men too, you piece of shit.

The commenter then trots out the sad old argument that women only want macho “bad boys.”

Even if one marries a nice-guy he will only get used for his money, while she will continue to sleep around with the alpha male bad boys. The beta male nice guy will be forced to pour his resources into raising his child, which should be the responsibility of the other man and not him.

Never mind that this is not actually how the world works, and that the guys making this argument have zero proof that women routinely cheat on “betas” with “alphas” and use their allegedly superior sperm to make babies that the betas think are their own.

Women are biologically hypergamous, will always date and marry up, and even if in a relationship, a woman will immediately leave the man for a higher guy if she thinks she can land him.

And men sometimes leave women when they think they could “do better.” There’s no evidence that women are less loyal partners than men.

Women also sexually desire men who have a violent criminal record(Especially murder/assault/robbery/drugs/gangs being the top most “hot”) and wear tattoos/piercings on them. The jerks and badboys half of which being criminals, sometimes fresh out of prison/jail or bullies in school are straightforward about their sexual intentions; and masculine enough to press for it.

Well, first off, this is a giant pile of bullshit. And second, DUDE YOU JUST BASICALLY ANNOUNCED THAT YOU THINK IT WOULD BE OK FOR YOU TO RAPE GAY MEN.

You’re one of the “bad boys” you’re lambasting women for dating. Except even creepier.

But hey, thanks for sharing, I guess.

UPDATE: DownWithWomen has sent along an update of sorts:

We are talking about fem-boys you idiot. To sum things up here is a post from the 8chan /cuteboys/ section:

As far as I can tell the board is devoted to young, femme gay men and crossdressers.

Fact is they are more of women than you, some claim to be straight but can be seduced still. They don’t complain often, and if they do try to cause an issue out of nowhere the gynocentric court won’t take them seriously.

So, doubling down on the rapey shit.

Women are not logical by biology, and 30% of babies born are not the husband’s baby but of alpha males.

This is not of course true. The 30% number gets bandied about because there was some study somewhere that found 30% of the time when the husband was concerned enough to demand a paternity test it turned out to not be his child.

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Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

Are cute-boys with hyphen different than cute boys without? Asking for a friend.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago


7 years ago

We should just convince MTGOWs that artificial wombs have been invented so they can just go off their own way to one of the islands David has highlighted and orgy it up all day and night instead of whining online.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Sort of on topic. One of my old music biz mates (Nige) is married to a rather remarkable American woman (Roo). Roo’s really nice and very witty. Nige is pretty nice too. He does though have that Yorkshire thing of moaning about the price of everything. Anyway, they came down for a holiday a couple of years back. I took them to a local beach and to get in the swing of things we got some ice cream. Nige couldn’t help but comment about the cost. At which point a semi exasperated Roo just came out with:

“Jesus Nigel; you’d complain if they hung you with a new rope”.

I hope to use that in a novel one day.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I…can’t even.

So, when artifical wombs become a thing, all women will off themselves, and then men will turn to the twinks, who will act like these assholes think women already do, and leave the men because they want to marry up, prefering to marry the alpha assholes who will think it’s okay to rape with impunity, and all because artificial wombs will become a thing, and WHAT THE HELL IS THIS STEAMING PILE OF SHIT SUPPOSED TO EVEN MEAN???

7 years ago

I think there are solutions to hating women and being ok with sex with certain guys that don’t require significant medical technology advances.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


The main difference is that they’re more dashing.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
7 years ago

Wouldn’t the invention of an artificial womb be more advantageous for women than men?

I can just imagine the meeting of the Super-Seekrit He-Man-Woman-Haters Club after its invention.

Chairman (“Yes, I’m the Chairman, not the Chairperson, what are you snowflakes gonna do about it?!”): Gentlemen, we have the artificial uterus! We have finally eliminated the need for the filthy feeeeemales! All that remains now is to get ourselves some cute cross-dressing sissy-boyfriends that anime has taught us are ubiquitous and our long enslavement to the bonbon-consuming boob-havers is over! Please, join me in an evil laugh!


Communications Officer (“No, I’m not calling myself the ‘secretary’, that’s women’s work”): Sir, we are receiving a communique from the women of the world!

Chairman (rubbing hands): This ought to be good!

CO: “Dear Super-Seekrit He-Man-Woman-Haters Club, thanks ever so for inventing the artificial uterus for us. You’ve removed an onerous and often thankless and life-threatening burden from our gender. We’re going to spend the next week getting massively drunk and when we come back to work next Monday, we fully expect pay parity now that this ‘women get paid less because they take time off to make babies’ bullshit has finally been put to bed. Thanks again, boys!”

Chairman: But… but… they can’t!

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
7 years ago

Strangely, I’ve made it into middle age without ever being pregnant, and my will to live hasn’t suffered in the slightest. The question of whether I should feel “needed” by misogynist MRA’s has never come up.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ sinkable john

The main difference is that they’re more dashing

Oh very good. Let me underscore how much I enjoyed that.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Cat Mara

This is simply brilliant, except for the assumption that menzers could actually invent artificial wombs, what with their gross ignorance of how women’s bodies work.

I mean I don’t doubt that they can invent something, I’m just not sure I really want to see it. The result might be lovecraftian.

ETA : @Alan

I almost didn’t see what you did there. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t read thoroughly enough and just sorta slash through comments.

7 years ago

Is there any fantasy of theirs where they aren’t out and out rapists?

If you want to horrify yourself google “daemonculaba.” That’s what I would think they would invent.

Krasnaya Koshka
Krasnaya Koshka
7 years ago

Is rape really so important to this guy? That’s so very creepy, and awful.

This also backs up the “women are just uteri” gross thinking that we’ve always said they have.

I’m a lesbian and have never cared about alpha males nor non-alpha males so I’m not even in this potential offender’s world views, yet I am horrified.

@JoeB – Right? Minus the rape bit. I sincerely hope that’s hyperbole.

@Sinkable John – Still laughing.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

I do NOT intend to have any children, especially due to the difficulty of the youngest phase. If there’s gonna be anyone under my care, they’re going to be adopted, artificial womb or no.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


Some days I really wish you didn’t put me in those “don’t push that button” situations.

On behalf of meself and anyone else who ended up on that wiki page describing the creation process, you owe us at least 3 kitten pictures, as brain-bleach.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Why should self-identified betas need to wait for artificial wombs? They aren’t making offspring anyway, since according to their worldview 100% of children are the offspring of alphas. They aren’t reaping the reproductive benefits of having sex with a person with a uterus right now, so what is the benefit of waiting for a new sci-fi invention?

I’d tell this dude to go ahead and live his dream today, except that his dream apparently involves raping gay men so … no, that’s not okay today or twenty minutes into the future.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ sinkable john

Some days I really wish you didn’t put me in those “don’t push that button” situations.

Sometimes when people here express curiosity about what various Incel terminology means I imagine I’m on that island at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark yelling “Don’t look in that fucking box!”

tim gueguen
7 years ago

Creepyguy seems to have missed that at this point in the 21st Century tattoos and piercings are increasingly only a sign that someone likes tattoos and piercings. I’ve seen 50 something and older people who have what are obviously recent tattoos. Presumably they got them now because years ago it would have been seen as weird for someone like them to have one.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

I really hope this guy is a robot or an alien pretending to be human and not a real human

7 years ago

…I don’t really have a response to this. This shit is not even wrong.

It’s so far beyond wrong.

To be wrong, there’d have to be a thread of logic here, a consistent thread of reasoning that ties this all together. But there isn’t. It’s a bunch of unrelated lies shoved together into some kind of yarn ball of deception that seems to exist only for this…person… to be able to come out and say “I wanna rape gay men!” without getting shit on by heterosexuals.

I mean, gay women clearly wouldn’t kill themselves if all men stopped partnering with all women. In fact, I’d approve of that situation cause men would stop bugging me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women also sexually desire men who have a violent criminal record

I can never understand why they think this. Especially when you consider that the looks of the type of women they think are attractive is usually tied up with affluence. Thin and fit, white, long hair, mainstream clothes, hair that isn’t dyed unless it’s dyed blonde. Basically a stereotypical college girl from a wealthy suburb. Do they really think those women are actually secretly dating/fucking ex-cons?

It’s a nitpick in all the awfulness on display in that comment but I always find it so odd that these guys think they’re competing with gang members for the highest in social status women that they think we should all look like. People generally partner with people from the same socioeconomic bracket. Misogynists just never seem to be remotely acquainted with reality.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Oogly – I thought I knew how disturbing Warhammer got.

Oh, was I wrong.

I recognize the terminology used by the OP. He* also made a similar suggestion to ijustwantfriendz. It actually reminds me of the g0ys in a way – try to promote your own kink to others as a problem solving technique while being utterly disingenuous.

*Just a guess.

7 years ago

Do they really think those women are actually secretly dating/fucking ex-cons?

Probably. It fits the stereotypical “He has a leather jacket and a motorcycle, he seems like a rebel” crap that movies have pounded into our brains. Add that to Hollywood never employing actresses who look like anything but the most affluent and “beautiful” women possible, and this crap sort of makes sense for people who have no real-world experience or respect for little things like facts and statistics or that TELEVISION IS NOT REAL.


Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Hate to tell you this dude, but I’m pretty sure the twinks of the world aren’t going to want to have sex with you either.

Are cute-boys with hyphen different than cute boys without? Asking for a friend.

I strongly suspect that he is referring to a term where the first part is usually rendered in English as ‘lady’ rather than ‘cute’. And often applied in culturally inappropriate fashions to trans feminine folks everywhere. Just the vibe I’m getting.

7 years ago


I strongly suspect most women, including trans femmes because of course, aren’t going to want anything to do with him either.

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