alt-right anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies immigrants Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism twitter white supremacy

White people! Save your race by becoming “loud, fertile xenophobes,” loud xenophobe urges

Saving the race, one baby Hitler at a time

Pale Hominid is the very model of the modern Twitter Nazi.

He rails against Muslims and makes sly insinuations about Jews. He talks about “normies” and dismisses his ideological enemies as “cucked.” He’s still gloating about Hillary’s defeat — and looking forward to what he hopes will be Marine Le Pen’s victory. He regularly retweets, with approval, Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Richard Spencer and someone called Wife With a Purpose. He posted a screengrab when his follower count hit 1488.

He’s also a bit obsessed with babies. White babies, in particular, and how we need more of them than we do brown babies. He recently went on a Twitter tear urging his fellow whites to start popping out all-white babies as if Western Civilization were at stake, Because, in his mind, it is.

Not only do fellow whites need to increase white baby production STAT, Mr. Hominid claims; they also need to be loud about it.

For Mr. Hominid, having white babies is also a great way to fight terrorism.

Despite all his dire warnings, Mr. Hominid is upbeat about the future.

It’s not known (at least by me) how many, if any, white babies Mr. Hominid has personally helped to produce. But yelling about babies on Twitter is, I guess, a good start. Baby steps, as they say.

Would it surprise you to learn that Mr. Hominid also has opinions about video games?

Huh. I thought we were supposed to keep politics out of video game reviews.

H/T — @EyesOnTheRight/Angry White Men

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Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
7 years ago

Ah, I was wondering who created the white humans only mod for Stellaris. Now I know!

Also: I suppose their problem could be fixed if they just played thinking the Enclave were the good guys?

7 years ago

“Baby Steps?” Really David? sometimes I feel so punished when I read your work.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

I just want to say that it raises seven red flags for me whenever I hear someone use the phrase or word “normies.”

I get they impression that person has some kind of messianaic compound or delusions of opression. Like long lineups at the grocery store are the worst human rights atrocity for them but actual human rights violations are meh.

It speaks of delusion, entitlement and cluelessness

7 years ago

“We need more white babies! What? You want parental leave and services to help raise your child? Ha ha no.”

Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
7 years ago

I dislike the “normies” thing because it’s unclear who he thinks he’s referring to. I’m not terribly comfortable when neurodiverse or disability rights people use it either because it’s too close to a slur for me.

I’m kind of frightened, though, because I actually agree with this asshole about Fallout 1, it was my favorite of the originals. (New Vegas is my hands-down favorite, though.) I’m consoling myself by trying to remember that even a stopped clock is right twice a day…

7 years ago

Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats):

I get the distinct impression that he probably likes the first game for different reasons then you.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Well, I produced two white babies, but they both hate Trump with a fiery passion. Not sure how that factors into the “crowd ’em out numerically” plan for Western civilization.

@Zatar – I was just about to ask Phryne the same question! Is Fallout 2 “degenerate”? (I’m not much of a video game player, but I’m curious)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Ooglyboggles | March 24, 2017 at 2:56 pm
“We need more white babies! What? You want parental leave and services to help raise your child? Ha ha no.”

Yet again, these morons prove they don’t have the slightest clue about how to raise a child, nor do they care if these children live. They just want to hear that white birth rates are going up. They don’t seem to give a shit if these children one, survive to adulthood, or two, survive without being abused by their parents.

Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats) | March 24, 2017 at 3:41 pm
I dislike the “normies” thing because it’s unclear who he thinks he’s referring to. I’m not terribly comfortable when neurodiverse or disability rights people use it either because it’s too close to a slur for me.

I agree, it is practically a slur at this point. It’s their way of trying to differentiate between “us” and “them”, and also try to make it seem like they’re oppressed because their awful views aren’t “mainstream”, even though they’re mainstream enough to get called “alt-right” and not what it is: Nazism.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

We must remove their ability to claim “whites aren’t reproducing and want these outsiders here” by being loud, fertile xenophobes.

Nope! That’s a terrible reason to bring a fully dependent human being into the world. Also, fuck you, you racist piece of shit.

Fallout 2 is also incredibly degenerate and unfunny. A total mess. Fallout 1 is also more fashy because the militaristic BoS are heroes.

Fashy. Fashy.

7 years ago

@Zatar ; @Buttercup Q. Skullpants ; @Phryne, Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)

Personally, I like Fallout 2 a lot more than Fallout 1. The world is a lot more in depth, and it feels “bigger”, if you get what I mean. The story of the Chosen One is a lot more interesting to me than that of the Vault-Dweller. But then again, I’m probably one of the less cool Greek letters to the OP and their ilk, probably something like a Mu or an Omicron. 😀 Still, I prefer my own view on life and especially post-apocalyptic role-playing games, smoothskins. 😉

7 years ago


So be loud and visible and make it undeniable that a significant number of whites 1.) View this as a genocide and 2.) Are forcefully opposed

How about NO? Because an even more significant number of whites (a) DON’T view this as a genocide, and (b) think your kind can’t die out soon enough (and are doing their bit in that direction by refusing to have anything to do with you).

Exhibit A: this-here white woman, who had her tubes tied without having a single offspring, and who is more concerned about methane holes blowing out in the Arctic than about “our kind” going on dominating the Earth with melanin-deprived knuckleheads like you.

7 years ago

…I feel unclean that this bastard enjoys Fallout. I want to get fascist bastards out of the games I enjoy.

The thing about Fallout 2 being “degenerate” is because Fallout 2 explicitly sets itself up as stopping fascist race-obsessed genocidal assholes from destroying the world. It’s impossible to play the game to completion without understanding the point the game is trying to make. That the fascists are the US Government is incidental, but also says a lot about the pre-war world and how arguably merciful the War was.

In New Vegas, Ulysses (A character set up to be the player’s equal and opposite) intends to “Burn away the flags. Begin again.” The war did that to America, and since the American Government was capable of being the Enclave burning away the flags was arguably merciful.

In smaller conflicts around FO2, the player is challenged with people who don’t look human but are absolutely people and unless you just shoot all of them on sight it’s impossible to avoid that point – at least, if you want any quest XP.

Not to mention, the player is explicitly a tribal, and never rejects or ever CONSIDERS rejecting that identity.

The game even ends by fighting Frank Horrigan, the ultimate expression of the concept of fascist purity that’s been explored throughout the game. And no, it’s impossible to leave him alive. If you intend to finish the game and save the world, you must finish off the exemplar of the Enclave’s hatred and pointless self-importance.

So, however much they try to avoid the point, fascists who play Fallout 2 are eventually brought to the understanding that the game explicitly hates their philosophy. Fallout 2 is about a lot of things, but the biggest one is how possible it is for most radically different people to get along. It’s possible to play it a different way, but you explicitly serve your tribe and must never betray them.

Fallout 1, however, just features stopping Super Mutants from supplanting humanity. It plays into their biases in some ways. It’s also worth noting that he’s wrong – the militaristic Brotherhood aren’t heroes. They’re helpful and necessary for the optimal ending, but only as far as their self-interest (Not being wiped out) extends.

That’s my understanding of why fascists wouldn’t like Fallout 2 very much.

Space Oddity
Space Oddity
7 years ago

Fashy. Fashy.

When you’ve been reduced to giving your movement cute nicknames, you’ve hit a very low level indeed.

7 years ago

@Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution ; @Space Oddity

To me the word “fashy” sounds like something a cool and hip young person would say about the latest fashion, as in: “That outfit you’re wearing is definitely very fashy darling”. But then again, I’m so unhip that it’s pretty incredible that my legs are still attached to my torso. 😛

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
7 years ago

Hey! I have opinions on video games AND think FO1 is better than FO2, but I’m not a David Nazi. Not cool, David! :’D

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
7 years ago

It’s funny how 99% of the people ranting and raving about white genocide don’t actually make an effort to have any kids of their own, let alone specifically white kids. I guess being half Asian and half white, I would be considered a product of “white genocide” in their eyes. What a miserable, unscientific, and plain stupid outlook to have on the world.

7 years ago

I’m proud, proud I tell you, to say that every single one of my grandchildren are racially mixed (even the one’s who don’t look it).

I personally have no trouble with melanin-deficient people. Hell, I am severely melanin-deficient myself. But honestly, unless you live in the far northern (or far southern) places in this world, it is more trouble than it is worth. So why on earth should we go out of our way to make more white babies?

What? They think whites are superior to brown people and Built Civilization!!!!!! ??

Silly idiots.

7 years ago

I bet he doesn’t really want to work to support a large family or do the work of raising one. Not a lot of time for video games and whining on the interwebs when you have to feed, clothe and raise a house full of kids.

7 years ago

But what will he do about the Irish? /snark

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


Viscaria is correct; the top definition in Urban Dictionary is this:

Fashy means Fascism-like, or to be full of fascism. Similiar to other slang terms like “jazzy” and “flashy.” The term originated in the mid 2010’s on various social media sites, specifically used by the individuals involved with the “Alternative Right” or “Alt-Right,” an umbrella term for the political movement uproaring from the populist parties and politicians, consisting of tech-savy and right-leaning young people from various Western countries . Although the movement isn’t always associated with Fascism, the term Fashy is still derived from that patricular political ideology. Typically the term is not used to describe the populist parties and politicians that the alt-right follows, although one might use the term to describe them as such, but is encouraged to be used only for fascist-centered ideas for the sake of scholarship that the alt-right demographic is associated with.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

I am going to remain childfree out of pure spite to this booger.

Fashy. Fashy.

I know, right?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

He talks about white babies as if they were additional pylons

7 years ago

He talks about white babies as if they were additional pylons

Or their planing a Zerg rush

7 years ago


Before anything, SPOILERS for FO1 and 2.

So, one of the main plots of the first game (second only to the getting a waterchip cause, duh), is destroying the mutants. The mutants were humans infected with the FEV, Forced Evolution Virus, which made them incredibly strong, green, dumb-ish, essentially no longer human , who seek to kill/replace humans because they are “superior”. The Brotherhood of Steel is a militaristic organization that is trying to work in humanity’s good and therefore destroy the mutants too. I believe what this guy likes about this game is “Yeeeyyy, let’s kill everyone who is different with big guns so my race can prevaaaaill!”

In the second one, we are pretty much forced to (I mean, you don’t HAVE to, but if you don’t most missions are blocked) accept several different “races” as people, and protect them, and have empathy. Ghouls (humans who are so radiation poisoned they look like corpses), mutants, robots, even deathclaws (deathclaws are giant reptiles that are among the strongest and most famous enemies in the series. In FO2 some of them are as intelligent as humans because of military experiments). You notice through the game that most of the problems are caused by humans being bigots to other “people”.

In the end of the game you find out that the responsibles for many of the tragedies you see, including the kidnapping of your entire village, are work of the Enclave. The Enclave is what was left from the government of the US, and their main objective is kill all other races so humans, governed by the Enclave, can reclaim the US as their own. They kidnapped your village to make experiments to find out the effects of the wastelands in the human body, and they found out that “humans” from the wasteland were exposed for so long to so much radiation that they no longer can be considered human, and therefore must die.

I mean, the only way this could be a more obvious allegory for nazism (where the racism eventually gets so bad that even white people are suddenly not considered white) was if the president had a little mustache. In the end you kill the president and “destroy the Enclave” (or so you think). That’s why he doesn’t like the game.

*Sigh* This was satisfying. I love Fallout 2.

7 years ago

“I am the very model of the modern alt-right testicle.
My Tweets are white supremacist, my notions are fantastical.”