alt-right anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies immigrants Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism twitter white supremacy

White people! Save your race by becoming “loud, fertile xenophobes,” loud xenophobe urges

Saving the race, one baby Hitler at a time

Pale Hominid is the very model of the modern Twitter Nazi.

He rails against Muslims and makes sly insinuations about Jews. He talks about “normies” and dismisses his ideological enemies as “cucked.” He’s still gloating about Hillary’s defeat — and looking forward to what he hopes will be Marine Le Pen’s victory. He regularly retweets, with approval, Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Richard Spencer and someone called Wife With a Purpose. He posted a screengrab when his follower count hit 1488.

He’s also a bit obsessed with babies. White babies, in particular, and how we need more of them than we do brown babies. He recently went on a Twitter tear urging his fellow whites to start popping out all-white babies as if Western Civilization were at stake, Because, in his mind, it is.

Not only do fellow whites need to increase white baby production STAT, Mr. Hominid claims; they also need to be loud about it.

For Mr. Hominid, having white babies is also a great way to fight terrorism.

Despite all his dire warnings, Mr. Hominid is upbeat about the future.

It’s not known (at least by me) how many, if any, white babies Mr. Hominid has personally helped to produce. But yelling about babies on Twitter is, I guess, a good start. Baby steps, as they say.

Would it surprise you to learn that Mr. Hominid also has opinions about video games?

Huh. I thought we were supposed to keep politics out of video game reviews.

H/T — @EyesOnTheRight/Angry White Men

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Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
7 years ago


The Brotherhood of Steel is a militaristic organization that is trying to work in humanity’s good and therefore destroy the mutants too. I believe what this guy likes about this game is “Yeeeyyy, let’s kill everyone who is different with big guns so my race can prevaaaaill!”

Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

Oh wait, wrong franchise.

Actually, one wonders if a fair amount of Spess Muhreen and (sigh) Astra Militarum players are actual fascists, er, “fashies” (is that the plural?). I suppose I can see that given they obviously ignore the light of the Greater Good and, you know, work for a gigantic fascist empire for which billions die for every day. It has everything: Big guns, interstellar genocide, regular food riots in underhives led by mutant cultists, etc. I’ve always got the impression that some people took the Warhammer 40,000 setting far too seriously. In case anyone is unaware of what I mentioned: Just picture Dungeons and Dragons, but with more tabletop models.

That concern goes ditto for people who dress up as Imperial Stormtroopers. That’s not much better than dressing up as actual Stormtroopers once you think about Empire destroying entire planets and stuff. Sure, they’re fictional, but they’re also pretty horrible people who lost to a princess, an archaeologist, a farmboy and a fishman.

In light of this, I’d suggest everyone start recommending franchises to fascists which champion fascism (IE: The fascists are the good guys) so that they might occupy their time instead of annoying more decent folk. Though that would probably be a short list. Ah, if only Starship Troopers had better video games, and if only they weren’t licensed off a film parodying the source material.

Speaking of the Starship Troopers’s film: Paul Verhoeven had a new movie released on home media this month. It’s about a successful feeeemale head of a video game company in a world where Gamergators are real people, appropriately titled Elle. It is, unfortunately, not a comedy, but well received nonetheless despite lacking RoboCop and Mars.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

One thing I’ve noticed while looking at various Fallout 4 sites: Every person who uses a Brotherhood Of Steel avatar identifies as alt right. Every. Single. Fucking. One.

And they spend damn near all of their time screeching about how Railroad supporters (the Fallout equivalent of abolitionists and anti-racism activists) are – say it with me now – “Libt**d cucks. #MTCGA”


(And that’s why I keep steering threads here towards Fallout. Because it’s either that or ripping off my own head Jesus fucking arseballs I just want to talk about my favourite gun why are there so many Nazis.)

7 years ago

@Scolar Visari
Astra Militarum, because Imperial Guard wasn’t something Games Workshop could trademark. It’s kind of surprising how alot of the fans don’t seem to get that blind worship and bad parenting skills of the God Emperor pretty much caused the entire Imperium to be in its current state with its worst enemies being the literal personifications of their sins. Like seriously Chaos Space Marines popping up everywhere are to indicate that no matter how “pure and good” you think you are as a Space Marine, unless you actually act like a somewhat decent person you’re going to start looking pretty tentacley.

The IP even has the Inquisition whose entire schtick is being the most self righteous organization possible with no oversight that makes everything worse with their “hard men make hard decisions.”, making even bigger rifts between Imperial Factions. And then go the way of space meme daemons because surprise using a Daemon infused sword was actually a bad idea.

Then again I’m a guy who headcanons the idea that the Thousand Sons go out of their way to send gifts to their former brother chapters for defending them and help latent psykers practice their latent gifts safely.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

I liked Warhammer 40,000 back when it was very obviously a 2000AD-ish satire of the whole grimdark-military-sci-fi genre. It’s taken itself way too seriously in recent decades, and the fanboys seem to think likewise.

I had a very difficult discussion about a year ago about semi-plausible science fiction, where I tried to explain that resource scarcity is not a thing that would affect any interstellar planet-based civilisation. I got mobbed by 40k fans who were adamant that any interstellar civilisations must inevitably be gripped in a zero-sum conflict against one another, in which immigration and war were synonyms and genocide was a moral necessity. They really, really wanted to live in a universe where they had no option except extreme brutality, and didn’t want to hear science to the contrary.

(Interestingly, they also really did not want to discuss why their favourite setting was that way. People like that seem to be puzzlingly hostile to literary criticism. But that’s a rant for another day.)

It makes me sad. I like the 40k universe because it gives me a chance to tell stories about fallen empires whilst dressed up in gorgeous baroque detailings, but the whole brutal there-is-only-war schtick is by far the least interesting part of it.

7 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Holy shit yes that’s a fucking problem. One of the reasons I don’t talk much about my video games on forums and stuff is because of all the fucking Nazis.

That happened in F:NV (Legion supporters, and some assholes who literally seemed to worship the Enclave remnants. Also some peeps who seemed to think the NCR should go the genocide route on the Mojave, something the game never gives us ANY reason to think might even be POSSIBLE), that happens nearly every time I find an LP I wanna read, it even happened with fucking Civilization V.

A large portion of the people who enjoy the same things I do are nazis. That their philosophy requires them to fail to understand these things matters less and less sometimes.

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
7 years ago

🙂 Video games are admittedly pretty fun! But oh do I ever wish the GG group didn’t exist. Most of us gamers disagree with and hate them, but damn if they aren’t loud. (It also doesn’t help that they use tons of sock puppets to try to make it look like their numbers are larger.)

7 years ago

I said it before once and it bears repeating: The “humanity, fuck yeah!” attitude I keep seeing in SF circles (usually tabletop gaming but I see it elsewhere) strikes me as a cover for racism and a desire for genocidal wars. I certainly see it used in sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek ways too, but for the most part it comes off as all too earnest. It’s hardly a new attitude either; a lot of pulp SF literature was essentially Manifest Destiny applied to alien worlds. Is it any surprise the Sad and Rabid Puppies champion this type of adventure? Castalia House hosts gushing articles on how wonderful and varied (ha!) and full of heroism these stories were compared to today.

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
7 years ago

It’s been heavily hinted at in a variety of [canon] sources that the Blood Ravens of Dawn of War fame are themselves Thousand Sons defectors, and one would think the next game might answer that question definitively. Given that GW has just resurrected Papa Smurf himself, that’d hardly be the most startling thing to happen in the franchise’s history.

There are important exceptions, I think. Aside from the Orks (who are still soccer hooligans, but in space), the Ciaphas Cain novels did an excellent job of grounding the series with what reads like a believable human being while making fun of the individuals who do take themselves seriously (like the Inquisitors and Machine Cult). The series even has the Imperium ally with non-humans as a matter of convenience (gasp!) just as the rule book allows.

Since they’re completely immune to literary criticism, you should mention that the Imperium’s imbecilic campaign of galactic genocide is probably helping Khorne. I oft wonder why that one doesn’t come up more often.

All that is one of the reasons I enjoy playing Stellaris. You don’t have to play as a genocidal xenophobe (unless you’re a militarist fanatic xenophobe, in which case, you have to). Rather, you almost invariably absorb other species and their cultures into your own just as real empires did and can use their differences to your advantage. Who cares if they have six more limbs than us and breathe methane gas? Didn’t you read Nor Crystal Tears!? Wasn’t there an episode of Babylon 5 on this very topic!?

Meh, people should at least watch Enemy Mine.

7 years ago

People like this is partly why I’m seriously considering choosing a non-white sperm donor for my future pregnancy. Mostly, I’m considering it based on my preferences and that I hate being the whitest Mexican-American ever. -__-