creepy incel irony alert misogyny reddit

Lonely incel wants “human female” to appreciate him. And all human females killed.

Oh, r/Incels, must you be so incelish?

Found in Reddit’s r/Incels. I don’t even have a joke here. Please, dude, get therapy — for your sake, and for the sake of any “human females” in your immediate vicinity.

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7 years ago

More OT

The White House has transitioned from saying everything is going smoothly and AHCA is going to pass thanks to Trump’s expert deal-making to throwing Paul Ryan under the bus. Spicer telling the media that there literally wasn’t a single thing Trump could’ve done differently that could’ve gotten the bill through, not a wasted moment. LOL

Not official yet though. I’ll exhale when the vote is in or gets cancelled.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

That’s… horrifying. But yes, sounds like there’s all the evidence there for not only animal abuse but also a very deliberate cover up of same. And a sheriff in need of some potential investigation as well.

Also sounds like a case where the defense would probably do just about anything to avoid a jury trial. That said, finding an unbiased jury might be difficult.


There are few words for such people that aren’t four-letter Anglo-Saxon.

A friend of mine once commented on a previous rather loud ‘discussion’ at one point by saying, “I had words with him. Short… sharp… Anglo-Saxon words.”

Re: TrumpCare
They are in a bit of a sticky position, aren’t they? They can’t satisfy both the Freedom Caucus (ideologues who want to tear everything apart so those people don’t get nice things) and a lot of the other Republicans (who recognize that this will hurt their re-election chances next year) at the same time, so even with a Republican majority it seems to be having trouble passing.

Holding the vote and having it fail is losing, which Trump cannot stand. Not holding the vote is both losing and cowardice.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ jenora

That said, finding an unbiased jury might be difficult.

That’s a tricky issue. Some people might be horrified; but others won’t see what the fuss is about. The sheriff didn’t. Horse tripping per se isn’t even illegal in that jurisdiction. The claim (which has just been served) is based on the fact that at the relevant time Brad actually belonged to my friend. She’d bought him specifically to stop him being abused and the defendants then charged her for Brad’s board and lodgings whilst she arranged transport. So it’s fundamentally a breach of contract claim and a ‘conversion’ claim (that’s where you use someone else’s property as if it was your own).

The danger is they could just turn round and say “Here’s your $250 back” (that’s all he was worth in the end 🙁 ) “plus the stable fee”

So there’s also a claim for ‘outrage’. That’s based on the pain of knowing what happened to him. But that’s a tricky head to bring. Still, the ball’s rolling now so I feel a bit more upbeat.

7 years ago

OT from all the OT but I’m crying

Canadians receive long-awaited apology from person who first added raisins to butter tarts

This was my favourite part

“While visiting Dad in the hospital, I noticed the cafeteria sold butter tarts. I bought one thinking it would comfort him,” Beynon said. “He took one bite, whispered ‘RAISINS,’ and slipped into a coma he never came out of.”

*CBC comedy

7 years ago

…and they aren’t going to vote on the bill today. What an embarrassment of a trainwrecked shitshow. Good job GOP and Trump, you only had 7 years to try actually come up with a healthcare plan instead of just bashing Obamacare.
7 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if they take a sort of perverse pleasure in defining themselves as gold medalists in the pain olympics.

Please don’t google ‘pain olympics.’

7 years ago

@David Futrelle
What’s better is that Ryan pulled the bill rather than try to put said bill on the floor. Not only does that mean that Ryan and Trump are now against each other this also strikes a heavy blow to Trump’s ego.

7 years ago


That’s great news! I was really worried that they would somehow manage to pull it off today.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Okay, that bus attack was the best news I heard in a long while. The schadenfreude feels great.


That was awfully generous of you to at least try, and I’m sorry it went the way it did. With any luck, it might’ve stuck with at least a few of them and they might’ve eventually grown out of that swamp thanks to you.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:
I think the first time I heard about ‘conversion’ claims was during the whole SCO/IBM/Linux lawsuit mess, where one of the things that came up later was that SCO’s access to the Unix trademark and source code (which was the basis on which they started their lawsuit) was in fact conditional on them acting as collectors for the licence fees. They didn’t actually own the licence, they just had an authorization to collect for the actual owners and take a percentage for themselves as payment.

Which meant that all the money they’d collected and hadn’t passed on yet was, in fact, owned by somebody else and had to be dealt with before any creditors and bankruptcy claims: it wasn’t money they owed, it was somebody else’s money they were illegally still holding on to.

Not that a pesky things like those facts stopped them from skipping to another jurisdiction and filing bankruptcy papers there in front of a judge with no prior knowledge of the situation, in an attempt at making sure all the money went to the creditors that were actually owned by the same people filing for bankruptcy.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee | March 23, 2017 at 4:45 pm
I’m not quite sure why I have trouble appreciating men who want me to be hung.

Rope’s not what came to mind when I read that.

Pretty sure this makes me a bad person. Sorry, WWTH, but I had a giggle at your expense there.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ jenora

Oh gawd, that’s that whole resulting/constructive trust malarkey (I can never remember which is which). Since I sold my soul and started doing commercial stuff that crops up all the time. Baffles me. Just keep telling myself “It’s so you can have donkeys Al” 🙂

7 years ago

Incels: Waaaa! Why won’t women be nice to me?
Also incels: A woman was nice to me? What’s wrong with you? Tits or GTFO, slut!
And also incels: All women should hang, especially the ones who try to be nice to me.

Yeah, I’d say women aren’t the real problem here. Especially not the nice ones who try to inject a little daylight into those musty dungeons of inceldom, where everybody is only there to hate-masturbate over their mental image of a boot stomping on a female face, forever. Chiomara, my hat’s off to you for trying, but these guys just have to come to the appropriate conclusion for themselves. Until their mothers drag them off to a counselor and they get a whiff of fresh air along the way, they are determined to be miserable. Random acts of kindness won’t move them. And if they’re depressed, they’re going to need medication as well as counselling to help them turn around.

The one thing that will never help any of them, though, is subreddits devoted to this unholy combination of self-pity and sexualized sadism. Venting is one thing, but that place doesn’t have any airholes. They’re all smothering each other to death with their own fumes.

Also, that “roasties” thing is gross as shit. I’d much rather they learn how to cook Rösti, which is a rather nice fried-potato cake with cheese on top. It will give them something constructive to do with their hands, and maybe if they’re no longer hangry, they’ll start to clear their own dang fog.

7 years ago


Many good thoughts for taking on this case pro bono.

I do not understand how cases of animal cruelty can be civil rather than criminal. Maybe some are criminal. But my understanding is that animal cruelty is part of the psychopath triad; I think it should be criminal anyway, but surely it’s an indicator…

Since owning cats and dogs, I can’t bear images of animal abuse (I just see my loved ones, too hard), so I’m not going to look at the images. Good for you for looking and making those images do some good.

I hope you get justice for Brad.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

My suspicion about the ‘roastie’ term is that sexually experienced women scare the purple piss out of them.

“Oh, not *those* grapes​! Those are too sour!”

That the OP incel fantasizes​ about ‘pleasuring’ women, then despises himself because of it, is sad and disturbing. That he refuses to admit to himself that this is a him problem, not a them problem, is just disturbing.

7 years ago


That’s amazing.

“In 1987 someone broke into my house and left a beheaded California Raisins doll in my bed. They weren’t sure where its neck started, so they just left its arms and legs.”


Though, if I’m being totally honest… I love butter tarts both with and without raisins. I just love butter tarts.

7 years ago

Oh, to return to an innocent world where a roastie is a delicious crispy potato.

7 years ago

Yeah, who knows? Some of them even seemed engaged with what I was saying, maybe I planted a seed, which is all I could hope for. People like me are not too uncommon in their sub either, they just tend to give up very quickly, no wonder.

Yeah, I know 🙁 I was just hoping to convince them of that, that they need to take the initiative. It probably didn’t work, but eh, I gladly learned the lesson that we can only do what we can do, so I try my best and leave the rest. Also, it was no big deal, I was bored, felt strong that day, so meh, why not.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Incels say “females” can’t have depression because when a “female” is sad, people help her. But people are constantly trying to help incels. They just reject the help. It’s pretty hypocritical.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

I use this picture a lot, but…

Seriously, these “incels” are a disgrace, they make me even more ashamed and embarrassed to be in the same situation.

7 years ago

My suspicion about the ‘roastie’ term is that sexually experienced women scare the purple piss out of them.

Truer words were never spoken. They’re absolutely petrified that they might be compared with previous lovers and found wanting – hence this ultra-creepy focus on very young women.

This comment from the same group speaks not so much volumes as encyclopaedias:

Eating ass? that’s as disgusting and undignified as going down on a non-virgin female.

7 years ago

They don’t eat pussy or ass? No wonder they don’t want a sexually experienced woman. We don’t have time for two pump chumps who want to do it quietly, in the dark, missionary position, with no foreplay.

Although, I don’t believe that either. They’d jump at the chance and they know it. They just ain’t ever gonna get it and that makes them sad.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

So wow. Here’s a rule to that reddit that I just now noticed.

10) Those claiming there are as many female incels in the same situation as male incels are banned. Most can agree that women can be incel in some situations, but saying that there are many incel women in the same situation as incel males will get a warning and your comment removed.

There’s no explanation for why this rule exists, so I would only be able to speculate. It’s no wonder these dudes think they are uniquely persecuted when literally no mention of the fact that they are not is permitted.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Incels rarely acknowledge fear of lack of sexual experience.

Generally their quest for virgins is an extension of their view of women as property. So there’s a ‘r/badwomensanatomy’ belief that women ‘wear out’ like machinery. There’s also the status thing. Being with a ‘pre used’ woman is like driving a second hand car or wearing hand-me-down clothes.

The nearest they come to a non material view stems from their self loathing and their obsession with hierarchy. So if a woman has had nine previous partners then that makes the latest chap tenth ‘pick’; like when people choose teams at school sports. By definition there must be nine guys who the woman regards as better than the Incel before ‘settling’ for him.