creepy incel irony alert misogyny reddit

Lonely incel wants “human female” to appreciate him. And all human females killed.

Oh, r/Incels, must you be so incelish?

Found in Reddit’s r/Incels. I don’t even have a joke here. Please, dude, get therapy — for your sake, and for the sake of any “human females” in your immediate vicinity.

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Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
7 years ago

Sure that I’m 500 years late to the party, but what has always baffled me about the whole ‘women like assholes’ thing, is that they don’t see that women like these men despite them being assholes, not because of it. These men can afford to be assholes because they have ‘compensating qualities’ (hotness, charisma, whatever)


7 years ago


But its ok because eating disorders and desparately hoping for external validation are for feeeemales, not manly manz, right?

Right. Only women want others to approve of them. A man — a real man — doesn’t need anyone. Except for sexual relief.

Long story short: Only women are human beings.

7 years ago


Yes, it’s a really freaking toxic community. I sometimes even see them saying stuff like: “Guys, have you ever felt like everything all around is foggy, sad, and surreal? I can’t even think straight anymore, this sub is the only thing that seems even remotely real…”. This is a textbook sign of clinical depression, which they would know if they ever seeked help. And goddammit, do I know how difficult it is to leave that fog, or to stop hating myself. And I know that sometimes, all it takes is someone to make a tiny crack into that worldview. So that’s why I went there, but if anyone here intends to do the same, only go there if you are feeling emotionally strong.

Oh, and reading my past comment, I am sorry that my writing is so convoluted sometimes. I forget words, I do double negatives, I forget to tie one thing to the other, I repeat myself… I know all this and I can identify it when I read it hours later, but I swear that I sometimes proofread three times before posting and can’t find those mistakes. I hope it’s not too confusing.

@About the horse

Horses are such beautiful, kind and smart animals… I am sorry and congratulations for the initiative. I will make sure to donate a bit now I have a little bit of spare money. You too, David! It’s more symbolic than anything, but the coffee (as long as it isn’t Starbucks) is on me :p

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Thank you Chiomara; you’re really kind as well as cool. I’ve just finished reading the necropsy reports. I’m pretty annoyed now. The place that was meant to be looking after Brad claimed he somehow broke his leg so they had to put him down by lethal injection. But two reports show he didn’t have a broken leg. He died of a broken neck; also he was pumped full of amphetamine. That’s constistent with a ‘sport’ known as tripping. They tie a horse’s back legs together and then launch it from a chute. You bet on how long it can stay running around. Ugh.

Anyway, once again thanks. TBH, just your concern means as much as any cash you can spare so don’t feel guilt tripped into that. I don’t know what you think about Brad Pitt, so instead have this as a thank you:

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I sometimes even see them saying stuff like: “Guys, have you ever felt like everything all around is foggy, sad, and surreal? I can’t even think straight anymore, this sub is the only thing that seems even remotely real…”. This is a textbook sign of clinical depression, which they would know if they ever seeked help. And goddammit, do I know how difficult it is to leave that fog, or to stop hating myself. And I know that sometimes, all it takes is someone to make a tiny crack into that worldview. So that’s why I went there, but if anyone here intends to do the same, only go there if you are feeling emotionally strong.

Yes, reading through ijustwantsomefriendz’s history revealed that he identifies as mentally ill and admits to some symptoms that a therapist might be interested in knowing. However, none of that excuses his behavior or attitudes toward women, so it’s like knowing his favorite flavor of ice cream for all of its relevance.

IOW, an incel might be mad, but that’s incidental. Treating the mental illness might help with some of the self-image issues, but by itself that won’t cure their toxic views about women, which is the real reason they can’t get laid.

Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat)
7 years ago

Oh, I understand “roastie” now! I must’ve needed to sleep on it! It isn’t all that gross…who objects to roast beef, other than vegetarians?

I wonder if these guys realize that a certain percentage of porn actresses have had labia surgery. I was reading about how there’s been an increase in the number of women who choose to undergo this surgery, believing their labia are too large, or misshapen. Their body, their choice…but if I was to undergo cosmetic surgery, it most definitely wouldn’t be THAT.

7 years ago

This sounds horrible. Clearly better sex education is needed.

7 years ago


You’re welcome, dear, and Jesus, those people. I didn’t even know that was a thing in the twenty first freaking century. It’s specially cruel because they usually can’t live well if they even break a leg. I had a horse (like, I didn’t, I just liked to think the horse in the place I sometimes went horseriding with my aunt was mine) called snowflake when I was little and I am yet to know a smarter or kinder animal, even compared with dogs and cats. I really hope these people are persecuted.

And about the pic, gee, th-thanks! No, really, THANKS. I am going to save this so hard that I’ll save it twice. So he not only is smart and kind and handsome and wears kilts, he also has a tattoo and can play tough guy and has those not needed but always appreciated “I am not trying to be a Calvin Klein model nor a Chuck Tingle cover, I just work out often for my health” kind of abs that I love. And jaw bones, did I mention THE JAW?! Trudeau, COME BE THE PM OF MY BED. Together, we would make a baby with a nose to rival toucans!
(And Trump lovers have the guts of calling this guy a cuck….)

You know what makes it look more like roast beef? When you are not white (or even when you are, sometimes) so the labia begin pink and slowly turn beigey/brown around the tips. I was quite amused when I first heard the term because it’s such a perfect description. So there’s that tiny pint of racism too.
I considered this surgery for the labia, and bleaching too. Good thing my insecurity about my labia only lasted between me finding out there was a thing such as a beauty ideal for that and me having sex for the first times, which was only a few months.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
7 years ago

Fuck incels. That is all.

7 years ago

OT: I just sent this pic of Trudeau to my fiancé and to a common friend of hours and both of them commented they thought it was a black and white photo of my fiancé for a second.

Do I have a type? Kind of. Do I win at life? YES. Absolutely.

7 years ago

Ya know what?
I’m glad they’re so sad. Being that shitty a human being should hurt.

They’ve chosen to be racist, misogynist, entitled little dumpster fires. They have chosen to encourage hate crimes against women and to spread shaming and misinformation about female sexuality and cis female anatomy. As long as they do, I hope every breath they take is agony.

7 years ago

Hello, Haise! Welcome to the Mammoth!

@leftwingfox, @alan robertshaw:

I can’t decide between

“Nepenthes pitchers — just must be a catch!”


“In just SEVEN DAYS, I can make you a MULCH!”

Also that horse case makes me absolutely livid.

7 years ago


I’m glad they’re so sad. Being that shitty a human being should hurt.

I’m pretty certain it does. That’s partially why they’re all so miserable. It just so happens that they have no ability to recognise that the major source of their problems can be found between their keyboard and their chair.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Thanks for the horse comments. I’ve been watching ‘horse tripping’ videos. I don’t recommend it. They have helped me understand the necropsy reports though; and explained a lot of the injuries. For those with a strong stomach this is the least graphic of the videos. It just shows photos rather than moving images. The actual videos are almost unbearable. You can see their necks snap 🙁

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Sometimes I wonder if they take a sort of perverse pleasure in defining themselves as gold medalists in the pain olympics. I think it’s pretty common to reach young adulthood, where expectations go up dramatically, and discover life isn’t as epic and badass as your childhood self thought it would be. There are healthy ways to adjust to this downsizing, but incels go the route of deciding if they can’t be the best, they’ll be #1 at being the worst (and take everyone else down in flames while they’re at it). There’s a kind of egotism in refusing to settle for anything less than the absolute best of everything. They want untouched perfect HB10 girlfriends with the shrinkwrap still on, and sneer at other people’s real-but-flawed relationships. It enrages them that physically flawed men and women who they consider beneath them are able to find love, satisfaction, and happiness. How very dare they!

Over time their identities get heavily invested in being The Most Spectacular Loser Of All, and they resist any attempt at helping them out of it, because who wants to be just a run-of-the-mill, average loser? That’s for losers.

Wow, he’s super scary. He’s also got a post titled “All my sexual fantasies involve giving pleasure to women” and says “And it makes me sick, I want females to suffer, not be pleasures (sic) by me.”

I think these guys genuinely hate the idea of giving pleasure to other people because it means taking other people’s feelings into account, which makes them feel like a servant. Giving other people pain means it’s all about you, and only you. It’s a cheap way of feeling powerful and dominant. As long as they continue to view human interaction as a zero-sum game, they will never escape from that trap.

That same toxic affliction is also driving the GOP’s current legislative agenda: inflict maximum pain and cruelty on the widest number of targets possible. Yesterday, for no good reason other than sadism disguised as “state’s rights”, the Senate passed a bill to re-allow aerial hunting of bears, wolves, and coyotes, as well as shooting, baiting, trapping, gassing, and hunting near dens. I was already feeling sad and enraged about that, and then I read your account of horse tripping, Alan. That is unbelievably sickening. Thank you for taking up that case, and I hope the perpetrators are punished swiftly and Brad Pitt gets justice. Off to donate now.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ buttercup

Thank you 🙂

This is a civil case; so the perpetrators are being sued for damages. The local sheriff was asked to investigate but he’s been somewhat reluctant (he appears to know the ranch owners). We’re looking at ways of addressing that too.

*warning for animal abuse*

These are the summary finding from the first report. What particularly riles me is that they pumped him full of drugs. Presumably so he’d put on a better ‘show’. But he must have been terrified. They also cut him open and removed various organs. Again, presumably to hide the evidence of the drugs. But he had so much in him they showed up in the tissue samples. They also cut off his front legs (but my friend found them) which showed injuries consistent with being roped.


In four years of veterinary school, performing routine necropsies, and 6 years of private practice-having now euthanized over 50 cases personally, (this figure does not include my training at WSU-VTH or with Traber Bergsma Simkins inc.,where significantly more euthanasias and necropsies were performed) I have yet to see an animal present so poorly, in as bad of condition as I saw Brad. Injuries stemming from the lip chain, battered right eye and broken neck, all occurred while Brad was still alive. These findings are evident by the fact that bleeding and other signs of inflammation were present. Given the presence of multiple eviscerations and leg dismemberment, even after death, Brad was not treated with much regard.

Found in the toxicology report: Two notable compounds stand out: 1) Amphetamine 2) Phenylethylamine, the diet pill (PhenPhen) These two compounds under no circumstances belong in a horse. They are banned across racetracks internationally for their performance enhancing ability. They can excite an animal to a degree to which they are uncontrollable and are very likely to hurt either themselves or anyone near them.

CAUSE OF DEATH: Traumatic injury to the central nervous system due to fractured cervical vertebra

Did Brad experience stress and anxiety while under the influence of these illicit compounds? Did Brad experience pain and suffering while accumulating these antemortem injuries? My visceral reaction is yes on both instances. However, I cannot conclude for how long the suffering endured. END REPORT

7 years ago

In less depressing news, a campaign bus run by a bunch of professional bigots got smashed up.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Cheers Pie. Needed that. When I first got dragged into this last night I was just amused by poor Brad’s name; but now I’ve drilled down into it I am uncharacteristically in a bit of a frump. Still, can channel the anger into someone productive. But sorry to have brought things down a bit. Been one of those days (also Milo has been a complete dickhead about the London attacks). Anyway it’s the weekend, and I believe puppy day, so hopefully there’ll be an open thread with some nice pics.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
7 years ago

@Pie, I’m so mean that I find myself howling with laughter at your link. NOM deserves much worse. That’s all I’m gonna say.

7 years ago

GOP source: Ryan telling Trump they don’t have votes on health care


7 years ago

OTOH there’s this:

Keystone XL: Trump issues permit to begin construction of pipeline

President ushers in ‘new era of American energy policy’ Friday as environmental activists denounce revived oil pipeline as a ‘disaster for the planet’

How could this possibly go wrong!

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
7 years ago


Fuck incels. That is all.

Well, the whole point is that nobody wants to. And for good reason.


Wow, he’s super scary. He’s also got a post titled “All my sexual fantasies involve giving pleasure to women” and says “And it makes me sick, I want females to suffer, not be pleasures (sic) by me.”

I think these guys genuinely hate the idea of giving pleasure to other people because it means taking other people’s feelings into account, which makes them feel like a servant. Giving other people pain means it’s all about you, and only you. It’s a cheap way of feeling powerful and dominant. As long as they continue to view human interaction as a zero-sum game, they will never escape from that trap.

But on top of that, of course, is the fact that having the ladies moaning and screaming is considered a sort of test of one’s manly prowess. Presumably, these fantasies that bother him so much are based on the standard porn o-face and cries of “oh yes, that’s good, you’re amazing” etc. [I’m kinda assuming based on representations in popular culture since I’m not that much into porn]
So he knows this is what proves Real Manly Men to be good at sex, and he wants that, while at the same time hating women so much that he can’t stand the idea of them not suffering (plus what you said).
If he weren’t so utterly despicable I’d pity him.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ kat

Well at least that pipeline creates jobs for the US steel industry. Oh, wait…

Ah but that’s probably just fake news from one of those dodgy media companies.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

That’s absolutely horrible about the horse. What’s really awful is the way they butchered the poor thing to try to hide the evidence – it’s not like they didn’t know that what they were doing was wrong. There are few words for such people that aren’t four-letter Anglo-Saxon.

On another topic:

Alan, which soapbox has Yiannopoulos been standing on to talk about the Westminster Bridge attack? I didn’t think anyone was still publishing him.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ EJ

Facebook. He’s been sharing, inter alia, a picture of a woman in a hijab supposedly not looking ‘suitably distressed’ at the events on Westminster Bridge. Of course it’s totally out of context and he neglected to show the photo taken seconds earlier where she clearly is as in shock as everyone else. And a load of other typical alt-right/Farage exploitative crap.

More here (without actually naming him)