So Return of Kings has another of its click-baity woman-hating posts up, with the less-than-intriguing title 20 Reasons Why Modern Women Are So Unstable And Miserable.
Most of these alleged reasons — and there is a lot of overlap among them — are just rehashes of things they’ve said a million times before: women are a bunch of pampered stuck-up bitches who prefer working actual jobs to being docile, baby producing housewives/servants for former pickup artists.
But I did like “reason” number ten — “They don’t have any standards”– in which writer Corey Savage takes aim at one particular kind of “girl” he hates for even existing:
If a person told me that a hangover vomit was just as delicious as a cheese cake and that I shouldn’t be so judgmental, I would declare that person severely ill in the head. But this is exactly how thousands of feminism-infected women go about with their lives, describing fat, short-haired, tattooed girls who look deranged as “beautiful.”
Huh. How sad and self-absorbed do you have to be to sit around getting mad at women who don’t devote their lives to catering to your boner in precisely the way you want it to be catered to.
I’m not sure that Savage’s beef is really with “fat, short-haired, tattooed girls who look deranged.” I suspect he’s far madder about the “girls” of any body type or hairstyle who look at him as if he’s the piece of shit he so obviously is.
In this cultural battle, I’m definitely rooting for Team Fat Short-haired Tattooed Girls who Look Deranged.
I like the idea of looking ‘deranged’, especially at is almost certainly just means ‘anything I haven’t already mentioned that I think women shouldn’t be like’ – funnily enough ‘Corey Savage’ women don’t give a flying fart what some miserable bitter misogynist likes or doesn’t like.
OT, again, but a friend just sent me this:
“Look, I’m not going to just be held accountable for every public statement I make.”
@Alan Robertshaw
“No one told me there would be consequences for my actions : (“
My mom cried ISIS. I told her I’d check Snopes. She said that she read/heard “somewhere” that Snopes wasn’t trustworthy, but couldn’t remember where. Discounted.
re: actual article
Once I get some decent cash influx, I wholeheartedly plan to get some tats from a licensed studio…if I can be sedated beforehand. Other than that, I’ve got it made.
Maybe Trump’s legal team should Google “the Streisand effect.”
No one would’ve even noticed the site of they didn’t make it a story.
Sounds a lot like Chaffertz’s excuse why they’re not going to investigate a goddamned thing that comes out of Trump Sr’s lying mouth.
WWTH: I know, right? I’m half hopeful that girl leaves it up, so Trump can REALLY show what a bloody thin-skinned bully he is.
What an asshole.
They’re just hurt that no awesome fat women will give them the time of day. They can’t get a cool, tattooed girlfriend and those grapes are ever so sour.
Wellp, I am sure you are very depressed that these assholes don’t want to sleep with you, ladies. But since this happens to be my precise favorite type for women, you can give me your contact info instead. Many thanks.
I guess it’s too much for these paragons of masculinity to put together the facts that women do in fact have standards, otherwise they’d be willing to date them.
Excuse me, need to change my nick.
There. :3
From the title, I thought the RoK article would actually have a war declaration of some sort against these “fat, short-haired tattooed girls who look deranged.” Okay, so now that they’re at war, what are they going to do? Write angry articles on the Internet about how these women are so ugly and don’t care but at the same time won’t give them the time of day?
Then again, I haven’t read the whole article because I don’t want to click the link (it doesn’t appear to be a donotlink), so maybe somewhere there is some sort of plan on what these dingleberries are going to do about it. Like, instructions to shame women or something. Meh, whatev.
@ P.I.
Y’know what, tho…? That’s a pretty high bar to clear. 🙂
@ dr. ej
You do computer drafting? Come work for us, we don’t bigot about hue’d hair!
*Warning for misogynistic violence*
My research into Incels is throwing up some awful stuff; but this ties in with the above (being a practical declaration of actual war against women). It also has some bearing on the question as to whether these are poor unloved guys with social anxiety or just pure misogynists.
It would be easy to dismiss this as ‘edgelord’ trolling, but it’s proving to be a serious debate; albeit with option 2 winning out.
I like neither
Quick get out the vaccines!
Sure thing, guy
Proving that it’s less about having sex, and more about just beating the shit out of women, Alan.
They’re “problems” are manufactured. Even their “either/or” stories have to be violent.
“A Stacy”?
Moggie, a “Stacy” is the female counterpart to a “Chad Thundercock.”
Does she merit a surname? Stacy Thundervag?
Cavernvag, surely…
Stacy Thousandcocks. The adopted niece of Katie Herself.
@Weird Eddie
Unfortunately, no. I’m a microbiologist and some of my applications are for teaching jobs. I might do something fun with my hair once I’ve been hired and have a better idea of what the workplace culture is like. I know at least one of the places wouldn’t mind, but I have an interview with an Ivy League school on Monday and I want to make a good impression.
Stacy Thundercockcarousel?
(Can’t tell if sarcasm or serious, so forgive me if it’s sarcasm)
Except it’s not? Treating everyone with basic human decency is as easy as breathing. Sure, it might be harder for some people, but keeping your thoughts, however awful, in your head and out of your mouth is 100% free.
Being a good ally is hard. Being a good feminist is hard. These are processes that take years to fully grasp, and even then there will be issues. Being a decent human being shouldn’t be.
If it is, then you might wanna get some advice.
Pertaining to our discussion, more ju-jitsu suffragette related stuff (sort of) from the wonderfully named Sylvia Pankhurst Gender Research Centre: