As a mildly internet-famous man, I get fan mail sometimes. Often in the form of drive-by blog comments that show up fairly regularly in the “pending” folder on my WordPress dashboard.
This morning I discovered a flattering little missive from someone calling himself RedPillGuard, who has many strong feelings about me, most of them loosely tied to my alleged status as a guy with a particular Greek letter attached to me.
David you are a gamma male, worse than an omega or beta. Not only do you have a female mindset, your kind embody the unflattering, backstabbing, evil, ruthless, greedy, cowardly, stubborn and manipulative qualities of women.
Not only do I have a “female mindset” but I’m also … like a woman?
Where they have Cleopatra you betas have Gamma Males like yourself.
I thought I was just a Gamma. Now I’m a Beta also? Greek is hard!
RedPillGuard follows up this expert distillation of my character by expressing the desire to see me raped in prison.
A lot of drive-by commenters would have left it at that. But RedPillGuard is just getting started. Turns out I’m responsible for several centuries worth of mass killings!
Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Lenin, Robespierre, Hitler, Trotsky, Hugo Chavez,. You are the scum of this planet, in the last century your kind murdered over 100 million people on the planet, you created communism and this mess of cultural marxism today.
You can’t get laid so you channel your energy to focus on other sad activities.
Like genocide, apparently.
Women scorn you because you mirror back a woman‘s most unflattering traits, and no woman even wants you to be her beta because she knows if you had her child you would likely sell them to slavery on the black market or take them to somewhere they have a high probability of dying in.
Sad you will not succeed.
Huh? Dude, I apparently murdered 100 million people before I was even born. I’d call that a pretty big success!
In a followup comment, RedPillGuard asks:
Why don’t you meet Roosh V in real life and see who has more confidence instead of passive-aggressively making jabs at him gamma male coward?
This is a somewhat ironic statement to be coming from an anonymous internet commenter.
At this point you may be wondering: aside from all the genocide and hypothetical child-selling, what is it exactly that defines the Gamma Male?
RedPillGuard links to an old post from Theodore “Vox Day” Beale, the racist fantasy author and self-styled pickup guru who came up with the Gamma classification, based on extensive research centered around his own posterior. According to Beale, there are four key characteristics of this imaginary personality type that he made up.
- Overly romantic (dramatic self-narrative)
- Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)
- Delusion (exaggeration and posturing)
- Lack of success with women
I guess I am a bit conflict-averse, if you don’t count my intermittent political activism and most of my writing career. So that’s one out of four.
And now I have the theme song to the old Hulk cartoon show in my head. So let me, in my passive-aggressive way, put it in yours!
So in other words Roosh is a “gamma”?
Stay strong, David. It’s never a good experience to receive that kind of message, even when they prove you are a good human being.
Followers of Alt-right idiots like Vox Day or Roosh V making Hitler comparisons will always be pretty rich.
Words, what do they mean?
“I don’t like this thing, or this other thing, or this other other thing, none of which are alike, but HEY! If I mash them together and fling them at someone I don’t even know, they’ll be really, really insulted! WIN!”
Ironically, if they were as good at Greek as their obsession with the alphabet would suggest, they’d know ‘Cleopatra’ is hardly a name to smash Patriarchy.
It’s tempting for me to say that the projection is strong with RedPillGuard but I think that’s too easy. It seems that RedPillGuard has rigid ideas of what an enemy looks like, and has assigned David all the “enemy male” traits, regardless of reality.
David! You have come to their attention in a negative way (again)! Respect! Congrats, and keep up the good work.
“David you are a gamma male, worse than an omega or beta. Not only do you have a female mindset, your kind embody the unflattering, backstabbing, evil, ruthless, greedy, cowardly, stubborn and manipulative qualities of women.”
i’m under the impression this guy once read some turn of the twentieth century propaganda once and it forever scarred his impressionable mind.
also David, what exactly do you do in order to scare these clowns so much?
Do I even need to point out what’s wrong here.
Communist, when he lists Hitler, a fascist. Fascism is what they want. So they’re calling Hitler, and themselves bad by association.
@Dan Kasteray
He exposes and mocks their posts for years. It makes the troll aware that people are laughing at him.
When they can’t get laid, it’s because women are evil. When (they assume) you can’t get laid, it’s because you are a retroactive mass murderer. Makes perfect sense.
Maybe this loquacious fellow is a recent convert to the Red Pill, and hasn’t had a chance to pick up the rest of the Alt Right philosophy? Thus cultural Marxism is what makes women think they have the right to consent and so BAD, but Hitler is a bad dude?
I suspect I’m trying to find internal consistency where there is none.
Also, I thought omega was the last Greek letter, hence Yahweh is the alpha and the omega (the first and the last). If not whoever who’re the Bible had some (even more) explaining to do.
@ SFHC, Oogly
re: “isms” and “ists”
I once worked with a gentleman (I use the term in its loosest sense) foe whom these terms, communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist, were not actual political persuasions in any sense, and had no independent meaning, but were just generic terms for “anyone I don’t like or who is even the least bit progressive, or is not American”. He regularly referred to progressives as “communist nazis”…. While he admired the deeds of many of history’s more vicious leaders (Hitler, for example), those deeds were never enough to make up for their non-American-ness. It was weird.
Dude uses the words “Hitler” and “Communism” in the same sentence, like, aight.
Then again, Hitler kinda was Patient Zero for that particular brand of inconsistency. Dubbed his ideology National “Socialism” – then said it was all about fighting back against Communism (and the Jews who pulled the strings by… having invented Socialism, apparently).
So I guess it sorta makes some sense. Maybe. Probably not.
Also, why the hate on Trotsky ? That’s kind of unfair, dude was “disappeared” way before he even had a chance to be a mass-murdering dictator.
I guess that was all the historical tyrants he could think of. But I’m convinced David is secretly Gheghis Khan Temujin, Caligula, Vlad The Impaler and “Papa Doc” Duvalier too.
Idi Amin, I’m less convinced… not Forrest Whittaker-y enough.
This actually has me wondering… are there definitions for all the Greek lettered males? I’m sure the Omicron males are pretty badass. Ditto the Psi and Phi males.
Epsilon and Upsilon males I’m a little more iffy on. I think Aldous Huxley had a thing or two to say about them.
Eddie, are you secretly driftglass the way our host is actually every left-wing leader from Robespierre to Chavez? Because DG’s been on that case since at least 2009, when he attempted to explain to Andrew Sullivan (despite the latter’s aggressive disinterest in listening) that
Some days, I swear, you could go through the Herald-Mail’s Feedback section with those terms on a bingo card and be guaranteed of getting at least one row.
How does a redpiller get to throw around epithets about not getting laid when they themselves have problems getting laid? Are you not by definition a redpiller if you can’t get laid? Doesn’t that (by the authors lights,) make David (gulp!) A redpiller too?!
I’m so confused! This whole mgtow stuff is so meta and not in a sane way!
To say nothing of the fact that there were six other Cleopatras in the Ptolemaic dynasty. Most of them were murdered by their family members or children after being deposed as rulers.
I mean, if we’re talking Cleopatra II, she sounded pretty hardcore. Cleopatra VII… overrated in my opinion.
@ gussie jives
Arsinoe certainly thought so.
This made me laugh out loud. Thanks, David.
David Futrelle, the Cleopatra of men. A cutting insult indeed!
@ Austin Loomis
Nope, not secretly “driftglass”… secretly drifty, perhaps. I did read his commentary on Andrew Sullivan’s crisis of conscience regarding the “party of god”, which you linked to. Sullivan’s complaints about the Repubs and the right in general are insightful, but I gotta wonder, where the hell has he BEEN??? Every one of his objections refers to dogma that has been an intimate part of the right since at least forever!
Thanks, Ohlmann!
On the Hitler thing, this guy is obviously a Vox Day fan and Vox, well, he’s got a complicated relationship with Nazism.