Ok, folks, let’s get calling! Three big issues to push on this week.
RUSSIA! We can’t depend on Comey or the House and Senate Intelligence committees to fully investigate the Trump campaign’s (and Trump administration’s) apparent collusion with Russia. Call your congressional representative! Call your Senators! Demand an independent investigation.
HEALTH CARE! Paul Ryan, with the support of Trump, is pushing for a vote on the Republican so-called health care plan in the House this Thursday, and there’s a good chance it will actually pass. (Its prospects in the Senate look less rosy.) Call your congressional representative!
GORSUCH! By putting Neil Gorsuch forward for the Supreme Court instead of holding hearings for Obama’s eminently qualified nominee Merrick Garland, the Repblicans are essentially trying to steal a Supreme Court seat. Even if they hadn’t, Trump is under FBI investigation for possible treason; we shouldn’t be allowing Trump to pick a lifetime member of the Supreme Court when the very legitimacy of his presidency is inn question. Call your Senators! Demand that Dems oppose his confirmation by any means necessary.
As always you can find more info on all these issues, as well as phone numbers and scripts at 5calls.org.
See my posts here and here for information and advice on how to make your calls and emails effective. If making these sorts of calls is tough for you, here’s some advice on calling politicians if you have social anxiety.
Just a note: As you may have noticed I haven’t been doing many of these #ResistTrump posts lately, partly because the assorted websites and email newsletters I’ve linked to in my previous #ResistTrump posts are doing a better job of tracking protests and townhalls and providing day-by-day advice on immediate activism. I do plan to keep doing them from time to time and I’ll also be putting up an Anti-Trump Activist Toolkit with links to the most useful anti-Trump resources online.
Does anyone know what Americanese is?
I don’t get this, I really don’t. I love my partner more than anything/anyone else in existence, but I would never pretend that she is always 100% right about everything no matter what. So, yeah I just don’t get this.
David Cameron was quite funny today.
“the major advantage of no longer being prime minister is not having to listen to donald trump’s wiretaps”
I don’t want to see that fucker Cameron joking for money. I particularly don’t want to see him joking in a way which will have humourless conspiracists saying “see! proof!”
I called about healthcare. I got the voicemail of my Democrat Senator, and made contact with my Republican Senator and my Representative, also a Republican.
Some sort of doubletalk that only real American can understand?