alt-right antifeminism heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA racism women's suffrage

Antifeminism and white supremacy: Joined at the hip for more than a century

Not sure that portraying the woman voter here as a total badass really helped the antifeminist argument, but whatev

Men’s Rights Activists, and anti-feminists generally, are forever warning anyone who will listen that excessive feminism could, any day now, bring about the end of western civilization itself.

This is not a terribly new or original idea. And a post on Nazified pickup artist blog Chateau Heartiste today reminds us just how old and unoriginal this notion is.

The proprietor of that blog, James “Heartiste” Weidmann, brings his readers’ attention to a lengthy quotation from a 1911 book by a fellow named Octavius Beale.

[U]nreasonable demands for exaggerated “rights ” of women will always find a limit in the fact that the majority of men will constantly prefer for wives those who do not claim such rights, but who rather seek their happiness in cultivating and developing their specially feminine virtues and attributes, apart from any aim at equality with men.

Take that, feminist cat ladies with no husbands!

These attributes will also therefore be preferably inherited, whilst the extreme tendencies of the women’s rights movement will usually not come into heredity, but will constantly tend to die out.

Well, he was half right. Feminism did die out, for a time, but then it came back.

Notwithstanding, should woman-rule —contrary to all expectations— become so strong in any single State that it will be able to enforce all its demands, even the most extreme, that result could only be possible where the men are completely degenerated.

Degenerated, huh? Can you see where this is going?

Such a nation would soon be supplanted and dissolved by healthier peoples, who might, perhaps, stand on a lower scale of culture.

I believe he is referring to what the Nazis of today like to call “white genocide.” Back in 1911, Beale called it “Racial Decay” — which was in fact the title of his book.

Amazing how quickly and easily Beale slid from antifeminism to white supremacy. Just as so many antifeminists do today.

Heartiste follows up Beale’s dire, racist warning with a dire, racist warning of his own.

After declaring “equalism” to be “a corruption of civilized man’s soul,” he tries his best to rally the troops in defense of their white “tribe.”

[F]emcuntery will only achieve wrecking power in a nation of degenerated men unable and unwilling to act to preserve their culture and protect their tribe. Women are followers and will follow their nation right into the abyss if it guarantees their social standing among peers; as I’ve been saying, it’ll take shitlord men with big balls to bring their women to heel and their nation back to greatness.

Heartiste, seriously, no one wants to hear about your balls.

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Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago

If you read the whole thing oogly youd know that it was created on behalf of the labor dept. Sad!

U.S. Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
200 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20210

7 years ago

@Bradley Shore
And if you read anything you’d know the flaws of that paper in comparison to the myriad of other papers, including altering sample size and ignoring different factors that gender gap studies focus on. See teacher I didn’t get a bad grade if you just ignore a few things here and there. Yeah, this study is about as worthwhile as Donald Trump’s healthcare bill. Sad!

7 years ago


An Analysis of Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women
A Foreword by the Department of Labor A Report by CONSAD Research Corp

This is on the front page. The very front page.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

I dont fill reports, I create them from scratch.

That sounds interesting. Why don’t you utilize that general knowledge from that college degree and tell us how you create the reports you do for your company?

Wait I realized you typed make me pay. What do you mean jack?

Doesn’t your $80k a year job provide insurance, buddy? They usually aren’t generous enough to foot the entire bills of hospital stays and shit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I can only speak from an English perspective, but I can chip in in the lawyers thing:

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

You can ask me literally anything regarding my field of study or work and I can answer it.

I have an engineering question for you.

Given an arbitrary triangle ABC, describe a straightedge-and-compass method whereby a point D can be placed on the edge AB and a point E can be placed on the edge BC, such that the scalar distances AD = DE = EC for every possible ABC.

For extra points, implement your solution in FORTRAN.

If you can’t do it with both straightedge-and-compass and FORTRAN, or if you’re afraid of a little maths, then I know engineers far better than you.

7 years ago

No chiomara, sweety. Let me explain to you, so even you can understand.

Oh really, darling?! Would you be so kind, baby?! Go slowly though, I have always been a bit slow in the head, not like you, daddy, with your superior grammar and vocabulary, honeypie.

The business landscape in america and third world countries is different especially with the size of the company you have. The way funding is achieved(the number of sales, capital, the growth percentage that needs to be hit), the start to launch process etc everything is different

*gasp* My, daddy, is that so? Explain my feeble lady brains how is any of that relevant to the subject that was at hand, which was how people will only buy your product if you sell it cheaper. In America people don’t buy expensive high quality personalized products from small companies? They only buy stuff that is cheap and mass produced? My god, and I thought Americans had more available income! I thought the government supported more entrepreneurship, american dream, everyone can grow, and everything. Doesn’t that directly contradict what you previously said, daddy?

Your company is nowhere near the level of Hilfiger, Ralph lauren, Versace etc.

I disagree. We were never huge, but in our best moments we did produce to very important brands. Say Chanel, Versace, etc are top high end companies; we already sold to lower high end, and middle high end companies. We even inspired a trend in Brazilian fashion once, and for a few months only we knew the technique properly, then others learned, but it was no big deal because we were great at inventing unique designs. Then we broke for internal problems, but we are starting over.

When your company gets to that size the process is almost the same worldwide. Its not the same for small businesses or even midsized businesses. Thats why I am saying you dont know what youre talking about.

Ah, so you are talking about size, daddy?! Weren’t you talking about small businesses, sweetheart? You just said in a previous comment, cookie pot.

Chiomara not as big a blowhard as you. Atleast I didnt claim to run a company. Lmao.

I wasn’t the one who said you were a blowhard, oh almighty stemlord who can’t even read usernames. And running a small family business is not a very unlikely thing to do, daddy, my parents gathered money they entire lives to buy these machines, sugarbuns.

Fine dont believe me I really could care less feminists arent known to believe anything that goes against their narrative. Fuck intellectual honestly and debate.

I mean, it IS kind of hard to believe a guy who says “lmao” has a high paying job, but I never stated any doubt about that. Most rich people I know are so freaking stupid, even doctors I know are fucking stupid, so I don’t doubt. A degree, or being smart in one area, doesn’t make you smart in every area, so I totally believe you have this job, I believe it’s easier than you claim, and I believe you are paid large sums of money for it because it requests some especific knowledges.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Ah, so you are talking about size, daddy?!

My emotions are a terrible mix of amused and horrified.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Bradley

Jack thats a good question. 80 grand starting salary.

I’m just curious why you quoted ‘starting salary’ rather than what you actually do earn (which was the question).

I’ll be honest with you; it just triggered a bit of scepticism. It seems more like the answer you come up with if you googled a profession rather than actually knew from your own experience.

Apologies in advance if my scepticism is unfounded,

7 years ago


Daddy only has experience in dealing with biiiiiig businesses. Mine is way too tiny, his perspectives barely fit.

Sorry! You started!

7 years ago

My budget is way too tight! So the insertion in the market place has to be smooth, slow and careful. One might say I would even have to get my hands wet and dirty (with money) to accelerate the process.

OK, I am done, I stopped, let’s continue

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack



I know you’re from England and all but I’m pretty sure most businesses give employees information on the insurance they provide or at least if they provide insurance or not. They brief on copay, but apparently they didn’t with this dude.

I’m also surprised that, apparently, a company can afford to give an “entry-level” employee an ergonomic chair and desk, especially when they’re just making reports. Just stick that ass in a cubicle.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Whaa, Bred still around ?

Geez, I mean I had time to get a rather long window of sleep too. And what, 3 more pages of that tediousness ? Fuck that, I’ll read later when I’m not barely getting up.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ handsome jack

Yeah, I can see now that you were asking something different. I picked up on Bradley’s answer though. And thought it was a query about salary. And it just seemed strange to me to quote a starting salary rather than an actual one.

Nerd mode: over here employers have to provide workers with written terms & conditions of employment within 8 weeks of starting work. That has to include stuff like salary, hours and benefits. Health insurance isn’t that big a thing here. When you do see company health schemes it’s often around check-ups and gym membership. If I was still in sceptical mode I’d suggest that was out of self interest to avoid loss of work time through illness; but I’m not, so I’ll put it down to sheer corporate altruism.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Re: lazy women and the law

The chart above is for barristers so I thought I’d better check with the Law Society what our solicitor colleagues were doing. Blooming hummer. Looks like guys are getting really lazy these days.

(OK, so solicitors might have better female representation (and flashier graphics) but at least the Bar didn’t assume they all wore skirts)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

*says not gonna read just now, reads anyway*

Damn. That was some perfectly good coffee I just wasted here.

Kinda disappoint he’s not doing that epic meltdown thing that he did last summer. The seagulls thread. Remember that ? That was great.

I mean the current meltdown just doesn’t compare.

C’mon Miggy, do something funny.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Jesus, y’all, I go away to sleep for the night and come back to three more pages of Not-Brad wanking away. I reckon when he said he works his ass off and so deserves to be One Of The Winners, he includes “dicking around on internet forums” as a form of work, because that’s the only way the hours math works out.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Wait, wait, I thought Not-Brad was an engineer? How is he now a software developer who can work remotely?

You do realize that developers can work remotely right?

WTF kind of engineer works on software? Engineering is hardware. It’s almost like he can’t keep his story straight!

@the other EJ

Thank you for sharing that story. I’m so sorry that it happened. For what it’s worth, I think you would make an excellent physicist.

I think I would, too, but what’s done is done (or not done, as the case may be). I actually think that prof might have been trying to be helpful, by attempting to communicate that getting a job in the field was going to be unnaturally difficult for me due to my gender presentation, which, let’s be fair, was and is true.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)


I agree that it’s true, at least of the physics that I know. However, it should not be true. I would much rather lose the men who make it true, than the women who are turned away because of it.

If you ever feel like getting back into it on a casual basis, the citizen-scientist movement has really taken off in astronomy in recent years. I can’t speak for other fields of physics, but the same might be true there.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

So, creating reports from scratch = knows how to make an Excel spreadsheet

Much impressed!

One reason I still think it’s possible that this is MRAL is that this thread is extremely similar to his Steele days. He spent quite a long boasting about his fictional corporate desk job.

To be clear, it doesn’t matter if one has an impressive job. It really doesn’t. But if your whole basis for argument is “I have the most demanding job ever and everyone else is lazy” you’d better be convincing or you’d better back it up. Or you’re gonna get mocked.

Yeah right he doesn’t care if we believe him when he’s been trying so desperately to impress.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

OMG I just got to the “I make sales reports from scratch” brag. Not-Brad is really using the hell out of that engineering degree! LOL

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

Ugh, people not from the US commenting. Gross! Shut up, non-USians! Don’t you know every conversation is about the US always and only residents of that country have anything worthwhile to contribute? Wait, shit, I guess my Canadian ass shouldn’t have typed this comment. OH WELL TOO LATE

@Chio, it’s hilarious to me how he keeps going on about the “Western world.” I’m not sure where you live, if not in the Western world. I guess the West is just that one country where he specifically lives.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

Oh, also, sorry to double comment, but I’ve telecommuted once or twice in my life and I seem to remember still requiring sleep to function. It’s not like, “Whoo, I’m working remotely tomorrow! I guess I’ll just stay up all night being an asshole on the internet, because my ergonomic office chair and pyjamas-all-day wardrobe will impart all of the same benefits as a solid 8 hours of sleep.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ viscaria

I’m not sure where you live, if not in the Western world.

I just go by the Greenwich Meridian. Some friends have questioned my classification of parts of London as Eastern hemisphere but in that case why is the local football team called Leyton Orient eh?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Pretty sure Not-Brad is making the same mistake as plenty of others in using first/second/third world divisions as economic divisions rather than the global political divisions that they actually are.

Properly, Brazil is a first-world country, as it is within the US sphere of influence.