alt-right antifeminism heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA racism women's suffrage

Antifeminism and white supremacy: Joined at the hip for more than a century

Not sure that portraying the woman voter here as a total badass really helped the antifeminist argument, but whatev

Men’s Rights Activists, and anti-feminists generally, are forever warning anyone who will listen that excessive feminism could, any day now, bring about the end of western civilization itself.

This is not a terribly new or original idea. And a post on Nazified pickup artist blog Chateau Heartiste today reminds us just how old and unoriginal this notion is.

The proprietor of that blog, James “Heartiste” Weidmann, brings his readers’ attention to a lengthy quotation from a 1911 book by a fellow named Octavius Beale.

[U]nreasonable demands for exaggerated “rights ” of women will always find a limit in the fact that the majority of men will constantly prefer for wives those who do not claim such rights, but who rather seek their happiness in cultivating and developing their specially feminine virtues and attributes, apart from any aim at equality with men.

Take that, feminist cat ladies with no husbands!

These attributes will also therefore be preferably inherited, whilst the extreme tendencies of the women’s rights movement will usually not come into heredity, but will constantly tend to die out.

Well, he was half right. Feminism did die out, for a time, but then it came back.

Notwithstanding, should woman-rule —contrary to all expectations— become so strong in any single State that it will be able to enforce all its demands, even the most extreme, that result could only be possible where the men are completely degenerated.

Degenerated, huh? Can you see where this is going?

Such a nation would soon be supplanted and dissolved by healthier peoples, who might, perhaps, stand on a lower scale of culture.

I believe he is referring to what the Nazis of today like to call “white genocide.” Back in 1911, Beale called it “Racial Decay” — which was in fact the title of his book.

Amazing how quickly and easily Beale slid from antifeminism to white supremacy. Just as so many antifeminists do today.

Heartiste follows up Beale’s dire, racist warning with a dire, racist warning of his own.

After declaring “equalism” to be “a corruption of civilized man’s soul,” he tries his best to rally the troops in defense of their white “tribe.”

[F]emcuntery will only achieve wrecking power in a nation of degenerated men unable and unwilling to act to preserve their culture and protect their tribe. Women are followers and will follow their nation right into the abyss if it guarantees their social standing among peers; as I’ve been saying, it’ll take shitlord men with big balls to bring their women to heel and their nation back to greatness.

Heartiste, seriously, no one wants to hear about your balls.

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7 years ago

I know in your ideal world people should pay you money for doing good deeds that create very little value to the world.

If taking care of children is of no value, everything is of no value. Congrats, you’ve combined capitalism with nihilism!

If you want to raise kids or elderly

Yeah, I’ll be sure to push my mom off a cliff when she can’t take care of herself any more. Are you for fucking real?

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Or…mayyyyyyyyybe you were a nice person and gave your friend fifty grand to help raise a child?

Nahhhhhhhh, it’s gotta be a zero-sum game in ya mind. No such thing as filthy charity!

Seriously, dude, what the hell is up with you? I’m not exactly one for saying peeps should have babies, but it’s partially because we have a large enough population, partially because there’s a lot of kids that need to be adopted, and partially because people who think like you are in power, and that really doesn’t help, y’know, people who need to take care of the next fucking generation.

7 years ago

@Bradley Shore

You know thats not what I meant. You shouldnt expect to get money for free. If you want to raise kids or elderly do it but dont expect people to subsidize you for it.

This isn’t asking government services to give you money to fuel your hobbies, this is asking government services to help keep people you like from dying. Yeah my grandmother can’t even walk and has to go to a physical therapist every week, it’s so expensive maybe I should let that little liability of mine off the hook. What the actual fuck?

If I get cancer and I lose my job cause I didnt go to work and deliver I wouldnt be angry cause its not my company’s job to give me money for free.

Bullshit you’d be pissed because the company screwed you over with a shitty insurance policy due to factors outside of your control.

I know in your ideal world people should pay you money for doing good deeds that create very little value to the world.

New York, N.Y., October 8, 2015— The U.S. spent more per person on health care than 12 other high-income nations in 2013, while seeing the lowest life expectancy and some of the worst health outcomes among this group, according to a Commonwealth Fund report out today. The analysis shows that in the U.S., which spent an average of $9,086 per person annually, life expectancy was 78.8 years. Switzerland, the second-highest-spending country, spent $6,325 per person and had a life expectancy of 82.9 years. Mortality rates for cancer were among the lowest in the U.S., but rates of chronic conditions, obesity, and infant mortality were higher than those abroad.

Actually it costs alot more to screw over the poor rather than aid the sick and weary so they can continue to do their jobs. This is what profit driven systems do, value profits over lives.

Let me give you an example. Let us suppose you loaned your friend 50 grand. Would you be okay if he said “Im sorry but I cant repay you cause I spent all my money on raising my child”. That is how the company feels when you dont do work and expect to earn money for free.

“How dare you use our money to take care of your own son/daughter, I guess we no longer need you former employee.” Are you hearing yourself right now?

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago

Troubelle Are you willing to give your friend 50 grand for free?

You do not know what a zero sum game is. How is it a zero sum game when you can create a win win situation where you get the money back and your friend gets a loan with no interest.

What is wrong with me? I want people to earn money on their own merits instead of getting shit for free. Is that wrong?

if all we do is subsidize people and give them free shit while they give very little in return our economy is going to be fucked.

You can do both you can do work and take care of the next gen. All you have to do is some hard work.

7 years ago

All this from I guy who thinks I’m lying when I say I work full time and am primary caregiver to someone disabled by a stroke. Hey, jackoff, I’m taking care of someone with no help, just like you say I should be doing! And I got insulted for it. You’re not here for anything other than being an ass.

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago


Are you high? I was never talking about healthcare I was saying you shouldnt expect COMPANIES to pay you if you spend more time at home raising your child than at work, giving them value. Do you not understand yet?

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago


I never said you were lying I asked why they didnt believe me when I said i worked 80-90 hour weeks for 4 years during my uni days but they believed you. I believe you. Jesus christ. Stop being so defensive and reactionary.

7 years ago

I never said you were lying

You did, actually. Scrolling back, I can see you edited the post. Guess you knew you said something stupid. Of course you’re going to deny it.

7 years ago

@Bradley Shore

Labor rights, do you get that?

Companies provide healthcare, alongside other health benefits according to a vast web of policies, personal decisions and how close they can get to slave labor. You believe that a company shouldn’t provide aid to a working mother so she can be happier and more productive at work, which in turns grants her more disposable income to spend on her family, which means more money circulating which at the end of the day benefits the company. Then again I don’t expect a person who says that women don’t want to be breadwinners when he believes that companies shouldn’t provide benefits to their workers if that means cutting into their profit margins.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Cant you read I said “Im not saying just women are lazy

You used women’s laziness as a reason for the wage gap. That’s how we got on the topic in the first place, you disingenuous little shit.

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago

Are you stupid? I havent changed it.

If you had actually read my comments youd know that I said women shouldnt pay her salary equal to men for less hours worked. Which has nothing to do with paying for healthcare.

What if they give her the money and she doesnt work and the company is forced to fire her. That money will be lost.

Youre extrapolating without knowing anything about me, dear armchair psychiatrist. Do a experiment go on a dating site, and type “want to be a stay at home dad” and send messages to women lets see how many replies you get. Then do it without typing that. I guarantee you will get atleast 3 times as many messages when you dont type it.

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago

Your point being what weir?. I said women are lazier than men not that women are the only ones that are lazy.

7 years ago

What did English grammar ever do to this asshat?

7 years ago

Hmm, should I believe Bradley or my own eyes…

7 years ago

@Bradley Shore
And if you read my sources you’d know that child raising is classified under health care, caring for the health of the child. This is covered under labor and employee rights that dictate companies provide care. As this is about paying to help raise the child this is all about health benefits for the mother.

What if they give her the money and she doesnt work and the company is forced to fire her. That money will be lost.

Money money money, you do know that this isn’t some systemic money laundering scheme that feminists thought up to drain millions from innocent citizens. I find it disturbing that the idea you side with companies so vehemently that the idea that a mother would use that money to care for her child or spend some time not working is such a drain on assets.

Sadly, that’s not the story today. The percentage of the eligible population with a job has dropped dramatically from 64.7% in 2000 to just 59.3%. Some of this is due to demographics including the retirement of baby boomers, but millions of workers have simply given up looking for a job. And in too many states, younger, lower skilled workers can get along by collecting a smorgasbord of welfare payments, not working at all or working off the books (more “gig” employment). So, even though economic growth is not strong, it is bumping up against a shrinking supply of workers.

You just used an article that makes the “welfare queen” argument.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


I’ll put it this way: if the person was working under me (in theory, of course; 17’s a touch young for most to be entrepreneurs, though I applaud the outliers) and wanted to raise a child, I would support them to the fullest.


Because I want them to come BACK when they can, and have a good outlook of me afterwards, so they’re more motivated to do a good job.

Also, nice gaslighting of Lindsay.

7 years ago

@Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
No but you see if I can’t exploit a worker like a bee I’m not using them to the fullest, and if they aren’t working as hard as I like, I can just get another disposable asset in this economy /s

I truly despise libertarian types.

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago


believe what you want lol. But you would be wrong.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I said women are lazier than men not that women are the only ones that are lazy.

Here. Here is the money quote.

Despite everything, this is your bottom line…and you are a piece of shit. Fuck off, you goddamned misogynistic, lying asshole.

Take your bullshit spiel back to whatever circle-jerk forum you came crawling from.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
7 years ago

No but you see if I can’t exploit a worker like a bee I’m not using them to the fullest, and if they aren’t working as hard as I like, I can just get another disposable asset in this economy /s

That is the essence of “Taylorism”, a method of workplace management that treated workers as interchangeable parts in a machine. It was very popular from the Gilded Age until the 1930s.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

AKA the era that gave us the Great Depression.

Bradley Shore
Bradley Shore
7 years ago


“I’ll put it this way: if the person was working under me (in theory, of course; 17’s a touch young for most to be entrepreneurs, though I applaud the outliers) and wanted to raise a child, I would support them to the fullest.


Because I want them to come BACK when they can, and have a good outlook of me afterwards, so they’re more motivated to do a good job.”

let us suppose you gave them 3 months of maternity leave and you were okay with them taking 5 hours a week off for raising their chilren, what would happen when you fire them after a few months or a year cause you see them slacking? Not only have you lost time and money you now have to spend some more time on finding a new employee.
There is no such thing as loyalty to a company, never forget that.

If every woman decides to take 5 hours a week off( statistics show that men on average work 40 minutes a day more.) and if 50 percent of the workers in my company were women, the productivity of the company would decrease by 6 percent. 6 percent does not sound like a lot but when you are a small company, it matters a lot.

The profit margins on average for small businesses are 20 percent. Business is cutthroat, 6 percent can make your clients realize that they can get more bang for the buck if they buy from another company. You know what happens when you lose your clients?

An example of this is, let us suppose you want to buy cars and there are two companies near you. Let us suppose one company is offering a car for 25,000 and another company is offering the same car for 23,500. Where would you buy the car? Now dont forget that youre not the only one that thinks the way you do. Millions of others would rather of buy the car from the second company. Company number one has just lost millions of clients.

7 years ago

“( statistics show that men on average work 40 minutes a day more.)”

Yeah, no, statistics show that WOMEN work on average 40 minutes a day more than men.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Also, working more hours is not necessarily the same as being the most productive. I don’t know if there’s any research to back it up, but I’ve noticed that white male employees (especially middle managers) spend a lot of time shooting the shit. I can thing of one guy at my work who is ostensibly a manager who literally does nothing all day and got promoted via ass kissing and white male privilege.

That’s not to say that hard working male employees and lazy female employees aren’t common too! But too many times I’ve seen male coworkers chatting sports with the male management while the women actually do their jobs. It wouldn’t surprise me if women get the same amount of work done in fewer hours. I know that I wish I had a salaried job with flex time because I tend to be the most productive in short bursts and can get more done in a few intense hours than I can chained to a desk for 8 hours.

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