So the inimitable Hbomberguy has a new video taking on the pickup artists we here at We Hunted the Mammoth have grown to know and loathe, focusing on two of the most loathesome, Roosh V and Matt Forney.
Watch it! This is one of those very rare 30 minute YouTube videos that’s worth watching (that doesn’t involve cats, Russian drivers, or pimple popping).
Well that was creepy yet enjoyable.
@Scolar Visari
They most certainly are. Fiscal conservatism = austerity. Austerity = massive cuts to social services and infrastructure. This is what fiscal conservatives have been after ever since this country implemented the rudimentary social safety net that we have; longer really, since they’ve been fighting against infrastructure spending from day one. There is no other meaning of fiscal conservatism. You’re looking at it.
Roosh and his ilk’s videos are very effective birth control, just sayin’
Not because of their looks, I’m not shallow–but because of their disgusting attitudes.
@ Sinkable John: Thanks for the laugh! They used Red fucking Rover in a prayer!
I’m probably speaking heresy when I say this, but…I can’t stand Hbomberguy. [note: edited his name –df].
It’s not necessarily because he says things that are wrong (although he does that – I’ll get to why in a bit) but, like ContraPoints, I find his personality to be incredibly grating. Certainly doesn’t help I’ve interacted with him on and he comes off like a completely passive-aggressive, disingenuous prick – which makes all his self-degrading humor little more than a guise of false humility. There’s nothing I despise more than pretense and dishonesty…
He’s not wrong about the YouTube’s alt-right or pick-up artists or how much of a goddamn baby PewDiePie is – he’s right on target there – but, as petty as this’ll come off, his opinions about Art bug the ever-living shit out of me. It’s bad enough he defends the Star Wars Prequels as “good” (which they never were and never will be and I’m sick of people trying to make contrarian defenses of it, so please fucking stop it) based on a purely personalized interpretation than anything concrete in the films or even behind-the-scenes details (which he flippantly dismisses as unimportant) – but it really fucking offended me when he compared them to Blade Runner. Oh, and calling the incredibly overrated New Doom the best game of 2016 as well as “revolutionary” (because apparently a regression these days is such due to low standards, apparently) didn’t help.
As far as ContraPoints goes: it’s not only his constant preening and how many of his videos just reiterate points made better by others, such as his one on psychiatry where he spends most of the time doing this annoying “wacky” comedy sketch at the end, as well as his utterly ignorant comments about Anita Sarkeesian (apparently he, like many of her detractors, doesn’t understand how crowd-funding works and takes out-of-context clips at face value). I think the point where I yelled “fuck this guy!” was when he claimed that people contributing to his Patreon helped him “get by.” Coming from a guy who, based on where he lives and how much he drinks and how he’s able to afford all these costumes as well as able to shoot and edit these videos, seems incredibly well-off.
Which, as someone whose budget goes almost entirely to paying bills and can’t afford to replace my nine-year-old computer or broken laptop (a lot of new things I’ve gotten recently were gifts from family…at least the ones who still acknowledge I exist), kind of pisses me off.
NicknameNick: Funny thing about the word heresy…the root word heresias actually means “opinion” to which you are certainly entitled.
@Dave: New name, please approve.
@Everyone whenever you see this: Happy Ain’t-A-Saint Patrick’s Day
Ne… Ver…
Ep1 is meh, Ep2 is shit until the last set pieces, Ep3 is legit good all the way thru. Bring it! ?
Me too. It creeps me out a bit though, as I think he’s roughly half my age. (I’m 48.) I feel like a perv.
I like hbomberguy. He’s not perfect but he’s using his privilege in what I think is a good way.
I get the impression these PUAs view women as talking sex toys. Just objects to get them off, not real humans at all.
Uh…art and criticism is subjective?
Wonder how you’d react when you learn he thinks Rogue One is the best Star Wars film.
The problem is that leading alleged fiscal conservatives in federal government never seem to cut net spending, which is what austerity really is. It’s one thing to cut a few programs to lower a budget, but it’s another thing altogether to still spend the same money you cut in different areas. IE: It’s not austerity if you’re using such and such million from funding the dreaded Death Panels to build a one-off Compensator-class guided missile destroyer (can’t have other nations building ones bigger than ours!). Tax cuts without corresponding budget cuts are also far from austere, as a gigantic chunk of the U.S. national debt can readily attest. Though perhaps their understanding of austerity is as meaningless as their definition of conservative? Heaven forbid that they realize austerity also tens to include tax increases to compensate for shortfalls. Best as I can see it, they just want to wear the fiscal hawk fig leaf that looks slightly better than letting their expenditures elsewhere hang out.
Ironically, much of the raison d’être for the newest cuts is also to make way for a massive increase in infrastructure spending (not that it’s even close to being enough, which is why they’re all so amusing). It’s also not like Republicans have been invariably anti-infrastructure spending. The interstate system was the brainchild of Eisenhower, after all, and Lincoln was hugely interested in, “internal improvements”. Though I suppose asking the Party of Lincoln to be, uh, more like Lincoln may be too much. That’s more time we could all spend on another generation of tit-for-tat politics!
Jesus? I heard that guy is one bad hombre. Probably a communist, too.
Oh, wait, now I get it. Oh ho ho, you!
@Nick – I can see how Hbomb might come across like that. I’ve been one of his patrons for awhile and I’m prepared to forgive him for much, mainly because he’s really good at taking the piss out of these guys and I think that’s desperately needed right now. He’s of the philosophy that if you spend your time seriously addressing these guys’ toxic bullshit, you’re legitimizing them so he just mocks and ridicules them. Which really is all they deserve anyway. Their claims have been debunked so many times before and it’s done fuck all. Might as well point and laugh at them.
No, they’re shit. They’re all fucking shit and nothing you say will convince me otherwise.
They’re just an excuse for George Lucas to produce merchandise and whatever meaning there is in there is lost under the cacophony of CGI, terrible acting, and lots of inconsequential action that happens far too often and runs too long. I had no idea who anyone was or why I should care and, no, I’m not going to read or play anything from the Expanded Universe to “get it” – I’m not an Extended Universe fanboy like [hbomberguy] or anyone else who liked the Prequels but can’t admit they were bad.
Am I mad? Yeah, I am. Comparing one of my favorite movies ever, Blade Runner, to three of the worst I’ve ever seen was pretty offensive to me. It’d be like comparing Hieronymus Bosch to Matthew Barney. Not only that but, when they first came out, I was the only one in my group of friends who just didn’t enjoy Phantom Menace because, well, a lot of stuff happens involving a bunch of people who I never cared for but…apparently it’s my fault for not having read all the novels and comics and played the videogames that are Star Wars-related. I continued to feel the same way with each one, including the supposedly “good” Revenge of the Sith. But, again, apparently I’m just an asshole for not feeling obligated to like it and spend my money on merchandising…
If anything, the Prequels were where I began my hatred of fandom in general. It really informed me that most fans, whatever they claim, don’t really give a shit about Art as much as they do brands and how it personally validates them.
@Hansome “Punkle Stand” Jack
I didn’t say it wasn’t, but that doesn’t make certain kind of criticism total nonsense and his was total nonsense.
“It’s subjective” doesn’t mean anything when you’re talking about the quality of a work and should get details right than obfuscating or misinterpreting things that are actually in the story. Maybe it’s also because, coming from a background where my father worked in Hollywood and I spent some time on the sets of television shows and movies, his complete dismissal about behind-the-scenes factors in making a creative work is almost kind of insulting personally. As if why and how something was made doesn’t matter when it really, really does.
Plus, maybe, I’d give him more leeway if he didn’t criticize others for over-analysis despite doing so himself (but his is totally legit ’cause reasons) or misrepresent all of RedLetterMedia’s opinions on the Star Wars movies. Even when people, including myself, tried pointing out the problems with his argument – he was, again, just flippantly dismissive about it. Why? Well, like that asshole at an art gallery who acts like he “gets” a painting more than anyone else there, Brewis seems to think anyone who doesn’t like the Prequels “don’t get it” as much as he does (if simply because he liked it) and that approached has always annoyed me.
It’s exactly the kind of fanboy bullshit I can’t stand from comicbook readers and gamers either – this solipsistic, smug sense of self-satisfaction that’s absolutely unwarranted…
Given I haven’t seen the movie yet and thus don’t have an opinion on it, I don’t know or care really.
My problem isn’t that he likes the Prequels – he can like whatever he wants, no matter how much I don’t – but defending them as if they’re these misunderstood, profound pieces of work that the rest of us unwashed peasants are too stupid the understand like him.
Y’know what movie I really like? Zardoz. Would I ever defend it as being the best movie ever? Absolutely not. All the negative things people say about it are correct and, despite that, I just happened to like it. At least I have the self-awareness to know that just liking something doesn’t mean it’s decent quality. I like a lot of junk food as well, but I’m not going to argue any of it is good for you either.
@Lady Zombie:
Thank you, I appreciate that.
Agreed. I sort’ve wish it was coming from someone other than a blond, white dude who liked being in front of the camera too much (for my liking, anyway) but I do get that.
Which I absolutely can get behind as well. Like I said, I don’t like him not because he’s necessarily wrong about stuff like that but other things that I’ve stated.
@Scolar Visari
In reality, austerity means cuts to social services, privatization of infrastructure ( which results in cuts to functional infrastructure and increases in costs for less service), and steady or ( usually ) increased spending on military and police. That is what actually happens, every time, in all austerity regimes heretofore enacted, without exception that I can find.
Leaving aside the deeply racist nature of the planning and implementation of the interstates, and the question of whether they were a good idea in any case, Republicans weren’t the conservative party then. Especially not Lincoln, who I think may be a bet for furthest left president in U.S. history.
But they’re not. Haven’t been since the Southern Strategy.
I think that’s because that’s part of the joke? His analysis videos and stuff do contain his opinions on things, but they’re hyperbolic versions of his opinions, not to be taken 100% seriously although they’re still what he thinks. At least I think that’s his schtick.
BTW, I’m not trying to convince you to like him or anything like that, you can dislike or hate him for whatever you want. I don’t care, personally, it’s, like, he’s not being really that serious, I don’t think.
(Also, if I’m sounding unsure it’s because I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding why and how he’s saying things or if you are and my entire perception of reality is being called into question at this moment because maybe I’m misreading things that I should have picked up on is all.)
@Handsome Jack:
It’s not specifically about his videos as much as when I interacted with him over where he’s not doing his comedic persona as much. And, like a lot of comedians, they’re a lot less funny and a lot more frustrating that way…
There’s this YouTuber named “Vaatividya” who does a bunch of videos related to various Souls games – often giving his personal interpretation about the material, based on item descriptions as well as visuals from the environment. It’s important to note that, at no point, does the guy ever claim his interpretation is the “correct” one. He’s clarified, time and time again, that it’s just his reading of the material and even cites other people giving their own interpretations. He does this so often that it’s hard to miss or misunderstand.
What does Brewis think? That’s he’s “factualizing” things. Why? He never specified except he doesn’t like how he does his interpretations – even though he never factualized anything and vocally clarifies that he isn’t. When I pointed out how odd it was that he was negatively criticizing someone for a form of over-analysis he would otherwise uphold, his excuse was that the way he did it was totally fine in comparison because he based it off “themes” and “ideas” (neither which he gives a clear definition of) after mentioning a plot point in Demon’s Souls (which I never played and thus didn’t get the reference) to “prove” his point as if it were self-evident.
To me, it may’ve well just been him saying “’cause reasons.”
There’s also the claim that RedLetterMedia don’t like the Prequels or new Star Wars films because they were different from the original trilogy, which is a load of horseshit – if you bothered to listen to any of their reviews on the Prequels or Force Awakens or Rogue One. They frequently mocked the Prequels (rightfully, in my opinion) not only for their lack of a coherent storyline or characterization as well as just being badly-made but their issues with FA and RO seemed to be, if anything, was all the fan-servicein relation the original trilogy.
In fact, at no point, do I ever get the sense they dislike those films just because they’re different but because they do so badly.
It reminds me of Mac from It’s Always Sunny From Philadelphia and his tendency to “read between the lines” – or projecting things that aren’t stated by claiming that they’re somehow subtly hinted at despite nothing indicating such. It’s why I dislike personalized interpretation of Art in general, at least as an argument in favor of a work’s quality, because it’s so internalized that it can’t be argued for or against. It’s difficult to discuss Art with someone who seems incapable of ever thinking that, just maybe, their interpretation – to everyone else – won’t make sense because it’s so incredibly specific to how they perceive it in a way no one else does.
If you’re going to explain why you like a film or a comic or a novel, I don’t really care what you think it’s about unless you bother to base it on what actually occurred and not explanations you invented to explain away major flaws or glaring omissions when there is not suggestion or precedence of such.
I think it’s good that it’s coming from a guy who shares the same demographics as most of these shitheads, i.e., white, straight (presumably), cis (presumably), able-bodied (presumably), and male.
It’s a lot like what David does here, imo.
Besides, anyone who can get under Sargon, Aurini,’s skin the way he has, is doing something right! 😀
Okay, that makes more sense. I’ve never interacted with him and I haven’t really seen him or heard him interact with people outside of his videos besides, like, a livestream (today) and it was in a “controlled” environment with someone who he knows. I wasn’t doubting you on that front, for sure.
But it seemed you were much more concerned about him just thinking the Star Wars prequels were good in any way, shape or form than about him being a kind of snobby, “you don’t get it man” kind of guy, especially since you just told Axe, who apparently thought they were at least “alright” that they were just plain shit and nothing could convince you otherwise. And, like, I guess that kinda made me thought you cared more about Bomberguy’s opinion on things than how he treats people who question him.
Drat! My plans are foiled!
I have never once touched anything EU. Also, is his name meant to be an insult… to him? Is this a dox? I just… huh?
And that seems like a personal problem to me. Ya know, like, a problem with your personality
No idea who either of those are…
Apparently. Yes. That’s why. You figured it out *confident, reassuring thumb up*
So much wrong here, but imma just giggle about the capital A. Cos bruh… ?
You’re not wrong…and now I kinda feel a bit bad not putting the quip about blood pressure in my last response. I mean, as someone prone to ranting (Paradoxy can concur), I can understand needing to rant about things you like not being treated correctly.
Like how recently,
But I digress.
Not even Teen Titans Go is worth that much hate. And I mean that, Teen Titans Go isn’t worth it.
It’s not. I promise. And that goes double for the prequels, especially for every one person who kinda likes it, you’ve got four hardcore fans chomping at the bit to prove how wrong someone is for liking something they apparently think is objectively wrong for reason.
It’s not a problem of what austerity means in reality: It’s a problem with people using the term to mean whatever they feel like. Sort of like how people think feminism is a secret code word for matriarchy or how some people will use, “political correctness” in lieu of, “they stand for things I’m against and therefore they’re wrong!”
Nevertheless: Greece in particular really did cut defense spending sharply as part of its austerity measures, ditto with Spain and Italy and several other European nations. SIPRI’s pretty clear that austerity measures have resulted in military expenditure reductions across western and central Europe. Eastern European nations have been a bit, ah, reluctant to reduce their spending because they might actually get invaded.
It’d be inaccurate to state that pre-modern Democrats were, in fact, the conservatives prior to the big switcharoo. They simply were not a monolithic party even when that was kind of the case (which is why there was a split that led to Lincoln’s election and why the later Southern Strategy worked), and the GOP was already describing itself as conservative since Lincoln for its free soil position (abolitionists being ignored if not outright harassed until the war). Yes, it was different than the modern party, but not so much around the turn of the century.
Yet not all Republicans are hard right wing caricatures. Richard Luger was pretty decent, particularly for his work regarding the destruction of WMDs in Europe with Democrat Sam Nunn and a future president. I suppose Arlen Specter should get bonus points for having switched parties twice, and Mainers Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins are hardly Trumpettes.
@To the Star Wars Prequel Haters
Leave them alone!
Er, to be serious, Episode I wasn’t that bad compared to, ah, The Holiday Special I guess? We got some decent games too out of the deal at the very least. In the grand scheme of things, they weren’t very good movies (compared to critically acclaimed hits like There Will Be Blood, Frozen and Robot Jox), but they’re far from the worst things and probably better than most movies to stain the silver screen. As we all know (save for us who had such memories surgically removed), Lucas could and did do far worse than the prequels.
Then again, I suppose I’m the odd one out for not thinking that the original films were as good as some people tend to remember? Well, that is, had I not fallen asleep during The Empire Strikes Back. It needed moar space bears.
@Nick: I had a pretty long comment typed out, but I’ve been having a good track record of not getting into extended arguments with people online lately so I’m just going to settle with the part I took personally: fuck off with that comment about how fans don’t care about art. You are not the arbiter of art, and you do not decide what is or is not important to other people.
Teen Titans was a masterpiece of animation and of television. Top 5 of CN, period. I also enjoy Go ?
Precise! That’s what I don’t get. People, fueled by hatred of the prequels and (mostly white male) entitlement, have spent the last 15+ years attacking George Lucas for ruining their childhoods. The fuckin harassment and death threats?
Sucks that something bad happened to @Nick cos he didn’t like them. But let’s not pretend that the rest of us haven’t been buried under the weight of having our opinions treated as either heresy or nonexistent. And y’all are the majority, so chillax. Dayum…
Ep4 is meh, Ep5 is legit good most of the way thru, Ep6 is shit until Palpatine chews the scenery to pieces
Yep. Have a crush on him too. I mean, I dont really find him aesthetically attractive (he is OK, just not my type), but I still have a crush on him, because, I DONT KNOW, I just do.
OT but he is the one who made me like british accents again. I used to love british accents until Sargon and Tfart ruined it for me – WHY IS THEIR VOICE SO DISGUSTING?! No, seriously, why? Is that just the way they talk or are there places in England with an accent like that? Please let me know, because if I ever go to England and end up in a town where everyone sounds like then i will turn fucking violent. I am not even kidding.
Now, disliking him because he was rude to you is something valid, disliking him just because you do is also something valid, some people just fucking annoy the crap out of us for no reason at all, but disliking him because he likes some movies and games that you dont is… What?
I know I will be freaking rude now and I apologize in advance, I also will understand if you dislike me for this, but I dont say this with the objective to offend you and I dont dislike you at all.
We all have this phase when we are teens where we HATE who doesnt like rock because its just “objectively” better than pop, or Harry Potter cause its better than Twilight, or Lord of the Rings is better than Harry Potter. We end friendships because you think Taylor Swift is better than Katy Perry or whatever kids are into these days. But man… You need to outgrow this. You can even ridicule someone for liking one thing or the other, in a light, teasing way, but disliking someone because of this is just plain weird. Chill about this. No matter what either of you think, the prequels and Blade Runner will keep existing in the same exact way.
I know I am just repeating what was already said and saying unnecessary stuff, but just wanted to put this out there. Theres so much animosity in this world, so many reasons to feel bad and offended, dont waste energy into being offended that some people likes the prequels.
What? I . . . I thought everyone loved Return of the Jedi! That’s seriously one of my favorite films of all times! It was visually stunning, there was lots of stuff happening at the same time and there were predator teddy bear people beating fascists! What was not to like? How can you dare express an opinion different than mine own!? Next you’re going to tell me that RoboCop 2 was terrible!
Sigh, I suppose there’s simply no accounting for taste in today’s world. First they’re going on about those Mass Effect games, next they’re complaining about it and facial animations that might as well be a decade and a half old. I just can’t keep up with current tastes. Tell me: Are fanny packs at least still uncool? I couldn’t leave the house if that one changed. Bad enough having to look at one while playing through Sleeping Dogs.
On a somewhat related topic, I always thought it was hilarious how upset some people got with The Force Awakens merely because it had a strong female lead. They seem to forgot that the first things Princess Leia did when she met Luke Skywalker was 1. Comment on his short height and 2. Take his gun away and shoot Stormtroopers. Heaven forbid there’s a female Jedi and a black dude with leading roles, but it’s okay if they play influential politicians and military leaders so long as they’re not in front of the white male leads on the poster.
On completely unrelated topic: Arkansas is now well on its way to eliminate Robert E. Lee’s birthday as a distasteful alternative to Martin Luther King Jr. day.