So the inimitable Hbomberguy has a new video taking on the pickup artists we here at We Hunted the Mammoth have grown to know and loathe, focusing on two of the most loathesome, Roosh V and Matt Forney.
Watch it! This is one of those very rare 30 minute YouTube videos that’s worth watching (that doesn’t involve cats, Russian drivers, or pimple popping).
Well that was creepy yet enjoyable.
Any women getting horny yet?
Oh, god. Oh, baby. *yawn* Oh, god.
Sheesh. If you’re not worrying about making your partner happy, you might as well masturbate.
women looking like outer-space cyborgs
sounds good to me
Like any ideology that pushes the feminine to the curb means that it is weirdly homoerotic. This is about showing how successful you are to other men.
WHAT is the point of having sex with anyone if you’re not out to give them as good a time as they can stand, and vice versa?
Notch on the bedpost?
@ bluecat
It’s the women as Pokemon phenomena; ‘gotta get em all’.
But my recent exploration of the mansospere, especially incels, does show up a common theme. Sex is never for fun (despite the ‘it’s a biological necessity’ tropes) it’s always about validation. Sometimes self validation (“I’m worthless if I can’t attract a female”); but more often external validation. These guys are always worried about how they appear to other guys. That obsessing with status and hierarchy (and the consequent Greek letter labelling).
Hence the emphasis on either perceived attractiveness and refusing to settle for anything less than an HB10. That’s just women as Vebler Goods; like showing off your new sports car.
Or otherwise quantity of ‘conquests’. I use that word deliberately. It’s not so much women are the ‘enemy’ (though they often are seen as that). Rather that they are territory. New realms to be tamed and exploited. These guys see themselves as the Alexander the Greats of the bedroom.
It’s all about ‘scoring’ in the literal rather than slang sense. Heck, they even call it “game”.
Well, Roosh said it himself, didn’t he? “Her pleasure doesn’t matter”, “Focusing on her pleasure takes away from your own”, etc.
Women have never mattered in Roosh’s little world. Ever. It’s always about showing off to men and trying to make yourself look better to other men.
And, in a weird, roundabout way, Roosh’s little “empire” is his way of turning towards men and going “Lookit me! Lookit how successful and awesome I am and look how often I get to perform The Sex with those lowly feeemales!”
And then other dudes crib his shit advice (a la Matt Forney), and then they try to do the same thing Roosh does (and Roosh even admits he got his “game” from someone else) and then they try to make money off of it if they think they’re good enough.
It’s a massive Pay-to-Play circlejerk in the end.
The sad thing is, is that so many of these douchebags just seem to want validation that they’re masculine enough and successful enough. They want people they look up to and admire to pat them on the head and say “Yes, you’re valid. You’re good enough.”
I have a modicum of pity for them in that regard, having gone through a lot of that gender performative stuff myself in my teens. I always used to worry that I wasn’t feminine enough and I wasn’t trying hard enough or working hard enough.
But I only have a modicum, for they are still awful people who I can only hope will eventually realize that they’re not happy, and start to do the things that make them happy, regardless of Roosh’s outdated and disgusting brand of “masculinity”.
EDIT: Kinda ninja’d by Alan!
@ paradoxy
You said it far more coherently; and if we ever did this as broadcasts you’ve got a much cooler voice.
@ paradoxy
You said it far more coherently; and if we ever did this as broadcasts you’ve got the much cooler voice.
ETA: I am quite proud of myself for a Pokemon reference though. Especially as I’m old enough for this to be the second time I haven’t got a frikken clue what it’s actually about.
I have a serious crush on hbomberguy, and the fact that he apparently knows Lindsey Ellis (the “nostalgia chick”) and kyle kalgreen (oancitizen) just makes me want them to do a massive amazing video about something.
not sure what tho.
I can guarandamntee you that H. Bomberguy has gotten a lot more action out of those shiny formal threads than Roosh has out of all his overpriced and repackaged (ad nauseam) books (and that ridiculous beard!). Probably gets more action by laughing at Roosh & Co. than Roosh & Co. collectively get with all their sorry “seduction” efforts, too, if their crankypants faces are anything to go by.
“Her pleasure” is a selling point for ribbed condoms, which Roosh probably doesn’t use (or the plain ones, either) because that gets in the way of the Defilement Factor. (And possibly also, ugh, the Pregnancy Entrapment Factor.)
Heh, looks like somebody totally called the thesis of Bomberguy’s video a week and a half ago.
And now back to St. Paddy’s Day sobriety….
Great video, the part where hbomberguy dicussed the article where the one guy advocated basically committing emotional abuse on your wife or girlfriend. That made me sick to my stomach, thats like something out of the abuser’s handbook.
Speaking of Dan Olson and unexamined masculinity:
And for the fight club reference:
So… anyone else feel intense anger at the mere words “Matt Forney” and/or a simple picture of his face ? I mean, like, more than the others. For some weird reason that particular asshole has the same effect on me as red cloth has on a bull. Even freaking Anglin doesn’t make me feel that.
Alex Stallwitz: there was a so called PUA a couple of years ago who actually recommended looking at the Duluth Wheel (which is about the various types of domestic abuse) and using some of it to manipulate (and obviously abuse) women.
Neil Strauss who wrote The Game has apparently regretted the years devoted to making money out of the abuse of women, as yet this lot have yet to openly regret anything, and their contempt for women appears to taken them in other directions – Strauss does not appear to be a massive racist or homophobe for eg.
Outrageously Off Topic: Speaking of apathy for fellow carbon based bipeds, it now seems that cutting the funding for things like Meals on Wheels is, “Probably one of the most compassionate things we can do“. Of course, why did I not think of that? It’s just as well, as there’s absolutely no evidence that hunger prevents children from doing well at school! (The preceding statement being 100% sarcasm for those at home with broken sarcasmometers; you should really get those fixed by the way).
Heaven forbid we spend a few million dollars on ensuring poor children have a future! That’s money better spent subsidizing moar coal! (The preceding statement was also 100 on the Jonathan Swift scale.)
In all seriousness, I think Margaret Thatcher is spinning in her grave, but that is a thought which greatly amuses me. As much as supporters of a certain individual like to troll news stories and mock others for disagreeing with them as being, “pinko commie liberal snowflakes”, they certainly aren’t fiscal conservatives themselves in any respect (unless conservative, like liberal, simply stands in as an insult). Bonus points for mentioning the U.S. national debt in the first sentence before going on to defend a budget that will certainly make that figure much higher. If one isn’t going to bother to learn anything about economics that cannot be distilled to Austrian School sophistry, is it still too hard to ask that they at least be consistent?
In one word : yes.
Anyone else not inclined to give Neil Strauss any credit for his takesies backsies? Unless he were to start doing anti-manosphere activism, fuck him. He’s not the first PUA by any means, but he is the one who did the most to mainstream it with that VH1 show, IMO. He’s got blood on his hands and saying he’s got regrets is just not enough.
Same here. Him being remorseful is not enough. There needs to be actual efforts on his part in combatting PUA nonsense for me to give him any credit.
@Scolar Visari
As their Deity once said “fuck the poor let them starve.”
My favorite gif:
OK, you regret your fuckery and facilitation of others’ fuckery. Sounds like a personal problem to me. Maybe you shouldn’t have been a horrendous human being from the start. Either way, his grief (and it is his grief people are being asked to empathize with here) means nothing and matters less
So apparently Wallnau is trying to bring some sort of relevance back to Milo. And he claims him as Jesus, because why the fuck not. Still, gotta love how a religious right asshole just made up a gay Jesus.
I dunno, Hades wasn’t that bad a deity despite being lord of the underworld and the precious metals which dwelt within. Sure, he kidnapped Persephone, but let’s face it: Zeus was leagues ahead of him in the proto-PUA field. There could certainly be worse patron gods of wealth.
Oh, wait, or are you talking about Saint Reagan? Sure, he did some dickish things (or, rather, a lot), but he wasn’t that bad or that much a fiscal conservative as, ah, pretend fiscal conservatives would like to believe when writing their numerous hagiographies.
Let’s face it: The new administration has set the bar much lower. At least Reagan could repeat some nice speeches and, hey, we got a space station out of the deal!
If we were to build a new Rushmore, Trump would only have to share it with Woodrow Wilson, Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson. Even our favorite B-movie actor president (which is, unfortunately, not Bruce Campbell) couldn’t hold a candle to that level of pure callousness. They’re all so full of it that it’s a wonder and a pity they didn’t collapse into degenerate stellar remnants.
@Scolar Visari
I was referring to Jesus but Saint Reagan works too.
You know the fascist theocrats are on the ropes when a homophobic priest is attempting to turn a has been Gay Uncle Tom into literally Jesus.