Today might not have been the worst day for the Trump regime, but it was definitely the most embarrassing. Watching Angela Merkel’s face as Trump blathered on about imaginary wiretaps at their joint appearance today was just painful. The world is laughing at us.
But Trump’s most fervent fans haven’t noticed yet, continuing to insist that Trump is actually WINNING in some hypothetical 4D chess game.
WE ARE WINNING AND WINNING! #AmericaFirst pic.twitter.com/fwkIm6oJ6g
— CS (@csirigiano) March 16, 2017
#maga fans; as the heat on the left escalates you can rest assured that that means POTUS is winning!
— imSpokenfor (@patriotbabz) March 17, 2017
so true. Love our @realDonaldTrump for #MAGA & #WINNING not tired of #WINNING, never will be. 😆😆😆👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍
— Bobby'sGirl (@DeplorableCAGrl) March 17, 2017
sounds like someone's just mad cause Trump keeps winning! 4D chess. #MAGA So Salty
— Rebel against Tyranny (@Meshinom) March 17, 2017
Fear of Deportation Keeping Illegals from Making Doctor’s Appointments https://t.co/PQCvPbleGi tired of winning yet?? #maga
— Patty (@pir8gold) March 17, 2017
I hate to break it to you folks, but YOU’RE NOT WINNING.
Both the first and second versions of Trump’s Muslim-ban-that-he-insists-isn’t-a-Muslim ban have been stopped dead in their tracks, and Trump’s own dumb rhetoric on the subject has made it pretty much impossible to revive.
Trump and Ryan’s “healthcare” bill is going down in flames. Only about a third of Americans support the Trump/Ryan plan, according to a Fox poll this week; more than half support Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Trump’s proposed budget is so comically awful it’s dead on arrival, and the Trump administration’s sad attempts to defend its cruelest cuts are so cynical and heartless they threaten to do massive damage not only to Trump but to the Republican party overall. Trump’s plan is also so light on details some are wondering if he even knows what a budget is.
Aside from scaring some of the most vulnerable Americans, inspiring an uptick in hate crimes, and needlessly damaging our relations with allies and enemies on the world stage, Trump has basically achieved nothing of note since taking office.
Oh, and I almost forgot about the MASSIVE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT that’s arisen to defend our country from Trump and the Republicans.
All told, it’s perhaps no surprise that Trump’s approval rating is hovering just above 40%, according to most polls, a terrible rating for a new president. Here’s the latest chart of his approval and disapproval ratings since he took office,according to the daily Gallup tracking poll. (FYI, the dark line is his disapproval rating.)
That’s not what “winning” looks like.
I’m not sure what the most appropriate metaphor for the Trump regime is, so let’s go with all of them.
It’s a trainwreck.

It’s a dumpster fire.
It’s this guy:
It’s Wile E. Coyote, running off a cliff … but not realizing it at first.
In case you’ve forgotten, this is what happens next.
Trump fans, please return to the real world.
The last time Trump won, it was on election night, and only because our ridiculous electoral college system awarded the victory to the guy who got three million votes less than Hillary Clinton.
It’s been pretty much all downhill from there.
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
Oh don’t remind me of the mainstream media giving him more slack every chance they get. I already have enough reasons to hate them, the entirety of these few months highlighted them all and them some.
From what I see Trump IS paranoid. He doesn’t have a cocoon to shield himself from the world criticizing him at every turn, he keeps getting stopped by Judical Courts and the people who helped him get in office aren’t being 100% loyal to him. The wiretapping crud only reinforces the fact that no, he is not a god who can bend reality to his whim. In popularity even Fox says the people really don’t like him and combine that with losing the popular vote by 3 million and you get a person whose ego is constantly attacked on all sides with very little reprieve.
That’s why he keeps taking these obscenely expensive vacations, they’re the only times where he manages to recharge himself and maintain what little composure and self image he possesses. I only hope that at some point even frequent vacations won’t relieve him of pent up anger and cause him to make the biggest and stupidest blunders imaginable. I also hope that we don’t get an American Reichstag or some other event that turns everything his way.
@Virgin Mary
Welcome back!
Like you and Violet B., I could also use those Soros $$$$.
We need to find out how to sign up for this gig. I’ll check Craigslist.
Donald Trump can’t be bothered to shake the hand of the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.
He also can’t be bothered to be embarrassed.
I’m embarrassed for him.
I know that the reason Trump dislikes handshakes is that he’s touch-averse. I find this a humanising trait, and therefore feel empathy as a fellow human being.
It seems that Trump dislikes the fact that it humanises him; and so does his best to work around it. He doesn’t want to be seen as a human being with weaknesses, but as an avatar of All That Is Manly. Ironically, this makes him even more human: I’ve met lots of men who feel this way, and it always comes across as sorta squalid.
Tragically, if Trump (or his fans) were asked to comment on the concept of being touch-averse, they’d probably dismiss it as unmanly weakness, and would laugh at the idea of making allowance for it.
I meant he’s paranoid about what he’s talking about rather than him being paranoid in general but yeah.
I’d imagine or hope that people will get tired of him spending so much time and tax payers’ dollars on vacationing than working. He’s going beyond Bush with how little he spends in office.
Although considering that the people who voted for him have so little knowledge on what the government does and funds, it seems that they won’t mind paying for his golf and Melania’s stay until shit gets cut.
Uh, if he’s touch adverse then why does he so easily shake the hand of other men? (And he does it in a way that’s rough and aggressive to assert his dominance because that’s what humans do.)
When I look at Trump’s body language when he shakes hands with men, I see that he’s very forced and awkward about it. Given what a physically expressive and gesticulation-heavy person he is normally, it looks very stiff and unnatural to me.
Trump isn’t touch averse when he’s assaulting women.
@EJ: If Trump was touch-averse, he wouldn’t have assaulted a ton of women, would he? And he wouldn’t try to toss other men around the room to display dominance?
It’s not that he’s touch-averse. It’s that, on some level, he understands his hopeless inadequacy, especially when facing women who will not take his shit.
Also, I’m pretty sure he’s a germophobe rather than touch averse…
I know that some people are only touch-averse depending on gender. There seems to be various reasons for that, and they range from “totally understandable” to “you can’t be fucking serious”.
Like how some people struggle with androphobia, sometimes because of PTSD. On the other hand, seems some men have a knack for the “ew, gaaay” thing – probably explains a lot about Trump, I dunno. He does seem to me like that kinda person, but what do I know. Though that’s definitely childish and petty, and he is childish and petty, so…
I know in my case there’s only a handful of men I can actually feel comfortable around (basically, friends), and I’ll go far out of my way to avoid any physical contact with anyone else. That doesn’t include shaking hands though, and it certainly doesn’t make me try to rip people’s arms off like he does.
Seriously, it looks to me more like he’s going “GOTCHA ! ALMOST MADE YOU FALL TROLOLOLOLZ” or as some kinda weird display of man-strength. Am I the only one getting that strong school-bully vibe from it ?
My sense is that he heard or read a body language expert talk about how a strong handshake is perceived as a sign of confidence and aggression and he took it way too far because yeah, he’s a school yard bully. So he tries to take the arms of other men off.
I think he’s repulsed by women for the most part. With the exception being those he is sexually attracted to. He would prefer if an over the wall non-hottie like Angela Merkel or Hillary Clinton not enter his field of vision or even exist. Like most misogynists, his hatred of women comes out in different ways depending on whether he finds a particular woman boner pleasing. Merkel doesn’t please his boner so her very existence is an affront to him so he couldn’t bring himself to even touch her. He’s like that troll we had in the other thread who thinks that women over 30 emit a strange smell, therefore older men have the right to super hot 18 year old virgins.
This video springs to mind:
Maybe he’s just becoming more uncomfortable and paranoid as his time in office progresses and it is showing in his body language?
[citation needed]
I agree with WWTH – I think Trump hates the idea of a woman being on the same level as him. Shaking hands with a female leader means he’d be forced to look her in the eye and acknowledge her standing as an equal. There was no handshake with Hillary Clinton at the debates, either (though that may have been as much due to sheer loathing on Clinton’s part).
Whenever Trump shakes hands and does his little dominance yanks, it makes him look like he’s trying to start a lawnmower.
I don’t find Shinra’s touch-aversion – if that’s what it is – a humanizing trait, because he’s the president of the fucking United States and sometimes that means he needs to do something he isn’t fully comfortable doing for the sake of America. There are a lot of perks to the job and also some drawbacks, and he doesn’t get to pick and fucking choose which he wants to have and which he doesn’t.
If he didn’t want to shake hands with strangers, he shouldn’t have run. Period.
This needs to be screamed into a bullhorn at several members of his administration. Also, maybe a basic definition of Diplomacy.
Yep, people ought to stop making excuses for him. He needs to do the fucking job, comfortable or not.
I have a telephone phobia. I absolutely hate talking on the phone, and will go to some lengths to avoid doing so. But do I resolutely refuse to ever use the phone when I’m at work? No, because the job occasionally requires it (thankfully, infrequently). If I were filthy rich, though, I could have staff handle those uncomfortable aspects of life for me, and people would indulge my peculiarities if they wanted to do business with me. That’s where Trump has been until recently. But when you get to be president, meeting and greeting is an inescapable part of the job, and how you behave around other world leaders carries a lot of weight.
Trump is so enamoured of being the most important person in the room that he hasn’t understood that the office is more important than the individual.
Seen on twitter:
[CW : Link is to the Daily Stormer, so as usual, all warnings apply]
So, Anglin thinks that North Korea is a setup.
Like, the nation of North Korea. Is a setup. To entrap Trump.
I uh, I’ma take a walk. If you need me for anything, just follow the sound of my head banging on stuff.
@Sinkable John
Yes, the Korean Governments created a tyrannical state of poverty, oppression and hunger spanning decades because they knew, someday, North Korea would bring Trump down to his knees.
Casual bigotry at it’s finest. He didn’t even explain why, or how or anything to justify his claim.
I…wasn’t North Korea around when Dump was a toddler.
That was a really long set up, The International Jewish Cabal, but I guess it will pay off at the end. Can’t wait for Dump to parrot such talking points to the media!
To be fair, it’s not like there’s any possible explanation. Or more like, Anglin has just enough of a grip on reality that he can’t come up with anything yet – but let’s give it some time, he probably posted it so that Alex Jones could pick it up and fill in the blanks.
Re Trump handshakes: Yeah, what WWTH and PoM said. Whether or not he’s touch-averse, he’s also a huge fucking misogynist and a general asshole.
@Sinkable John:
Alex Jones and Andrew Anglin are like a game of reverse madlibs. I don’t know what the sentence is going to be, but I know they’re going to fill the blank with the phrases “The Jews” and “Western Civilisation.”
That’s hilarious. Thanks so much for linking it.
(Posting it, not linking it.)
Anglin outsources his bigotry, that is a new level of lazy.
Well that was idle speculation on my part, I haven’t actually given much thought to whether or not it’s plausible.
But I don’t think that’d make him any lazier than he is though. You just don’t get any more intellectually lazy (and dishonest) than being a nazi.