Today might not have been the worst day for the Trump regime, but it was definitely the most embarrassing. Watching Angela Merkel’s face as Trump blathered on about imaginary wiretaps at their joint appearance today was just painful. The world is laughing at us.
But Trump’s most fervent fans haven’t noticed yet, continuing to insist that Trump is actually WINNING in some hypothetical 4D chess game.
WE ARE WINNING AND WINNING! #AmericaFirst pic.twitter.com/fwkIm6oJ6g
— CS (@csirigiano) March 16, 2017
#maga fans; as the heat on the left escalates you can rest assured that that means POTUS is winning!
— imSpokenfor (@patriotbabz) March 17, 2017
so true. Love our @realDonaldTrump for #MAGA & #WINNING not tired of #WINNING, never will be. ššššššššššššššššš
— Bobby'sGirl (@DeplorableCAGrl) March 17, 2017
sounds like someone's just mad cause Trump keeps winning! 4D chess. #MAGA So Salty
— Rebel against Tyranny (@Meshinom) March 17, 2017
Fear of Deportation Keeping Illegals from Making Doctorās Appointments https://t.co/PQCvPbleGi tired of winning yet?? #maga
— Patty (@pir8gold) March 17, 2017
I hate to break it to you folks, but YOU’RE NOT WINNING.
Both the first and second versions of Trump’sĀ Muslim-ban-that-he-insists-isn’t-a-Muslim ban have been stopped dead in their tracks, and Trump’s own dumb rhetoric on the subject has made it pretty much impossible to revive.
Trump and Ryan’s “healthcare” bill is going down in flames. Only about a third of Americans support the Trump/Ryan plan, according to a Fox poll this week; more than half support Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Trump’s proposed budget is so comically awful it’s dead on arrival, and the Trump administration’s sad attempts to defend its cruelest cuts are so cynical and heartless they threaten to do massive damage not only to Trump but to the Republican party overall. Trump’s plan is also so light on details some are wondering if he even knows what a budget is.
Aside from scaring some of the most vulnerable Americans, inspiring an uptick in hate crimes, and needlessly damaging our relations with allies and enemies on the world stage, Trump has basically achieved nothing of note since taking office.
Oh, and I almost forgot about the MASSIVE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT that’s arisen to defend our country from Trump and the Republicans.
All told,Ā it’s perhaps no surprise that Trump’s approval rating is hovering just above 40%, according to most polls, a terrible rating for a new president. Here’s the latest chart of his approval and disapproval ratings since he took office,according to the dailyĀ Gallup tracking poll. (FYI, the dark line is his disapproval rating.)
That’s not what “winning” looks like.
I’m not sure what the most appropriate metaphor for the Trump regime is, so let’s go with all of them.
It’s a trainwreck.

It’s a dumpster fire.
It’s this guy:
It’s Wile E. Coyote, running off a cliff … but not realizingĀ it at first.
In case you’ve forgotten, this is what happens next.
Trump fans, please return to the real world.
The last time Trump won, it was on election night, and only because our ridiculous electoral college system awarded the victory to the guyĀ who got three million votes less than Hillary Clinton.
It’s been pretty much all downhill from there.
Fingers crossed for you, Nikki. I hope it goes well.
‘Donāt worry; this is not a real trainwreck. Itās a real train, but this was staged for a film.’
Thank you David–I was literally asking myself that question while scrolling down the page. Poor train!
And good point that the fact that the institutional infrastructure is becoming visible as it’s being threatened, and people are now forced to think about how shit gets done. Something similar is happening in the UK as the valuable work of immigrants is becoming visible.
In my part of the world, we’re definitely laughing at Trump, but not at the U.S. in general.
We’re also scared that this particular brand of madness is spreading like the plague.
What’s even worse is that the people who will be hurt the most by right- wing policies (under-educated white voters in formerly industrial areas of otherwise affluent countries) are those who are cheering the loudest for their own destruction.
We need to bring back respect for facts. Non-partisan, scientifically provable facts. There’s a difference between bias and outright lies. Some of the “news” sources the Fanta Menace quotes to support his conspiracy theories crossed over to wilful, malicious lying a long time ago. How can this be legal?
As an Australian, there are times these days when I just want to kiss the ground and weep in gratitude that what’s happening in America and Europe right now isn’t happening here. (Yeah, yeah; I know, Pauline Hanson, but we’re still a long way off from America and Europe’s situation).
I got to that second last picture….my lawyers say I have a very good case for cruel and unusual punishment, they’ll be contacting you soon.
I’ll be busy slamming my head against a wall until the trauma erases that image from my mind.
I hope this is at least somewhat topical:
High heeled shoes are an evil misandric plot to trick men into thinking women are leggier and sexier than they actually are so you’ll definitely be winning. Good luck!
They won the ability to gloat on Twitter. Congratulations, I guess? Enjoy your continued serfdom, Trumpists. You sure sound convinced that things are going well for you.
Around March I said I thought Donald Trump would be the worst president in American history and it wouldn’t even be close. He has done very little to convince me otherwise.
NATO is yet another thing in a long list that our Dope In Chief doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand how it works, why it works, and why the US doesn’t whinge about providing a disproportionate share of the personnel and materiel. Y’know, until now of course. You’d think that someone, at some point, would pull him aside and force him into a briefing like a toddler so he stops embarrassing himself and America, but you’d be wrong!
Here are two stories from The Hill. First, from June 2015:
Next, from yesterday:
Is he going to spend every weekend away? Such low energy!
Speaking of low energy, Trump isn’t the only lightweight in the administration. Tillerson had to go sleepy-bye in South Korea:
guest said
I think awareness is important but in this case (and the case of women’s work, too) the valuable work isn’t just overlooked, it’s undervalued. Those who do the work are undervalued as well. If this isn’t deliberate, it might as well be.
As a french, I am not laughing at Trump. There is currently a kind of lowish but way too high odds of something similar in France (either Marine, who is likely even nastier, or Fillon, who is likely a bit less nasty but still a crook who have been unhinged by recent accusations)
Also, and even without that, when America act stupidly, everyone can have trouble. I don’t fear terrorist attacks, but I don’t want the soldiers of my country dieing as a consequence of the terrible decisions of Trump.
Also, Engand is in an even worse place than America from what I see.
Read that full Fox poll. Wow, are things not looking good for him. White women have abandoned him, which is peachy. People still mildly support him on ‘the economy’, but that’s cos he hasn’t really done anything yet. PP seems to be the big winner here. These polls fuckin fascinate me. It’s like schadenfreude in pdf form
I was told today by a Facebook scumbag that I was one of George Soros’s paid trolls. I really wish I was because I could do with the money. Where do I sign up?!!
@Virgin Mary: Right? If you find it, give me the link too please! I also need the money.
Well, Trump basically is America’s racist-uncle-in-chief, so, well…
Now the rapport between the cousins needs to actually happen. So far I’m not seeing the best signs from this end. France for one doesn’t seem to worry that much about America right now, and I’m kinda baffled. The reprobates and pinkos whom I’d come to expect to be there are busy trying to resist attempts to cast them into political oblivion again like in the 80s-90s. And as expected, the liberals are pretending nothing’s happening. Of course meanwhile the right is thrilled, because it opens up so many possibilities.
I dunno that we’ll weather this storm, so… ask the Netherlands ?
@abars01 As an Aussie now living in the US, fight the good fight anyway. Until the election a hell of a lot of my US friends and family thought that there was no way in hell that what is happening here right now would ever happen here.
I am completely hypnotized by the gif of the golfer on thin ice. I’m really enjoying it. I can’t imagine what I have against that golfer. Is something wrong with me?
(Link goes to a basket of tabby kittens-the Huddlestons)
IDK if you guys trust Rogue POTUS but they’re pretty sure Dump leaked his own tax records.
Someone in the thread says something about the tax records being a year before Melania got US citizenship, so maybe it’s the one year Dump paid taxes so she can get in.
He’s also apparently mad that they got leaked.
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
It’s surprising how little news we receive of his tantrums. It’s highly unlikely that his first publicized rage fest during his presidency is the only one he had.
I’d hate to see what they call losing.
I decided to add to my nym a little, ‘Misandrist Spinster’ is from an old, old post.
Republicans are likely keeping most of his shit under wrap so he doesn’t look worst than he already does. It’s also likely Dump himself wants things on the down low because certainly, CERTAINLY if people knew every little thing he did, they’d be criticizing him worst at least if not completely turning their back on him.
There’s also a lot of mainstream media basically easing off Dump. A lot of the important scandals aren’t being covered by them anymore but instead all of the more cheap, clickbaity shit he’s done.
And considering his thoughts about wiretapping, Dump may be really paranoid about what he’s been doing, whether it’s because of what he talks about or who he talks with.
I bet Nixon’s got nothing on Dump’s Whitehouse tape fuckery. Maybe if we’re lucky he’ll piss someone off enough or someone grows a spine and releases all the outtakes, if you get my drift. Nudge ‘n’ a-wink.