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The Trump regime is going off the rails. But Trump trolls insist he’s still #WINNING

The Trump Administration (Artist’s conception)

Today might not have been the worst day for the Trump regime, but it was definitely the most embarrassing. Watching Angela Merkel’s face as Trump blathered on about imaginary wiretaps at their joint appearance today was just painful. The world is laughing at us.

But Trump’s most fervent fans haven’t noticed yet, continuing to insist that Trump is actually WINNING in some hypothetical 4D chess game.

I hate to break it to you folks, but YOU’RE NOT WINNING.

Both the first and second versions of Trump’s Muslim-ban-that-he-insists-isn’t-a-Muslim ban have been stopped dead in their tracks, and Trump’s own dumb rhetoric on the subject has made it pretty much impossible to revive.

Trump and Ryan’s “healthcare” bill is going down in flames. Only about a third of Americans support the Trump/Ryan plan, according to a Fox poll this week; more than half support Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Trump’s proposed budget is so comically awful it’s dead on arrival, and the Trump administration’s sad attempts to defend its cruelest cuts are so cynical and heartless they threaten to do massive damage not only to Trump but to the Republican party overall. Trump’s plan is also so light on details some are wondering if he even knows what a budget is.

Aside from scaring some of the most vulnerable Americans, inspiring an uptick in hate crimes, and needlessly damaging our relations with allies and enemies on the world stage, Trump has basically achieved nothing of note since taking office.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the MASSIVE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT that’s arisen to defend our country from Trump and the Republicans.

All told, it’s perhaps no surprise that Trump’s approval rating is hovering just above 40%, according to most polls, a terrible rating for a new president. Here’s the latest chart of his approval and disapproval ratings since he took office,according to the daily Gallup tracking poll. (FYI, the dark line is his disapproval rating.)

That’s not what “winning” looks like.

I’m not sure what the most appropriate metaphor for the Trump regime is, so let’s go with all of them.

It’s a trainwreck.

Don’t worry; this is not a real trainwreck. It’s a real train, but this was staged for a film.

It’s a dumpster fire.

It’s this guy:

It’s Wile E. Coyote, running off a cliff … but not realizing it at first.

In case you’ve forgotten, this is what happens next.

Trump fans, please return to the real world.

The last time Trump won, it was on election night, and only because our ridiculous electoral college system awarded the victory to the guy who got three million votes less than Hillary Clinton.

It’s been pretty much all downhill from there.

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Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
7 years ago

Feeling terrible I haven’t nagged my GOP rep recently. Hate phones, but also upset at this shitshow. Unfortunately hormones mean I currently have the energy of a dead thing that is dead. But OTOH if I don’t do something I feel like I’m condoning it, cue self recrimination loop.

That being said, David, this is giving me a few rays of hope. I know people have complained about excess coverage of the political situation, but you’re good at winnowing out the real stuff as opposed to spin-doctored hysteria-driven shit while still seeing stuff from the left side, so I do enjoy and need the dose of perspective.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Pretty sure these are the type of people think completely destroying the government is “winning”.

7 years ago

well any media critical of trump is “fake news” so it’s not surprising they still thing he’s “winning.” that’s the most frightening thing about all this to me, the level to which trust in any and all media is being eroded.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

WaPo had a good point about President Shinra’s budget: it’s getting all kinds of federally-funded programs into the news so that people suddenly realize that they are federally funded. Meals on Wheels is federally funded and now all of a sudden people are talking about that fact and realizing that hey, gummit does some stuff that’s good. The Appalachian Regional Commission is getting a ton of press, pointing out all of the invisible-behind-the-scenes things it does to make life livable for those coal miners that Republicans like to lean on all the time.

Government is at its best when it becomes invisible to the public, but getting it out of the shadows and into the light is necessary for the public to really know what’s going on back there. Sewerage lines in West Virginia don’t build themselves, it turns out.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Trump is a failure by nearly every metric.

I don’t know a single American president who fails as hard and as often as he does.

He’s grifter with the emotional intelligence of a toddler and the actual intelligence of the shit I took last week.

There aren’t words to express the amount of hate that I and others feel for the man.

He doesn’t even have the level of winning that hitler had before he blew his fucking brains out in the bunker before his flunkies burned him in a ditch.

Trump will be remembered alongside not the likes of Richard Nixon and President Garfield, but alongside the likes of convicted pedophile Joseph Fritzl and the the Zodiac Killer.

he’s a punchline of a president who even with voter supression and the help of a hostile government couldn’t get more votes than his rival.

My hatred for Trump knows no bounds and probably that hatred I feel can’t be rivalled by trans/minority/Near Eastern Americans.

Burn in hell, trump, you and all the little child porn users on reddit who support you so much.

Sorry if this crosses boundaries, I’m just so fucking angry.

Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

They’re not winning, we’re all losing.

7 years ago

Trump and Ryan’s “healthcare” bill is going down in flames. Only about a third of Americans support the Trump/Ryan plan, according to a Fox poll this week; more than half support Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

The vast majority of USians support some form of gun control legislation, which is why the U.S. recently enacted the most restrictive gun control measures outside of Japan.

The vast majority of USians supported a public option, which is why Obama and congress made it such a priority. And now, everyone is enjoying their superior government-run insurance plans, which is why the insurance companies haven’t been making record breaking profits since the ACA was signed into law.*

The majority of USians supported serious consequences for those responsible for the 2007 economic meltdown, which is why half of the movers and shakers of Wall Street are serving long prison terms, instead of sitting on the president’s cabinet.

The majority of USians supported an end to Republican obstructionism, which is why the last few congresses have been the most productive in history, and have enjoyed historic approval ratings. That last bit is actually true.

The majority of USian voters in the last election voted for Clinton for president, which is why we’re almost two months into our first Presidency with a woman at the helm. Or in the captain’s chair, I guess. Is it too late to elect Captain Janeway?

What the majority of USians want isn’t worth a fart in a hurricane. The GOP has the power, they’re going to do terrible things with it, and to hell with everyone worth less than 8 figures.

*No, I won’t ever stop being bitter about that. Until LyinRyancare kills me, that is, and even then I fully intend to rise from the grave as an Unstoppable Vengeful Undead Abomination. Woe, woe to Trump, woe to the GOP, woe to us all, for the UVUA is coming, and empires shall fall.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

I wonder if there’s any All That episodes on the internet somewhere. I felt a sudden, seismic reminder of the “Repairman” (man…man…man…man…man) segments, and want to watch them again…just so I can see an Opposite Day-fueled trainwreck that’s meant to be funny instead of horrifying.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Quick reality check:

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Aaaaahdon’t remind me.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Sorry, Jack. It had to be done.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


I know, I know, and it’s better to be aware of this shit than blissfully ignorant.

Blissfully, blissfully ignorant.

I’d say we’d need to emphasis voting more but we also need to make voting more convenient but that won’t happen because we have so many Republicans in office that they’d likely block or propose even more fucked up voting reforms and we can only get rid of them if we vote them out…

I’d say at the very least I vote in my local elections but I live in what Wikipedia calls an “unincorporated area” and thus actually do not have that many local elections like city folks do (just for sheriff around here, really), so that’s great and explains why I didn’t understand why people didn’t vote everytime.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


Sam Bee’s clip isn’t what I would call “nuanced” but when it comes down to it, nuance here is useless. What matters is votes, and whatever it takes to get those voters to the polls.

I get that voting is a problem if you’re a working person in a precinct targeted by voter restrictions? But that doesn’t explain why affluent white liberals can’t get their asses to the polls. If you can make it to marches, you can make it to polls, and only one of those things actually effects change.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


I think that’s because affluent white liberals who were able to take time out to march are actually not that big of the voting population and many of those people traveled from other voting areas to protest, meaning that not all the people in the marches are representative of the local voting population.

7 years ago

Trump made a damn fool of himself with Merkel today.

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Her face…

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


I’d be more sympathetic to that argument if the turnout of affluent white liberals were 100%.

7 years ago

But maybe it’s for the best that Trump refused to shake hands with Merkel. He might have yanked her arm off.

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Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Hey, we’re criticising the affluent white liberals who were at the protest, not just affluent white liberals in general. That’s a whole ‘nother kettle of fish.


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7 years ago

For the record, I voted in the recent Los Angeles election.

But I’m not surprised turnout was so low. It wasn’t well-publicized at all. I only saw ads regarding one of the issues on the ballot, and only on YouTube (because I’ve been watching a lot of political commentary videos).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m not generally a huge Merkel fan but I’m loving her there. Her expressions are very reminiscent of Maggie Smith’s Dowager Countess Grantham in Downton Abbey.

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7 years ago

Fear of Deportation Keeping Illegals from Making Doctor’s Appointments tired of winning yet??

Can we read this for a moment?! This brought tears to my eyes. This is monstruous. This is just, what an inhuman thing to say. I cant even really explain How horrible that sentence is, I just… health and life is such a precious and basic right… How can you… Just because they were not born there… How can these people sleep att night?! We are humans too, you disgusting monsters.

See, this is why i didnt read this blog for a while. This shit hits too close for me, its too real, huge, and personal. I cant stop thinking off the poor “illegals”. It could be me, it could be my family… We just want a better life… Fuck you.

Sorry, David, I am not complaining, please post whatever you find necessary! And It is necessary to talk about It.

Anyway, about Merkel, I dont know too much about her, but its visible she is strong, smart and respectable. Just like Hillary. Obama. Dilma (oh, my darling, we have our differences but how much I miss you!). Those are leaders. People with a character made of iron. The world may fall on top of their heads, but their head will stay up. You can spit on their faces and they still will shake your hand. They are stoic, you know what I mean? Not exclusive to left wingers (even because Hillary, for example, doesnt even come close to left), right wingers can have that too, but there are those people, politicians or not, within which you see a leader, in whatever profession they are. And then… Theres Trump. Look at that. Merkel behaves like a true queen, even when she gives in to her contemp. Trump behaves like an incredibly badly behaved 5 yo. He literally fails kindergarten level social skills. What a joke of a president. Of a man. Of a human.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

I was all greened out for St. Paddy’s-green eye shadow, green mascara, and a sequined green fedora (yes, I’m trying to reclaim that hat from the idiotic men who wear them so often)-all of which you can now see in my avatar. Also, I just landed a job interview at a local department store-if I get the job, I’ll be selling shoes! I’m pretty sure right now I’m closer to winning than the Trump administration could ever be.

7 years ago

The world is laughing at us.

Well, yes, kinda. But it’s more of a nervous, uncomfortable laughter that for many of us is also mixed with a sense of guilt for having the exact same issues with incompetent or downright evil right-wing political leaders in our respective governments.

The laughter may also communicate a sense of concern for the people under the regime, as in: “Hee hee, America, so… heh… uh… what’s going on?”

“…No, seriously, are you guys OK?”

Think of it as being at Thanksgiving dinner, the whole family together, enjoying a nice roasted turkey seasoned with delicious colonialist propaganda and cranberry sauce (give me a break, I have no idea what Americans eat at Thanksgiving) and your dad starts going off on another one of his racist, antisemitic rants about a Zionist conspiracy and white genocide and you’re uncomfortably writhing and hugging yourself on your chair, wishing you could just disappear on the spot, and then you look around the table and see your cousin, the one you don’t know that well since you only meet a couple of times a year at best, but with whom you’ve talked a couple of times and who seems kinda chill, glancing at your direction with a one-sided smile, a sort of look that says: “Fuck, dude, that’s rough”, and they really want to help but don’t know how, and your dad just keeps going, but your cousin and you keep throwing knowing glances at each other, smiling, gradually establishing a rapport that you never thought was possible without a verbal component, and you feel a sense of camaraderie with this person, and suddenly, your bigoted dad doesn’t seem like that much of an issue, since you know that there are others who think like you, and maybe, just maybe, with their support and encouragement, you will eventually work out the courage to stand up to your dad and say that he needs to shut up, and with your help, they can in turn confront their parents who have not said anything but who for sure nod along and don’t seem to have a problem with anything your dad says, despite him being full of shit and decent people would have just shut him down already.

And then you and your cousin, as narrative analogies of the workers of the world, unite to overthrow the capitalist system and seize the means of production.

Woah, twist ending.

Anyway, this next image has probably been posted here several times already, but I just love how 2016 turned out so bad that the original meme artist actually came out and did a revised version of the “This is fine” comic.

While I doubt Trump trolls would ever reach this level of awareness, I can sure as hell hope the kind of liberal voters PoM and Handsome Jack discuss earlier in the thread might see the light, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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