Donald Trump’s comments about women are often so retrograde they could have come from Mad Men-era America. This gave a Syrian artist who calls himself Saint Hoax an idea: why not pair some of Trump’s more odious pronouncements with sexist ads from half a century ago?
And thus was born his Making America Misogynistic Again project. The pic above is a detail from one of his détourned ads; you can see a bunch more of them on his website.
Or hey, make your own. All you need is a terrible Trump quote and a sexist vintage ad. And there are certainly plenty of each floating around.
H/T — MadArtLab
I don’t know which is worse: The fact that some one actually said these things, or the fact that these advertisements were just as bad in their original form.
Then again . . . I suppose that this is what they really wanted all along! Remember the good old days when Men were Men, females were real Women and mass media made the true relationship clear? Remember the era where black people were only seen in the advertisements for railroad sleeper cars and the only Mexican in the U.S. of A.was Speedy Gonzalez? Let’s Make America Great Again!
Dang it H Bomberguy why did you make your latest video unavailable to people in the US.
EDIT: Kim Justice
Youtube is age restricting channels of lgbtq+ content from children.
Wait, he posted a video?? I don’t see it.
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
I checked again. He must have pulled the video for some reason. Dang it I should have screen capped it.
Huh. Any idea what it was about? Maybe he put it up by mistake and it was meant for another day so he hid it or it had an error of some sort?
@Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack
It was called “PUA’s: A measured response.” Since I couldn’t view it I guess he thought that version of the video wasn’t ready or something?
Okay the video is now up.
That teal is a good color on him.
With most lengthy youtube videos, if I’m short of time I can watch a few minutes and save the rest for later. But not with hbomberguy: if I start watching one of his, I invariably watch it in one sitting. I only mention this to explain why I’m late for work today.
I had a look at the vintage ads on the artist’s website. That one for girdles…it reminds me of an older coworker of mine, who used to waitress, circa 1960. According to her, a female employee would actually check the waitresses to make sure they were wearing girdles! This woman told them: ” Men don’t want their lunch served to them, by a woman with a wiggly ass”. Hooters, etc, really proved her wrong.
If a “girl” could play the violin “like the greatest violinist in the world” would she not be by definition, the greatest violinist in the world?
Or am I being unreasonable in imagining women as great musicians?
I was thinking the same thing. Are “girls” and “violinists” somehow mutually exclusive?
My sentiment exactly. Trump doesn’t compute that “girl” and “the greatest violinist in the world” are in fact compatible, even when it’s literally what he’s saying.
I’m trying to imagine Trump having an emotional reaction to a violin concerto. I think that would only happen if he could monetise it.
I’m sure he’d enjoy one if the violinist used a bow that shot out fireworks or had a laser projector on it.
I need a browser plugin that changes all instances of “Trump” on a webpage to “Shinra.”
Don’t be silly. The final maestro test to become a Great Musician involves being able to play your instrument with your penis. Where would a woman violinist even apply the resin?
(note: casual trans-erasure a deliberate, and regretted, part of the joke)
@Policy of Madness
Here’s a Chrome Extension that allows you to do exactly that.
OMG. I had no idea such a thing would actually exist.
I use Firefox but found an add-on that does the same thing.
This is fantastic! Thanks!
eta: I’m just literally calling him President Shinra from now on. They’re both blond, have bad fashion sense, and are cartoonishly evil. Basically indistinguishable.