If you want a picture of the future, imagine a cat sitting on a human face forever.
That, at least, is the nightmare vision of the future of these United States that emerges from a recent post by pickup-artist-cum-Nazoid-philosopher James “Heartiste” Weidmann.
Weidmann, you see, is alarmed by reports that testosterone in American men has been declining for several decades now, and in a post on his blog a couple of days ago, he suggests that this long decline portends a dire future for America — soon t0 be overtaken by weak-chinned men, “man-jawed” women, widespread cuckoldry, mandatory drama club in high schools, and cats, lots of cats.
Also, “ears may become floppy.” Human ears, that is.
Let’s go through some of his predictions so we can all prepare for this brave new world. In low-T America, he suggests, men will become a bunch of cat-owning pussies.
“[T]eam sports will disappear,” Heartiste laments.
marriage will increasingly be platforms for brides to take selfies and grooms to blubber during the vows. jerkboy best men will be tasked with the job of deflowering any virgin brides remaining in the wilds as the soyfatted grooms recite lines from their favorite feminist poets. …
the rate of cuckoldry will increase.
cat ownership will increase among men.
muscle cars will become a distant relic.
Men will grow so wimpy that their bodies will shrink, turning soft and rounded, with
balls, penises, jawlines, chins, noses, and musculature … literally shrink[ing] in men. ears may become floppy.
As a result of the increased pussyhood of men, women will have to
dress and act sluttier to capture the attention of increasingly benumbed men who need the services of the hardest of hardcore porn to feel aroused.
weird sexual paraphilias and fetishes will rise (those afflicted with declining libido will compensate with outlandish substitutes to bring back that lovin’ feeling).
Not all women will become sluttier and/or kinkier. Alongside the sluts, Heartiste warns, “the population of … cat ladies and bitter spinsters will explode,” as will, on the other side of the gender divide, the numbers of “basement bachelors” and “increasingly servile and pathetic” male feminists.
With most American men transformed into libidoless wusses, Heartiste imagines,
high libido men — cads — will reign supreme in the actual sexual market (what’s left of it) as opposed to the pretend sexual market that lonely feminists jabber about during their intersectionality bullshit sessions.
Workplaces will no longer be manly and productive.
corporations will turn into ghettos of bickering crones, slutty college girls, and yes-manlets. nothing will be produced but social media apps and articles about online dating.
the resulting economic collapse will create a run on arable urban land as millions of useless [white liberals] fight to the death for patches of communal gardens to plant their sad kale and heirloom tomatoes.
Meanwhile, American “politics will intensify its shift leftward because low T men will vote more like women.”
As you may have noticed, many of the things that terrify Heartiste actually sound pretty good.
But low-T American wusses will get their final comeuppance, as the nation’s testosterone deficit will likely inspire “higher T conquerors,” by which Heartiste means Muslim men, to crash our country and “wipe out the low T White submissivists.”
Still, Heartiste holds out some hope. Maybe, just maybe, he suggests, some American men will “somehow evolve … an immunity against the low T disease.” America will then
rebound as Nature, in her infinite wisdom, entrusts the low T landscape to high T spermlords who, despite feminists’ faux abhorrence to the contrary, will piledrive a wide swath through a lot of parched pussy that has spent decades lost in an anhedonic wilderness of un-men.
A Nazi can dream, I guess.
NOTE: Apologies to George Orwell for that first sentence.
I…I do not comprehend this. The words individually make sense, but there seems to be a large misunderstanding or deliberate misinterpretation of evolution, or even selective breeding. On top of that, the sentence structure is muddled. I can not understand what is being said, and I can not translate the attempted message. All I get is “whine, whine, whine, women won’t sleep with me so in the future humanity is fucked, whine, whine, whine.”
@ Brony
I’m so sorry. Hugs here, as well, if you need.
OT: An out-and-out Nazi in the White House?
Gutter Trash
Sebastian Gorka’s ties to a group of Nazi collaborators is a new low for Donald Trump’s administration.
*hugs* and condolences
Androgyny, ear stuff, plant based diet, strange rituals.
So we feminists are going to evolve into Fair Folk?
Team sports going away: sounds like fencing is coming back in style.
Lack of muscle cares: they got replaced by self driving luxury cars, a million times safer and comes with a mini bar.
“Slutty” clothing: Sounds like the death of slut shaming and body shamming has allowed people to be themselves and dress how they want.
Kinky sex and open honeymoons: So my fellow Fey will be comfortable enough with themselves explore there sexuality and confident enough to have open relationships without jealousy ruining it? I fail to see a problem with that.
Fighting over tomato gardens: Clearly this ritual determines the King of Summer who will rule the United Lands of Faerie during the summer months,
the ritual tests the martial and agricultural ability of the applicants the victor being the one who is best able to grow there crop AND defend it from there opponents.
Scary foreign invaders: Well Faerie Lands have a tendency to be Fisher Kingdoms assimilating anyone who enters them,
or does he actually mean an honest to glob military invasion instead of immigration? Well in that case we have self driving cars and Faerie Magic so I imagine a situation where Russian landing craft get entangled by magical living walls of thorns and aircraft get shot down by enchanted drones and that is before the Spetsnaz operators find themselves being hunted by Bandersnatchs and Jabberwockies in the Deep Wood,
pretty much all of our defensive work will be done for us.
Sounds like paradise to me.
Brony, so sorry to hear that. Losing a kitty is hard.
On the #ResistTrump stuff, I’ve been meaning to write a little note about that. I basically decided that there are a lot of other resources out there that do a better job than me of keeping track of issues and offering daily/weeks advice/info on individual and collective acts of resistance. In many cases my posts ended up being essentially “go to 5calls.org.”
I do plan on doing them from time to time, but mainly to point out helpful resources elsewhere.
I’m also planning to put up an anti-Trump Activist Kit page highlighting the best resources I’ve come across; hopefully I’ll get this together fairly soon.
But, yeah, I’ll be focusing more on what this blog has always been about, and leave much of my anti-Trump stuff for Twitter.
The floppy ear thing is fairly well studied now. Its one of a cluster of traits that’s been called “domestication syndrome”, and there are various colours and flavours of domestic animal that exhibit some or more of them.
There’s a theory floating around that humans have ended up the way they have, with a pelt that’s rubbish for keeping warm and claws that aren’t going to disembowel anything more fierce than a tomato, by a process of self-domestication. (some animals exhibit this too; the fox experiment mentioned above was looking into this sort of thing)
James, being a fucking idiot who just lurrrrves his pseudo science, just assumes everything generalises to humans.
@David Futrelle
I think it was a decent idea that just ended up drowning the site,
a (bi)weekly top ten things to do (probably a bunch of links) article and open thread on the subject might work better then doing it every day.
Well once you factor in tool use our hide can endure hard vacuum and our claws can kill at a mile,
we are the ultimate apex predator.
@ brony
Kitty condolences 🙁
@Brony, I’m very sorry. 🙁
European sports cars and JDM tuners for everyone!
(I am a car guy)
@Brony (and wife, if wanted): internet hugs (if wanted).
Thank you for the hugs everyone. Casper had a good run. He was one of those sneaky food stealing types that headbutt you out from under the covers in the morning.
Also I got ninja’d by Michael with respect to the floppy ears.
@ Brony
Internet hugs for you and yours, and RIP to Casper,
If you’re not familiar with Mary Beard she’s an historian specialising in the classical period. She has a particular knack for putting things in context; so it’s not just dry “and then this happened…” stuff. I’m always plagiarising her ideas. Anyways she did a lecture the other day about what happens when women ‘take’ power (including why that’s such a loaded phrase). Well worth the hour to watch if you have the time:
Brony, so sorry about your kitty buddy. I’m glad he had a good run.
Catbeast is doing remarkably well for an old feline fart on his way out. CBD oil ftw!
I’ve forgotten to mention that I have my own muscle car! A 1965 Ford Mustang that I actually used to drive in High School. It doesn’t run atm but when my dad’s estate is out of probate, fixing it’s the one splurge I’m giving myself. Luckily, we have an awesome mechanic who always has amazing vintage cars he’s working on at his shop.
ETA: Mary Beard is great, I’ve seen her on several documentaries and PBS shows.
@ hambeast
Ooh, please tell me you’ll then be speeding it down that twisty hill; like in ‘Bullitt’.
@ Alan – Thanks for the link. I read the text of the lecture in the London Review of Books (I think readable without a subscription, too).
In the same edition, a letter by this cat under my human alias about the lack of women in the London Review of Books…
I am so sorry! *hugs*
@ bluecat
The pawprint at the bottom was a bit of a giveaway. You do raise an important point though. That 70:30 is almost like the Golden Ratio; it crops up everywhere. Beyond that and all of a sudden the subject or area gets the “Women’s” or “Female” qualifier, and the field is regarded as ‘dominated’* by women.
(* and after that lecture I’m now considering the implications of why we choose the particular word ‘dominated’ in such circumstances)
Never saw that movie so I watched the chase scene on YouTube. I was guessing that Mustang was a ’68 and that it was shot in San Francisco. Looked it up and I’m 2 fer 2!
I’m not going to SF, but I will definitely be taking my car over the Santa Susanna Pass Road which is a fun drive and not as switch-back-y as the mountain roads where I live now. Oh! someone has a video up on YT of the drive I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiMwYfDvxx8 I drove this to work most days in the early 90s. 😀
ETA: Responding to Alan
@ hambeast
I found myself wincing a bit on some of those blind bends! Then I remembered you drive on the wrong side of the road over there. 😉
Alan – Yes, we do, but we’re pretty good at it.
@ hambeast
One of my archeologist friends did a bit of work as part of a team analysing Roman cart tracks to see how far our left lane thing goes back (to see if it predates jousting).