alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis oppressed white men racism YouTube

Racist YouTuber JonTron is even more racist than people already thought he was

Well, he’s already got the uniform

So another YouTube videogamer dude with a ludicrously enormous number of subscribers has started talking like a Nazi.

Jon “JonTron” Jafari built up his fanbase — he’s got more than 3 million subscribers on YouTube — with videos big on jokes and light on politics. But in recent months he’s started talking politics, and of course, this being 2017, it turns out that his politics are pretty terrible Trumpian/alt-right garbage.

Dude, take another look at the picture you just posted. The Founding Fathers wore leggings and powdered wigs. I don’t think a man wearing a pink hat would really faze them. But I digress.

Even some of his most devoted fans began to worry a little when, late in January, JonTron appeared on a 5-hour livestream with reactionary YouTube blabber Carl of Swindon Sargon of Akkad and basically came out as an alt-right fellow traveller.

This Sunday he managed to top even this with a surreal two-hour online debate with fellow YouTube videogamer dude Destiny. It did not go well for him, debate-wise, and over the course of the debate he revealed just how much of a racist idiot he really is.

In the JonTron subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, most of his fans seem to be a bit alarmed by his terrible opinions; he’s also lost more than 10,000 YouTube subscribers.

One industrious Redditor transcribed a number of JonTron’s more, well, colorful statements. Here are a few of them. (I haven’t gone back and checked these against the video because, well, life is short, but I believe these are mostly accurate.)

  • “Wealthy blacks … commit more crime than poor whites, that’s a fact.”
  • “What is so offensive about white people saying they’d like to preserve their demographic majority?”
  • “It’s clear that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic um… oblivion.”
  • “[Whites] are not being killed, they’re being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it’s okay because fuck white people.”
  • “Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it’s white people… I’m using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy.”
  • “There is an absolute disproportionate of crime committed to whites by nonwhites. There’s no arguing that, that’s just FBI statistics. But white people are not allowed to address this because it’s called racist by people like you.”
  • “I don’t recall Trump ever saying anything explicitly racist.”
  • “Nobody wants to become a minority in their own country. Why is it bad if they (whites) remain a majority?”
  • “Not all Mexicans are going to go on welfare but a lot of them are going to commit crimes. The El Salvadoreans are going to create the MS13 gangs.”
  • “These days the confederate flag has been banned, they’re burning american flags in the streets. … And I think immigration policies that haven’t been the smartest are partially to blame for that.”
  • “We’ve gotten rid of discrimination in our western countries. If you don’t think we’ve gotten rid of discrimination, you’re living in a fantasy land.”
  • “This oppression in America, it doesn’t exist.”

Though JonTron likes to present himself as a champion of Truth and Reason, most of these are alleged truths are not in fact true, and most of his opinions are decidedly unreasonable. Adding to the surreality: the earnest defender of all things white is himself half Iranian.

I think this calls for the infinite facepalm.

If god forbid you want to listen to the whole damn debate, you can find it here, all 2 hours of it.

I tried to find a watchable video with some excerpts in it, to no avail; the only ones that did contain actual clips tended to be by pasty white dudes more or less defending JonTron.

This video doesn’t have any clips in it, but it summarizes the whole JonTron mess in a relatively non-annoying way, which is really the best you can hope for on YouTube.

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Sinkable John

Oh yeah, and be warned about Increased Talkativeness Syndrom[e] too. Side-effects include saying shit that makes no sense because you just started a sentence but then got distracted into another, completely unrelated subject, while still in the same sentence.

Buddy, I don’t think my dad would be able to tell the difference between me now and me under that!

In all seriousness, thanks for the advice. I know more now.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Mom because our state of Kentucky is already known for growing tobacco and making bourbon, and she thinks marijuana is no worse than either of those (plus the state could tax it as they do both of those),

Plus, there’s already a huge amount of weed being grown there. Before the recent spate of state legalizations (mostly cos that’s when the figures I found are from and I can’t be bothered looking for more just now), Kentucky was the third-largest weed producing state, after California and Tenessee.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


So if you’re in a bad place to begin with…

I dunno about that, usually it helps me feel better, but it could be a matter of general attitude and mindset toward it ? Also depends on what kinda bad place it is, I guess. Like, if you’re not motivated to do anything today, smoking one probably won’t help.

It does bug me when people suggest one only does drugs for ‘bad’ reasons. Obviously sometimes they may be a crutch or a palliative. But for me they’re just one more thing that’s fun. And no one ever says “What must be missing in your life that you feel the need to go surfing?”

This a hundred thousand times. That mentality might stem from the whole “there’s a catch” thing, I think. Like people assume that there’s many reasons NOT to do drugs and therefore you have to be pretty messed up if your non-strictly-medical reasons to do them outweigh those.


B-b-but what about those evil Mexicans who smuggle it through the border ?

By the way, is there any truth to the stereotype about neo-nazis living way out in the middle of nowhere and growing very large quantities of weed to sell ? (I personally know of one such occurence in France, so for all I know it could be a fluke.)

I’ve also heard that same stereotype with nastier stuff like crank (fitting, ennit).

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I don’t know about now, but DARE was still going when I was in school. They hit that shit haaard…

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

This is a paper that seeks to create a rational scale of harm for drugs that can be abused. The link is to a copy that needs to be paid for, but there is this means of getting one.

There is also a Wikipedia page on drug harmfulness that contains the main comparitive harmfulness figure from the paper.

comment image

There is little to no accuracy in public discourse when it comes to drugs and harm from abuse, as well as virtually no conception of safe use levels of drugs. AND alcohol is rarely called a drug leading to inaccurate thinking and dishonest rhetoric with respect to drugs and harm.

Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins
Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins
7 years ago

I’ve finally found something I want to say!

Yesterday I listened to the whole debate clip and I thought I’d bring up two of my favourite parts from the conversation.

Jontron did at one point agreed that it wouldn’t be a problem for a large group of people of colour to immigrate to the US that immediately integrated properly because they would, in his words “enter the gene pool eventually and just… you know”.

There was also a fun exchange where Jontron wouldn’t explain his views on why he felt young black men were causing a disproportionate amount of crime in the US because Destiny was just trying to trick, or trap him into saying something racist. It felt like he was close to a self-realization that sadly never seemed to happen.

And finally, after hearing mentions of it here and watching a couple of reviews I picked up Horizon: Zero Dawn and it is a delight! I’m not quite finished yet but my only complaint is that there isn’t more of it.


Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@Sinkable John

B-b-but what about those evil Mexicans who smuggle it through the border ?

I suppose that goes to Texas, Arizona, and the Midwest. Cos the Southeast has been growing their own ever since the moonshiners realized there was money in it, the Northeast gets it from them, and the West Coast is full of hippies who grow their own; Cali produces more than the next three top states combined. Oregon and Washington have lower net production, but we also have hardly any population to speak of.
Around here, smuggled weed used to come down from BC if anyone bothered smuggling it anywhere. Among cannabis aficionados on the West Coast, Mexican weed has a rather poor reputation, and is generally considered to be the sort of thing that inexperienced people or those who are totally unconnected to any other users would purchase (Note: Nobody thinks that there isn’t any good weed in Mexico, just that it doesn’t get sent up here). Much like beer and wine, folk around here get really snobby about the local varieties. And it’s not like there’s ever been a shortage of local weed in Ca

By the way, is there any truth to the stereotype about neo-nazis living way out in the middle of nowhere and growing very large quantities of weed to sell ? (I personally know of one such occurence in France, so for all I know it could be a fluke.) I’ve also heard that same stereotype with nastier stuff like crank (fitting, ennit).

Dunno about back East, but around here the hippies have the weed business pretty well sewn up; crank is another matter, and yes, there are totally white supremacist gangs (some of whom call themselves militias), that make their money that way.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Troubelle (sorry didn’t see your comment for some reason)

Buddy, I don’t think my dad would be able to tell the difference between me now and me under that!

The warning goes both ways, heh. He might be the one who gets talkative. (But yeah, fair point, reminds me to mention that it’s a good way to get spotted by your parents if they don’t know. I came pretty close to learning that the hard way, a few times.)


Okay that makes a lot of sense to me. It wasn’t intuitive though, ’cause here a lot of our stuff is imported. Of course we’re told repeatedly that it all comes from [Current Middle Eastern Country We Hate]. We got this day uh when you turn 18, you have to go to your local military base to follow a “citizenship” course on Defense or something. Fucking mandatory, of course. They started that shit when they killed the draft, so I guess its entire purpose was to give the tantrumming militarists something to replace it.

The officer lectured me that the shit I smoke finances terrorism.

Like, I guess the old hippies outside town who make a living out of staffing concerts and organize a yearly punk festival in the small village next door are terrorists then. I guess, from that guy’s point of view, they probably were anyway.

there are totally white supremacist gangs (some of whom call themselves militias), that make their money that way.

Damn, so it is fitting and true. Cranks cook crank. Dat hypocrisy tho, but I’m not surprised.

Thaaaanks for all that info. Definitely helps fill the gaps I had.

So huh… hate to bother you further with questions, but huh, what’s the deal with hash ? In Europe, it’s cheaper than weed (unless you count the really good uncut stuff, which is pretty rare) but I hear it’s the other way around in America ? Do you only have the good stuff, or does weed like really come cheap, or…?

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

Alan & Sinkable John re:

I tend to agree with the description of weed as an “emotional amplifier”. So if you’re in a bad place to begin with…

This is true for me, but only with edibles (which I actually prefer). I have to smoke if I’m anxious, cuz edibles will turn the anxiety up to 7 or 8 for me. I think the election cemented that reaction because I was high on edibles when I found out about Troomp winning. 🙁

I live in California and saw a lot more hash before cannabis was legal for medical use. Nowadays, oils and waxes are pretty popular. Oils are used for vape pens and waxes are used with a dabbing apparatus. Dabbing is *super* potent; I still cannot do an entire hit and it lasts for 4-6 hours but I’m a bit of a lightweight.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@sinkable John
Here in Oregon, I always saw a lot more bud than hash; I was amazed by the relative prevalence of hash when I visited France as a teen. And by the weakness of the bud; the stuff around here runs considerable more potent. Which may be one reason for the lack of hash; people didn’t usually bother. On reflection, though, the hash being cheaper there makes sense:It’s a lot easier to smuggle (on which note, I’d take bets that most of the bud that’s smuggled to y’all comes down from the Netherlands, not across the Med). As Hambeast notes, since legalization I don’t think I’ve seen hash at all; everyone goes for oil or wax if they want something more concentrated than the bud.

7 years ago

Sinkable John:

The white supremacist gangs tend to focus on methamphetamines. Rural trailer parks are considered the best place for cooking the meth, because you don’t want to either A: share ventilation with another apartment or B: invest too heavily in a building that’s likely to get blown up by bad chemistry. Trailer homes fit the goal. The history of the U.S. white flight that has left many trailer parks as monochrome (in reverse) as inner-city black neighborhoods makes them more ‘friendly’ to the Neo-Nazis and others of that ilk, too.

I used to be okay with the idea of taxing weed, but then, I used to be okay with the general idea of sales taxes, period. It’s a consistent position to hold, at least.

(And in any case, legalized growers would be subject to proper income taxes, just as any other farmer, which is fine and actually would boost government revenue.)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

*superpowered cynicism on*

I kinda figure that taxing weed is going to be a necessary evil, whether or not any of us personally agree with it – I can’t see any American politician legalising it recreationally on the federal level because it’s safer than tobacco and booze, or because it helps the chronically ill and disabled deal with their pain, or because the obscenely racist bias in enforcement is little more than a modern continuation of Jim Crow, or because fuck knows how many people have been killed in the name of the futile prohibition of a substance that itself cannot kill, or because it was only criminalised in the first place because “Oh noes black people,” or any other real, human reason… But I can sure as shit see them legalising it for the tax money.

*superpowered cynicism off*

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago

SJW Sister | March 16, 2017 at 12:25 pm
Semi off-topic but YouTuber related:

Does anyone have any links to rebuttals or take-downs of Chris Ray Gun? My brother is a fan and he doesn’t understand why I think he’s awful.

Kevin Logan has a good general video about Ray Gun’s views on his “Descent of Man-osphere” series on his YouTube channel. (I’d give you links, but I’m waiting for the first of three buses home. :p)

Other than that, I couldn’t tell ya.

7 years ago

Never followed him, but a couple of channels I did watch had him appearing occasionally. Would be interested to see how many continue to do this. I really doubt Gregory Brothers would invite him again, not so sure about AVGN.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

That’s a fair point. It is difficult to pass any legislation without an appeal to greed.

@SJW Sister

Oh hey, you’ve just come out of moderation limbo, welcome !

I dunno about Chris Ray Gun, but regarding the movie, WHTM is probably a good place to start. David’s mentioned it a few times – those articles might include links to more in-depth rebuttals, if anyone’s bothered to make any.

It’s kinda difficult to disprove anything in that movie, seeing as it never leaves not-even-wrong territory.

7 years ago

@PI, @@SJW Sister

Here’s the link PI was mentioning:

And as John pointed out, this website is a pretty good start. Check out her tag!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


Whoa for some reason I was thinking about the Sarkeesian Effect, not the Red Pill, hence the “not even wrong” part.

Well, I guess the Red Pill is slightly more relevant and worthier of a nice proper rebuttal, so there might be a bunch of those out there and if I remember correctly at least some were linked to in those pages. Thanks for the links, by the way.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


because fuck knows how many people have been killed in the name of the futile prohibition of a substance that itself cannot kill

Not quite. Link to an old thread where I laid out the risks (my cites are at the bottom of the page)
As i said then, lemme know if the sources are no good/shit science. 🙂

7 years ago

Since you fine folk were discussing online games I thought that I’d delurk and engage in some shameless self-promotion by suggesting that the occasional gamers amongst you might enjoy a couple of my own:

Turning Sixteen

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ hambeast

edibles (which I actually prefer).

Edibles is really powerful (but nice) for me. Some years back a friend and I went to a festival protesting a particular Criminal Justice Act (my main objection being I’d have to learn a load of new stuff). We got the munchies pretty bad. We no longer had the competence to go to any of the food stalls, but as luck would have it a couple of girls were going round selling some homemade brownies. They were really nice but they gave us the munchies even more, so in the end we bought their entire supply off them. (I think that’s what they call ‘runaway positive feedback’). Anyway we slipped into a state of pleasant bliss and complete lack of awareness. Eventually we mustered the wherewithal to head home.

Upon arrival my mate’s girlfriend expressed concern. “Oh my God, thank goodness you’re ok”. We had no idea what she was on about until she turned on the news. The thing had turned into a massive riot between the protestors and the police. We’d literally walked through the middle of it completely oblivious.

“Oh, so that’s what those bonfires were”

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


My propaganda senses are tingling, but I’ll take a look.\

THC and CBD have opposite effects

‘Opposite’ is simply wrong. Different, certainly. This is well known; many medical applications call for CBD rather than THC, and some strains have effectively no THC at all (>.1%).

Lung cancer. This source says it’s worse than cigarettes, other’s say the opposite. It’s complicated

No correlation has been found between cannabis usage and lung cancer

Up to 9% of users experience dependency

They say ‘dependency’, I say ‘lifesaving daily medicine’.

Stroke risk can increase with use. Again, complicated

See cancer above. Meta-analysis fails to find a correlation.

Cannabis is a ‘component cause’ (1of many, and the spectrum is vaguely defined anyway) in developing or exacerbating schizophrenia

See dependence above, and note that correlation is not causation. To wit, none of the studies which claim this appear to have thought of the possibility that persons suffering from schizophrenia are likely to self-medicate, especially in the absence of treatment.

1.8% of MJ related hospitalizations were fatal. Really low, but not nothing

I’m not turning up any other studies on this topic, everyone seems to reference this one. So I’m gonna have to call that one inconclusive.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Not to sound like a smart-ass (no, I mean that seriously)

1.8% of MJ related hospitalizations were fatal. Really low, but not nothing

Huh, are those actually MJ-related, or like… people who do things both dangerous and requiring your full attention after a smoke ?

I mean, I ask because most statistics like that I’ve ever seen usually take great pains to avoid mentioning that little thing.

Sure, don’t use power tools or drive or cook meth while baked outta your mind. Shit I barely trust myself with a keyboard right now, let alone anything that involves a lot of mecanical force and/or volatile chemicals.

Also, this :

They say ‘dependency’, I say ‘lifesaving daily medicine’.

I have what you might call a dependency. Because of the pre-existing, crippling condition of insomnia. Weed’s not the problem here, it’s the solution – sure, it’s not gonna cure me, but at least I get to sleep almost every night as long as I can stay well-supplied, and that is freaking awesome. Pretty much everyone I know’s got something they use it as a crutch for, it’s not uncommon nor especially concerning. Just means it’s useful in dealing with some of the problems of this world.

7 years ago

Does marijuana even have any significant withdrawal effects? Like, if I drink tea every day for a week and then stop, I’ll be wicked sleepy and have a bad headache for a day. If I smoke up every day for a week and then stop, never noticed a thing. But like, I don’t smoke a ton, so I’m not sure if there’s an impact with longer-term use.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

The Bacongineer (Republican (no, not the political party in the US) | March 16, 2017 at 9:56 am
Markiplier: Still a good guy and my all time fav.

I actually unsubbed from Mark after he put out a video semi-defending Pewdiepie after the whole “Kill all Jews” thing. It just rubbed me the wrong way. I’d been subscribed to him for years, and he’s done some questionable shit, but that was really what did it for me.

Mark didn’t defend what Felix did, mind you, just making a (very valid) point that not even Felix deserved death threats and harassment even though he was a huge scumbag, but also going “He’s not anti-semitic” over and over again, completely ignoring the fact that what he did was EXTREMELY anti-semitic, even if Felix himself doesn’t really “believe” it.

The topic of the video was “respect”, but he completely neglected to mention how disrespectful Felix’s actions were, and instead focused more on how people were harassing Felix after the fact. Which, again, is a very valid point that no one deserves to be harassed, but it’s still not where his focus should have been.

However, HBomberguy made a good point in his video on the subject that only one of Felix’s more well-known friends, Jacksepticeye, said anything remotely negative about what he did (and it was a REALLY MILD criticism too, along the lines of “I think he’s got some things wrong”), and Felix’s more rabid fans all jumped down his throat and called him a “backstabber” and the like because he gave the MILDEST of criticism of his actions.

So, I guess I can’t fault Mark for not completely disowning him for fear of dealing with the more rabid fans and facing harassment himself, but at the same time, I wish he had shown a bit more spine about it and had said something that showed he wasn’t going to defend what Felix did, and called him out for being disrespectful, instead of just addressing people harassing Felix.

7 years ago

If people are looking for LPers, Rooster Teeth’s Let’s Play channel is pretty liberal. It’s creators very much do not like Trump, either.

JackSepticEye actually did call out PDP for the joke being bad (pointing out that while he likes the man as a friend he thinks the joke was a bad idea and thinks Felix should own up to that) and PDP’s fanbase went nuts on him for it. He’s always been very pleasant in his LP’s that I’ve seen. He likes to be enthusiastic and smiley, it seems. I like his stuff.

RabbidLuigi has seemed fine so far in my viewings. Mostly Top 10 lists but he’s got some good LPs.

JoshScorcher’s done some good stuff too. Mostly a pony reviewer and he is a conservative, but he’s had some nice Let’s Plays and is a very nice guy who prefers to keep politics out of his stuff. Also loves music and did a great video about Kingdom Hearts’ twisted plots and weird release schedule based on Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame.