
So another YouTube videogamer dude with a ludicrously enormous number of subscribers has started talking like a Nazi.
Jon “JonTron” Jafari built up his fanbase — he’s got more than 3 million subscribers on YouTube — with videos big on jokes and light on politics. But in recent months he’s started talking politics, and of course, this being 2017, it turns out that his politics are pretty terrible Trumpian/alt-right garbage.
OPPRESSION TEST: Can you drive to McDonalds not in hijab and get biggest Big Mac value meal? If yes: Not oppressed
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) January 24, 2017
Wow, how scandalous, Steve King doesn't want his country invaded by people who have contempt for his culture and people! NAZI!!!
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) March 12, 2017
If a nation cannot decide who to let in, or remove, it is not a nation at all
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) March 13, 2017
I wonder if they came back to life and saw a man marching on DC wearing a pink pussy on his head how fast they would eat cyanide pic.twitter.com/wMRcwNCfXh
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) January 24, 2017
Dude, take another look at the picture you just posted. The Founding Fathers wore leggings and powdered wigs. I don’t think a man wearing a pink hat would really faze them. But I digress.
Even some of his most devoted fans began to worry a little when, late in January, JonTron appeared on a 5-hour livestream with reactionary YouTube blabber Carl of Swindon Sargon of Akkad and basically came out as an alt-right fellow traveller.
This Sunday he managed to top even this with a surreal two-hour online debate with fellow YouTube videogamer dude Destiny. It did not go well for him, debate-wise, and over the course of the debate he revealed just how much of a racist idiot he really is.
In the JonTron subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, most of his fans seem to be a bit alarmed by his terrible opinions; he’s also lost more than 10,000 YouTube subscribers.
One industrious Redditor transcribed a number of JonTron’s more, well, colorful statements. Here are a few of them. (I haven’t gone back and checked these against the video because, well, life is short, but I believe these are mostly accurate.)
- “Wealthy blacks … commit more crime than poor whites, that’s a fact.”
- “What is so offensive about white people saying they’d like to preserve their demographic majority?”
- “It’s clear that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic um… oblivion.”
- “[Whites] are not being killed, they’re being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it’s okay because fuck white people.”
- “Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it’s white people… I’m using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy.”
- “There is an absolute disproportionate of crime committed to whites by nonwhites. There’s no arguing that, that’s just FBI statistics. But white people are not allowed to address this because it’s called racist by people like you.”
- “I don’t recall Trump ever saying anything explicitly racist.”
- “Nobody wants to become a minority in their own country. Why is it bad if they (whites) remain a majority?”
- “Not all Mexicans are going to go on welfare but a lot of them are going to commit crimes. The El Salvadoreans are going to create the MS13 gangs.”
- “These days the confederate flag has been banned, they’re burning american flags in the streets. … And I think immigration policies that haven’t been the smartest are partially to blame for that.”
- “We’ve gotten rid of discrimination in our western countries. If you don’t think we’ve gotten rid of discrimination, you’re living in a fantasy land.”
- “This oppression in America, it doesn’t exist.”
Though JonTron likes to present himself as a champion of Truth and Reason, most of these are alleged truths are not in fact true, and most of his opinions are decidedly unreasonable. Adding to the surreality: the earnest defender of all things white is himself half Iranian.
I think this calls for the infinite facepalm.
If god forbid you want to listen to the whole damn debate, you can find it here, all 2 hours of it.
I tried to find a watchable video with some excerpts in it, to no avail; the only ones that did contain actual clips tended to be by pasty white dudes more or less defending JonTron.
This video doesn’t have any clips in it, but it summarizes the whole JonTron mess in a relatively non-annoying way, which is really the best you can hope for on YouTube.
Oh and I forgot
So… I know someone like that… but he’s French. Usul is what happens when you cross the cool teacher stereotype with a gamer and a hardline leftist. Head over to NesBlog and have a gander if you want. There’s a lot of other people writing and uploading there, and there’s a huge amount of very interesting stuff for those who can read and hear French.
Oh and, since what goes without saying still goes better when you do say it, I’ma say it : as far as cultural critique of the medium goes, FemFreq is one amazingly useful place.
Oh, I love PushingUpRoses! I like her reviews and her videos about old horror and point and click adventure games, especially her video about depictions of Death in video games plus her Halloween specials with her cool makeups she did for them. A channel she pairs up with a lot is Lazy Game Reviews (LGR) who I also like. He reviews games and does videos about the history of tech companies. His recent Tech Tale about the history of AOL is quite interesting.
PUR and LGR have done a few LPs together that I liked a lot, like Dropsy and the Dagger of Amon Ra. They’re both definitely channels to subscribe to in my book.
(Also, I know all these gaming channels because I can’t afford all the games I want so I either have to borrow them or watch LPs of them because I DO want to at least SEE the game. Plus I love commentary. The kind of LPs I like are basically podcasts you can watch.)
Goddamn, I need to stop writing crap on mobile. And at 4am. I did not write anything well at all.
Just go watch those channels what what I said we’re good.
Generally anyone who got their start from the SomethingAwful forums tends to be okay (TieTuesday, Smite, Psychedelic Eyeball, Chip and Ironicus, Slowbeef and Diabetus.) I’ve seen them rip into people who use “triggered” as a joke.
Moar OT : I feel like I’m spamming but it’s probably just because it’s the slow hours of the day and all. Anyway, this shit came up.
Okay, so, comparing marijuana use to heroin addiction.
Look, I got experience with weed both as a medical and recreational drug. I also got experience with, and painful memories involving, heroin addiction. Hey, guess which one helped me off the other one’s hook ?
So obviously I’m gonna get super pissed-off if you try to teetotalsplain to me that one is “only slightly less awful” than the other.
Except for all the times where it won’t, and all the times where it will actually save your fucking life. And if there were any justice in life, Mr. Sessions, it’s your worthless ass that’d need that kinda saving, not mine.
@ Sinkable;
I call bullshit. The “80s – 90s style” was about putting people in jail, period. What passed for “education” was a re-packaged “Reefer Madness” totalitarianism ported to pander to white suburban schools.*
Sessions reeks of the Nixon/Haldeman mentality that holds that drug users are “bad people” who aren’t going to support my agenda anyway, and I can score points with the bigot base if I speak against drugs and drug users — and the more outlandish my words are, the more the bigot base is going to eat it up.
*… and we haven’t modified the 80s – 90s style much for the new millennium, either
I can’t believe anyone ever bought the idea that recreational marijuana use and heroin addiction are remotely equivalent. Even when I was a child going through the DARE program (that still a thing?) I knew it was bullshit. We used to laugh at the Bush Sr. era antidrug PSAS.
I adore that phrase. May I quote it?
@Sinkable John:
Thanks for the recommendation. My French isn’t that good, but I might be able to follow along.
Re : Sessions. Look, don’t wish harm on others, yadda yadda. But I ain’t gonna lose any sleep over it if he catches something that calls for medical mj and dies in painful agony because relief is EVIL.
Of course he won’t, because conservatives are first and foremost fucking hypocrites and he’ll rush to the solutions as soon as he’s the one who needs them, but still, I can daydream.
I dunno much about most of the other folks on that blog, but Karim’s CHROMA series is real nice (focused on movies though) and Usul has shifted entirely to political subjects in a series called Mes Chers Contemporains. Both are found on the Tribune Libre tab. As far as what you were looking for goes, I’d go for Usul’s older videos (where he would pick one specific aspect of gaming and game development and explore it in depth), but I’m not too sure where to find those anymore. They predate the creation of NesBlog and were originally hosted on jeuxvideo.com when it still held some semblance of relevance, but I avoid that site as much as possible now and I’m not sure they’re even still there.
The NesBlog community usually holds a rather feminist stance – they aren’t exactly flawless on that, but they certainly aren’t shitheads and own their mistakes when they happen.
So, like, as far as French independent gaming-related media goes, it’s my go-to site.
As a nice little bonus, regarding Usul at least, he speaks in a manner that is understandable even with a poor hearing of French. That’s not exactly something I have to care about, but I’ve had enough difficulties with Anglophone LPers to understand how it matters.
Thanks to everyone pointing out the good and bad youtube video game personalities. I’ve recently started watching a lot of “top 10 X” and skyrim videos and it’s useful.
I have to go to work my day job soon, but I just wanted to say thank you to the people in the comments section who at least checked out my channel. <3
And a double dose of thanks for the wonderful compliments! 😀
I'll respond with something more substantial after work when I'm at a computer and not on my phone.
While we’re waiting for that, there’s Point and Clickbait:
YouTube Launches New ‘YouTube White’ Spin-Off For Racist Gamers
… and, just FYI, Jon, this ain’t “his country”….
re: comparing addiction to marijuana and heroin
Concurrence on the clarion cries of bullshit. I don’t know any specifics, but my girl mentioned that she used to be on some “harder things” and now I’m far more likely to hear her talk about toking (though this is far less often as of late, due to her now having a job and living in fear of random urine tests…). I may be able to infer that her path was not unlike Sinkable John’s.
Even my parents, who are normally pretty conservative, seem to advocate for marijuana legalization if nothing else–Mom because our state of Kentucky is already known for growing tobacco and making bourbon, and she thinks marijuana is no worse than either of those (plus the state could tax it as they do both of those), and Dad’s actually told me that he’s considered using it if it’s recreationally legalized–at least once, for the experience. (I’m taking the same approach.)
@Weird Eddie
Something I’ve heard before: “Pot is less illegal for affluent white people than for poor black people.”
I’m just gonna give out my opinions to these Youtubers:
Pewdiepie: He’s gone batshit insane and it’s more preferable to watch his old vids then unsub
Markiplier: Still a good guy and my all time fav.
JonTron: Honestly I never watch his vids
Jacksepticeye: Still a loud bastard like before
And yet some of the same people “defending” Jafari would have us believe that games and politics don’t mix. Nothing could be further from the truth:
For her sake, I hope not, though I’m glad to hear that she’s past that now. There’s really nothing quite like experiencing that kinda pain around that age when it’s basically the last thing you need.
Urine tests are… okay, just fucking shocking. I know they’re a thing in America, but everytime I hear about it I just can’t even. It’s like jobs are basically the Matrix and people have to be miserable for better output ? ’cause I guess that would make some sense at least. More than the “health” excuse anyway.
I dunno that it’s a good kind of thinking though. Tobacco and alcohol are demonstrably more harmful than weed so it does stand to reason that if they’re legal, weed has to be too, but the taxing ? Hell naw !
Higher costs means reduced access, and it’s not exactly a rich man’s drug to begin with. Libertarians make the point that it should be more expensive than black market if legal because “luxury good” but fuck that noise, these assholes can keep their noses in their dust and out of my health necessities. Just because they’re prepared to burn ridiculous amounts of money on designer drugs for shits and giggles doesn’t mean that I should be prepared to spend even more on something that is a requirement for me to live even a semblance of a normal life.
I wouldn’t recommend the “once, for the experience” approach, heh. First time’s usually pretty bad unless you’ve got an experienced user babysitting you and watching your intake closely – and even then. Bodies tend to react in extreme ways the first time they’re introduced to THC. “The experience” starts after your brain’s adapted to this strange new chemical that makes such a mess of every train of thought. First time feels kinda queasy, to be fair. It’s a very short-lived thing, but it’s enough for some people to walk away in disgust not knowing that it gets better the next time.
Arguably that works with pretty much anything. Incidentally, and not-really-related-but-oh-well, that’s where King got his idea that “rich black people commit more crime than poor white people” – it comes down to a gross misinterpretation of the fact that a lot less whites go to jail for the same crimes.
‘course I can’t not finish on a reminder about this waste of mass and energy, who knew the real dangers of cannabis : that white women were using it and then having sex with black men.
Keep that on hand for the next time someone tells you that no, cannabis law ain’t racist.
ETA : @Bacongineer
Mind the comments policy, please. I’m batshit insane. Pewdiepie’s just an asshole. That distinction’s dear to me.
@The Bacongineer (Republican (no, not the political party in the US)
Comments policy, please.
@ sinkable john
Obviously with the caveat that everyone’s experience may differ, I must confess my ‘first time’ was amazing. It really was a case of “Wow; why isn’t this stuff in the tap water?”. I was lucky that I’d did have good babysitters. Like you say, I think that’s pretty essential. The worst part for me was that I didn’t smoke straights so there was just the general coughing anyway.
But it reminded me of when I first smelled curry as a kid and thought ‘wouldn’t it be great if it tasted as good as it smells?’ and then found out it did.
@The Bacongineer
I haven’t seen you around before, so if you are in fact a newcomer, welcome! However, please read the comments policy (link at the top of the page) especially the part about using references to mental illness as an insult (short version: don’t).
Does anyone have the link to the welcome package? I can’t seem to find it. 😛
edit: ooops, i’ve been ninja’d 🙂
Guess I’ll bookmark this for later since I’m not looking to subscribe to more YT channels right now (I spend more time on YT than I’d like, IOW.)
I really hope the current US administration has other shiny things to capture its attention besides cannabis because they’ll have to pry mine out of my cold, dead hands. Jeff Sessions can walk on all the legos and forever have that one piece (that you can never seem to evict) of kitty litter in all his socks!
Pot was the only thing that disrupted my horrible cycle of pain/NSAIDs/disrupted sleep. I hadn’t really realized how bad it was until I went through my bank records a few years ago and started looking at my drug store receipts; I was buying more ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen than I ever realized! It was a bit scary…
@Sinkable John
re: my girl’s experience || your experience
I don’t know, and I’m not about to grill her about it, maaaaaaan. She wants to reveal her backstory, that’s on her own time, not by my command.
re: taxing the weed
Hey, it’s my Mom. Her view was that the tax makes the state money. But your point is more vital when it comes to quality of life.
re: approach to actually trying weed if legalized (because a. I’m chicken and b. I have no idea where the hell I’d actually get it right now even if I wasn’t)
Fair point. Still, maybe Dad would gimme a hand if that happened. (I’d make him find a friend of his own, though–in case of A Bad, he’d probably be too much for me to handle.) And as Alan said, it can apparently be subjective, so…-shruuuuuuuug- Guess I’ll buy several? Do I get bulk discounts?
General disclaimer ’cause that’s always useful : I always go on and on about medical weed but I don’t really draw a line between that and recreational (cure me of my insomnia, you betcha I’ll still smoke a few around bedtime). And I’m entirely against advocating for medical use only while keeping recreational use illegal. That makes no sense on a strictly health-related basis anyway. It carries a hell of a “it’s nasty, but it’s okay for sick people because lesser evil / because they’re worthless anyway” vibe. There probably is some odd parallel to make between that and how religious folks see sex as a necessary evil for the sake of procreation – I mean, dat overlap, rite.
That was pretty much my first thought too. Yeah, it is different for each person, but I operate under the assumption that anyone can have a bad first go and walk away disgusted*. I had the best babysitters and I’m pretty sure I owe my entire attitude about drugs to them, including my own tendency to act as babysitter when needed.
*My mother’s a good example. She’s all for complete depenalisation without government or corporate control of the supply, she’s entirely aware of the related health matters and also advocates for legal recreational use. But she also remembers her own queasy feel in her youth that one time she smoked, and stays as far from it as possible. Now she’s got a lot of pain issues and I’m in the weird situation where I got exactly what she needs in my drawers (and shit, she’s the one paying for it in the first place !) but I still can’t help.
Heh, I wasn’t suggesting that. Chances are she doesn’t exactly wanna talk about it.
Yeah I also figured that :p you did say you have rather conservative parents.
My advice : pick someone stronk enough to carry him, in case he blissfully curls up on the floor to sleep. You wouldn’t believe how many people have pulled that one on me. I mean it’s fine, I just don’t think it’s worth the back pains for them. Oh yeah, and be warned about Increased Talkativeness Syndrom too. Side-effects include saying shit that makes no sense because you just started a sentence but then got distracted into another, completely unrelated subject, while still in the same sentence. (And now y’all know why my walls o’ text.)
I keep hearing about people who lose it and become rather risky after a smoke, but honestly I don’t buy it and I’ve never seen it happen with weed. Other drugs including alcohol, yeah, but the only way I can see weed being risky is if they have cannibalistic tendencies to begin with – it can give you some pretty bad munchies. So yeah, not likely a real problem.
The real risk is that you can have a real nasty trip and you’ll just feel miserable for a while. Not exactly dangerous per se, but unpleasant enough to warrant having someone nearby whom you trust and feel comfortable around – that’ll go miles in preventing bad trips, or helping to climb out of them and into something actually recreational.
Heh. That’s where you need an experienced user with you, if only to 1) ensure you don’t get ripped off, and 2) give you an idea of how much of the stuff to roll in a single joint. Quantities sold are usually based on weight, not a “how many” basis ’cause those are extremely subjective.
But yeah, usually cost per weight tends to go down as the size of the purchase goes up. Though my experience is limited to France, where everything is basically the opposite of America. Like, weed is more expensive than hash here, for Pete’s sake.
Semi off-topic but YouTuber related:
Does anyone have any links to rebuttals or take-downs of Chris Ray Gun? My brother is a fan and he doesn’t understand why I think he’s awful.
I would also appreciate any good rebuttals of The Red Pill movie. I’ve been trying to Google this stuff, but I always get bombarded with exactly the opposite of what I’m looking for.
@ sinkable john
I tend to agree with the description of weed as an “emotional amplifier”. So if you’re in a bad place to begin with…
If you’re generally chirpy though it’s just the cherry on top. I have literally pulled something laughing on occasions. I do though have a distinction between being stoned and being high; although they’re both enjoyable in their different ways.
It does bug me when people suggest one only does drugs for ‘bad’ reasons. Obviously sometimes they may be a crutch or a palliative. But for me they’re just one more thing that’s fun. And no one ever says “What must be missing in your life that you feel the need to go surfing?”