So another YouTube videogamer dude with a ludicrously enormous number of subscribers has started talking like a Nazi.
Jon “JonTron” Jafari built up his fanbase — he’s got more than 3 million subscribers on YouTube — with videos big on jokes and light on politics. But in recent months he’s started talking politics, and of course, this being 2017, it turns out that his politics are pretty terrible Trumpian/alt-right garbage.
OPPRESSION TEST: Can you drive to McDonalds not in hijab and get biggest Big Mac value meal? If yes: Not oppressed
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) January 24, 2017
Wow, how scandalous, Steve King doesn't want his country invaded by people who have contempt for his culture and people! NAZI!!!
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) March 12, 2017
If a nation cannot decide who to let in, or remove, it is not a nation at all
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) March 13, 2017
I wonder if they came back to life and saw a man marching on DC wearing a pink pussy on his head how fast they would eat cyanide pic.twitter.com/wMRcwNCfXh
— JonTron (@JonTronShow) January 24, 2017
Dude, take another look at the picture you just posted. The Founding Fathers wore leggings and powdered wigs. I don’t think a man wearing a pink hat would really faze them. But I digress.
Even some of his most devoted fans began to worry a little when, late in January, JonTron appeared on a 5-hour livestream with reactionary YouTube blabber Carl of Swindon Sargon of Akkad and basically came out as an alt-right fellow traveller.
This Sunday he managed to top even this with a surreal two-hour online debate with fellow YouTube videogamer dude Destiny. It did not go well for him, debate-wise, and over the course of the debate he revealed just how much of a racist idiot he really is.
In the JonTron subreddit, because of course there is such a thing, most of his fans seem to be a bit alarmed by his terrible opinions; he’s also lost more than 10,000 YouTube subscribers.
One industrious Redditor transcribed a number of JonTron’s more, well, colorful statements. Here are a few of them. (I haven’t gone back and checked these against the video because, well, life is short, but I believe these are mostly accurate.)
- “Wealthy blacks … commit more crime than poor whites, that’s a fact.”
- “What is so offensive about white people saying they’d like to preserve their demographic majority?”
- “It’s clear that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic um… oblivion.”
- “[Whites] are not being killed, they’re being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it’s okay because fuck white people.”
- “Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it’s white people… I’m using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy.”
- “There is an absolute disproportionate of crime committed to whites by nonwhites. There’s no arguing that, that’s just FBI statistics. But white people are not allowed to address this because it’s called racist by people like you.”
- “I don’t recall Trump ever saying anything explicitly racist.”
- “Nobody wants to become a minority in their own country. Why is it bad if they (whites) remain a majority?”
- “Not all Mexicans are going to go on welfare but a lot of them are going to commit crimes. The El Salvadoreans are going to create the MS13 gangs.”
- “These days the confederate flag has been banned, they’re burning american flags in the streets. … And I think immigration policies that haven’t been the smartest are partially to blame for that.”
- “We’ve gotten rid of discrimination in our western countries. If you don’t think we’ve gotten rid of discrimination, you’re living in a fantasy land.”
- “This oppression in America, it doesn’t exist.”
Though JonTron likes to present himself as a champion of Truth and Reason, most of these are alleged truths are not in fact true, and most of his opinions are decidedly unreasonable. Adding to the surreality: the earnest defender of all things white is himself half Iranian.
I think this calls for the infinite facepalm.
If god forbid you want to listen to the whole damn debate, you can find it here, all 2 hours of it.
I tried to find a watchable video with some excerpts in it, to no avail; the only ones that did contain actual clips tended to be by pasty white dudes more or less defending JonTron.
This video doesn’t have any clips in it, but it summarizes the whole JonTron mess in a relatively non-annoying way, which is really the best you can hope for on YouTube.
re: RPG Maker horror games
There’s also one that’s not quite a horror game, but…well, I think it might be worth a shot, Sinkable John.
And you DEFINITELY wouldn’t need to download a translation patch.
Handsome Jack, think we should tell him?….and do you have any idea what I’m talking about?
Maybe he learned better?
None whatsoever…LISA or To the Moon?
@Handsome Jack
Never heard of it, if I’m honest. The original is in French, though. Huh. Should have guessed.
@Handsome Jack
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhow tho.
To you and @Sinkable John
It’s free, there is an English language pack available for anyone who is not French-speaking (again, John, you’re cool), and it’s both surreal and unsettling.
I’m actually not that into playing horror games but I watch people play them.
Seriously, go play it. It’s an amazing game that really sticks with you once you’re done. And it’s completely free.
Here’s an English download link that was approved by the original French creator.
John, you said you were French before, yes? If so, then this game was originally in French, and I can link you to the direct site.
@Handsome Jack (why did I almost put Uncle Jack? Too many games on the brain….)
OFF had its heyday around…2013-2014, if memory serves.
By the way, the creator goes by Mortis Ghost.
Ooh I remember OFF.
Hey, it’s pretty old, I mean I haven’t hermited that long.
@Sinkable John
Well, at least we know ya have taste!
Ah, @Handsome Jack: Said heyday was after the English translation. It was RELEASED in (looks up on TV Tropes) 2007. So, like….ten years.
I don’t understand a word anyone is saying in this thread and it’s making me feel like grandpa Simpson.
My favorite game always has been and always will be Mario 3
Seems to me that Jontron is advocating for his own deportation to Iran, just as Michelle Malkin before him advocated against her own citizenship.
Six weeks in, Muhammad Ali Jr. has been detained TWICE!
As a Canadian, I remember the tied dual crimes of Maher Arar’s extraordinary rendition and Omar Khadr’s indefinite detention at Guantanamo, which I blame Harper for at least 60% since it was his job, but the rest is the American war machine refusal to recognize relative culpability: all Muslims, Iranians, Arabs, whatever, are no more responsible for the actions of their extremists than white people.
P.S. The most peaceful yet put upon people, the First Nations, get way more grief in this country… dafuq????!!!
….and now after all the OFF talk, I take an online test and the name Japhet is used. great.
Hey, nothing wrong with the Italian-American-Mushroom Kingdom resident plumber and his brother. I have plushies of both.
Maybe this is more up your alley:
Or this (heh heh):
Interestingly for the Nazis, Jontron may be more Aryan than they think, but of course that doesn’t change the fact that he is painting a big bullseye on himself with the current administration
That was when I was like 16 or something, so I might actually need to play it again now, ’cause I remember like… not much. Like, more than most of the games that I recall playing during that period, but still not a lot. My memory’s pretty shitty about certain years for some reason (probably around times where the insomnia was the worst ?), and it was one of those.
I remember the feeling of amazed mindfuck.
(Also PI yeah I’m French, so there’s still some games I got to enjoy before y’all did. *has totally not learned the bulk of his engrish by trying to play games with no available translations at like 12*)
Besides they condemn (to the point where it’s sadly but unsurprisingly become an expectation now) the ideologies and actions of “their” extremists. That’s more than most white people can claim. Also as we’re seeing these days, there’s a lot more white extremists.
So, um, yeah, that ban might have to be rethinked. Like, if they really want to ban someone, it might be best to just ban whites instead.
Dispshit dole is awesome and going on my list.
GenJones – I feel you; the only aunt I have left graduated from Rush to Alex Jones a few years back and I’ve had to write her off. She’s got my cousins on her bandwagon, too now. And my uncle, ofc. :/
I watched Markiplier one time because I just had to see the final boss fight in Psychonauts and by the time I’d started watching Paradoxy’s channel, it was too late to see hers (theirs?) since it was done live.
Paradoxy’s channel is the shit, y’all, you should check it out. She does voices and characters so well!
I love listening to you, Paradoxy, it makes me so happy!
Since people are talking both about YouTubers they like and horror games, may I toss HarshlyCritical’s name into the ring? As someone who adores horror/suspense/thriller/other-spooky-junk kinda games but can’t afford to buy them, buuuuut still wants to experience them somehow, I’ve really come to appreciate his channel. Mostly because he’s very thorough. Almost everything gets explored, notes and journals are all read, tapes listened to, that sort of thing. And he’s quiet when characters talk! That’s such a pet peeve of mine.
She/her/they/them are my pronouns, so any of those are cool. 😀
And it was done live. Kinda. I had to stop because I was on the verge of snapping my keyboard in two and I didn’t get to complete it, but I did do some of the Meat Circus live.
D’aw shucks.
It makes me so happy to see people talking about OFF after all these years. I don’t have it anymore because my hard drive got replaced.
I don’t want to play it again, not because it was a bad game, but just… play it and see for yourself.
Wow, who woulda guessed the guy proudly sporting a neckbeard would turn out to be an asshole?
This is why the only gamer youtuber I watch is Alchestbreach. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever seen, he’s hilarious, almost comically brilliant in the way he makes up these stories and songs on the spot, and most importantly, he doesn’t go on racist tirades or anything. He doesn’t really go on tirades about his opinions at all, but I can still safely say he probably doesn’t have terrible opinions.
As far as people who do express their opinions though, I think Jim Sterling is awesome. You can tell he’s good by how often angry manbabies call him a “fat sjw”.
On LPers:
….please tell me raocow’s clean.
I used to watch his videos and when he was with Game Grumps. He was so funny and talented and he can sing. Then I read some of this crap he is flinging and had to drop his Youtube channel and Facebook page. Happily, my kids lost interest in him, too. So many of his followers tell him how brave he is because he is speaking his mind. He’s not brave, he’s just another loser dickhead. Such a waste.
In which Jim Fucking Sterling Son takes the piss out of whiny “freeze peach” manbabies by using sarcasm thick enough to use as cement:
>Jantran isnt a Nazi guise
The fucking, commentary community sometimes man I stg.