alt-right anti-Semitism cuck entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men PUA racism rhymes with roosh

Are Jews cucking whites with interracial porn? One Return of Kings writer says “jawohl!”

Return of Kings publisher Roosh Valizadeh, possibly being horrified by interracial porn

Internet creep repository Return of Kings continues its slide into full-on Nazism with a post bravely exposing the alleged “Hidden Agenda Behind Interracial Pornography.”

You might have assumed that interracial porn — or at least its most popular variant, featuring black men “breeding” white women, sometimes with their white “husbands” looking on — was designed to give mostly white, mostly dude cuckold fetishists a cheap thrill by playing on primal racist stereotypes.

Nope! Turns out it’s a “psyop” engineered by sneaky Jew pornographers to undermine the white race and convince hapless white men that their “right to breed” will be snatched from them by buff black dudes with gigantic you-know-whatsits.

At least that’s the contention of regular Return of Kings contributor Jean-Batave Poqueliche, who lays out his case in a sprawling, often incoherent post bristling with insinuations and dubious “proofs.”

As Poqueliche sees it, the alleged “over-representation of black men on white girls in the media … especially in porn” is all the fault of the Elders of Zion, or at least Zion’s creepy uncles.

“Jews have a disproportionate role in the production of pornography in general,” Mr. P declares, and “almost ALL the distributors and creators of interracial porn are Jewish.”

Mr P. offers assorted examples designed to prove that the purveyors of interracial porn are all Jewish; all he actually proves is that some of them are.

The websites owned by French porn purveyor Greg Lansky are especially galling to Mr. P. “Backed” is a site that evidently caters to white cuckold fetshists, offering what Mr. P describes as

black-on-white cuckolding, cheating and calling white men lame and inferior. An emphasis is also made on humiliating “Aryan stereotype” girls, by choosing them especially young, with small frames and breasts while dressing them in school uniforms so they look as underage as possible.

A porn site featuring young women in school uniforms? Who ever heard of such a thing!

Mr. P is also indignant about the

videos that appear on popular porn sites that depict “the black master race”, attacking “whiteboyz”, “little crackers” and throwing around racial slurs directed at whites. The content revolves around fucking white “daughters, mothers” and insisting on the fact that it will cleanse our race through interracial breeding.

These videos are anonymously uploaded, vetted by host websites and remain online despite their illegal nature.


Mr. P is also not a big fan of butt-centric porn, castigating Lansky for his site Tushy, which, Mr. P reports breathlessly,

Focuses on anal sex. Normalises marginal non-reproductive sex, depicts it as arty and trendy. The audience is incited to reproduce it, leading to a decrease of fertility and ultimately, control of the target population.

Apparently, then, anal sex is also a Jewish plot to bring about white genocide.

After raising the alarm about alleged “hidden agenda” of interracial cuckold porn, Mr. P backtracks a little, suggesting that such porn only appeals to, well, the sort of men that alt-rightists regularly call “cucks.”

One of the unfortunate things for porn producers trying to push the (((weak white cuckold agenda))) is that apart from low T balding white Men (it would be interesting to search the browser history of male democrats that voted Hillary), (((interracial porn))) is not popular among a majority of young men and women, white or not.


The large part of these interracial movies have no interest in the act of black man f*cking a white woman per se. The psyop only consists at getting back at Whitey for being so evil in the past, His daughter, sister… his future must pay.

One of the most insidious effects of interracial porn, Mr. P goes on to argue, is that it might convince white ladies that white guys have substandard penises. By featuring black men with absurdly gigantic dingles, Mr. P argues, interracial porn reinforces the

debunked bigger black dick myth … Imagine your girlfriend leaving you because your dick is not as big as what she saw in porn … .

Return of Kings readers, let me assure you that your penis size is not the reason women flee from you.

Mr. P concludes by urging his readers to give up porn entirely –and take up pickup artistry instead.

[P]orn is a waste of time and an additional medium to promote degeneracy and globalist poison. Game and masculinity are the counter-measures that will short circuit the elite’s plans. 

So Big Brother isn’t just watching you, he’s watching you … well, I’ll let this meme I found finish the thought.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


Sweet slidin’ Jesus on a stripper pole – Rachel Maddow says she has a story on Trump’s tax returns.

7 years ago

For someone who is so against interracial porn, he suuuuuuuuuuuuure knows a lot about it!

7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
I can’t WAIT to see that. It’ll be an interesting experience for all involved.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

@Victorious Parasol

I really hope those are his tax returns because shit. Hopefully they aren’t fake. I wonder what Dump will do? Deny it? Will he deny it and then not release proof? Will the proof be real or fake if he does? So many outcomes.

Likely if he denies it and doesn’t release proof they’re real.

(…does the show broadcast live online?)

7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
I came here to report the news about Maddow and Trump. Ninja’d!

Rachel Maddow, tell me more!

7 years ago

ummm except for porn catering to specific kinks, the vast majority does not portray sexual acts likely to result in conception.

7 years ago

I am irrationaly concerned by how they talk about “low t(estosterone) balding guys”, while normally balding is associated to high testosterone.

I know they purposefully get wrong anything that is against their worldviews. But I am astonished that they also get wrong random unrelated facts. It’s like they want to be sure to not look plausible.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

The large part of these interracial movies have no interest in the act of black man f*cking a white woman per se

Ya sure about that? Cos the camera seems to be very interested in it

The audience is incited to reproduce it, leading to a decrease of fertility and ultimately, control of the target population

How many (cis hetero) guys does this guy think simply will not entertain PiV sex? Nope, anal or nothing! Enough to cause white people’s fertility rate to be… 0.167 less than black folks. That’s not 1/5 of a baby. Even if all of that difference could be put on women’s sexy butts instead of literally any other factor

it would be interesting to search the browser history of male democrats that voted Hillary

1)incognito tabs
2)but we’re the degenerates…

Imagine your girlfriend leaving you because your dick is not as big as what she saw in porn …

Honestly, then you prolly wasn’t worth a damn to begin with. Or otherwise your relationship was already fucked

Porn is a waste of time

So is ranting against porn, but at least I enjoy my down time

7 years ago

“Marginal, non-reproductive sex”

Whoa now. I dunno about the rest of y’all, but one of the least sexy things I can think of is the possibility of reproduction.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago – does this link help anyone watch Rachel Maddow who doesn’t have MSNBC?

7 years ago

It’s really difficult for me not to think of the main characters of Workaholics when it comes to these guys, especially since they’re so obsessed with pornography (Poqueliche, for someone who supposedly hates it so much, thinks about it way too much) and think it’s far more reflective of reality than it actually is.

Most people I know acknowledge pornography, for the most part, as titillating entertainment – not necessarily “high art” – and honestly don’t think it’s part of some conspiracy to ruin Western civilization or has much basis in reality.

Why would someone indulge in interracial cuckhold porn? Probably because it’s just a personal kink and they get off on that. I sincerely doubt it equates to them hating white people and wanting to promote “degeneracy” in Western civilization…

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

@Victorious Parasol

It’s not working for me but that’s likely because I have crap internet. I’ll just have to wait until 9 when hopefully the TV isn’t taken over by someone else.

7 years ago

Is it playing for those on the east coast? All I see from the live feed is the latest of their bits.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


low T balding white Men

As others have noted, this is poppycock; testosterone is associated with male pattern baldness.

Sure made for an interesting time wrangling up things to correlate with an RP which included a modern-day transposition of Maxwell of Don’t Starve (who has quite the receding hairline) turning out to be trans.

7 years ago

Funny how the guys who always fap the hardest to this creepy niche cuck-shit are the ones who think they’ve stumbled onto some kind of Ebil Jooish Konspirasee Too Destroi Whyte Humanitee!™. I mean, how else does one get to doing this sort of “research” without spending a lot of time (and money) on some seriously grotty porn sites? If they want to see REAL degeneracy, they need only look at their own faces in the bathroom mirror. Preferably while they’re jerkin’ it into the sink with their phones propped up on the countertop.

And I also see that the tired old (((triple parentheses))) thing isn’t played out in some quarters…YET. Boring, boring, BORING, boring, boring.

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Also, lulzy:

Focuses on anal sex. Normalises marginal non-reproductive sex, depicts it as arty and trendy. The audience is incited to reproduce it, leading to a decrease of fertility and ultimately, control of the target population.

Dude. Anal sex as a natural contraceptive has been around FOREVER. There are scads of old erotic pictures from various cultures around the world and throughout history with men and women doing it in the butt. Nothing’s been “normalized”, because it’s ALWAYS been normal to do it this way so as not to make babies when you only wanted to make boompsies.

And nowadays, you don’t even have to resort to that (unless you actually LIKE anal, in which case, hey, you do you). You can use artificial birth control. Some of us even get our tubes tied on purpose. In fact, there’s been a run on IUDs since word got out that Drumpf was “elected”, and donations to Planned Parenthood are up at record levels (many of them even in Mike Fucking Pence’s name!). So if he’s by any chance your Great White Hope™, and you think women will suddenly remember to settle down and reproduce like good little Frauenschaftlerinnen just because he’s squatting in the White House, you’re about to be severely disappointed. We’re gonna keep doing it however and with whomever we like, and we’re gonna do our damnedest not to get kids out of it until we can be reasonably sure we’ll have a world that’s worth bringing them into. That world will NOT be one of white supremacy.

But hey, if it comforts you, you can always wank yourself to death on this silly cuck-pr0n you love to pretend to hate before that happens. Looks like you’re headed that way anyway.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

An emphasis is also made on humiliating “Aryan stereotype” girls, by choosing them especially young, with small frames and breasts while dressing them in school uniforms so they look as underage as possible.

So many questions. Is being a child an “aryan stereotype”? Do most “aryan” girls die by the age of 20?

7 years ago


If they want to see REAL degeneracy, they need only look at their own faces in the bathroom mirror. Preferably while they’re jerkin’ it into the sink with their phones propped up on the countertop.

Well that was an image. Time to wash that mental stain out with some pics.
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Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I’m a little suspicious of the tax returns. David Cay Johnston, who originally reported on the story, received them in the mail, and he thinks they may have come from Trump. They’re stamped “Client Copy”, and it’s only the first two pages of an old, non-relevant year that was probably hand-picked to show Trump in a good (or at least non-criminal) light. $38 million in taxes at a 24% rate is going to sound like a lot to his supporters. The real meat is in the schedules and worksheets, which would shed light on the sources of his income, and which weren’t included. If the return was stolen by someone looking to discredit Trump, why wouldn’t they have sent the full return?

The swiftness and timing of the WH response was suspicious, too. It was out even before the Maddow show aired.

I could believe that Trump, or an operative (Stone?), dumped this return as a distraction from the Trump-Russia investigation and the disastrous CBO numbers on the ACA replacement, and perhaps as an attempt to pull a Dan Rather on Maddow, who’s been gaining popularity as ground zero of the TrumPutin investigation.

At least he can no longer use the “under audit” excuse for the rest of his taxes. It certainly wouldn’t apply to his not-yet-filed 2016 taxes.

7 years ago

Yeah, me too. I think that Trump is behind this whole thing.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just President Trump paying his taxes like a good citizen. Move along, move along.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I wonder if anyone has told Jean-Batave Poqueliche that by the standards of some on his side of the fence Roosh isn’t a white dude, and hence he could be considered part of the supposed Jewish “race mixing” conspiracy. Someone might also want to notify him that not all women like really big penises, and even the ones who do aren’t going to be happy with a guy who doesn’t know how to use that really big penis.

7 years ago

The best part, none of the articles I’ve seen put “BTW he left out where all his money came from.” in their titles. Instead “Trump pays alot of moneys for you citizens of the US.” Like fucking hell it’s almost like they want him.

7 years ago

Yep. They didn’t so much “bury the lede” (i.e., put the most important part of the story in the eighth paragraph) as they killed the lede.

7 years ago

TW: Extremely disturbing violence against a woman and her child

Brazilian Goalie Who Fed His Lover to His Dogs Is Now Free, Signed to a Team, and Wants Custody of Their Child

Here’s some amazing gaslighting:

The disgraced star told a Brazilian television journalist that he intended to seek custody of his son. . . . “The one who suffered the most from the whole story was him. I want to bring him close to me. I’ll fight for him,” he said. Some outlets have reported that the infant child was present when Bruno’s friend murdered [the child’s] mother.

TW: Extremely disturbing violence against a woman and her child

7 years ago

“Should we put out this important info that’s the entirety of Maddow’s piece on the front cover? Nah screw that moar worship of the fuhrer our ratings are through the roof with him around! Fuck Journalistic Integrity!”

EDIT: Horrible Athlete

“The one who suffered the most from the whole story was him. I want to bring him close to me. I’ll fight for him,”

“After I butchered my wife and fed her to my dogs, I realized I needed to be more involved in my son’s life.”

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

Does anyone else get the feeling that they’re just throwing random words together at this point and making mad libs style articles out of them?
I guarantee you all, somewhere in the Return of Kings HQ, pictured here:
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There is a dart board with the words “cuck”, “jews”, “feminazi”, “cuck” again, “blacks”, “white genocide”, and then “cuck” like 5 more times. They throw a couple darts, make a title out of it, and the fart out an article about it.

Oh, also, this page mentions a site called “backed”, when I’m pretty sure it’s “blacked”.