
So over on Chateau Heartiste, the pickup blog now devoted mostly to Nazi-riffic racist rants, they’re talking about ways to fight what blog proprietor James “Heartiste” Weidmann calls the “globalhomo agenda.”
Heartiste suggests that it is the duty of all “MAGAmen [to] engage their civic duty and report illegals to ICE.” And it doesn’t have to just be “mexicans,” as one commenter on his site notes; there are plenty of “chinks” and “bindis” who deserve deportation too!
Heartiste ends his brief post with what has become a fairly regular feature of his blog — a suggestion that unless the US gives racist white dudes what they want these white dudes might just have to start murdering people who aren’t pale enough for their tastes.
“Now that’s a resistance worth its name,” he writes, referring to the strategy of reporting brown folks to ICE. But if this
battle tactic … fails to thwart Globohomo, Inc., there aren’t many civilized options left before we’re talking a real resistance that splatters the history books.
I am assuming he means splattered with blood, not the contents of his juice box. Usually, Heartiste’s threats — oh sorry they’re just “predictions” — involve hanging white “leftoids” and people of color from the nearest lampposts.
While Heartiste is always careful to couch his murderous threats “predictions” in language he evidently thinks will give him some sort of plausible deniability, not all of his fans are quite so circumspect. A fellow calling himself swimologist writes
You know what a better “resistance” effort would be? Next time you’re near a Trump immigration protest, or a Muslim riot in Europe, just shoot ten of the protesters. I guarantee you that will bring the a resolution to the entire issue to the fore more quickly.
While some of Heartiste’s followers were shocked — shocked! — to discover explicit praise of racist murder on the blog of a man who regularly praises racist murder in slightly more circumspect language, others saw swimologist’s “shoot ten” and raised it.
A commenter calling himself tomjones — presumably not the singer — thinks that phone calls to ICE won’t be enough to effectively combat the brown menace.
“You need STATE power to make a difference,” he declares, recommending the solutions engineered by such lovely fellows as “Putin. Hirohito. Mussolini. Franco” and, of course, Hitler’s Wehrmacht.
Anything else is the equivalent of wanking to old playboys. Armies. Militias. “just shoot ten of the protesters.” well, that’s more of the right idea from our brother swimologist.
You can see some of the Wehrmacht’s handiwork here. (Very NSFW.)
Another regular offers this rather final solution to the “Muslim problem” in Germany:
Elsewhere in the comments to this repugnant post, I noticed that some of the regulars had moved on from bashing brown people to attacking a blonde woman who’d made a YouTube video they didn’t like.
One of the more irregular of the regulars, a fellow who writes in his own oddball patois in which “llzozozozzozozozz” and similar outbursts take the place of the standard internet “lol,” even made his own little meme about her.
I’m struck by the reference to “good men of character.” Presumably the meme-maker considers himself to be part of this demographic. Presumably Heartiste and his genocide-hungry fans do as well.
Maybe this is just me, but I’m pretty sure white dudes who spend their spare time gleefully fantasizing about murdering everyone who’s not white are not strictly speaking, “good men of character.”
Brain bleach comin’ right up!
Fiona the baby hippo (hope the video posts).
So, there’s not much I can say to these chucklefucks that would pass the Comments Policy Muster. So I won’t say anything about them. It’s just not worth the energy to rage that hard at them.
However, I can tear into their shitty design choices, and give a free “Meme Design 101” class to any lurkers.
As a designer, these perma-rectum-dwellers just make me so very confused. Like…
So, let’s get started, shall we?
1. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that “brevity is the soul of wit”? There’s no fucking need to jam-pack your entire picture with a bunch of bullshit.
Your “meme” is completely illegible! It has way too much information packed into a tiny space, and including “Lolololzzz” and other assorted bullshit only makes it worse to look at.
If you need to include that much “context”, then your message isn’t fucking good enough, and you need to go back to the drawing board and make it better. Shorten that shit.
And while you’re at it: HIERARCHY. Prioritize what the fuck is the most important thing, and then the next most important and so on. This will make it easier to get your message across.
You have (on average) three seconds to get a reader’s attention, and if they can’t find the information they’re looking for, they’re going to walk the fuck away and they won’t get your message.
Picture if you will: A store countertop with clothes on it.
Now, if your clothes are all piled up in a messy pile, and there’s hundreds of articles of clothing in no discernable order, your customers are just going to move on. It’s too much damn effort to sort through your shit to find what they’re looking for.
If you prioritize your selection, and organize it to make it easier to access, then your customers will feel better about buying from you and you can push the most important items (like sale items) first, to lure them in.
It’s that fucking simple.
2. Why the fuck did you put a whole YouTube URL in your (frankly godawful) “meme”?
Like, what’s the fucking point? Do you really expect people to type out that URL in their browsers, dude? You made this to share on the internet! At least include a fucking link after you post it if you wanted to give it context, ya lollipop.
3. Why the FUCK is all of this bullshit in three different colors?
If it’s for legibility’s sake, then use a thick, sans-serif font that’s white with a black outline. There’s a damn good reason Impact is the favored font for memes. Actual memes, not this garbage “WOMZ ARE EVIL” bullshit.
4. Where the fuck did you get that background image? (Seriously, did you screenshot it mid-wank or what?) It looks like it was taken with a potato. If you MUST use a fucking screenshot, then fullscreen whatever the fuck it is you’re looking at, and make it smaller if need be.
If you try to blow up a small image, whatever image software you’re using (I’m guessing MSPaint?) has to add more pixels to whatever you’re making bigger. And if it doesn’t know what pixels go where, it has to “guess” at what color that pixel should be. Then your picture will be pixelated and won’t look crisp, ya dongle.
Now that I’m done here, go take a fucking Lynda class in Graphic Design. Your “skills” would make a college freshman shake their heads in shame.
This was exactly my first thought. They’re freaking morons, I swear.
Wow. They turned on Blonde in the Belly of the Beast? She has some videos that would make JudgyBitch blush. I thought she was really popular with this crowd. Damn.
I don’t have much to say about the Heartiste hoard. They’re useless and worthless. No point to ’em at all…
The ‘meme’ would make more ‘sense’ if the text was simply:
but it doesn’t really work as a meme either way.
Nathan, apparently she said something about white women rejecting beta men, or something.
Who knows.
Oh shit they found me out. Guess I’d better report to Overlord Soros with the bad news.
Persona 6 confirmed?
A part of me is curious as to what these folks consider “good character.” But then I’d be afraid they’d answer.
Kinda gets me thinking about that oft-tossed MLK quote, you know, the only one racists remember about judging people on the content of their character? How many of these guys who have deployed that quote in the past are so deluded to think they’d pass those character judgments? Cuz “being alpha” is not a character trait, and to the extent it could be considered one, it’s not good.
I’ve often wondered why they talk about authoritarians who’ve gotten their asses badly kicked with such admiration. I’ve come to the conclusion that whether they’ve lost or won in the end is beside the point. What they like about Hitler, Franco et al is that they hurt and killed a whole lot of people while they were in power. For them, the more people someone has hurt, the more they’ve won. It doesn’t matter if their reign is brief and tumultuous.
I think you may be giving them far too much credit. There are quite a few, very wacky people that tend to think they didn’t lose (like Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies), and there are even more who always try and pin it down on one thing that was utterly beyond the control of their despotic BFFs. Statements like “Them Yankees only won ’cause they had more men!”, “They used dirty and underhanded tactics!” and, “It was that damn time traveling Einstein and his Chronosphere!” tend to obscure more nuanced arguments and moral implications; nuance and morality being things that happen to emotional women-folk, apparently.
Let us not forget that millions of Germans readily blamed their loss in the First World War on backstabbing Jews, and that includes plenty of military officers and politicians who personally knew better until it was expedient to blame somebody else. Who cares if involving in Austrian nonsense was immoral and strategically ill advised, the Jewish bankers/Marxists ruined everything! One can also find a disturbingly similar parallel in the Lost Cause of the American south, where the previously stated and very clear reasons for secession were retconned by its very architects immediately after the Civil War’s end. People like to speak of that divided four year old rogue government like it lasted multiple generations, and there’s always a focus on things other than the war itself.
Sure, they like the mass murder, but I get the strong impression that it’s simply a modest-at-best part of their twisted adoration, and only so long as the murder is for people who look and think differently than they do (otherwise they’re just dirty Communists). A lot of the garbage coming from the whinosphe- I mean manosphere, is pretty much “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” and “Blut und Boden” translated into English walls of text.
Also: I hope I’m not the only one who has brought this up, but the way that they refer to, “females” and their general attitude towards them seems awfully familiar. Does Heartiste have gigantic ears and no hair? Because I’m pretty sure he’s actually a Ferengi.
Oh good, I’m not the only one who thought this!
Partially OT: Garbage ass Rep Steve King with a day to think about his “can’t rebuild civilization with other peoples babies” tweet decided to double down and walk even further towards public white supremacy.
Fuck you Steve you’re a terrible person and an embarrassment to Iowa and the US as a whole.
That’s funny. I’ve just been rewatching Star Trek TNG for the first time in years. The manosphere has been compared to the Ferengi on this site before but now I get the references better. I’d kind of forgotten about the Ferengi. For whatever reason, I remembered the Romulans and the Borg more.
Anyway, off topic but has anyone seen this
A little bit of evidence that Trump’s election has empowered men to be more sexist. We all sort of knew it but it’s nice to have something other than anecdata to back it up. I’ve bookmarked the article for future internet arguments.
Scolar, I want to seahorse your babies.
Watching SFDebris.com‘s reviews of Star Trek TNG, particularly those dreadful first two seasons, explained so much of how the Ferengi were conceptualized, what they were supposed to be and how horribly botched they were right out of the gate. I can’t watch “The Last Outpost” without face-palming at how ludicrously the Ferengi acted. It’s still hard to believe they were meant to be a replacement for the Romulans and the Klingons.
@WWTH: One of the related links made me laugh SO HARD.
The TV Show High Castle comes out with fake radio station called Resistance Radio, advertises it with #ResistanceRadio, and conservatives immediately assume it’s about Trump and get on their soapboxes to cry about it.
This was the best tweet of the bunch, and my reaction exactly:
All else aside, why are we ‘rebuilding’ civilization? It seems in reasonably good shape, as good a shape as it’s ever really been.
Brain Bleach:

I won a book in a goodreads giveaway and it showed up today! Woo!
AsAboveSoBelow – That is bestest brain bleaches!
Re: MRAs and Ferengis – Didn’t someone here at some point post a gif of Quark saying “Feeeeeemales”? Or was that my imagination?
content warning for sarcasm…
@ Podkayne;
… too many brooowwwnnnn peeeeeple!!!!!!
I’m only finding pictures, not gifs. But there’s some good ones.
It is. There is nothing wrong with our civilization that it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. This asshole is just confirming to the world that he is a goddamned racist piece of shit. His track record against women and the survivors of Katrina is abysmal.
He is, IMHO, beyond any redemption. He just keeps getting worse and worse.
Thanks for posting the lil hippo, I love her. Here’s another video of Fiona. The ear wiggles get me every time!
So, while I’ve been a long-time reader of this site, and have seen plenty of these chuckleheads as a result, Heartiste really kind of mystifies me.
Like, what exactly is he hoping for? What does he think killing all the brown people will actually accomplish? What is his vision for society?
I even spent a little while on his cesspool of a website, but he seems to spend most of his time freaking out about America’s impending doom due to having to be around people slightly different from him then actually explaining what he’s fighting for.
I still don’t understand how anyone looks at this content and sees it as anything OTHER than a violent cult at best and a terrorist organization at worst
Like, seriously. Change a few words around and it’s ISIS propaganda. Which I guess is the point, it’s not violence aimed at white men so who cares about it >_>
(which isn’t to say all ISIS violence is aimed at white men…but the fact that any of it is makes it “more important”)