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Incels agree: It’s “unfair and cruel” to expect men to enjoy sex with women over 30

Happily, we don’t live in a world in which we’re put to death at the age of 30

The incel subreddit is filled with angry dudes who think their inability to convince any human females to have sex with them — their “INvoluntary CELibacy” — is some kind of human rights violation.

Many of these guys aren’t just mad that teen and twentysomething hotties aren’t leaping into bed with them; they’re mad in advance at any hypothetical “post-wall” women who would have sex with them. Because, you see, these bitter fellows imagine that all these women spent their prime hottie years having near-c0nstant sex with other dudes, thus using up all their sexual appeal, or something.

In other words, these guys think sex with any woman over 30 is like eating leftovers that have been quietly rotting away for a week in the fridge.

On the Incels subreddit today, a fellow calling himself jackville07 sets forth his version of this basic thesis:

If You did Not Enjoy Women in Your Youth then You got a RAW DEAL (self.Incels) submitted 8 hours ago by jackville07 Study hard, when ur 30 and successful all the women will finally mature and chase u since u will be a rich doctor. Dont worry All those chads will be working at a gas station at 30. Ur time will come. There is someone for everyone. Am I supposed to feel happy that I studied and worked my ass off (with ZERO help from ANYONE) from 13-30 without love,sex and intimacy and without enjoying a woman in her PRIME and BEST years. I must now accept a lower paying less educated woman who is past her prime and less attractive with sagging skin and stretch marks and who was a cum bucket for tons of chads for 17 years and be grateful and happy with that??? Why should men even live if we are given such a raw deal in life?? Totally unfair and cruel if u ask me.

I have so many questions. First off, why would any woman over thirty possibly want to have sex with a dude who sees her as the sexual equivalent of week-old lasagna sitting in the back of the fridge?

And second, are you aware that having sex with a woman over the age of thirty is not actually the sexual equivalent of eating week-old lasagna sitting in the back of the fridge? 

Incel dudes: Here’s the thing. Not everyone starts having sex at a young age. Some don’t lose their virginity until they’re 30 or older — and this includes plenty of women. And very few people out there are having the constant sex you imagine everyone but you is having. Lots of people have dry spells — some of them years long. There are even some “Chads” out there who are, to use your term, “involuntary celibate.”

There’s nothing to be ashamed of, and nothing to be angry about. It’s a part of life, not some plot engineered by the world’s women just to make you miserable.

Here’s the other thing: Incel dudes, as long as you have these attitudes, you are basically unfuckable. No woman — under thirty, over thirty, any age — should have to put up with a guy who hates them so much he’s furious that she’s ever had sex with anyone but him.

If you are able to purge yourself of these toxic ideas about women and sex, you might end up discovering that sex with women over thirty (or forty, or fifty, or OMG even older than that!) can actually be pretty damn awesome? If you get to the point of having sex on a relatively regular basis, enjoy the sex you are having, don’t sit around nursing your bitterness over hypothetical sex you didn’t have when you were younger.

One incel Redditor responded to jackville07 with this nonsense:

thegambler952 5 points 9 hours ago i feel you because im walking toward this path. i lost the best years of my life in a shitty university due to bullying. i will never get laid at 18 because im 21. fuck this. im too old and all girls are geting married while im pleading for chubbys to take my virginity

I’m sorry you were bullied, dude; no one deserves that. But as for the rest of your comment, well, fuck you. You didn’t “get laid at 18?” Big damn deal. Roughly a third of American males aged 18 and 19 are still virgins. If you spend the rest of your life bitter about the sex you weren’t having at age 18, no woman will ever want to fuck you, including the “chubbies” you’re now begging for sex.

Dudes, stop obsessing over the sex you’re not having. Stop reading the incel subreddit. Go to therapy. Your bitterness and hatred of women is rooted in self-hate; so are your feelings about older women and “chubbies.” Do your best to work through all of these issues. You will become a better person. You will become a happier person. You will become the sort of person women want to have sex with.

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7 years ago

This is a breeding ground of “Elliot Rogers”.

7 years ago

I guess they’re not into the Ara Ara archetype. Then again they don’t seem to be anyone’s type with that attitude.

And the US government refuses to acknowledge radicalization of these folk.

7 years ago

Peter Steele was 19 when he first had sex.

7 years ago

It’s always cute to see what teenage boys think adult sex is like.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Speaking as one of those horrible and hideous 30 somethings, I don’t recall offering to have sex with an “incel.”

Also, the only time I had stretch marks was when I was a teenager and my boobs grew from an AA to a DD just about overnight. They faded after a bit Stretch marks are a result of very rapid weight gain that, you know, stretches the skin a lot. This tends to happen either or around puberty or doing pregnancy. I’m not sure why this guy thinks that single 30 year olds are riddled with stretch marks.

And sagging skin tends to happen in ones fifties or sixties. Not thirties. Except in cases of rapid weight loss.

That’s some serious yo-yo dieting on the part of a thirty year old to have both sagging skin and stretch marks.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

The incels have a point. Women may live longer than men on average, but they age sexually a lot faster than men.

Men, unlike women, have the option of living the equivalent of two or even three lives because we can marry younger women and start new families with them every couple of decades until fairly late in life – uh, like President Trump, in fact. (No wonder so many men admire him.)

Women just don’t have that option because their eggs deteriorate by their late 20’s, and then they hit menopause in their 40’s.

Ten Bears
7 years ago

Thirty-something? That’s like… children.

A hot young fifty year old, that’s the ticket.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

Your bitterness and hatred of women is rooted in self-hate; so are your feelings about older women and “chubbies.” Do your best to work through all of these issues. You will become a better person. You will become a happier person. You will become the sort of person women want to have sex with.

Name me one guy this has worked for. Give me a real example.

Women don’t care if you’ve had “therapy” or not. If they don’t find you attractive in your given state in the first place, “therapy” won’t make any difference.

7 years ago

If he thinks that the best years of his life are past him at 21, well, he has a strange idea of life as an adult. Frankly, I wouldn’t live those years over again if I had the chance, because my life became fuller and richer as I matured and learned what I was interested in and capable of. My life at 56 is fuller and richer than it has ever been, and frankly, if he thinks I am disturbed that a bunch of 21-year-old incels do not want to have sex with a woman my age, he’s wrong. I’m not losing a bit of sleep over that.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

We have data from empirical social science which show that women ruin themselves for stable marriages when they premarital sexual adventures. Basically women cross the threshold to becoming a divorce risk (more than 50 percent) when they have two or three sexual relationships before marriage.

Our allegedly ignorant and superstitious ancestors showed good insight into human sexuality by shaming slags, shunning bastard kids and trying to marry off their daughters as virgins.



“The study is based on the National Survey of Family Growth, a survey fielded in 1995 to a nationally representative sample of roughly 10,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44, sponsored and funded by the Centers for Disease Control of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

7 years ago

I didn’t get around to having PIV sex until I was at (or near) the age that these guys would start considering me to be leftovers. I’m now nearly twice that age, have been in a dry spell for I don’t even want to SAY how long, and I still wouldn’t contemplate breaking it to have sex with any of them no matter what they looked like, simply because their whiny hateful attitudes make them SO NOT WORTH IT.

(And yes, I was kind of whiny and desperate/afraid to “lose my virginity” too, right up until I did it…and then, immediately after the deed was done, I wondered why anyone made it out to be such a big deal! Because, you know, it WASN’T.)

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

It also amuses me that both Christians and atheists say things to the effect that atheists enjoy sexual libertinism.

It just doesn’t work that way for a lot of men. When a sexually unattractive Christian man renounces belief in god because he thinks that will improve his sex life, he just becomes a sexually unattractive atheist who still can’t get laid, probably like the guy who tried to pick up Rebecca Watson, the SkepChick, at an atheist conference a few years ago.

7 years ago

@Mark Plus
Heritage Foundation

Suspiciously, their results always support whatever they are already lobbying for. In one classic example, a study they conducted found that poor people aren’t actually poor.[3] They then lobbied to end welfare for the poor.

The foundation also pushed lackadaisical policies about Iraq, stating that only 40,000 troops would be needed to take over and maintain order in Iraq, that the war would be over in a couple of years at most,[4] and that the Iraqis would greet us with open arms (which proved true, but not in quite the way it was intended), and that the Iraqis wanted democracy.

Yes, they do pull these studies out of their ass.

A number of their studies on global warming also come from the PIDOOMA department. One study they cite supposedly demonstrates that global warming will have no effect on the US economy.[5] They also enjoy quote mining statements on climate research,[6] parroting denialist PRATTs,[7] and hosting other members of the denialist echo chamber, such as E. Calvin Beisner’s Cornwall Alliance.[8]

The Heritage Foundation also promotes intelligent design.

Did you even check
Who you were referencing?
How disappointing.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

The ability to have sexual relationships with women doesn’t exist in isolation; it forms part of an adult man’s skill set for knowing how to deal with women in general. Ceteris paribus, women respect a man whom they know has had girlfriends or wives over a straight man who can’t seem to attract women. And this difference has practical consequences in men’s careers, not just in their bedrooms.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Oh goody, it’s a day ending in y and we have a troll beginning with “Mark”. One who’s trying to pawn off a Robert Rector snake-oil study from the Heritage Foundation as scientific evidence.

Our allegedly ignorant and superstitious ancestors showed good insight into human sexuality by shaming slags, shunning bastard kids and trying to marry off their daughters as virgins.

Fuck off. Go gargle “The Star Spangled Banner” with toilet water.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh, lookie here. We’ve got our own incel posting here.

Complaining about the very women he so desperately wants to obtain sex from.

How very original.

7 years ago

@Troll Plus:

Our allegedly ignorant and superstitious ancestors showed good insight into human sexuality by shaming slags, shunning bastard kids and trying to marry off their daughters as virgins.

They weren’t “allegedly” ignorant and superstitious, they WERE ignorant and superstitious. And I for one am glad that those stupid shitkickers are all dead. My life would have been miserable if things were still done that way. I’m happy, and if you’re not, you have no one but your repugnant self to blame.

Don’t even bother trying to resurrect them or their idiot “philosophy”. Just fuck off.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

The Heritage Foundation study references a real survey funded by the Centers for Disease Control in 1995, under the Clinton Administration.

You can find the data on this page. Scroll down to “Cycle 5 ( 1995) Reports”:

7 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
This is pretty much how it goes now.
It’s like Live Die Repeat/Edge of Tomorrow but worse.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Go gargle “The Star Spangled Banner” with toilet water.

This is a wonderful insult, and I fully intend to use it elsewhere, with your permission, of course.

7 years ago

The average size for an American woman is now 16-18, meaning the “chubbies” they so disdain and consider themselves superior to consist of more than half the female population.

I don’t think they can actually call themselves “involuntarily” celibate when they would turn down more than half of their options. Goodness knows most of these guys think “fat” starts at a size 8-10 for women, even though a lot of ’em are fat themselves.

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
7 years ago

No one has answered my question about the value of “therapy” for an incel, I see. I don’t ask for much: Give me one example of an incel who could attract a girlfriend after seeking treatment from a psychotherapist.

This advice doesn’t even make any sense. Psychotherapy didn’t exist before the 20th Century, and arguably it didn’t exist before the 1950’s when Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck developed cognitive approaches to help people manage their emotions better; the techniques they originated have quite a lot of scientific support now.

Ordinary, not very attractive guys didn’t seem to have trouble finding female companions before then, so why would psychotherapy become necessary now?

7 years ago

@David Futrelle
I’d say ban; he’s boring, he doesn’t change his shtick much, and would rather talk at others than with them. He was more interesting when he was pulling multiple sock puppets with different gimmicks of extremes. This is just lazy.

7 years ago

I say ban him. his posts aren’t even entertaining ,just boring .

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