armageddon men who should not ever be with ponies ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW meme of the day: “When society collapse, who will females go to?”

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

A lovely little MGTOW meme for Friday night. Inside of every Man Going His Own Way is a delusional doofus who fantasizes about society collapsing in a heap so that he can say “told you so” to all the women he’s ever had an unrequited crush on.

Now, I’m no expert in post-apocalypse survival, but I’m pretty sure that if (when?) society collapses no one will be feeling particularly cocky. And that it will be the people who cooperate with one another who will be the most likely to survive, not the prickly MGTOWs still holding a grudge about the girl who turned them down in 8th grade.

EDITED TO ADD: I found this meme on a MGTOW Facebook page here. Lots more ridiculousness there.

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7 years ago

This is definitely a silly question, but someone earlier mentioned “bowery and archery”. I understand what archery is, but what’s bowery? “Leafy”, and “an area in NYC” doesn’t seem to fit.

I’m guessing “crossbowery”. I tried putting “definition crossbowery” into google gets, as the first hit, a page with the following “All weapons have an invisible core which is used to define a collision between your weapon and something”. Which instantly crosses from our current topic of odd MGTOWs, to videogame discussion.

Welcome to my mind on Daylight Time change.

7 years ago

These guys are so dumb. I know its not the same but here in the Rochester NY area where I live, we just had a day of wicked fast winds that royally fucked up so much stuff and left people without power for days as cold&snow set in. Amazingly, I didn’t see women running topless down the street begging every man for help. I saw communities banding together to help one another in whatever way they could. I saw some folks leaving rude messages to power workers who had the audacity to take a lunch break get chewed out for being assholes. Neagan might be an interesting character in a show but in real life people don’t want to be around assholes, especially when things are already shitty. Theyll just kill you in your sleep little MGTOW and take your stuff.

7 years ago

Bowery is a clearing in a forest. Bowyery is the art of making bows. I miswrote.

Bow-making is another way to spell it, and less error-prone.

7 years ago

You know, it is kinda awful, but making and growing a lot of my own stuff has taught me that rubbish is a resource – if someone is threatening useful people, absolutely do they then stack further into ‘look, high protein chicken food is hard to get, post apocalypse’.

7 years ago

Oh no the apocalypse has happened! Should I team up with my (female) friend who knows how to do carpentry, grow a vegetable garden and crochet, or with the guy who promises to protect me from rapists in exchange for getting to rape me? Hmm, such a hard choice.

7 years ago

@ Peevee (delurking again after a few years) thanks for the Margaret Atwood link sorry if this is a little late. Just re-read Madadam and there is a great line about fixing votes…

“His first employer was Ristbones, an outfit that specialised in the hacking of electronic voting machines. that had been easy in the first decade of the century, and also profitable – if you controlled the machines, you could slip in whichever candidate you wanted, as long as the real vote was close to being split”

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Everyone should watch City of God.

Truth. That movie was so good that it made City of Men look mediocre by comparison.

7 years ago

* “…when society collapseS”. That word needs an extra “s”, Dave. (I’m being nitpick-y, I know.)

That being said, I’d be quite useless in an apocalypse (though I can learn), but I’d still prefer to starve to death than put up with one of these guys.

7 years ago

Oh… sorry. I take back my earlier nitpick. ^_^

Nernir is a moderate tip the rest of the world.
Nernir is a moderate tip the rest of the world.
7 years ago

As a woman who can grow and can enough basic food for her family for a good nine months of the year, (could do twelve if I had too but it stops being fun and becomes work) bake bread from scratch including grinding the wheat, keep chickens and goats and knows the basics of beer making etc. I think I’ll be fine post apocalypse. Strangely surviving takes more than having a gun, guns are hard to eat.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

Luzbeltix – Great article, congratulations!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants said

At lesst the rest of us are used to operating day-to-day within a system which isn’t designed for our benefit. These guys have no idea what real injustice, oppression, and deprivation look like. Do they really want to knock down the supports holding up their platform?


It just pinged something in my haven’t-had-enough-coffee-yet brain: This explains why these types think women* are childlike victims; they don’t believe in patriarchy because they don’t acknowledge the injustice, oppression, and deprivation they refuse to see. They just see people complaining about these things while they live their own lives on the easy setting with the unseen support of the oppressed.

We* live with difficulty, danger, and frustration as a baseline while they figure since “we all live in the same world” and they find it easier to be successful, it must be because of their superiority and/or our* inferiority.

So, yeah. There’s a big unseen disadvantage for them from the get-go in a post-apocalyptic world.

*The non-white, non-male, non-neurotypical, non-straight, non-cis-gendered, etc.

7 years ago

I wonder how long a post-apocalypse world has various forms of modern conveniences. Bullets, guns, gasoline, drivable roads, ATVs, shovels, knives,..,

Some of those will go away pretty quickly no matter how handy we are.

Eventually we’ll have lost enough spoons in the wild that we’ll be getting low on metal.

What next? Back to the Stone Age? Anyone here know how to flake obsidian?

7 years ago


If we start to run out of knives,shovels and spoons then we’ll make new ones out of the scraps of the old world. and if we start to run out of scraps them we’ll start to dig new ore out of the earth just like was done long before the modern world existed.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

There are grades of apocalypse, but I can’t envision one short of actual extinction of the species that would knock the whole world back further than the late 1800s, tech wise. People in especially hard-hit or remote areas might not be able to maintain that, but overall, most places would short term (decades) stabilize at a kind of mishmash of things from 1840 to 1940, depending on specific gadgets

7 years ago

Like Dalillama said. If mankind survive at all, il will be extremely implausible that it will devolve technically to late 18th century.

Note that just knowing something work give a very big jump start in searching how to do it again. That’s why, while it took several thousand year to start iron working and farming, thoses would be reinvented within years after an apocalypses. And if the survivor find a way to create explosives, they will immediatly try to make muskets.

Also, basic hygien knowledge is easy enough to implement even after the end, and would make a world of difference in term of life expectancy. Cavemen did know that being dirty was a bad idea, but did not know what exactly to avoid doing.

7 years ago

making gunpowder will be super easy to do as long as the world doesn’t run out of sulfur,charcoal and saltpeter/potassium nitrate .

7 years ago

MGTOW and the End of the World

I sleep
I fap
I sleep again

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

I’m not sure I want to stand anywhere near someone who’s trying to make black powder based on a pop-science simplification of the process.

That said, I think Ohlmann is right: a lot of the most important discoveries that humans made in history, like electricity, quinine or the Haber process, would be possible to reinvent from first principles once you know what you’re looking for. Many of them are social concepts rather than technologies, and thus are harder to destroy: fiat currency, mass literacy or representative democracy, for example.

Also, I now want to play a recovering-from-an-apocalypse RPG. Like Dalillama, I am not a fan of Apocalypse World, but it scratches a particular itch.

7 years ago


Well I was probably over stating how easy it actually is to make black powder and I would never attempt it myself but for those who do know what they’re doing I would still imagine it would be easy

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Cornwall used to be a world hub for gunpowder manufacturer. Initially because of all the mining and quarrying but then for the military. Accidental explosions were a common hazard (powder factories had individual rooms with very thick walls but lightweight roofs to minimise the damage). Then someone built a place called Kennal Vale. They took a steep valley and diverted a river through it. They also planted various trees and shrubs designed to ensure the atmosphere was *very* damp. They then put 10 water wheel driven powder grinding mills along the valley. They never had a single explosion. Some people suggest it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth. I wouldn’t disagree. I love it there (and my doggy did too). But anyway, that’s a model we can adopt if we have to make our own gunpowder.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

There’s like a channel half way up each side of the valley. They provide the power for the watermills and create a series of artificial waterfalls to keep a mist in the air. They feed into a river at the valley bottom that goes over loads of rocks to create yet more spray. It’s pretty clever.

Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
7 years ago

Okay, I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist making and sending an improved version of the meme, with everyone’s favorite Furiosa.

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

@Alan: Stunning images. Thanks for sharing those.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@faintingcouches: You’re welcome!

“His first employer was Ristbones, an outfit that specialised in the hacking of electronic voting machines. that had been easy in the first decade of the century, and also profitable – if you controlled the machines, you could slip in whichever candidate you wanted, as long as the real vote was close to being split”

Maybe Atwood can predict the future…

She is so, so good.

ETA: @Alan, the photos are gorgeous. Magnificent.

@Anonymous coward: Yeah, baby!!

7 years ago

Morning all,

A couple of quick points because I’m very late to this party (I don’t have the internet at home, so I’m halfway to the post-apocalyptic lifestyle already…)

Post-apocalyptic water – get an aquabox. Everything you need to survive infrastructure collapse, including a filter that can turn anything into clean water. I’ve drunk muddy water from the school playing fields through this and been totally fine.

Post-apocalyptic power: get a mini-centrale hydroelectric generator. I read about some home made versions of these in a Joe Sacco graphic novel about Bosnia, and there are ready-made versions available.

Post-apocalyptic shelter: when caving, my friends and I have been ‘scoring’ the systems for use as a zombie apocalpyse refuge. Our current favourite is Mouldridge Mine in the heart of the Peak District (no big settlements nearby, doesn’t flood but does have water in lower levels, flat floors, lots of storage space, easily defended, good air flow). Pop by if you’re in the neighbourhood! Photos here:

Post apocalyptic society …will be full of tedious bores like me. Probably don’t bother. Like Zimmerman in Stark, just ‘party like there’s no tomorrow’ instead.