A lovely little MGTOW meme for Friday night. Inside of every Man Going His Own Way is a delusional doofus who fantasizes about society collapsing in a heap so that he can say “told you so” to all the women he’s ever had an unrequited crush on.
Now, I’m no expert in post-apocalypse survival, but I’m pretty sure that if (when?) society collapses no one will be feeling particularly cocky. And that it will be the people who cooperate with one another who will be the most likely to survive, not the prickly MGTOWs still holding a grudge about the girl who turned them down in 8th grade.
EDITED TO ADD: I found this meme on a MGTOW Facebook page here. Lots more ridiculousness there.
That sentence also works without ‘post-apocalyptic’.
Something most MGTOWs do that people seem to miss – it’s only a small thing, but it says a lot. I’ve noticed they insist on referring to men as Men and women as females. Their bitterness and resentment is reflected in most things they say and do.
Wasnt this why the MRAs hated Fury Road because it ruined their fantasy of a men ruled world after the collapse of civilzation by having a strong female main character who can take care of herself instead of making her a damsel in distress. Even the brides werent completely helpless. They wanted to be Immortan Joe I think as oppose to Max.
Complete with their beta comparison to Max who aids the gynocracy to topple the alpha civilazation.
Hey, I liked The Postman. : (
To be totally fair though, it has been years since I’ve seen it, so I don’t know if it holds up to memory.
I’m imagining Tank Girl rolling up into a post-apocalyptic MGTOW settlement
They wouldn’t even have the internet to whine about the uppity females to.
Looking up that gif, I noticed that Naomi Watts is in that movie. I always manage to forget that. Maybe because she had dark hair and looks so different than she usually does.
It’s funny. MGTOWs get so many ideas about what a post-apocalyptic society would be like from movies, comics and fiction but they forget how many of those stories have kickass female protagonists or side characters.
The movie’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, although it would’ve been a lot better if Kevin Costner wasn’t involved. The book’s still better though.
If mgtoes and other misognyists (racists, etc) can’t handle rejection and even wanting to move to a different country to avoid child support then there is no way they can handle an apocalypse.
I took Jrotc, horticulture/floriculture, medicine, etc classes in school so I believe I can be some use if the apocalypse comes.
So complain all you want misogynists (racists, etc) but in reality you need US. That’s what angers you so much.
Given where I’m about to live, when the apocalypse comes, I’m going to die pretty quick. Combination of freezing to death and starving.
*Unless* we buy a house and put solar panels and a battery on it, with a decent-sized grow-op inside for veggies. And get the rest of the city on that kind of system as well, with plenty of wind power to handle the winters.
With that, we’d be self-sufficient for a good 10 or 20 years before we start to need to replace the equipment. And remote enough that likely nobody would bother coming by.
The trick would be to re-establish communications with the outside world after things shake out.
Ah, Kevin Costner movies. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Costner is somehow both an actor and a genre of film.
The Postman is, IMHO, the least worst of the Costner movies.
The only real skills I’d have to offer a post-apocalyptic settlement are childcare and storytelling. I also know a lot about history, so I’d probably be at least one of the people responsible for passing on information about the past to the next generation.
My sister-in-law, the emergency doctor, would probably be the post-apocalyptic MVP of my family. I can just imagine a migtoe begging HER to save his life.
I’d work on becoming a professional shoveller if society collapsed. After all there’s going to be a need for someone to dig graves, latrines, and other holes currently dug with heavy equipment.
Well, I grow vegetables, fruit, I have bees, chickens, and soon quail and goats, I can make cheese, soap, mead and cider and frequently brew. I also grow mushrooms and a range of herbs.
I can seedsave and dry and store for lean times (though this year was pretty bad where I was, so we’ve no extra produce), and I kill and eat my own roosters. I can skin, preserve hides, weave, make basic thread, and treat simple wounds, and am formally trained in ambulance first aid. I can raise many farm animals, but can’t perform castration safely (something that becomes necessary VERY quickly in most big mammals unless you want injured animals around). I can raise fish without importing food, but don’t do it anymore as I discovered I just don’t like eating fish. I can smoke and preserve food and make my own bacon.
I’m not great at hunting, but I can do it, and I know how to get land crustaceans up and how to clean them.
I know how to make paints, build with wood, mix plaster from base materials, and I can dye from natural produce. I grow plants like woad and hyssop for non-food uses, too. I can glean and know what food is locally edible and have made it into curries and so forth when broke.
But anyone who wants my assistance – and that of my blacksmith, electrician, and builder partner who is capable of engineering windmills and natural pumps – has to be kind to children and animals, interested in community building, and understand that most of my skills were learned from women, so they better respect them. They have to understand that a robust community cares for its most vulnerable members.
And if I get put down for being female, they can put up with having no fucking clothing. Do people KNOW what goes into making clothing, traditionally?
I’m better at interpersonal skills like leadership and negotiating. Not sure how practical that would be in a post apocalyptic world. If I can’t use those skills, I can cook pretty well.
Every group needs someone to help members get along.
I’ll do careful numerical simulations of how to maximize our solar panel performance.
Which is not very likely to be useful, but…
Possibly a bit O/T but the folks here are a great source of esoteric knowledge. Why do shark cages have that gap at the top that’s big enough for a shark to get in?
(Asking for a friend; although I’m now wondering too)
Or hamsters. MGTOW/RedPillers have them in abundance.
(Aside: Is there some special Unhappy-Looking People stock photo site that MGTOWs favor? The dude on the right looks super uncomfortable. Almost embarrassed.)
I can build a fire and rudimentary shelter and know quite a bit of woods lore thanks to my frivolous feeemale degree – plants, weather, soil, insects, geology, hydrology. I’ve also had some self-defense training and am decent with a bow and arrow (although I’ve never tried to shoot anything living), and can play guitar and woodwinds.
I suspect, though, that if our descent into the apocalypse is gradual rather than sudden, then practical skills like tool repair and making staples (soap, candles, charcoal, glass) will be more useful than emergency survival skills. In both cases, society isn’t going to have any use for people whose major skill is wandering around in a trench coat scavenging baked beans and barking at women to get on their knees.
I just can’t envision the process by which these guys, who can’t even master the basics of decency when everything is delivered to them on a silver platter by a functioning civilization, suddenly become warlords. Half the time they need scripts, graphs, and scientific formulas just to talk to women.
At lesst the rest of us are used to operating day-to-day within a system which isn’t designed for our benefit. These guys have no idea what real injustice, oppression, and deprivation look like. Do they really want to knock down the supports holding up their platform?
The theatrical trailer didn’t do it any favors. A lot of people didn’t give the film a chance.
Hi everyone! I hardly have time to read you all lately, but I had to share this:
We made it to Jezebel! I’m so proud and excited about this growing movement.
Love to all.
Congrats Luzbelitx!
When society collapses, bigger, stronger men and women will push the incels down, kick dirt in their faces, take their weapons and start all over without them.
I’ve been steadily collecting my post-apocalyptic dream team for years. Within our ranks we have firearms experts, military strategists, diplomats, brewers, preservers, animal husbandry, etc. and we’re all a bunch of sexy motherfuckers so we’ll have little need for whiny ? beta males and their bitchy agendas.We’ll be too busy surviving.
From the pictures in the OP, I get the impression that for these guys, they assume that after the apocolypse, the simple fact of gun ownership will be all it will take for them to automatically assume their rightful alpha status. That actually explains a lot about the gun fetishizing in America — your collection might just be your last-chance ticket to reproductive success if being a decent human hasn’t worked out for you.
Of course, the thought that women after the apocalypse will be able to just shoot their sorry asses hasn’t occurred to them.