armageddon men who should not ever be with ponies ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW meme of the day: “When society collapse, who will females go to?”

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

A lovely little MGTOW meme for Friday night. Inside of every Man Going His Own Way is a delusional doofus who fantasizes about society collapsing in a heap so that he can say “told you so” to all the women he’s ever had an unrequited crush on.

Now, I’m no expert in post-apocalypse survival, but I’m pretty sure that if (when?) society collapses no one will be feeling particularly cocky. And that it will be the people who cooperate with one another who will be the most likely to survive, not the prickly MGTOWs still holding a grudge about the girl who turned them down in 8th grade.

EDITED TO ADD: I found this meme on a MGTOW Facebook page here. Lots more ridiculousness there.

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Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

I imagine most women would learn to survive, in groups that don’t include dumbass migtoes. I learned many useful skills to that effect in Girl Scouts, and I used to instruct archery. I’m rusty, but I can relearn. Not being an ass and being willing to do work, to learn, and to cooperate goes a long way, I would imagine.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What resource do I have to give in an apocalypse?

comment image

7 years ago

Chiomara: meh, if you can be handy with molten metal, the extra e isn’t really going to make much of a difference.

7 years ago

My roll in the post-apocalypse WHTM team would be…… oh who am I trying to kid? I wouldn’t last long enough to see the post-apocalypse, I’d be one of the first to die during what ever caused the apocalypse

7 years ago

Honestly, if there is an apocalypse and society collapses, there will be a period of relative chaos.

During which, the groups that cooperate with each other best will form their own new societies, which will then become full-fledged tribes or nations or communes of what have you.

And in very few of these societies will women have no choice but to sleep with assholes. The thing about a massive crises is that all the old social rules are swept away, and very few people become willing to turn over their humanity.

Three totally untrained and inexperienced people, working together, are almost always better than one hypercompetent person. And these manospherians are far from hypercompetent.

7 years ago


Speaking of supplies, who here knows how to smelt steel and lead?

It’s hard to make muskets without steel. Forget fancy modern guns, they’ll be useless as soon as they run out of bullets.

Casting new bullets is not an uncommon skill. The equipment isn’t particularly complex. Handloading the (uh, and now my vocabulary deserts me and outs me as someone who isn’t a gun fetishist) cartridges is straightfoward, too. The tricky bit will be the primers and propellant, because they require some skill to manufacture.

I’d also say that fancy modern guns wouldn’t become useless; they become an assembly of parts that might be used for some other weapon. Those hard-to-machine gun barrels don’t go mouldy, after all. With a bit of engineering you could convert them into, say, a high power air rifle that’ll work nicely for hunting.

Actually, probably we should take up bowery and archery. Those are much easier to make.

I don’t think bowery was quite the word you were looking for there. Possibly you meant fletching?


That and slingshots. That way you can use practically anything as ammo.

They’re nightmarishly difficult to use. If you live (or visit) suitably rural or quiet, you should try using one 😉 It’ll take a lot of practise.

I’m a fan of things like atlatls. Even easier to make than a sling (cos you don’t need to be able to make cord) and much easier to use (9-year old me could hit a person-size dtarget with one at 20ft; 25-year-old-me rarely managed that with a sling).

Then again in this society doctors and anyone with medical knowledge would be worth their weight in gold, kind of hard to fight between bandits when they all die of dysentery.

Anyone with the right sort of medical knowledge will be super valuable. Anyone who needs fancy kit and no-longer-manufacturable pharmaceuticals might not be quite so handy.

Now, someone who can culture penicillin on the other hand…

7 years ago

I completely forgot about spear-throwers. You’re right, two sticks is alot easier to use than a slingshot. Getting a steady penicillin culture might be a bit difficult. Like the homemade recipe requires alot of materials and I’m not sure if you can grow a culture of penicillin from a handful of tablets. Let’s see, surgeons and pharmacists would be out because both require resources that would be in critically limited supply. Doctors who specialize in specific organs would have a harder time doing their jobs when invasive surgery is out of the question for alot of areas. EMT’s may fare better due to the nature of their work.

This is why I kind of like the post apocalyptic threads, it just brings up so many topics that I never even thought of before.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Nah, surgeons would be invaluable. The type of people willing and trained to amputate a leg if need be? It’s tougher than it looks, and bad infections could end up being the rule rather than the exception without modern antibiotics. But, yeah, a neurosurgeon is probably gonna be useless in the wasteland

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

Young, 2 hands, can follow instructions-same here. I can also help teach languages and preapocalyptic history/lit/liberal arts to any future children that might be born from our new Mammotheer society-I want to be a librarian, write as a hobby, and (according to a standardized test I took in elementary school-I have no idea why my school chose that particular brand of standardized test) have a near-photographic memory.

Count me among the ranks of the sarcasm-providers.

Menopausal Magpie
Menopausal Magpie
7 years ago

This is what the phrase ‘not if you were the last man on earth’ was invented for, right?

I’m for the Fury Road scenario where the women set up their own society. (Although I do have a soft spot for Thunderdome, mainly because Aunty Entity is badass and I LOVE that whole sequence with the kids and their cargo cult.). This Magpie, under the circumstances, would be busy jury-rigging useful things out of random junk. I’ve never handled a firearm and I’m not terribly fond of the things (as a Brit, we don’t have quite such a culture of gun use)…but I could learn fast if I had to.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

Totally OT, but something I’m proud of nonetheless. This evening at the grocery store my mom and I almost bought an expensive magazine we’re decidedly not the target audience for because the cover story featured something that does appeal to us, but in the end we decided not to and I was able to find the cover story and its photos for free on the mag’s website. I’m feeling particularly good on the self-restraint front now!
OK, read “something” as “someone”. And “appeal to us” as “OMG wants NAO. I/we can haz?”. And “expensive magazine” as GQ.
OK, OK, fine. It was the March GQ with Tom Hiddleston on the cover. Still feeling good on the self-restraint front!

7 years ago

It’s almost like the education system has failed these guys so badly that they’ve never been exposed to Mother Courage.

Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

assuming all of us are nearby when the apocalypse happens (unlikely, since I live on the other side of the Atlantic to most of you), I can to some degree use a bow, I’m alright when it comes to fighting at close range, I’m able to cook at least to some degree and I’m a relatively quick learner. If I’m on the other side of the Atlantic, I know some people who would be very helpful in a survival scenario. Also, I’m very, very good at providing sarcasm, snark and punnery.

7 years ago

What will women do if society collapses. Interesting thing to contemplate. Here is what I believe may happen.

1). Women will form groups around the gathering and cataloging of resources and the care and protection of children. We won’t really be doing this by ourselves because “beta” men will be doing this with us.

2). We will focus on securing shelter, food and weapons, the last for two main reasons – hunting and protecting the group from marauding people, mostly men.

3). Once shelter, food, medical supplies, weapons and other things needed for survival are secured, we will turn our attention to education, both academic and survival.

In short, women will be the ones, with “beta” men, who will focus, protect and rebuild. Men who think of themselves as “alphas” will be, for the most part, the marauders and warlords. The “beta” males are actually the ones who will bond with the women and children, help physically build and defend the new and fragile towns, help farm, teach and preserve the knowledge accumulated by the fallen society, and be the friends, mates and fathers. “Alphas,” aside from being violent jerks, will, perhaps, find a place as guards and soldiers.

It has been this way forever. The women and the “betas” actually build the culture, rear and educate the children, invent the new technologies etc., while the big, strong gorilla-like “alphas” play “Hulk Smash” and pretend to be the truly important ones and take all the credit.

7 years ago

i am neither a biologist or sociologist… but i AM an rpg nerd! who is currently running a post-apocalyptic game! in fact, i should be getting to bed as soon as possible because we’re playing earlier than i’d like tomorrow morning… and in MY post-apocalypse there are just as many badass, dangerous, and above all, capable, women as there are men.

7 years ago


Shock mostly means a problem with blood circulation. To help circulation, you’re supposed to lay the patient on their back with legs at about a 30 Degree angle (about the height of a beer box). However, don’t do that with shock from hearth problems as the increased blood pressure would likely make it worse. Also of course: If they are bleeding out or not breathing and you don’t have the extra pairs of hands to fix those simultaniously, fix them first.

… but really these sort of practical skills are ones you’ll want to train instead of just knowing them abstractly.

7 years ago

As Pie said, slings is even higher skill than bows, who themselves are a bitch to master.

If there is a society collapse, I think it’s better to work toward doing black powder and basic iron/steel ASAP than trying to learn slings and bow. Taking 10 years to reproduce a basic industry that have a lot of derivative use seem better than mastery over a single hunting tool/weapons.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago

This is kind of funny actually. An incel wonders if he’d be able to resist eating himself in the unlikely event he turns into a donut.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
7 years ago

“In today’s society, feeeeemales don’t really need men anymore…”
Wait, what? I thought it was by now established that the innate urge that drives all men is the need for sex with hot young women, and the innate urge that drives all women is the need for a husband to be unfaithful to (while refusing to work, eating bonbons, and letting their looks go)?
This MGTOW acknowledges that women turn down opportunities to exploit men?
How are MGTOWs evolving, when they don’t get the chance to breed???

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
7 years ago

Why are internet assholes always concerned with weapons for the societal collapse, rather than more important things like food, fresh water or medicine? Do they think that Fallout was a documentary?

If we’re discussing a post-apocalyptic Mammotheer community, then I think I might be able to build an electric generator from spare parts and a spinning shaft. Do you have electrical goods that you’d like to run? Floodlights, microwave ovens, laptop computers? I think I might be able to provide that for us.

I’m not sure where to get the spinning shaft. Waterwheels rely on a stream with a constant flow. One could use a car engine, but that would only last as long as the petrol does.

Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

@EJ: a simple steam engine isn’t too difficult to make. It wouldn’t be very efficient and would take a lot of wood or other fuel to run, but it would certainly be quite helpful.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I hope I could still be useful in a post-apocalyptic Mammotheer community. The last time we discussed this, I hadn’t had a stroke and wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes. I’m lucky in that my diabetes seems on its way to being controlled through diet and exercise, but there’s nothing like being in the hospital to make you appreciate modern medicine.

I can spin again, though, and knit. I haven’t taken up weaving again but that’s because the stupid post-stroke fatigue discourages me from dressing a loom.

7 years ago

If anything I’ve read that early communities tended to be much less hierarchical as nomadic bands before agriculture really took off.

Now, I know soooome self defense and could (maybe) branch from psychology into social engineering. And build campfires. Maybe?

7 years ago

Whenever these assholes start fantasizing about the Apocalypse, it becomes clear that what they really want is the same thing racists who fantasize about a “race war” want. And that’s an excuse to not have to worry about the law and rape and murder who they want.

But then, they don’t want an apocalypse or a genuine anarchy. What they want is a slightly more oppressive system like we have now, where violence against women and minorities are overlooked frequently by an uncaring police force, but revenge by the people harmed is heavily prosecuted.

In a genuine anarchy, especially one where killing to survive has been normalized, wannabe rapists like them would be tracked down and gutted by whoever they attacked as there would be no system to protect them to the extent they are in modern society.

It’s the same mistake people wanting to fantasize about a zombie apocalypse make. They want to fantasize about killing people who are different than them not realizing that if there really were no society, the people they fantasize about harming and killing would have even less of a reason to put up with their shit as they wouldn’t even have the supposed dynamics of a functioning society to look to.

Plus, for all their toxic masculine posturing, they wouldn’t be able to handle the PTSD of constantly being at war, because that fucks with you. Like, people who grew up in gangs or war-torn regions know how it feels to not fully be able to sleep soundly without fearing that someone is going to come at you out of nowhere. These white suburban idiots have no real idea what the reality of what they are fantasizing about is and how deteriorating to the psyche it is.

And it really is all just about the implicit threat. The “warning” to women and others in current society that they should watch out on believing they can have the space to be full human beings, because these asshole entitled pieces of shit are itching for any excuse to “put us in our places”.

7 years ago

CPphazor- Pretty much.

You need stability to institute patriarchy. You need a permanent settlement that it would be awful and hard to survive to be thrown out of in order to institute that sort of top-down oppression. Which is why it was a system that really took off with agriculture and the establishment of permanent cities.

In a nomadic survival culture, you can’t really afford to table half your workforce and spend a portion of the others “putting them in their place”. And it’s a lot less of a downside to leave or abandon someone who is toxic, because you’re in not much worse of a place than you’d be otherwise.

So, who cares if two guys are shacking up, or that hunter is non-binary or your best tracker is a woman. Do they do a job, are you surviving? That’s all that ends up mattering.

These guys have been sold a carefully constructed fantasy from cartoons and movies of what lawless nomadic societies are like, but the reality would look like the terrifying fever dream of a “liberal society” they think an apocalyptic collapse would take them away from.