A lovely little MGTOW meme for Friday night. Inside of every Man Going His Own Way is a delusional doofus who fantasizes about society collapsing in a heap so that he can say “told you so” to all the women he’s ever had an unrequited crush on.
Now, I’m no expert in post-apocalypse survival, but I’m pretty sure that if (when?) society collapses no one will be feeling particularly cocky. And that it will be the people who cooperate with one another who will be the most likely to survive, not the prickly MGTOWs still holding a grudge about the girl who turned them down in 8th grade.
EDITED TO ADD: I found this meme on a MGTOW Facebook page here. Lots more ridiculousness there.
In 2066, he’ll be a septagenarian douchebag and she still won’t want to sleep with him.
Here we go again with the apocalypse and how we can combine our skills for the Mammotheer Community.
What indeed will Women do when society collapses?
Lets take a look at a region where society has collapsed into bitter civil war:
Become cool badasses who shoot Fascists got it.
Women invented civilization when they realized they could just fucking plant the seeds they’d been collecting and grow the grain they needed for beer. That’s right Women Brewed Beer for You.
I like that ‘men’ is capitalized but ‘females’ is not. That’s a nice touch.
I was feeling masochistic today, so I took a peek at some of the MGTOW forums. All I can say is, where do these people go at night? Isn’t there a law, or something?
If or when society collapses, it’s not going to be a scene out of “The Road Warrior” or “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.” (I’m showing my age here.). There won’t be any nubile young women in rawhide miniskirts, cowering at these loser’s feet. That’s the image at least some of these dudes seem to have.
I’m a bit tired at the moment, mostly from TASing my exercise routine (ten laps backstroke). My commentary consists of three words I recall all too well:
“This is stupid.”
I mean you can play this stupid game with anything. Have fun walking in the Apocalypse, I’ll ride my horse and you’ll be sorry you ever called it a waste of money. Have fun trying to learn skills when your tablet runs out of power and the internet collapses, I’ll be over here with my physical books. (Disclaimer: I like both forms of book!) They all laughed at me when I started stockpiling bottle caps but the the aluminum industry collapsed and WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?
Seriously dudes. Just because you can imagine a hypothetical scenario where you will be useful doesn’t mean that you are now. (And seriously, firing an gun isn’t that specialized of a skill. I live in Alberta, I’m sure a good ⅓ of the population are proficient with some form of firearm. If that’s the best bargaining chip you’ve got, I’m going to team up with somebody who doesn’t expect sex as payment, thanks.)
Does anyone else get the sense that “men going their own way” really means “men obsessively obsessed with what they imagine women doing in the past, present, and future”…? Hmm?
When society collapses, the migtoes will be the first to go, because no one will be making Mountain Dew and Cheetos anymore, and their moms will be too busy looking after their own survival to bring them any. Or to clean up their old crusty sweatsocks. Which will get crustier and crustier as these guys’ delusions eat them alive…
No, Dormousing_it (formerly RoscoeTCat), it won’t be like Mad Max or his attendant Road Warrior. It’ll be like Mad Max: Fury Road, with women forming their own independent (if need be) societies. We’ll preserve the legacy seeds.
Handling firearms is a fairly specialized skill, and military tactics very much so. Takes a couple years of training, and constant rehearsal, a team to work with who trust each other, and supplies.
Speaking of supplies, who here knows how to smelt steel and lead?
It’s hard to make muskets without steel. Forget fancy modern guns, they’ll be useless as soon as they run out of bullets.
Actually, probably we should take up bowery and archery. Those are much easier to make.
That and slingshots. That way you can use practically anything as ammo. Then again in this society doctors and anyone with medical knowledge would be worth their weight in gold, kind of hard to fight between bandits when they all die of dysentery.
The guy in the meme must be slowly aging backwards.
Apologies – I agree that expertise with a firearm is absolutely a skill that takes time and effort. I meant the “load and shoot a gun in a general direction” sort of skill level that I expect these bozos to have.
David, I don’t know if this has made it onto your radar as this is provincial politics, but this fiasco began when the student groups of the Conservatives, the Wildrose(our local Tea Party) and the Libertarians decided to host a screening of The Red Pill on campus. It’s descended further and further into ridiculousness, and just… look at this train wreck.
Heh, my fiancee is totally alike the first guy and quite experienced in combat. Yes, thats possible, did you know that you dont have to be a macho douchebag to be strong?
Funniest part is I bet you cant even load a weapon. You’re not strong just because you’re willing to hit your wife. On the opposite, fucking coward.
Erm, we doing the WHTM survival team thing again? OK, I am a complete potato. Cant shoot, cant fight, nothing. But im willing to learn and I watch a lot of survival shows, is that something? Im also handy with plants, their medicinal properties, and first aid. Im good at sewing, including with leather. With books, I am a fast and good learner. I suppose I can be good with building or repairing stuff If I try!
I’m hella cute in a miniskirt too, so we can have that part , please?! I am useless in everything else, though. Hope I can still be on the team. Those are small things but someone has to do them. I promise I bring my guy along, crawling behind me.
He will train everyone.
@numerobis and @Oogly
Oh! Oh! I can do those! I never made bullets but im quite used to hot molding metal. And dad taught me how to make slingshots to hunt birds using wood and rubber! And natural medical skills that come from my love for medicine and native brazilian traditions… Damn, im finding myself quite useful in the post apocalipse.
Thats surprising.
(Sorry about the flooding, I really like this subject :p )
In 2066, women will STILL be able to choose who they want to go out with, and it STILL won’t be them.
If the apocalypse comes within the next ten* or so years, my females will be in bed sleeping with me, or sleeping on my coat or my backpack or my … mop? Kitty, why are you sleeping on the mop?
(Seriously, I was lazy and didn’t put the mop away, and now my kitty is lying down right next to it for some reason.)
* In ten years they’ll be in their late teens, so about at the end of their lives.
Chiomara: fiancé for you. And you’re his fiancée.
It’s borrowed from French, where this kind of part of speech (oh god I forgot all my grammar) agrees with the object, not the subject.
I have 2 hands, can cook things to the point if not deadly, can follow instructions, and am young. That’s basically my survivalist skillset
Hm, well, I have only fired a few guns, but just the other day I picked a few of them up to look at so I imagine I can operate many, from automatic handguns (slides are hard to pull) to lever-action rifles (they had a Winchester 71 there, rare, felt good to hold cycle the action on, real beefy). Aside from that, I’m honestly a very lazy and sheltered white boy, but hey, I like to think I’m willing to help people out with whatever they’d need. I know, for example, shock is serious medically speaking, but forget exactly what to do. Any knowledge I already have would be on about that level.
As an aside, anyone here play Night in the Woods? I got it and beat it in only like 2 days, but to be fair I didn’t play other games in that time and I probably missed some people to talk to. Also, I still at least wanna do Gregg’s route. Bea’s hit so many chords with me that it isn’t even funny.
I know all that but for the LIFE OF ME I cant ever remember. I learn today then forget next time I write it, then I’m lazy to look it up again, just hoping youll get the idea. Sorry and thank you. I’ll try to learn. Again.