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The absolute worst take on the death of Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, courtesy of Reddit’s MGTOWs

Carryn Owens at Trump’s Joint Session address last week

The most memorable moment in #SecondPlacePresident Trump’s speech to Congress last week came when he spoke directly to the widow of slain Navy SEAL Ryan Owens.

Some saw Trump’s tribute to Owens as supremely presidential, others saw it as a “crassly manipulative” ploy to absolve himself from blame for the bungled raid that led to Owens’ death. Some thought he had truly honored the visibly grief-wracked Carryn Owens; others thought he had cynically exploited her for his own political self-aggrandizement.

The regulars in Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit have a rather different take on the whole thing.

As they see it, the real issue is that Carryn Owens is an “attention seeking whore [who] most probably cheated on the poor guy like almost all military wives do.”

In a post with several dozen upvotes, the Reddit MGTOW who calls himself No-M3rcy tears into Carryn Owens for her imagined infidelity and alleged attention-seeking.

Ryan fought and died in Yemen while the woman comes on camera and gets all the attention. She becomes a “national hero” and this becomes one of the “best political moments in U.S. history” for doing nothing but crying on camera. Women sure do know how to put up an act. Give it some time and you’ll see her pop up like many military widows on interviews and other things. So much for private grief and respecting your husband.

Trump is the one who turned the whole thing into a political spectacle; Carryn committed no crime other than having feelings in public. How showing her obviously genuine grief is supposed to be disrespectful of her husband I have no idea.

After the Trump speech, everyone forgets about the poor guy and she gets all the media attention for days. The guy is disposable just like all of us and the woman is always the victim. He served his role and now no one gives a shit about him.

Really? Because when I do a Google News search of his name I get this:

This story is not going away, and until we get to the bottom of why the raid failed it shouldn’t.

But the saddest thing is that this attention seeking whore most probably cheated on the poor guy like almost all military wives do. And there he is fighting for her freedom and providing for her. It’s disgraceful how male vets get treated and cheated on.

There is of course zero evidence that she cheated on him; this is just straight up misogyny.

Sometimes they even get Booed when they come back home.

Yeah, that did happen sometimes — during the Vietnam war.  Well, there was one case 5 years ago in which a gay soldier was booed at a Republican debate, though he was booed for being gay, not for being a soldier.

And worst of all, even though she is a post-wall hag (her husband was mid 30’s so she’s probably the same/younger), some Beta simp will probably step in to “save her” from her misery and marry her regardless of the fact that she is a rapidly aging single mother full of wrinkles.

Only a MGTOW could look at a conventionally attractive and not-actually-old-at-all woman insensate with grief and think “yeah, I bet she’s got wrinkles, what a hag, she should die alone!”

Given their bizarre fixation on the alleged “rapid aging” of women and the evils of showing any signs at all of age, I can only wonder what’s going to happen when all these MGTOWs start getting wrinkles themselves.

I hate to tell you this, MGTOW dudes, but men age too, and they don’t all age like fine wine.

She will forget all about her husband and latch onto the new Beta.

Most widows and widowers do move on, which may or may not involve dating or marrying someone else, but they never forget the partner they lost.

What a Gynocentric society we live in. Women will just use you as a resource. Even if you are dead, they will still use you for attention.

Trump is the person who turned everyone’s attention to her; he’s the only one using anyone here.

I think that if she really cared about him she would have stayed home and grieved in private and not use him for sympathy points.

Well, it’s good that no one but your fellow MGTOW losers gives a shit what you think.

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Cat Mara
Cat Mara
8 years ago

There’s an expression one hears in Ireland. Not very often as it’s slightly old fashioned and it unequivocally wishes death on another human being, but it feels apropos in situations like this. No-M3rcy, whoever you are: may you die roaring.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

attention seeking whore [who] most probably cheated on the poor guy like almost all military wives do

But I thought it was alpha fucks, beta bucks? Wouldn’t a Navy SEAL be the ultimate alpha male. It’s a job coded as hyper masculine, it’s high status, they’re fit and athletic, they’re good at doing violence. Isn’t that alpha male to a T? As the winner of the Greek alphabet lottery, he should be the cheater, not the cuck.

She will forget all about her husband and latch onto the new Beta.

Oh wait. They do see him as a beta.

If a Navy SEAL isn’t an alpha, than who the fuck is? Can I get an example? There’s got to be a lurking MGTOW who can clear this up for me.

Is Brad Pitt the only alpha male in the entire world?

8 years ago

If a Navy SEAL isn’t an alpha, than who the fuck is? Can I get an example? There’s got to be a lurking MGTOW who can clear this up for me.

I read the whole thing as a projection of some major envy.

8 years ago

And, of course, it is always military wives who cheat. Men in the military are too busy killing people to preserve the freedom of their family that they never, ever, ever have a few minutes (or hours) of pleasure with another woman. No, of course not, because they are mighty men, and when they do it, it is not cheating, it is merely being smart enough to realize that you are too much man to have to be satisfied with one woman – especially if that woman is over 25.

8 years ago

it is not cheating, it is merely being smart enough to realize that you are too much man to have to be satisfied with one woman

Well there is that. There is also the “argument” that on a long deployment it’s only natural that a guy would have to cheat, it can be deadly to a guy to hold those urges in ya know.

8 years ago

Insults the grieving mother while an orange despot exploits and excuses the death of her son, yeah that’s how you show that you’re Going Your Own Way.

Funny how they ignore the actually real porn ring scandal of late where Marines swapped naked photos of female marines.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

Given their bizarre fixation on the alleged “rapid aging” of women and the evils of showing any signs at all of age, I can only wonder what’s going to happen when all these MGTOWs start getting wrinkles themselves.

I hate to tell you this, MGTOW dudes, but men age too, and they don’t all age like fine wine.

My money’s on them getting older and aging like already-expired goat cheese in the summer sun. No way can that level of bile not be detrimental to one’s physical health.

Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago

I am now so steeped in AngryManosphereRhetoric, that I could pretty much dream up what they would have said had she NOT been there. But I don’t want to. Because I want to become un-steeped…

8 years ago

No-M3rcy should go fuck a pineapple without a condom, because condoms are Misandry.
(Apologies for the language.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ David F

Might I ask if you have a link to that reddit post? I’ve tried to find it but I’m still not sure how to use reddit.

Ideally a permalink if that’s possible directly to the post and comments that I could stick in an email.


8 years ago

@CatMara I like your style.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Inklast said

And, of course, it is always military wives who cheat.

I heard that a lot in the military. Of course, I also heard “What happens on TDY stays TDY” (TDY being temporary duty, heard the same for deployments) and never from other active duty women, just men. This was decades before I ever heard it applied to Vegas, btw.

The TDY thing was usually from guys I was turning down for sexy funtimes because they told me they were married when I asked. I told them that there were way plenty single guys to choose from, since getting caught with a married guy was against regs and could (and did) get both parties hauled up before a court martial.

And lawks! The newest porn ring scandal! I hope the Marines/Navy understand that this is a misogynistic impulse to take their female peers/superiors down a peg and not just a porn problem.

Serebrianyi Golub
Serebrianyi Golub
8 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Not an MGTOW, just read too much of them, and (unfortunately) an idea popped into my head about how a Navy SEAL could be considered a “beta.”
Dalrock, occasionally featured here, champions a slightly more nuanced alpha/beta distinction in which each includes a “greater” and “lesser” subset. I think it goes like this for him:
Greater Alphas: POTUSES 45, 43, and 42
Lesser Alphas: the frequently incarcerated or institutionalized, the societally marginalized
Greater Betas: POTUSES 44 and 41, Navy SEALs
Lesser Betas: Redditors, office drones

Being “beta” for at least some of these guys isn’t about being unsuccessful, it’s about being a follower, a consensus-seeker, a company man – someone who thrives within organizational structures rather than fighting them. For these particular menzers, I can see dying in combat looking very beta indeed.

8 years ago

There is literally nothing she can do that does not make her evil – that is a pretty excellent summary of the MGTOW mindset. If she grieves, evil. If she stays alone, evil. If she remarries, evil. If she says nothing, evil. If she says something, evil.

No matter what a woman in intense grief can do, she is a horrible manipulative bitch to these people, by definition.

Same goes for all other women, no matter what they do.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

As they see it, the real issue is that Carryn Owens is an “attention seeking whore [who] most probably cheated on the poor guy like almost all military wives do.”

I thought I had lost the capacity to feel shocked by what these guys have to say.

8 years ago

Sometimes they even get Booed when they come back home.

Well, some got lynched. But, given that MGTOWs are going full Nazi, I’m guessing they would approve.

8 years ago

If she had not showed up, they’d take that as a sign of her disrespect too.

I think it is clear that what the mgtow hate her for is being a woman who loved and mourns a man who was not them. The rage that she may even love again one day really drives that home to me. There seems to be jealousy for the man she lost and anyone she may ever love behind their pretending to be jealous of her.
She’s clearly a beautiful woman grieving her late husband. Pretending that they find her otherwise is so telling. Her grief represents everything they will never know. They will never be hailed as heroes or cherished or missed. They wish with every fiber of their being that “going their own way” will mean some woman somewhere will pine for them. Ultimately, they know no one ever will.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

and until we get to the bottom of why the raid failed

Because the person who ordered it has less sense of military strategy than a rabid weasel. The whole thing was done on a wing and a prayer, and became an utterly predictable clusterfuck. What’s to get to the bottom of?

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
8 years ago

There’s nothing on which those creeps will not shit.

“I think that if she really cared about him she would have stayed home and grieved in private and not use him for sympathy points.”

Right, because people turn down invitations from the President all the time. God almighty, give me strength.

I wish Mrs. Owens the very best. May her husband’s memory live in honor.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


May her husband’s memory live in honor.


8 years ago

After the Trump speech, everyone forgets about the poor guy and she gets all the media attention for days. The guy is disposable just like all of us and the woman is always the victim. He served his role and now no one gives a shit about him.

Pardon the violent sentiments, but I really want to punch this sucker. If it hadn’t been for his boy Donnie with the giant ego, this SEAL would still be alive, and a whole lot of innocent Yemenis likewise.

And I’ll bet there’s not a day goes by that this poor woman wouldn’t trade “all the media attention for days” to see her man back at home, alive and well.

Migtoes really are the world’s most worthless motherfuckers.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

God, shouldn’t these guys be focusing on how wonderful and fulfilling their lives are, and regaling everyone with their tales of derring-do, instead of dissecting the looks of a grieving widow whose beloved husband was just killed a month before by a botched raid ordered at dinner just as casually as that asshole ordered the shrimp cocktail??

Literally, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

8 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
Yeah this is in no way honorable. He was callously killed by the hands of an orange tyrant who can’t even take responsibility for his actions. Hell if anything constantly pointing out on all channels what dampnut did is more honorable by getting him out of office asap.
@PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
When you’re so bitter and self loathing, you often find that in order to make yourself feel better, you tear other people down. In this case MGTOW hates women so much they’ll take a chance to hurt someone who’s grieving, giving not a single damn about Ryan Owens.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I took AsAbove’s sentence to mean Mrs. Owen’s memory of her husband should be one of love and honor, not that the mission itself was at all honorable.

I’m not going to forget that Ryan Owens died honorably, even if the mission was ordered by a posturing asshole. Trump deserves everyone’s derision; Ryan and Carryn Owens do not.

Which just leads me back to the loathsome MGTOWS that denigrated her because the Fanta Menace (Thanks, Alan!), a spoiled child who wanted so desperately wanted to show Obama what a great leader Trump is by getting people killed in a raid Obama passed on for good reason, then used that tragedy to give himself the thinnest veneer of respectability by using her to score cheap points that he promptly thew away by another early morning Twitter tantrum.

8 years ago

Only good thing about MGTOWs: They won’t pass their hate on to future generations! By Golly: Why can’t they just bite themselves in the tongue?

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