Every year, on the same day as #InternationalWomensDay, men and even a few women around the world celebrate “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day! Let’s check in on some of the festivities already underway on Twitter!
Why we gotta have an international woman's day, why isn't there an international men's day??
— MoeExotic (@MrStreatrr) March 8, 2017
Why isn't there an International Men's Day? And don't say that every day is International Men's Day! Male privilege doesn't exist!
— MAGA MAN (@CNNIsFakeNews1) March 8, 2017
Good morning
Why is there no international men's day why are men always left out
Women's day
Valentine's Day… https://t.co/AdW4uflpiz— CelibateDad (@CelibateDad) March 8, 2017
Is there an international men's day? SEXISM
— Remnant Productions (@RemnantProd) March 8, 2017
All this fuss about International Women's Day, but International Men's Day never gets a mention. Discrimination !
— Conor (@ConorEffurt) March 8, 2017
Feminism teaches us that men and women are equal. So why is there no Men's day? #HappyWomensDay 🖖
— Mohamed Shius (@shiuzs) March 8, 2017
This is just an observation,you people shud not kill me but why is there no international men's day, just 1 fathers day n like 3 mothers day pic.twitter.com/hvCwSWRLxF
— Uti uzumaki/kenpachi 😎 (@iamDOPE_jas) March 8, 2017
So do we as men get an international men's day?
— Chip Skylark (@Capt_Slapa_Ho) March 8, 2017
Imagine the fucking uproar from feminists if you had the worlds media praising the male race on international men's day?
— Ash (@ash_cfc89) March 8, 2017
— VANSMOOKEYMAWA (@vansmookeymawa) March 8, 2017
is there a international men's day cause if not i'm going to be very angry
— Ryan Lindgren Supporter (@NOT_Lindgren) March 8, 2017
how can you call it equality if we have #InternationalWomensDay but not international men's day?
— #teamkris!! (@vityanikiforov_) March 8, 2017
Even the bots are celebrating?
Alas,, not everyone really understands how this day works.
@CalPAdining why isn't there potato soup on campus anywhere anymore?! This is so heartbreaking 😓💔😭
— LP (@LPeezy13) March 8, 2017
This guy had a better question:
Anyone know when its international middle aged slightly plump dead plain men's day #InternationalWomensDay
— andy dearden X #oafc (@andydearden1964) March 8, 2017
By the way, there is an International Men’s Day, as this dude points out to … himself.
International Men’s Day is pretty much an MRA dumpster fire though. Don’t celebrate it. Celebrate World Toilet Day instead.
UPDATED TO ADD: Kudos to UK comedian Richard Herring, who’s made it his annual quest to answer every idiot who asks the accursed “why isn’t there an international men’s day” question on Twitter; he encourages everyone who appreciates his efforts on this front to donate money to Refuge.org.uk.
If two populations are given equal opportunity to benefit, and one population consistently benefits from that opportunity to a greater degree than the other, there are only two possible explanations: Either the supposedly equal opportunity is not so equal, or the populations themselves are not equally worthy. If you believe the former, congratulations; you understand the need for IWD. If you believe the latter, congratulations; you are the reason for IWD.
@Rhuu – pfft, if those kids weren’t genetically inferior, or so damned lazy they’d just be taller. I mean, that guy one the left is tall enough cause he worked hard and wasn’t a filthy box moocher.
Typing that just made me die a little inside, and good lord am I sleep deprived.
Everyone already explained everything I also want to point out that
white women make 77 cents to a white man’s dollar
Black women make 66 cents
Native/Hispanic women make 56
And disabled women (that’s me) make 33 cents. We get paid less than everyone.
And I absolutely hate it when people constantly tell us to stop complaining about ‘first world problems’ and think about women in other countries (ex Middle East) because they have it worse. I can tell you this the people in those countries are telling the women there the exact same thing. And also the same people (men and boys more specifically) who tell us to think about other women are the ones who complain about little things like ‘why is there no men’s day?’ “Wah! There’s female main characters in my favorite games and movies!” Etc.
But clearly we are the emotional and irrational snowflakes. /S
Joseph Reese,
International Women’s Day has been celebrated for over a century. It’s not going away anytime soon.
I implore you to kindly troll elsewhere.
Thank you.
@Rhuu I was a little disappointed I couldn’t actually find a clip of a comedian doing the Preston Manning ‘Refoooooorm!’ thing. 🙂 Bonus points if I could have found one of Preston himself doing it on Air Farce. 😀
Sorry if I’m necroing, but I just found this on /r/exmormon. It’s a link to a screenshot of some Facebook post or something celebrating “Why isn’t there an International Men’s Day” day. Reddit being Reddit, I’m not sure whether the “idiocy” is supposed to be feminism, or the whine against feminism. If it were elsewhere, it would certainly be the former, but /r/exmormon is more friendly to feminism than most subreddits.