
Happy “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day!

Seems rather SEXIST if you ask me

Every year, on the same day as #InternationalWomensDay, men and even a few women around the world celebrate “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day! Let’s check in on some of the festivities already underway on Twitter!

Even the bots are celebrating?

Alas,, not everyone really understands how this day works.

This guy had a better question:

By the way, there is an International Men’s Day, as this dude points out to … himself.

Spencer Nelson‏ @Spencer8nelson Follow More Spencer Nelson Retweeted Spencer Nelson Update: International men's day is November 19thSpencer Nelson added, Spencer Nelson @Spencer8nelson When's international men's day? 12:58 PM - 8 Mar 2017

International Men’s Day is pretty much an MRA dumpster fire though. Don’t celebrate it. Celebrate World Toilet Day instead.

UPDATED TO ADD: Kudos to UK comedian Richard Herring, who’s made it his annual quest to answer every idiot who asks the accursed “why isn’t there an international men’s day” question on Twitter; he encourages everyone who appreciates his efforts on this front to donate money to

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7 years ago


I don’t know how they thought no one would notice that Firstname McFirstname isn’t even a student.

Those were my thoughts, too. Doesn’t anyone check student IDs anymore? Or do they just figure that any extra bum filling their paltry seats is a good thing, and let it go?

I predict that he’ll actually be unmasked as a Firstname Firstnameson, BTW. Or maybe a Firstname McMiddlename.

In my opinion, the weirdest part of this whole story is the former President, Galandy, who resigned when she began to notice that her clubmates were bigoted against women and members of the LGBT+ community. But… it’s a Wildrose group. What was she expecting? What part of the Wildrose platform appealed to her, if she thinks bigotry is a bad thing? I dunno, it’s odd.

No doubt she fell for some wild but vague MAGA variation. That’s the problem with ‘wingers, they’re easily seduced by grand promises, but can’t be arsed to do their homework, and they consider the Grand Canyon-sized pitfalls to be just minor details, easily overlooked because ZOMG, the snake-oil salesman promised them a pink pegacorn pony!

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


I knew we were bigoted, but not against young white women with money like me!” types of situations.


7 years ago
Tabby Lavalamp
7 years ago

It’s weird that the only person I started following today on Twitter was a man, but I discovered Richard Herring and saw that he was doing The Lady’s work and had to give him a follow.

7 years ago

It’s obvious they don’t actually want a Men’s Day, they just want women to not have a day.

Anyway, I still had to work, but at least I spent nothing today and got to attend a Women’s Day March that ended up in a rally in front of the local Trump hotel. My voice is probably still going to be hoarse in the morning.

7 years ago

Every flipping year this happens. Just had some constructive discussions with men who didn’t think one mans day was enough to redress the terrible imbalance of awareness. I called their bluff and suggested they do something constructive about it.

I for one will celebrate mans day by continuing to support my husband in his so-far successful attempt to not kill himself or get disproportionately incarcerated or murdered. Its been touch and go a few times and I am not kidding. I will also continue to not domestically abuse him… so long as he does the washing up… I kid.

7 years ago

I love this guy:

Can somebody tell me why isn’t there an “Men’s International Day.”? Is it prejudice or a cover-up?

A cover-up! How would that work? A shadowy network of newspaper proprietors and TV executives suppressing all mention of the day? Facebook and Twitter automatically deleting posts which mention it? Because… reasons.

It’s easy to mark a spot in the calendar for your favourite issue. Here, look: I hereby declare next Tuesday, 14 March, International Putting Stuff on Your Cat’s Head Day. Boom, done! But… it won’t get much traction unless people actually make it happen. IWD works because people have got off their arses and organised events, written articles, marched etc. You know, stuff which takes more effort than whining on Twitter.

You want International Men’s Day to become a high profile thing, rather than a punchline for Richard Herring? Do stuff! Arrange with your local library to have a display highlighting work by male authors, since they’re so often overlooked. Get a hundred guys to picket a TV studio, wearing gags, to protest against the shameful under-representation of men on TV. Overnight, equip all the female statues in your capital city with moustaches, to draw attention to the lack of male figures in heroic statuary. Dress as a woman for the day, and wearing makeup, to demonstrate the abuse men get from women when they step outside normative male presentation.

There are a million ways you could make International Men’s Day newsworthy, but it takes work. Or you could just whine on Twitter. Your choice.

The Real Cie
7 years ago

There isn’t one because it isn’t needed, for the same reason that we don’t need “white power” or “straight pride.” These idiots are insufferable.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

There isn’t one because it isn’t needed

Straight, white, cis-het, protestant christian males need their own day because if ANYONE else has ANYTHING, it MUST HAVE BEEN TAKEN from straight, white, cis-het, protestant christian males.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Are they afraid they’ll stop existing if everyone isn’t thinking of them every second of every day?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

I almost want to see people dressed as Indy at the next Wildrose/neo-nazi protest. 🙂

comment image

7 years ago

The ghastly Ann Coulter is shooting off on Breitbart again, and it’s a doozy: child rape is caused by “peasant cultures” hiding behind “immigrant privilege”, apparently. Any chance David could cover that? His takedown would help provide some much-needed catharsis.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

I think I ticked off Husbeast’s nephew yesterday. I told them I’d forgotten about IWD when I agreed* to go have sushi last night and wanted to postpone. Husbeast was on board, but Nephew was unhappy and spent the rest of the evening in the guest room with the door shut. Am I a bad host because I don’t feel bad?

What did make me feel bad was watching The Taming of the Shrew (Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton version) and realizing that Petruchio was a straight-up abuser.

*knowing I’d have to foot the bill since Husbeast is short this week.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@Fishy Goat:
I’d mentioned that mess on a previous thread after I’d heard about the original email from the CBC Metro Morning radio show, but I hadn’t heard the follow-up about the supposedly fired member not actually existing.

And I think it says something that the photo of the Wildrose club’s previous president at the top of that article is wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat in a White House stock photo setup. For all that Alberta is jokingly referred to as ‘Texas North’, we’re not the U.S.A. That said, as I noted, the Wildrose are the party for those people who think the Conservatives aren’t conservative enough. Or who just hated the ‘Progressive’ part of the Progressive Conservative party.

(Why is it that, here in Canada at least, so many of the same people who seem to believe in the ‘Amero’ conspiracy theory about forced amalgamation and currency of the countries also seem to act like they’re already part of the U.S. while living in Canada?)

That said, the mayor of Calgary is currently Naheed Nenshi, the first openly Muslim mayor of any major North American city. The Wildrose types have been flipping their lids ever since he first got elected in 2010. (Which was the same year Toronto elected Rob Ford as mayor. *sigh* When did Toronto and Calgary switch souls?)

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Jenora Methinks the Wildrose Party is just another incarnartion of Preston Manning’s Refoooooooooooooooorm! Party. :/

7 years ago

I have to assume that all these people are waiting for women to organize their International Men’s Day. I mean, that’s it, right?

7 years ago

@ Hambeast

Ugh, Taming of the Shrew. I remember hating it the first (and only) time I saw it in high school, and feeling a bit angry at the school for making me read/see it, without pointing out how abusive it was all around. My current self would have done the assignment on it by basically ranting about the abuse and how it disturbed and angered me, but past me cared more about the grade.

It really says something when the iconic image from “Kiss Me Kate,” which is based on it, is the scene where the guy publicly spanks the woman with a shovel.

7 years ago

Aww, just wait ’til the Techno-Matriarchy is booted up and running. We’ll give you guys an international men’s week (or maybe even a month, if you ask nicely).

7 years ago

The “Marowitz Shrew” is an adaptation of Taming of the Shrew as a tragedy of abuse instead of a “comedy” (including onstage brutalisation and rape, which I think is a rare case of it being depicted in a way that’s legit and totally non-salacious (no flesh, incidentally)). And it’s quite rightly horrible.

7 years ago

International men’s day is November 19. They should google it.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

BitterSweet – Yeah. I never had to study that particular play in school and up until recently, I was also old movie averse. They showed the movie on the Turner Classic Movie channel last night. Blech.

I started watching TCM a few years back because of the commentary by the hosts and found it was really interesting to get my dad’s feedback on these old films. It still surprises me how progressive some of these old movies were back in the day. Of course, that was despite the views and norms of the times.

7 years ago

TL;DR response: every other day is Men’s Day.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@Fishy Goat:
Pretty much, just at the provincial level. The name ‘Wildrose’, being Alberta’s provincial flower, adds an additional level of nativism to it all.

At the federal level, of course, Stephen Harper was a member of the Reform party while Manning was still running it, ran for election in the riding Manning had vacated in 2002, and later pretty much staged a takeover of the federal Progressive Conservative party before removing the ‘Progressive’ from the name.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


(Why is it that, here in Canada at least, so many of the same people who seem to believe in the ‘Amero’ conspiracy theory about forced amalgamation and currency of the countries also seem to act like they’re already part of the U.S. while living in Canada?)

Because that’s a Bircher thing? I had no clue that there were Canadians who believed that one.

Joseph Reese
Joseph Reese
7 years ago

There is no longer need for an international women’s day. There is no wage gap. The supposed gap is just a difference in the amount women make compared to the amount men make nationally. Women and men get payed the same amount for the same jobs. Women can vote. Women can get the same jobs and education men can. Women and men have reached a state of equality. If you can present me with one law in the united states that puts women at a disadvantage, then I will be more open minded. However, I know you will be unable to do this, because that law simply does not exist. And it never will in the United States.
I implore you to take this into consideration logically, and not emotionally. I do hope that some of you will be able to do that and not scream out at your screen. Thank you.