
Happy “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day!

Seems rather SEXIST if you ask me

Every year, on the same day as #InternationalWomensDay, men and even a few women around the world celebrate “Why Isn’t There an International Men’s Day” Day! Let’s check in on some of the festivities already underway on Twitter!

Even the bots are celebrating?

Alas,, not everyone really understands how this day works.

This guy had a better question:

By the way, there is an International Men’s Day, as this dude points out to … himself.

Spencer Nelson‏ @Spencer8nelson Follow More Spencer Nelson Retweeted Spencer Nelson Update: International men's day is November 19thSpencer Nelson added, Spencer Nelson @Spencer8nelson When's international men's day? 12:58 PM - 8 Mar 2017

International Men’s Day is pretty much an MRA dumpster fire though. Don’t celebrate it. Celebrate World Toilet Day instead.

UPDATED TO ADD: Kudos to UK comedian Richard Herring, who’s made it his annual quest to answer every idiot who asks the accursed “why isn’t there an international men’s day” question on Twitter; he encourages everyone who appreciates his efforts on this front to donate money to

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The male race? Male is a race now?

7 years ago

I no rite! I’m wondering when we’re going to have an International CisHet day? Oh and White History Month, hell next to no one gets taught anything about White History!


Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

No Billionaire’s Day either! Won’t somebody please think of the poor neglected billionaires?!!!

Some Guy
Some Guy
7 years ago

International Men’s Day was yesterday.
And the day before that…
And the day before that…

7 years ago

What of the corporations, they are people too! Think of how much of their rights in personhood is so limited, they aren’t even allowed to adopt!

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago


What of the corporations, they are people too! Think of how much of their rights in personhood is so limited, they aren’t even allowed to adopt!

Sure they can. It’s called a “hostile takeover”.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

Can somebody tell me why isn’t there an “Men’s International Day.”? Is it prejudice or a cover-up?

Cover-up. Definitely cover-up.

just 1 fathers day n like 3 mothers day

3 Mothers’ Days? Dude, I think your mom might be running some sort of cheap-chocolate-and-grocery-store-daisies con on you.

7 years ago

I thought it was called “Wage Slave”?

garbageboy stinkman
garbageboy stinkman
7 years ago

By the way, they guy you call “This Guy” is Richard Herring, a pretty famous comedian here in the UK (mostly famous for his work with the legendary Stewart Lee) who has undertaken this the past 4 years or so and is also asking for people to donate to if they’re entertained by what he’s been doing.

7 years ago

Wait, so they forcefully take custody? This smells of matriarchy!

garbageboy stinkman
garbageboy stinkman
7 years ago

Cheers for the updates, David. Bit more exposure for his work and money to a good cause is always nice. 🙂

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

Shoulda known today would also be “What about the Menz Day” right?

*near fatal eyeroll*

7 years ago

But where are the cemeteries for living people, huh? HUH?

Srsly, though: Happy Whiny-Ass Titty-Baby Ignorant Wankstain Day to all the Twitter Warriors of Meninism out there, who have never had to fight to be legally recognized as persons or anything like that. I salute you…

And for those of you who live across the pond and didn’t get that gesture:

7 years ago


3 Mothers’ Days? Dude, I think your mom might be running some sort of cheap-chocolate-and-grocery-store-daisies con on you.

He might be referring to the fact that Mother’s Day/Mothering Sunday falls on different dates in different countries. I myself have been known to protest the injustice of there being two Thanksgivings, but no Thanksgetting!

7 years ago

They all ask about International men’s Day, but they never stop and think to ask about International Meme’s Day.
Discrimination !

No International Men’s Day? but garbage day is already once every week.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Every year. Every year these morons tweet the same bullshit.

Too stupid to Google and in too much of a hurry to be outraged.

But sure. Women are the overemotional snowflakes. Okay.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
7 years ago

In 1992, after the Clarence Thomas hearings prompted more women to run for office, the number of women in Congress rose to all of 10% , and I think all of 7 Senators. The media all started calling it the “Year of the Woman.” Right on cue, I’d get guys moaning about why there wasn’t a “Year of the Man.”

I offered to trade: Congress 90% women, Supreme Court 8 women out of 9, and a woman in the White House, women running pretty much all major corporations and religious groups – and we’d call it the “Year of the Man.”

Curiously, none of them ever wanted to take me up on it.

7 years ago

Today I worked – ESL tutor. I work for a small woman owned business that offers business and conversational English. One older gentleman mentioned he’s reading Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s biography. He told me, “So history in the U.S. seems to be the striving for all people to have equality.” Happy Woman’s Day – I love it!

7 years ago

When is International I-Know-There’s-an-International-Men’s-Day-But-Imma-Pretend-I-Don’t Kind of Guy Day?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

Aaaand the stupidity at the University of Calgary just keeps on giving…. 🙂

Campus Club That Called Feminism Cancer May Have ‘Fired’ a Fake Member

7 years ago

For any menzer trolls hate-reading this — here you go, boys:

Here’s how you do real satire.

And here’s how you ALSO do real satire.

Happy Women’s Day!

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

I’ll take “What is Google?” for 100, Alex.

Seriously, though, it’s more about them petulantly whining about it than taking a second to actually, you know, look it up and maybe learn something.

7 years ago

Fishy Goat: To the surprise of almost no one.

They’re gonna try and pull a Honey Badger at Comic Expo thing. They’ll get their club disbanded because of lies and fraudulent claims and then claim they were only thrown out because of PC culture. And their followers will swallow it.

I hate Calgary Nazis.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
7 years ago

@Fishy Goat, that is… that is quite something. I don’t know how they thought no one would notice that Firstname McFirstname isn’t even a student. Maybe they just didn’t care, since they seem to have all but disbanded now.

In my opinion, the weirdest part of this whole story is the former President, Galandy, who resigned when she began to notice that her clubmates were bigoted against women and members of the LGBT+ community. But… it’s a Wildrose group. What was she expecting? What part of the Wildrose platform appealed to her, if she thinks bigotry is a bad thing? I dunno, it’s odd.

Edit: Maybe it’s one of those “I knew we were bigoted, but not against young white women with money like me!” types of situations.

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