open thread

Day Without A Woman Open Thread Featuring Donald Trump!

As Sam Bee pointed out on Twitter, every day is a Day Without a Woman in Trump’s White House! 

It’s a slightly belated Day Without a Woman open thread! Post news, pics, details of what you’ve been doing to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay!

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Wore red at work, and will be putting on the back burner for a day all of my volunteering duties. Can’t do the same at home because everyone is sick. 😛

8 years ago

I did break the “no purchases” rule because 1) I really wanted our local grocery store’s excellent tuna salad for lunch and 2) Oreos without milk are kind of sad.

Other than that, I’ve been mostly chilling and getting some surprisingly positive reactions on my Ides of Trump postcard art. (This blog is weird about inlining Facebook picture URLs.)

Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
8 years ago

Good news for me…well, with a tinge of the bittersweet. I was part of the small group of seasonal workers that was chosen to remain permanently. Which is of course great, since I like the job and I’m good at it. The down side though…the job is selling Health Insurance. So yeah, things have been a little tense with the Trumpdontcare replacement plan being discussed. But the insurance company seems to be optimistic about things, so I’ll try to be.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Can’t actually do the no purchases, cos we only just got grocery money.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I’m wearing red today as I do my healthcare job. No purchases – easy today, thankfully.

I did also wind up about a hundred yards of homespun (100 yards of BFL, for any other spinners here) that I’ll be turning into a pussyhat later on.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
8 years ago

@Nequam – Ha, that’s great! I’ve been making a few postcards too, but most of mine are not as elaborate or artsy as yours.

I wasn’t able to take the day off, but I am wearing red. I did send out a flurry of texts to state reps during lunch break about laws they are trying to cram through that will hurt women, especially transgender women, in my state. =/

8 years ago

I drove to my grandmother’s culture club for seniors and drover her back home. Aside from a few jerks (oh yeah powerslide on a curve nothing bad could possibly happen), it was a pleasant ride.

Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
Viscaria, product of 20,000 evolution
8 years ago

I thought about striking from school today, but I had an opportunity to pass a skills test and I couldn’t afford not to try. (Failed it anyway, so ? plbbbbbbt.) Instead, I found a way to visibly display my red tank top, apparently the only red article of clothing I have here, without freezing my limbs off in the -28C windchill. And I’ve let my roommates know that I will be refraining from any unpaid housework. Compromise, compromise. Still, a good day.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m wearing a red shirt and made red curry. No purchases. The no work thing was easy because I just got fired/laid off/put on ice or whatever until further notice.

No sympathy required though. I’ve been unhappy there lately due to a manager that I liked transitioning out and the new manager being an asshole and making changes for the worse. At this point I’m relieved. I couldn’t quit without something lined up because then no unemployment but it’s hard to look for something else while working full time during business hours.

They make ask me back when there’s more work and they may not. At least I’ll have some time to get my resume up to date and look for something else. And watch the college basketball tournament next Thu and Fri. With unemployment + savings I should be okay for at least a few months. My grandmother is my landlord and I don’t pay much to live here.

8 years ago

WWTH: congrats I guess then?

8 years ago

I bloggered. And learned that the Russian Revolution didn’t start in October with Lenin, it started…today, 100 years ago, when women protested in Petersburg. Happy Women’s Day!

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
8 years ago

Yeah, unemployed so, easy to not work. Not doing housework except what I can’t stand not to, feeding myself and, of course, keeping Catbeast fed and medicated.

Husbeast wants to take his nephew (who’s house-guesting from NJ) to have sushi tonight. If I can’t convince them to wait till tomorrow, I’ll probably have to go along with them because missing out on sushi would make me sad.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

Didn’t shop per se, but got food on campus meal plan. Dunno if that counts.

Also attended a walk for women. It was meant to be candle-lit, but it was breezy, so we just carried candles and walked.

8 years ago

I would have taken the day off, but my supervisor blocked out the whole week for a vacation months in advance, and we’re a skeleton crew as it is. I’m pretty sure the boss-guys know damn well that this place would come to a screeching halt without women, since we occupy most of the administrative positions.

8 years ago

Eh, didnt take the day off cause no one in my country is doing that (so it would be kind of pointless). Couldnt wear red either cause we wear uniforms and its green.

But I did congratulate every woman I met and was extra nice to them, which eh, its something! An acquaintance gave me a chocolate bar, which is always nice, wooo!

Unfortunately most congratulations I read (on the whatsapp family group or TV) were sexist as hell. Our “president” gave a pretty sexist speech too.

Im looking forward for some future women’s days where some activism is made instead of just giving us tiny presents and gentleness, but well. Cant complain.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

I’m currently laid off and I wore a red hoodie today, but I didn’t plan either one, so I guess I accidentally participated in the Day Without a Woman? However, I couldn’t stop my unpaid labor (it’s trash night in my neighborhood and my bedroom trash can was overflowing), I ate at a local mom-and-pop restaurant tonight, and I would’ve much preferred to have a job and be wearing something red (even if just lipstick) while working. I really liked working and felt less anxious when I was employed.
tl:dr-I accidentally participated in some ways but didn’t in others and wished I didn’t have to do the not-working part.

8 years ago

Went to see Embrace–charming movie:

I’ve got a big problem with the ‘here are some inspiring stories–just love your body however it looks and everything will be cool’ message, but some of the interviews are great (I particularly liked the adorable German actor) and some of it is pretty unsettling (the narrator’s visit to a plastic surgeon in LA must have had everyone in the audience cringing–‘a normal nipple would be higher on the breast, you’re going to need to have this moved up’).

Then I joined some people going to a march, as their meeting spot was on my way home–and was astonished see maybe 100 women there, in my tiny apathetic town! Good on them.

8 years ago

On a different note:

Filed under: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Conservative Senator Lynn Beyak mounted a defence of the residential school system for Aboriginal children in the Red Chamber Tuesday, lamenting that the “good deeds” accomplished by “well-intentioned” religious teachers have been overshadowed by negative reports documented by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

This is much like lamenting all the kind plantation masters who took in slaves and gave them a job and food/a place to live.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!

8 years ago

They also removed science from the science department. The revisionists are feeling like they can be bolder in their shameless bigotry.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

<unrelated> So Fallout 4 has a character based on GLaDOS, right down to the whole bit where you carry her disembodied cycloptic head around while she snarks at you, and I think I’m going to fansplode into a puddle of bubbleheart confetti. Also, “Fansplode” is a word now. </unrelated>


7 years ago

No work (I’m an assistant sub, so I can choose when and when not to take jobs) and no going outside for me. I did do the laundry – I should have done it a lot sooner, but I was being lazy – and I made dinner for myself and my husband. I probably should have made him do it, but he likes his food so bland. Yuck!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

It was my birthday, and my husband took me out for dinner. I did wear a red tie.

7 years ago

Many happy returns for yesterday, Robert! I did have to buy some food (and don’t have anything red, I’m afraid) but that’s about it.
Oddly, my dad always – always, for decades – used to mis-remember my birthday as the 8th when it is in fact the 9th, today. I kind of sort of almost liked the fact that he mentally misplaced me to International Women’s Day, though :-s