abortion aggrieved entitlement alpha males antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rhymes with roosh women's suffrage

Roosh: Save Western Civ by taking women’s vote, forcing them to have babies

Roosh and his beard have many opinions

The last time Roosh Valizadeh, hirsute pickup artist and wannabe reactionary philosopher, had a Big Idea it was a doozy. In a blog post he originally presented seriously but later insisted was Swiftian satire, he argued that the best way to end rape would be to legalize it on private property, thus forcing women to think twice before going home with potential rapists. Ta da! Problem solved!

Now Roosh has a new idea which he thinks could save civilization itself from degenerate cultural marxists and evil sex-having ladies. And by “new idea” I mean “a really really old idea” — the notion that women should be prohibited from voting.

As Roosh sees it, women’s suffrage is at the root of all social ills, creating “a techno-matriarchy with an agenda of male disempowerment and persecution,” and ending it will basically fix everything. The big problem? Ladies love leftism!

Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians who hate the family unit, men, and healthy market competition, while simultaneously weakening society by pushing women into work and giving them generous welfare in the form of handouts to single moms and the able-bodied along with make-work jobs for females in bloated government bureaucracies.


Also, 50 Shades of Grey.

To appease female voters and their destructive nature of promiscuity and drama, a symptom of which is collectively propelling a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey) to one of the best selling books of all time, society has veered so far to the left that it is crumbling at its base through declining birth rates and collapse of the family unit.

As Roosh sees it, we in the west need to boost our baby production STAT.

Because we have given women suffrage, it has become necessary to gain their votes by promising whatever they want in the moment, including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,” which has led to such unbridled chaos and sterility that we have to import third-world people as these empowered female voters abort nearly 60 million American babies.



I don’t actually know what any of that means; I’m just trying to get into the spirit of things here.

These pesky details aside, it’s clear that the real problem is women with the temerity to live their lives according to their own desires rather than those of men.

The demographic crisis the West faces today is primarily due to allowing women to do as they please instead of imposing healthy standards on their behavior and choices. The direct cause of this horror movie is giving women the vote.

Roosh offers up a long laundry list of bad, bad things “that stem from having to appeal to the female vote.” This includes everything from the “lowering of academic standards in universities to allow [women] to ‘excel,’” to

promotion of degeneracy in media, invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys, promotion of sex change operations among children, re-defining fat women as “beautiful at any size” …


… legalization of gay marriage, use of murder (abortion) as birth control, maligning normal masculinity as “toxic masculinity,” and elevation of damaging myths such as “rape culture” and the “wage gap” to foment gender fear and confusion.

And it’s all the fault of the ladies and their evil lady nature.

The culture has degraded because women have been at the forefront of degrading it. Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

Happily, all terrible terrible things could be undone with one quick change in the laws: the repeal of that dastardly 19th Amendment.

Take away the power of women to vote, and the degradation stops. The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy. Women, helpless at enacting political change, would just whine and nag endlessly, and when they tire themselves out, they’d complete their protest by buying dildos or cats.

Dildos or cats? Why not dildos AND cats? Check out the latest specials on!

Women being helpless at enacting political change

Roosh devotes a number of paragraphs to all of the wondrous things that he thinks will happen if women are deprived of the vote. Politicians will appeal to the male-only electorate by promoting “patriarchy, economic success, stable families, and an equitable distribution of females among society.” Women will be forced to share their “political opinions [with their] feline friends” as no one else will listen.

And Roosh will finally be able to buy himself the farm he’s apparently always wanted to live on. No, really. In his utopian future, Roosh happily imagines,

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.

I fully support Roosh getting off the internet to go live on a farm. Who’s with me on this?

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@ryeash Venus is closer. 😉

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

Wait, Roosh wants to be a farmer? How the hell is he supposed to be able to run a farm if he thinks wiping his own ass is too hard?

7 years ago

@Fishy Goat

I like the way you think.

7 years ago

Roosh V wants some kind of Sharia Law. Shocker.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
7 years ago


Oh damn, you beat me to it.

My grandfather was a farmer. He’d get up at dawn, rain or shine, never mind the time of year, in order to feed the cows, because they had to be fed. Half the year, he’d be working his ass off from 6 AM to 10 PM getting all the corn and soybeans planted, sprayed, and harvested, checking on the cattle, and feeding them. Winter was his downtime, and he still had to feed the cows then before light, in the freezing cold.

And Roosh finds wiping his ass is too much work.

My grandfather would be laughing his tough old very much wiped ass off at him if he were here today even if he did vote GOP his whole life. Roosh don’t know shit about farming amongst the long list of other shit he don’t know.

7 years ago

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.

It seems like only yesterday that Roosh was getting all hot and bothered about Canada trying to ban him from hate-speaking. “My life’s work!” he cried.

Now, he’s casual about how in a perfect future his “game guides” would no longer be needed.

Poor, poor Roosh, having to labor on the rape-content farm. Like Kellyanne Conway, he’s only in it for the public service. There are so many other things he could do with his life!

7 years ago

My grandfather was a farmer too, before he went off to work in the lime kilns, fight in Burma, and emigrate to Australia.

And the one story he ever told me about his farming days was about him having to ‘milk’ the bulls. Not the cows, the bulls. It was not an image I cared to dwell on.

I don’t know whether or not that’s something that would fit into Roosh’s skill set. But he certainly does seem to be a wanker, so who knows? He might come away finding himself feeling inadequate, though. More than he already does, anyhow.

7 years ago

an equitable distribution of females among society.


invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys,


Oh. Ooh.

Roosh is in fact an enabler of the technomatriarchy!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ jesalin

Safe, Sane and Consensual are the major principles in BDSM

For some folks. There’s also the risk aware consensual approach.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


What Niki and Banananana say.
I would not allow a person who rant because he has to clip his nail or to sweep his ass himself to possess a farm. I am not sure i would even let him get a job with even a tiny shade of responsability in it, cause he would almost inevitably failed it. I largely prefer the idea of him alone on a lost and isolated island.

frictionless casual sex

What is it supposed to be ? Something like the one in Demolition Man ? Having sex with someone without even touching the person ? Did he even learn biology at school ?

> DanHolme
There is no problem in wanking. He is irresponsible, that is the problem. But among his usual complaints, there is the standard “draft” rant. So, let him go in the army, at the lowest rank possible. Maybe this could bring some humility in him.

Have a nice day.

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
7 years ago

I’m almost afraid to ask, but where do all the references to Roosh and wiping his ass come from?

7 years ago

@Occasional Reader

Quite right, there’s nothing wrong with the activity; I meant it more in the sense of the standard dismissive insult so beloved of the British. It was my usual failed attempt to be funny.

I like to think that any bull that knew where Roosh’s hands had previously been, and what he’d done with them, would kick him flying rather than let him touch his junk.

Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
7 years ago

Never mind. Google was my friend. Or rather wasn’t.

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
7 years ago

The decay of Western civilization has happened, all because we gave those wanton floozies teh rite to teh votez!!!!!1111!
But no fears. Roosh and Lord Dampnut will lead teh Manly Man revolushunz and make the world grate for teh menz again.

7 years ago

…and I’m back. It was quite a big protest, bigger than I thought it would be – I think it might have been as big as the Melbourne incarnation of the Women’s March was. And we had a nice little party afterwards.

Hope everyone enjoys anything they go to themselves tomorrow!

7 years ago

Re testosterone and ‘manly’ behaviour–I found Act Three pretty revealing:

Re how women got the vote–very dramatic story from Tennessee:

Christina Nordlander, Keyboard Battlesister
Christina Nordlander, Keyboard Battlesister
7 years ago

I’m like the fifth person here wanting to say something that would fall afoul of the comments policy. But mostly, I just laugh at him. He’s a weak, pathetic excuse for a human being. Even he doesn’t seem to believe that he’s physically or intellectually superior to women.

And I agree with the people who say that letting him run a farm would be unfair to the animals.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Here’s an Amazon link to those Havaharts AsAbove mentioned (I dug up the link before I saw AsAbove’s post, so I might as well post it anyway – I’ve used the larger sizes for everything from possums to pythons, so I can confirm how well they work). This one’s too small for an average-sized cat to even fit their head into.

7 years ago

I wholeheartedly approve of the game “Alpha Male Hunting” becoming a national pastime, if by “alpha male” they mean the aggressive, violent, boundaries-ignoring piles of toxic masculinity that they usually mean in these kinds of discourses. You know, the bullies and assholes who currently think they own the world.

If “wimpy male feminists” aren’t allowed to join the hunt, I volunteer to help craft hunting equipment for the ladies partaking in the hunt. I already know the basics of crafting simple traps to catch wild game, and I bet I could learn more with a little training.

Silly, I know. I just sometimes wish that society stopped rewarding bullying already.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


For some folks. There’s also the risk aware consensual approach

Yep! Different people define and value safety differently, sane is ableist af, and… well, Risk Aware Consensual Kink… Heh heh, I’m a child ?

7 years ago

What’s to stop him from buying a farm right now? Buy the farm, Doosh; buy the farm!

7 years ago

His shitty self published books aren’t needed now. That’s why he sells so few that his mom and sister support him.

If those two women ever stopped putting a roof over his head, he’d have to get a job instead of whining online that women should be forced into sexual and reproductive slavery.

He is devoid of self awareness.

7 years ago

My first thought was wanting to know how he thought politicians would be able to promise “equitable distribution of females among society”.

Historically that has never happened. The beautiful virgins were often scooped up by rich men who often lost wives in childbirth.

The average farmhand might have sex once a year if he was lucky and went to the city (with a prostitute). If this theoretical farmhand managed to save up his money and buy a small farm he’d still be more likely to marry an older widow who is coming with her own money and land – and even if he had a girl he was specifically saving up to marry… well, rape was incredibly common and rarely punished.

If you think about it, men going their own way are already living the lives they’d be historically living under the classical patriarchy. So I guess they have that going for them.

7 years ago

Roosh continues to prove each and every day that he’s human garbage. I feel bad for the young, impressionable men who actually take him seriously. They’ll become nothing but frustrated around women and have a monthly porn bill as expensive as Roosh’s 😛

7 years ago

Buying the farm is also a euphemism. I have long felt that Doosh deserves that. I am not advocating it, but cannot deny that he would be a deserving recipient.