abortion aggrieved entitlement alpha males antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rhymes with roosh women's suffrage

Roosh: Save Western Civ by taking women’s vote, forcing them to have babies

Roosh and his beard have many opinions

The last time Roosh Valizadeh, hirsute pickup artist and wannabe reactionary philosopher, had a Big Idea it was a doozy. In a blog post he originally presented seriously but later insisted was Swiftian satire, he argued that the best way to end rape would be to legalize it on private property, thus forcing women to think twice before going home with potential rapists. Ta da! Problem solved!

Now Roosh has a new idea which he thinks could save civilization itself from degenerate cultural marxists and evil sex-having ladies. And by “new idea” I mean “a really really old idea” — the notion that women should be prohibited from voting.

As Roosh sees it, women’s suffrage is at the root of all social ills, creating “a techno-matriarchy with an agenda of male disempowerment and persecution,” and ending it will basically fix everything. The big problem? Ladies love leftism!

Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians who hate the family unit, men, and healthy market competition, while simultaneously weakening society by pushing women into work and giving them generous welfare in the form of handouts to single moms and the able-bodied along with make-work jobs for females in bloated government bureaucracies.


Also, 50 Shades of Grey.

To appease female voters and their destructive nature of promiscuity and drama, a symptom of which is collectively propelling a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey) to one of the best selling books of all time, society has veered so far to the left that it is crumbling at its base through declining birth rates and collapse of the family unit.

As Roosh sees it, we in the west need to boost our baby production STAT.

Because we have given women suffrage, it has become necessary to gain their votes by promising whatever they want in the moment, including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,” which has led to such unbridled chaos and sterility that we have to import third-world people as these empowered female voters abort nearly 60 million American babies.



I don’t actually know what any of that means; I’m just trying to get into the spirit of things here.

These pesky details aside, it’s clear that the real problem is women with the temerity to live their lives according to their own desires rather than those of men.

The demographic crisis the West faces today is primarily due to allowing women to do as they please instead of imposing healthy standards on their behavior and choices. The direct cause of this horror movie is giving women the vote.

Roosh offers up a long laundry list of bad, bad things “that stem from having to appeal to the female vote.” This includes everything from the “lowering of academic standards in universities to allow [women] to ‘excel,’” to

promotion of degeneracy in media, invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys, promotion of sex change operations among children, re-defining fat women as “beautiful at any size” …


… legalization of gay marriage, use of murder (abortion) as birth control, maligning normal masculinity as “toxic masculinity,” and elevation of damaging myths such as “rape culture” and the “wage gap” to foment gender fear and confusion.

And it’s all the fault of the ladies and their evil lady nature.

The culture has degraded because women have been at the forefront of degrading it. Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

Happily, all terrible terrible things could be undone with one quick change in the laws: the repeal of that dastardly 19th Amendment.

Take away the power of women to vote, and the degradation stops. The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy. Women, helpless at enacting political change, would just whine and nag endlessly, and when they tire themselves out, they’d complete their protest by buying dildos or cats.

Dildos or cats? Why not dildos AND cats? Check out the latest specials on!

Women being helpless at enacting political change

Roosh devotes a number of paragraphs to all of the wondrous things that he thinks will happen if women are deprived of the vote. Politicians will appeal to the male-only electorate by promoting “patriarchy, economic success, stable families, and an equitable distribution of females among society.” Women will be forced to share their “political opinions [with their] feline friends” as no one else will listen.

And Roosh will finally be able to buy himself the farm he’s apparently always wanted to live on. No, really. In his utopian future, Roosh happily imagines,

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.

I fully support Roosh getting off the internet to go live on a farm. Who’s with me on this?

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7 years ago


I wish I had some advice, but my cat (well, technically my partner’s cat) kills mice with almost startling efficiency. I had a small mouse problem in one of my recent living spaces, and the night the cat moved in was the same night I stopped having a mouse problem.

7 years ago


There are mechanical traps that dont kill the animal like thiscomment image

Or this:comment image

Second one being diy, you can find tutorials online.
The rats around here are way too smart for that though, so we put poisoned chunks of bread or cooked rice in the corners they usually hide (not only its difficult for the cat to reach as its also food they dont find appealing – at least Mine doesnt, test with yours EXTENSIVELY (please please please) if you choose these methods.
Good luck.
I do find then smart and adorable animals, but I cant even imagine living like you do, my skin crawl at the thought. The very fact that you have a cat should mostly keep them away, at least in my experience. I think they somehow know there are cats present. Thats weird.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago


You can try leaving Wellington Boots(on their sides) around the areas where the mice congregate. That gives the mice somewhere to escape to where they can’t be got at (paws can’t get round the corner). Then you just have to empty them in a safe place every morning.

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

If you get a Hav-A-Hart or similar live trap, please take the mice at least a mile from your house to release them. The little buggers have a homing instinct and will come right back otherwise, I’ve heard.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It sucks. Dracarys is very good at hunting mice down but she wants to play with and terrorize them, not kill them.

7 years ago

a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey)

Uh… brutally? It’s BDSM for people who don’t particularly care for BDSM, “brutal” is just about the last word I would use to describe it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Dracy likes crackers and bread so I definitely wouldn’t use poison unless it’s in a trap a cat get into. Why my cat would either eat carbs than meat, I don’t know. Perhaps she’s taking on the characteristics of her human!

7 years ago

Dracarys!!!!!!! Awwwwwwwww, best name ever! Now I want one named that. And a big dog named Dogmeat ^^

Eh, my cat loves corn and everything made with it (corn crackers, corn cake…). Go figure. I think in your place id put mechanical traps. EVERY WHERE, because, Jesus, would I freak out about a street rat on my bed.

Hambeast (fan of diversity)
Hambeast (fan of diversity)
7 years ago

I do believe Roosh has just admitted to supplementing his testosterone:

The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics

Because? Environmental plastics for one, environmental plastics for all, Roosh!

dlouwe said

For real though, a techno-matriarchy sounds pretty bad ass. Automatic bon-bons? Hover-hard-chairs? Holographic scented candles? Robo cats? Sign me up!

I am volunteering to be a cog in the techno-matriarchy machine!

Anna B said

But if he doesn’t even get the income from his rape manuals, where will he get the money to buy the land?

Maybe he could marry Juice Bro’s ex-wife?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


“brutal” is just about the last word I would use to describe it

Not the sex, but, if I understand the series correctly (never read the books or watched the movies), the relationship surrounding the sex is rather abusive in the way people who aren’t into BDSM assume relationships with a BDSM component must be


No, seriously though, who would ever want sex WITH friction? I can comprehend wanting tightness, but FRICTION? The skin of the peepee is delicate, I’m pretty sure it hurts too, no?! I mean, I know by experiences they can get friction burns if we, uh, have too much fun

Outside of science experiments, when things rub on each other, there’s gonna be friction. And, as a person with peepee skin, I can say that friction is quite, uhm… quite nice indeed. But too much and, yeah, that’s how rashes happen. Ouch! Roosh made it seem like less friction is girly and weak, thus mayunly men must grind their junk on asphalt to get off. And I’m just like, ‘or nah…’

7 years ago

He sums up his own worldview fairly well, give him that: Permissiveness was useful when hitting on young/credulous/intoxicated women. Now we’re too old to get away with that, women/girls need to be treated like an equitably distributed resource. Throw away the authoritarian rhetoric and all you have is dirty old man style fantasies.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
7 years ago

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.

This is so revealing. Roosh is clearly a sad, lonely and unfulfilled person, and for this, he blames teh wimminz. If only women didn’t vote, he could finally move out of his mother’s house! Because THAT’S HOW IT WORKS!

7 years ago

You can buy a ‘Tin Cat‘ by Victor at your local Ace Hardware or Amazon.
They work great, I have caught as many as 4 at a time in the same trap, sometimes you don’t even need bait, they just wander on in and can’t get out.
Warning: they should be stored standing sideways with the tops open so you don’t inadvertently trap one and leave it to die. I found that out the hard (stinky ) way.

7 years ago

@lunetta: I think you’re being unfair to Christopher Lee who was by all reports a pretty fine human being (and lost more good looks than Roosh will ever have).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I used to see a man on the bus all the time who looked exactly like Christopher Lee as Saruman. It was pretty awesome.

Thanks for the suggestions, all!

I told my dad I preferred trapping and releasing the mice if possible but he seems to prefer finding a trap with poison that a cat can’t get into 🙁

For some reason the idea of one of the cats killing them doesn’t bug me but the idea of humans killing them does.

7 years ago


Make sense to me,cats are just following their natural predatory instincts, humans have a choice .

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure Roosh is far too wimpy to handle running a farm. He’d probably think that castration and culling of male livestock is misandry and end up getting run over by an all-bull herd of cattle.

7 years ago

Eh, I see. Maybe its because of trauma of the pain I used to feel, but for me its perfect when theres as little friction as possible. There hasn’t been any complaints by anyone else, so I figure stuff are finally normalizing and this is how it usually goes? Meh, its difficult, hope i’ll figure with time.

It makes complete sense, I understand you.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


There hasn’t been any complaints by anyone else, so I figure stuff are finally normalizing and this is how it usually goes? Meh, its difficult, hope i’ll figure with time

I have as much sexual experience as a Tibetan nun, so I don’t know how it ‘usually goes’. But I’m pretty sure, if there’s been no complaints, you’ve probably got it figured pretty well at least ?

7 years ago

the relationship surrounding the sex is rather abusive in the way people who aren’t into BDSM assume relationships with a BDSM component must be

Exactly. Safe, Sane and Consensual are the major principles in BDSM, and the “relationship” in 50 shades doesn’t manage to check off any of them, let alone all of them.

7 years ago

The fact that Roosh penned this the day before International Women’s Day very strongly suggests to me that this is just another cynical bid for attention.

Speaking of which, I trust that some of you are going to protests and/or other events in honor of said Day? It’s already that Day here in Australia, and I’m going to a protest (my third overall) later tonight.

7 years ago

Gave us the right to vote? We won it with blood, sweat and tears. Try to take it back. Try it, sonny. Try. It.

7 years ago

I fully support Roosh getting off the internet to go live on a farm. Who’s with me on this?

Sure, if that farm is on the sun.

ETA: Also, what Lea said.

Ari Agbabian
Ari Agbabian
7 years ago

Roosh and other Manosphere proponets such as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney are subject to what I call the “Kim Jong-Un effect.” That is, they are simultaneously semi threatening yet at the same time utterly hilarious.

Should I raise my eyebrows in concern or should I snort-laugh so hard that my beer shoots out my nose? It’s really a conundrum.

The bottom line is that these folks live in a complete world of fantasy. They have created an idyllic past that never existed in order to obtain a putrid future that nobody of intelligence would ever want.

7 years ago

Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

He can’t imagine women doing anything outside of the context of men. But I guess since his whole life is devoted to his perceived entitlement to women, it makes sense he’d project the reverse onto women.

including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,”

I’m not sure at all what this means, but is the “great game of alpha male hunting” like with bows and arrows? (also I love the hypocrisy about women engaging in a kind of “game” coming from a PUA.)

invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys


invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with men more appealing than me or my ilk (which is really the whole problem I have)

There, fixed that for you. You’re welcome.