abortion aggrieved entitlement alpha males antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rhymes with roosh women's suffrage

Roosh: Save Western Civ by taking women’s vote, forcing them to have babies

Roosh and his beard have many opinions

The last time Roosh Valizadeh, hirsute pickup artist and wannabe reactionary philosopher, had a Big Idea it was a doozy. In a blog post he originally presented seriously but later insisted was Swiftian satire, he argued that the best way to end rape would be to legalize it on private property, thus forcing women to think twice before going home with potential rapists. Ta da! Problem solved!

Now Roosh has a new idea which he thinks could save civilization itself from degenerate cultural marxists and evil sex-having ladies. And by “new idea” I mean “a really really old idea” — the notion that women should be prohibited from voting.

As Roosh sees it, women’s suffrage is at the root of all social ills, creating “a techno-matriarchy with an agenda of male disempowerment and persecution,” and ending it will basically fix everything. The big problem? Ladies love leftism!

Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians who hate the family unit, men, and healthy market competition, while simultaneously weakening society by pushing women into work and giving them generous welfare in the form of handouts to single moms and the able-bodied along with make-work jobs for females in bloated government bureaucracies.


Also, 50 Shades of Grey.

To appease female voters and their destructive nature of promiscuity and drama, a symptom of which is collectively propelling a book about a woman being brutally dominated by a man (50 Shades Of Grey) to one of the best selling books of all time, society has veered so far to the left that it is crumbling at its base through declining birth rates and collapse of the family unit.

As Roosh sees it, we in the west need to boost our baby production STAT.

Because we have given women suffrage, it has become necessary to gain their votes by promising whatever they want in the moment, including the removal of all gates to the sexual market so they can engage in the great game of “alpha male hunting,” which has led to such unbridled chaos and sterility that we have to import third-world people as these empowered female voters abort nearly 60 million American babies.



I don’t actually know what any of that means; I’m just trying to get into the spirit of things here.

These pesky details aside, it’s clear that the real problem is women with the temerity to live their lives according to their own desires rather than those of men.

The demographic crisis the West faces today is primarily due to allowing women to do as they please instead of imposing healthy standards on their behavior and choices. The direct cause of this horror movie is giving women the vote.

Roosh offers up a long laundry list of bad, bad things “that stem from having to appeal to the female vote.” This includes everything from the “lowering of academic standards in universities to allow [women] to ‘excel,’” to

promotion of degeneracy in media, invention of apps and technology to allow frictionless casual sex with bad boys, promotion of sex change operations among children, re-defining fat women as “beautiful at any size” …


… legalization of gay marriage, use of murder (abortion) as birth control, maligning normal masculinity as “toxic masculinity,” and elevation of damaging myths such as “rape culture” and the “wage gap” to foment gender fear and confusion.

And it’s all the fault of the ladies and their evil lady nature.

The culture has degraded because women have been at the forefront of degrading it. Their true nature, once unimpaired by societal limits, embarks on an tragic mission of destruction to recreate reality in a way to make them appear more attractive to high status men, no matter the consequence.

Happily, all terrible terrible things could be undone with one quick change in the laws: the repeal of that dastardly 19th Amendment.

Take away the power of women to vote, and the degradation stops. The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy. Women, helpless at enacting political change, would just whine and nag endlessly, and when they tire themselves out, they’d complete their protest by buying dildos or cats.

Dildos or cats? Why not dildos AND cats? Check out the latest specials on!

Women being helpless at enacting political change

Roosh devotes a number of paragraphs to all of the wondrous things that he thinks will happen if women are deprived of the vote. Politicians will appeal to the male-only electorate by promoting “patriarchy, economic success, stable families, and an equitable distribution of females among society.” Women will be forced to share their “political opinions [with their] feline friends” as no one else will listen.

And Roosh will finally be able to buy himself the farm he’s apparently always wanted to live on. No, really. In his utopian future, Roosh happily imagines,

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.

I fully support Roosh getting off the internet to go live on a farm. Who’s with me on this?

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EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)
7 years ago

The paltry population of male feminists, who are likely suffering from low testosterone due to environmental plastics, would offer no barrier in stopping the return to patriarchal normalcy.

Sorry, what?

7 years ago

Doosh must be having trouble picking up women now that his reluctance to wash and wipe his ass is known far and wide, as is his tendency to you know…be a RAPIST.

7 years ago

normally i can laugh at this guy but today this just makes me sick

especially given that his whole cohort is now running the country

7 years ago

Biodegradable plastics reduces testosterone of male feminists. And due to our low numbers (which Axe proven to be demonsteably false with links), and low testosterone for combat, we can’t stop mra’s from making women second class citizens again. Not sure how point a goes to point b, and I don’t particularly care enough to make sense of it.

I’m just hoping no Dems start turning traitor with the next bill that slashes poor people’s insurance and gives rich people even more power.

7 years ago

This guy is slowly turning into Saruman. You mark my words. Do a time-lapse photo series of him from the last couple years and add in Saruman as the final photo and you’ll see I’m right

7 years ago

If women can’t effect political change without the vote, then how did women ever get the vote in the first place?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I can’t think of a response that wouldn’t get hard moderation.

I couldn’t think of one that wouldn’t put me in direct violation of the comments policy.

Artic Ape,

He tried to argue in court that the recording was meant to “protect him against sex crime accusations”. This is again something that only made sense to me thanks to this blog giving me a window to manospherian thinking.

WHTM had a troll named Brandon a while back that advocated for the same thing. I think he finally got banned after David put him in moderation until he could write a post that didn’t refer to himself, using “I” or “me.” He couldn’t do it.

David counted the number of times he used “I” in the next post held up in moderation. 35 times. In one post.

But, yeah. That was his solution against “false rape claims,” as well. As you can imagine, that went over well.

7 years ago

Arctic Ape,

Protect yourself from a theoretical sex crime accusation by committing a real sex crime. Logic!

7 years ago

Allowing women to vote has made it effortless to elect leftist politicians […]

He says, in a world where a racist cheeto in a bad toupee got elected as POTUS. Truly effortless.

Women, helpless at enacting political change […]

He says, in a post about how women’s suffrage (which women fought for and won) has caused too much political change. No duh, when you disenfranchise a group they have less effect on politics. Same thing would happen with men, bruh.

For real though, a techno-matriarchy sounds pretty bad ass. Automatic bon-bons? Hover-hard-chairs? Holographic scented candles? Robo cats? Sign me up!

7 years ago

“My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm instead of a content farm where most of my life has been spent pushing back the harmful effects that were unleashed after allowing women to vote.”

Translation: “Here I’ve gone ’round and ’round the world boffing all the women I could find and whom I could induce to spend a couple of hours in the same room with me. And it was all just for revenge; I didn’t even enjoy it that much. I’ve woken up in a middle-aged man’s body with the realization that I’ve given my life and youth and strength to an endeavor which I can’t pass off as worthwhile…to anyone, including myself. Poor me.”

“But I’m still mad as hell, and if I’ve wasted my time, I’m still pretty certain it was all the women’s fault. So in my declining years I intend to amuse myself by trying to make the women pay for my mistakes.”

(There. That should about clinch it.)

7 years ago

“For real though, a techno-matriarchy sounds pretty bad ass. Automatic bon-bons? Hover-hard-chairs? Holographic scented candles? Robo cats? Sign me up!”

Well, if the choice is between (on the one hand) a techno-matriarchy with nutritionally-enhanced bonbons and George Jetson’s hoverchair as redesigned by Jane and scented candles which never burn down and (on the other) a post-apocalyptic patriarchy in which RoboGirls fight semisapient bears in half-razed streets (initially demolished by women rampant to vote) while their drunken Daddyventors look on and place bets from the porch swings and from the Barcaloungers drawn up to the curb, I don’t think there’s a choice. Me for the first, without question.

7 years ago

My game guides would no longer be needed, allowing me to buy land and operate a real farm

But if he doesn’t even get the income from his rape manuals, where will he get the money to buy the land?

7 years ago

David Futrelle,

Ah and to think that if Hillary Clinton was elected instead of Trump, we would have idiots saying that we SJWs need to stop whining about misogyny since now that we have a woman president, it “obviously” doesn’t exist anymore.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Tryin’ to divide the human populace in half
For reasons warranting much less than a laugh
Not sure where you got this corrupted ideal
Sayin’ that we must be stripped of rights for you to heal.

I’m unsure what it is you’re tryin’ to achieve
Besides making people with common sense grieve
For folks like you who think that spoutin’ this grants brownie points
And that somehow it’ll halt the potential of getting doused in various joints

But guess what, we’ve always been people
And more than just notches in your belt
So I don’t know what else you’ll try
Might even look a woman in the eye
And then will you tell us what you felt?

If not that, please refer to reality
And know that we’ll put up a fight
If it takes all our years
All our blood, sweat and tears
We’ll do what we must to make things right

7 years ago

there’s nothing I can say about this that won’t get me moderated. F… you Doosh.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think we’re close to achieving scented candles that never wear down technology. I have a battery operated flameless candle that comes with a remote control that lets you choose the colors. It’s not scented, but with artificial candle wombs, we can probably mate the robocandle and the Glade air freshener together at last. Then we won’t even need men to screw in light bulbs for us anymore.

The techno matriarchy is nigh!

David Heffron
David Heffron
7 years ago

Is Roosh still a thing?

7 years ago

@David Heffron
Not really. He didn’t get on the bandwagon and got “outshone” by Milo, but Milo’s out of the picture. So I guess he’s trying to fill that niche of Uncle Tom.

7 years ago

What do I need to do to make the “techno-matriarchy” real? Because I’ll do it.

7 years ago

@Ooglyboggles, hyacinth
Maybe the current bill that slashes poor people’s insurance and gives rich people even more power going down brutally in flames* will put them off the idea for a while.

*Seriously, besides Paul Ryan and some of his allies no one likes it. The far right are calling it ObamaCare-Lite, some moderate Rs think it cuts too deep into Medicaid or that they should at least see the CBO report on it, and of course the entirety of the left hates it. I’m like 90% sure Trump is only supporting it because he wanted to see Spicer to have to go out and defend it, for the lulz.

7 years ago

Frictionless sex

As someone who had vaginismus for years: FRICTIONLESS SEX!?!???!! HOW?! WHERE?! WHEN?!?! WANTS!!!! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?

No, seriously though, who would ever want sex WITH friction? I can comprehend wanting tightness, but FRICTION? The skin of the peepee is delicate, I’m pretty sure it hurts too, no?! I mean, I know by experiences they can get friction burns if we, uh, have too much fun.


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YES. Please, feminist overlords, can we make this happen?!

7 years ago

Brain Bleach:comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Off topic, but does anyone know a cat and dog safe way to get rid of mice? Dracy keeps hunting them in the basement and bringing them alive into my bedroom rather than killing them. One managed to escape her and hide in my bedroom in this morning and I have no idea if it’s still there or if she brought it back downstairs or if it left and hid in the kitchen under the stove. Ideally I’d like them trapped so they can be deposited outside but if they have to be killed, they have to be killed. As much as I hate to do it 🙁

I like mice but I don’t fancy one hiding (and pooping) in my bedroom or being woken up to my cat dropping it in my bed.

7 years ago

Speaking of Roosh the Doosh:
Return of Kings wants to torture people

You can try Mouse Away Satchels. It uses peppermint and spearmint oils, and should be pet safe. I don’t think it kills the mice, just drives them away.