Apparently this whole “Make America Great Again” thing isn’t quite going as planned. Our #SecondPlacePresident, facing massive resistance and beset by scandals that won’t go away, is throwing temper tantrums in the White House. Pro-Trump rallies across the country are drawing embarrassingly tiny crowds.
Oh, and his supporters are having trouble getting anyone to care about the latest challenge to #MAGA-style machismo — the temporary transformation of the Brawny Man into the Brawny Woman.
Yep, as a sort of tribute to Women’s History Month, the makers of Brawny paper towels have temporarily replaced the iconic Brawny Man on their packaging with a Brawny Woman sporting a red flannel shirt with lipstick to match. But those outraged by this gender switcheroo can’t even get #BoycottBrawny trending on Twitter.
It’s not for want of trying.
Oh, wait, that’s a parody account.
How am I supposed to explain the Brawny woman to my children
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) March 4, 2017
Oh, wait, that’s a former Jeopardy champion making a joke.
I can’t tell if this account is a complete joke or only a partial joke, though I am a bit concerned to learn that he wipes his ass with paper towel packaging.
Now even paper towels are virtue signaling. pic.twitter.com/NtGOL1iicV
— Stefan Molyneux, MA (@StefanMolyneux) March 4, 2017
Finally! This guy, at least, is serious.
And a handful of others have joined this lonely crusade.
Wow too bad businesses can't stick to just advertising their goods Instead of their political views Time to #BoycottBrawny https://t.co/aF9fl6QcxI
— TalentsMomMlg 🇺🇸🗽✝ (@TalentsMomMLG) March 4, 2017
This person is so mad that anyone could possibly suggest that “strength has no gender” that they posted a little manifesto on Brawny’s webpage.
.@Brawny I will #BoycottBrawny over your ill-conceived ad campaign #StrengthHasNoGender and urge others to do so. Here's why. pic.twitter.com/mvHWAIcQZc
— SCLaw (@_SCLaw_) March 4, 2017
Hey, some transphobia!
its bruce i mean katelyn on the brawny paper towel lol
our sin has blinded us to reality in the USA
— binky barnes (@realynsh1) March 5, 2017
@brawny? When are we going to see tranny paper towels?
— Russ Larrivee (@rjlarrivee) March 5, 2017
This critic, meanwhile, was bothered only by Brawny Woman’s hair.
does strength also have no conditioner bitch if you don't use this brawny money on some Pantene Pro-V then ima be out for ya life. pic.twitter.com/OQ5p6LHucO
— ♡♪!? (@SkyWilliams) March 5, 2017
The weird thing here is that Brawny is a Koch Bros. brand; it’s already being boycotted, but by progressives.
Is this… is this a death threat? Being “out for someone’s life” certainly sounds intimidating.
Brawndo started out as a parody in Idiocracy: not sure if it may have turned into something else over time that people take seriously. Since the movie has become reality at this point, anything is possible.
Sorry I forgot mention they did actually sell Brawndo as a novelty product for a limited time. I had one: it did not taste good!
But Brawndo got what plants crave!
Wait. The mra types are complaining about women in the brawny package now? Several years ago didn’t they comparing about how brawny was misandrist because they had a guy on the package who was being sexually exploited to sell paper towels to women (you know the people that tend to make household product decisions)?
I’m so confused, first they didn’t like the guy now they dint like the woman; it’s almost as if there is no way to please these wastes of oxygen.
@ Alan and EJ.
On what planet are death threats an appropriate response to a perceived lack of hair conditioner use?
This article gives some interesting insights into what happened in 2016.
I do think it might be possible to co-opt some of those strategies in 2018 and 2020. Trump supporters apparently created fake accounts pretending to be black and Hispanic in order to spread “spirit cooking” claims and thus turn these voters off of Clinton. (According to the polls, this may actually have had some effect).
Seems to me that if evangelicals and Mormons had been more aware of some of Trump’s more unsavory aspects, they might have stayed home too.
So the Koch brothers are trotting out a lumberjane instead of a lumberjack for a month, and that’s all it takes to make their fellow right-wingers whine? Damn. Makes me hope the upcoming Lumberjanes movie triggers mass apoplexy.
The Brawny Man is a muscled white man. The Brawny Woman is a white woman with a body modeled after conventional beauty standards: thin, large breasts in proportion to the rest of her body, no prominent muscles from chopping trees down all day. Oh noooo, it is PC culture gone amuck.
@ dalillama
That is one of the most perfect things I’ve ever heard.
Sorry about the shouting!
Trump is now demanding a congressional inquiry into the whether or not Obama tapped his phones.
This reminds me of something. (For the record, I’m a cis woman)
I used to be a lifeguard, and a colleague would challenge us to feats of strength/ability in the water. Thing is, I always beat him. He hated the fact that I could swim more than 50m underwater without coming up for air. He eventually stopped challenging me and eventually stopped talking to me, too.
I used to be a competitive swimmer and even competed at Olympic trials, but jackass dude couldn’t handle the fact I absolutely owned him in all and every underwater challenge.
Haha haha! I literally bathed in his male tears!
He couldn’t even make up a claim to make his case. This is a lousy redirect from his Russian loyalties.
They are going to be so pissed when they find out the Ty-D-Bol Man is really transgender.
Sorry, Brawny, I’m not impressed. It’s just so…blunt? Like cheesy, like something from a couple decades or so ago. The word “pandering” does come to mind. There is a way to market for Women’s History Month or whatever, but I’m not feeling this, personally.
Also, the braying over this from MRAs would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
So why are these men so upset about a product used for cleaning up spills in the kitchen? It’s not like they want to do that anyway.
In the UK we have a product called Plenty, it was promoted by a comedy Spaniard called Juan Sheet.
a bit OT, but kind of on-T too 🙂
our first woman fire chief
(my bolding)
poor macho snowflakes. (but seriously, what is their problem? Why do some blokes get all in a tizzy at the prospect of a woman doing the same job they do?)
@ Fred_the_dog
Yeah – a live-action adaptation, no less. Last I heard, Emily Carmichael was going to direct. We got a ways to go yet, of course, but very exciting news, yes?
If it hadn’t been pointed out to me and I bought this brand regularly (I don’t as I live in the UK) I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I tend to not pay much attention to packaging and throw it away after opening.
Does it matter who is on the packaging? Apparently it matters hugely to a certain type of man whose masculine pride is so easily crushed.
These men derive their worth from 2 places: their job and being male. Depending in the guy, you might add being white, but whatever. Anyway, they’re massively afraid of losing that job, their mahood, the manliness of their job, or the idea that working a particular way makes them men. The rest writes itself
You’ve been gone a while? If so, welcome back 🙂
Woah wait hold up. There’s going to be a Lumberjanes movie?? WHY AM I JUST NOW HEARING ABOUT THIS.
@Vicki P
No. The Koch brothers have nothing to do with this in any fashion whatsoever. Koch Industries bought Georgia-Pacific about a decade ago, but G-P runs the same way it did before, it just funnels money to Koch Industries instead of a bunch of shareholders. The Kochs don’t actually run Georgia Pacific, they just own it. (And if all this seems nonsensical, welcome to captialism).
Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s had this song in their head for the past day and a half, thanks to this post:
@Kat: Whoa, those dudes look like they’re straight from a Tom of Finland pin-up. Not that’d I’d, uh, know who Tom of Finland was or anything…