men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

What if they gave a Brawny Boycott and no one came?

Brawny has slipped some real women into their ad campaign as well

Apparently this whole “Make America Great Again” thing isn’t quite going as planned. Our #SecondPlacePresident, facing massive resistance and beset by scandals that won’t go away, is throwing temper tantrums in the White House. Pro-Trump rallies across the country are drawing embarrassingly tiny crowds.

Oh, and his supporters are having trouble getting anyone to care about the latest challenge to #MAGA-style machismo — the temporary transformation of the Brawny Man into the Brawny Woman.

Yep, as a sort of tribute to Women’s History Month, the makers of Brawny paper towels have temporarily replaced the iconic Brawny Man on their packaging with a Brawny Woman sporting a red flannel shirt with lipstick to match. But those outraged by this gender switcheroo can’t even get #BoycottBrawny trending on Twitter.

It’s not for want of trying.

Oh, wait, that’s a parody account.

Oh, wait, that’s a former Jeopardy champion making a joke.

I can’t tell if this account is a complete joke or only a partial joke, though I am a bit concerned to learn that he wipes his ass with paper towel packaging.

Finally! This guy, at least, is serious.

And a handful of others have joined this lonely crusade.

This person is so mad that anyone could possibly suggest that “strength has no gender” that they posted a little manifesto on Brawny’s webpage.

Hey, some transphobia!

This critic, meanwhile, was bothered only by Brawny Woman’s hair.

The weird thing here is that Brawny is a Koch Bros. brand; it’s already being boycotted, but by progressives.

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7 years ago

Well to be fair, I think MRA types probably know that there’s no point in them boycotting ANY household cleaning products. Just saying.

7 years ago

When you’re done buying the limited edition paper towels, can I recommend buying a 10-pack of cotton rags?

Costs a similar amount, but you can wash them and reuse them.

7 years ago

If men are so strong, why are they crying over a woman a package of paper towels?

Men are always stronger than women? So, say the average dude vs the female dead lifting world champion?
There are female fire jumpers, soldiers, marathon runners, and MMA fighters. Somehow, I don’t think every single man on the planet could do what they do, much less do it better.

7 years ago

But remember, the left are the over sensitive snowflakes

7 years ago

And jobless! Unlike those in GOP states with record unemployment, std, opoid addiction, and poverty/welfare rates!

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

Oh no, the only paper towel brand men felt comfortable buying because their was a dude on the package HAS BEEN TARNISHED!

NOW what are they suppose to use with their paper plates and plastic forks because they’re men and don’t do women’s work like washing dishes?? MISANDRY!

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

They’re paper towels. You goddamned whiny babies are bitching about paper towels and a goddamned drawing of a woman temporarily replacing a goddamned drawing of a man on paper towels.

Do you chucklefucks have any idea how utterly stupid you appear?

7 years ago

“Paper towels are virtue signalling”? And here I thought they were just good for mopping up spilled milk. You know, the stuff menzers constantly cry over and then find some shoddy pretext to blame on the women.

7 years ago

A bit unrelated but I am so happy to have some semblance of tranquility on this site. We’re back to having more posts on petty and disgusting misogynists. Don’t get me wrong Trump is a threat to us all, but this stream of non Trump content is a breath of fresh air, relatively speaking.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

if you don’t use this brawny money on some Pantene Pro-V then ima be out for ya life.

Who makes a death threat over frikkin hair care regimes? Is there like a paramilitary wing of Vidal Sasoon or something?

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

This is probably their most ridiculous endeavour ever, which is saying a lot.

7 years ago

Scientific FACT: MEN have more muscle mass and lung capacity.

This from a dude whose muscle mass is probably atrophied from sitting around eating Cheetos all day, and whose lung capacity is only exercised in screaming at clouds.

does strength also have no conditioner bitch if you don’t use this brawny money on some Pantene Pro-V then ima be out for ya life.

This in response to a grainy, pixelated blow-up of a detail of the packaging. From a guy whose beard looks like it could use some conditioner, too. Here, pal:

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I was going to point out that Brawny was a Koch brand until I got to the bottom of the post and saw it was already pointed out 😛

It’s more like this pig corporation (drunken typo and it stays) crafted a quasi-feminist campaign to pander to the women who buy their products. Buying Brawny is empowering!!! Barf. Not that only women buy paper towels, but that’s the demographic that household cleaning products are advertised to.

Of course, we know that these guys get all pissy when they’re not the ones pandered to every second. So it’s not a surprise that they’re upset about this ad campaign.

7 years ago

Welp, at least they’ll always have this macho shit:

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

But… why lung capacity?

Also, stop tryna make ‘altleft’ a thing. Altright is their chosen group name. And what’s the difference in their eyes between ‘left’ and ‘altleft’ anyway. The criticisms (and I use that term loosely) are the exact same

7 years ago

What do they mean by “alt-left?” Don’t they think that everyone to the left of Reagan has the exact same agenda?

7 years ago

FACT: I have pectis excavatum, which means most human adults have more lung capacity than I do.

Maybe that’s why I don’t use brawny brand.

Oh, but if I drink some brawndo…WIN!

7 years ago

The fuck planet does Molyneaux live on? Companies selling products to consumers virtue signal in perpetuity. It’s called “advertising.”

7 years ago

I’ve been boycotting Brawny for a while now. Yeah, I’m virtue signalling — but the right wing virtue signals constantly, in the form of boasts.

The original Brawny man (the guy on the left) looked like the kind of guy you’d want to take home to Mother: rugged, handsome, employed. He’s the perfect guy — except for that unfortunate axe.

Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago


Well to be fair, I think MRA types probably know that there’s no point in them boycotting ANY household cleaning products. Just saying.

Thank you. That’s the best laugh I’ve had in weeks.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

So is this campaign a way to overcome the boycott that’s already in place? Not really going to work.

7 years ago

Closest thing to an “alt-left” I can think of would be hard core anarchists and/or communists,
but according to them the “alt-left” wants big government so its not anarchists and Bannon is a self professed “Leninist” (pretty sure he has no idea who Lenin even is) so one would think that would rule out communists,
so maybe they mean the mythical “Zionist occupation government”?

7 years ago

Dear Goddess. The Brawny Guy is an actual lumbersexual! Whatever will Mother think?

7 years ago

Is there nothing that these fragile blossoms won’t whinge about?

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Closest thing to an “alt-left” I can think of would be hard core anarchists and/or communists,

That’s not the ‘alt-left’, that’s just the left.

but according to them the “alt-left” wants big government so its not anarchists and Bannon is a self professed “Leninist” (pretty sure he has no idea who Lenin even is) so one would think that would rule out communists,
so maybe they mean the mythical “Zionist occupation governmen

Probably Stalinists, then? Or some othe flavour of state socialism. And possibly the only thing I agree with the fascists on is that those sort are scum. Of course, from where I stand, it sounds a lot like Westboro Baptist saying how evil Daesh is. Or vice versa

Vidal Sassoon did engage in street fights with Nazis in his youth, actually. Wielding hair scissors.

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