Last month, Reddit admins shut down three subreddits catering to the internet Nazi phenomenon known as the alt right. Not because these subreddits were filled with vile bigotry and hate speech — though they were of course filled with that — but because Reddit’s alt-righties had repeatedly violated the site’s rules against doxxing, according to Reddit’s statement announcing the ban.
But don’t worry, folks! The refugees from these banned subreddits haven’t been forced to leave Reddit for more bigoted pastures, for as it turns out Reddit is chock-full of subreddits big and small where their brand of bigotry is welcomed with open arms and perhaps even a few “Roman salutes.”
One of these places is the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While Reddit’s MGTOWs have long been known for their ridiculously over-the-top outbursts of misogyny, many of them are now adding vicious racism and anti-Semitism to the mix. Indeed, some discussions in the subreddit now are basically indistinguishable from the discussions you might have found in the now-banned alt-right subreddits.
Here are some of the, er, highlights of a discussion today in the MGTOW subreddit with the title “Feminists & Refugees Turned Sweden Into GHETTO.”
At this point anyone playing alt-right bingo has probably scored bingoes on all of their cards.
The discussion continues:
So has the MGTOW subreddit simply been overrun with Redditors from the now-banned alt-right subreddits? That’s probably part of the story. But the more disturbing takeaway is that many of Reddit’s lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.
That’s not just a hypothesis on my part; they’re stating this explicitly.
Hell, some just can’t shut up about it.
But don’t worry, Reddit’s MGTOWs haven’t forgotten their roots. And by “their roots” I mean their absurd misogyny. Like many Men’s Rights Activists, MGTOWs love to demonize Sweden as a hotbed of evil feminism and “gynocentrism.”
And so, naturally, some of Reddit’s MGTOWs hope the whole thing ends with Swedish women suffering for their excessively feminist refugee-welcoming ways.
Some look forward not only to female suffering but actual death:
ETKDoom is the sort of immigrant we need to be “extreme vetting.”
All this would be a good deal more amusing if America’s so-called president weren’t himself echoing the alt-right nonsense about Sweden. We’re definitely in the darkest timeline.
@IP: thank you!
Thanks, IP!
On the not telling parents the sex of a fetus due to fears of sex selective abortion, I think it’s just as bad. In western countries, that kind of thing is just going to lead to discrimination against Asian women, particularly immigrants when they seek Healthcare.
I also question how we’re going to get to a place where girl babies are seen as valuable if we’re putting restrictions on women’s bodily autonomy and treating them paternalisticly.
Plus, it’s none of the government’s business or a doctor’s business why someone is seeking an abortion.
@DanHolme – I can’t tell from my quick Google search whether it was marketed more to teenagers or adults. Probably a bit of both.
@Imaginary Petal – thanks for putting that together. It seems that the reported increase in sexual crimes is related to population growth and better sexual assault laws. And besides the whole “correlation doesn’t equal causation” thing, the correlation with immigration was weak to begin with.
The two most disturbing things about that (to me), in order.
1. That anyone can possibly believe a person in an ‘altered’ state (IE. drunk, medicated, etc.) is capable of giving consent.
2. I live in N.S.
Kelly L.,
Indeed. I get the impression that MRAs and Incel types usually see alpha male as something they personally are not, can’t be and shouldn’t have to be. PUAs tend to see alpha male as something they are or aspire to be. MGTOWs and Red pillers might go either way, possibly sometimes depending on how insecure they feel any given day.
@Imaginary Petal
Do you mind if i share a link to your response on my Twitter?
Not at all!
Upon re-reading my comment I need to make a correction. Figure 5 covers Swedish residents, not citizens. This makes no difference to the point made, but I still want to correct that error.
It’s cool, breh. We all get verbose. Some more often than others is all 🙂

I would like to reproduce your response on my blog. May I? I’ll credit you, of course.
Thank you for making that comprehensive essay. It was really easy to follow along the reasons why the charts are being interpreted incorrectly.
What pronouns do you prefer?
They/them, please. Thanks for asking. 🙂
*cocks head at post picture* Someone, somewhere repurposed an old Dr. Suess editorial cartoon* to make this point? On the other hand, based on what little I know of Seuss’ political leanings, he probably wouldn’t be against that reinterpretation of that old cartoon (if that art really is his, that is).
*Dr. Seuss did do some editorial cartoons during WWII, which are collected in the book Dr. Seuss Goes to War. Be warned, though, that some of those cartoons do reflect the same anti-Japanese attitudes (and contain many of the same caricatures) common during that time. At least, if the book descriptions are anything to go by; I have yet to read the book myself.
ETA: my apologies for the messed-up link. Not used to how link tags get closed on this style of code yet. Or how to link specific text to link with it, either. 🙁
Comments here use a subset of HTML: a link is begun with <a href=”http://example.com”>, then the text you want to be a link, then </a>. Like this:
Your version is better formatted than mine. :p
Thanks, LaB. It seems my brain was at the mush stage last night when I posted that, or else I would’ve figured out how to close that tag right.
Well, there’s only so much you can do in a comment section.
@ redsilkphoenix
For ‘someone, somewhere’ read ‘David Futrelle, on his blog. The original (seen on one of the Resist Trump posts a while back), said ‘America First’ instead of MGTOW.
I do not understand the alt right’s obsession with George Soros, it’s like he’s the bogeyman or something. He can’t be omnipotent, so he surely isn’t responsible for the ‘fall of western civilisation’. They attribute superhuman powers to the man. It’s ridiculous. I saw a thread on a CT site where they even discussed whether he should have been tried at Nuremberg!! Apart from the fact he was 14 and wasn’t a Nazi, the support for this idea was overwhelming.
In many ways, he’s a lot like the liberal Trump, a billionaire anti establishment figure, nothing more. If he can do some good with his money, i.e. Funding social justice programs, then good for him.
It’s not just the alt-right. Back when I was a conservative, my maternal grandmother, who was and still is a follower of Fox Noise, though not a Nazi, gave me a document about George Soros and how powerful and anti-American he was. I read it over once and then didn’t think much of it afterwards.
Anyway, Soros is rich, liberal, and Jewish, which should tell you all you need to know.
I don’t recall seeing that cartoon on this blog earlier, but that doesn’t mean anything. Just means that I don’t recall where off the top of my head, and a brief search of that Trump tag didn’t reveal it. (This blog is kinda like TV Tropes for me in a way. This link leads to that link leads to that link and suddenly I’ve lost hours of time learning about something new, and oh wait that link looks interesting…. )
Still, I’d be surprised if it turns out that’s not Seuss’s work there, since the style is very much like his. Not that that’s any sort of a big deal or anything, just that I was a bit surprised to see something I thought was his here.
@Virgin Mary
Neither Trump nor Soros are ‘anti-establishment’ or anything remotely close to it. People who are anti-establishment aren’t billionaires.
He’s really not.
Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but yeah, she kinda is a nazi.