Last month, Reddit admins shut down three subreddits catering to the internet Nazi phenomenon known as the alt right. Not because these subreddits were filled with vile bigotry and hate speech — though they were of course filled with that — but because Reddit’s alt-righties had repeatedly violated the site’s rules against doxxing, according to Reddit’s statement announcing the ban.
But don’t worry, folks! The refugees from these banned subreddits haven’t been forced to leave Reddit for more bigoted pastures, for as it turns out Reddit is chock-full of subreddits big and small where their brand of bigotry is welcomed with open arms and perhaps even a few “Roman salutes.”
One of these places is the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While Reddit’s MGTOWs have long been known for their ridiculously over-the-top outbursts of misogyny, many of them are now adding vicious racism and anti-Semitism to the mix. Indeed, some discussions in the subreddit now are basically indistinguishable from the discussions you might have found in the now-banned alt-right subreddits.
Here are some of the, er, highlights of a discussion today in the MGTOW subreddit with the title “Feminists & Refugees Turned Sweden Into GHETTO.”
At this point anyone playing alt-right bingo has probably scored bingoes on all of their cards.
The discussion continues:
So has the MGTOW subreddit simply been overrun with Redditors from the now-banned alt-right subreddits? That’s probably part of the story. But the more disturbing takeaway is that many of Reddit’s lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.
That’s not just a hypothesis on my part; they’re stating this explicitly.
Hell, some just can’t shut up about it.
But don’t worry, Reddit’s MGTOWs haven’t forgotten their roots. And by “their roots” I mean their absurd misogyny. Like many Men’s Rights Activists, MGTOWs love to demonize Sweden as a hotbed of evil feminism and “gynocentrism.”
And so, naturally, some of Reddit’s MGTOWs hope the whole thing ends with Swedish women suffering for their excessively feminist refugee-welcoming ways.
Some look forward not only to female suffering but actual death:
ETKDoom is the sort of immigrant we need to be “extreme vetting.”
All this would be a good deal more amusing if America’s so-called president weren’t himself echoing the alt-right nonsense about Sweden. We’re definitely in the darkest timeline.
Not enough evidence she did not consent? That seems backwards. Having to prove a negative seems especially weird here, for several reasons.
So, that year I spent in Japan teaching English as a foreign language, that was a dream after all then? Good to get that cleared up.
…Unless I’m a man and I haven’t realised it yet? I STEM and I want to sleep with women, that qualifies me, right? I don’t think I’m going to enjoy wearing trousers all the time, but on the bright side at least I get to have agency!
(Admittedly the move to Japan was made easier by the fact that I didn’t have to find accommodation before travelling, since there was an apartment that was associated with the job, and my new colleagues gave me a lot of help with things like setting up utilities and a bank account and getting my ID card and signature stamp and a mobile phone – not sure if I would have managed completely on my own at that point, just out of university. I have more recently technically moved “country” all by myself, but not in the sense that they mean of moving to a foreign nation state: it was from England to Scotland.)
Exactly. Also, to my mind at least, if there is not enough evidence that she did not consent, there also isn’t definitive evidence that she did consent, though even if she did it should be invalid due to her ‘altered’ state.
I want to encourage everyone to always push back against the myth that immigrants (Muslims) have driven up the rate of rapes in Sweden. I NEVER let that shit stand unopposed. It’s very easily disproven. Since this is a myth that many people on the nominal left have bought into, I will tomorrow make a comment containing my response to this particular claim, and I’ll provide links to official statistics. I think it’s important to utterly destroy this myth every single time it gets brought up. We don’t need to come up with nuanced explanations for why Muslim immigrants are so prone to raping Swedish women, because it’s SIMPLY NOT TRUE.
It’ll probably be quite long.
@Imaginary Petal: Thank you! I will… Not look forward, because that seems wrong, but I will be happy to have a comment with links to official statistics that I can share.
Oh, no! Subreddits being shut down? How long until the Muh Freezepeach rage hits? (I’m guessing no time at all).
It really does seem that MRA/MGTOW shit is what shifted the equilibrium in favor of the broader alt-right, and the antifeminist bloggersphere has shifted that way over time.
Aside from bigotry one way leading to bigotry another, I have a pet theory that the fixation on “hypergamy” and the arguments that followed (keep women down so to bolster your own status) led to right-populism.
Thank you for that, Gussie Jives. Those articles helped to sharpen some feelings that I’ve had for a while now.
I’d love to read that when you write it. Especially if it’s long.
I saw the line about how the (((elites))) “try to impose Kalergi plan on swedish population” and thought, as I suspect many of us did, “What the straight blue hell is the Kalergi plan?” Googling it made me aware of Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Aoyama von Coudenhove-Kalergi, father of the Pan-Europe movement, whose 1925 book Practical Idealism anticipated Jay Bulworth’s proposal for a “program of racial deconstruction” by more than half a century:
Even if Kalergi actually had set out to make insecure wypipo turn their Fruit of the Looms into a fudge factory, I’m not sure he could’ve written a paragraph better calculated to produce that effect.
This George Soros stuff has gotten beyond ridiculous. I’m kind of hoping it eventually becomes a parody of itself, with “Soros paid you to say that” becoming a discredited stupid meme thing. It already is with some people I know, at least!
The sun never sets on where my sister has lived.
On the equinox, it’s dark for a stretch of 9h where I’ve lived.
Yeah, about that agency…
(She’s also had way more jobs than me, and had to be more proactive about getting them. Mine have largely fallen into my lap.)
@Jesalin and @Makroth: part of the shock is that the supreme court found* that consent is impossible if you’re too drunk. This woman was found unresponsive in a cab. She was too drunk to consent. An appeal seems likely.
Various people are digging up weird rulings that this judge has made previously.
(Meaning that not only is it how it should be on moral grounds, but it’s how it should be seen on Canadian jurisprudence grounds. Maybe the prosecutor didn’t bring that up though?.)
@Austin Loomis
So the “Kalergi plan” is just… the inevitable blurring of race and class as the world becomes less segregated? *gasp* HOW SINISTER.
White nationalists oppose race mixing the same way that fundies oppose same-sex marriage. You’d think that someone was going to force them to be mixed race.
Well, then, I guess my mother must not be a real woman, because she did exactly that when she left Germany in the mid-1960s and came to New York to work. And then she did it again in 1966, when she married my dad and became a Canadian citizen.
Hmmm… That nym is familiar…
*sees tome sized comment*
Oh! Hiya and welcome back, buddy 🙂
“It’s like that all over the planet, and yet they will aways blame whitey for their failure to amount to anything.”
Kinda like MGTOW blaming women and alpha men for their failure to amount to anything. They. just. can’t. make. the. connection.
And migtoes/redpillers can never make up their mind exactly what an alpha is. Best I can tell, “alpha” conveniently means “whatever I, the redpiller, am not, and feel insecure about.” If the guy has no money, alpha means rich guy, and all the women are gold diggers who want a rich guy. But if the guy has money but isn’t hot, alpha means handsome guy, and the wimminz all want to bang the alpha for his looks and use the redpiller for his money.
They never consider that maybe they’re personally repulsive, in large part due to the hostility oozing out their pores.
On the other hand, Gautam Malkani’s (fiction) book called Londonstani is quite unlike that, and quite entertaining. The main characters are teenage boys from (mostly) South Asian families who get into petty crime that slippery-slopes into escalating danger. The main villain of the book is a jumble of cliches, but the white teacher-mentor character is pretty nuanced: sometimes well-meaning, but mostly led by misguided assumptions and not quite getting what’s going on. And the narrator is funny.
@epitome of incomprehensibility
Sounds interesting, I might look it up. Is it a Young Adult book? If so we might have it in the school library.
I obviously have poor comprehension because I read the paragraph and thought it was a prediction rather than a plan – but if it was just a prediction it wouldn’t be as conspiracy-friendly. They do love a good one of those.
I’ve always thought it was inevitable that race would gradually blur but into more of a spectrum than a sameness.
The fear of other people doing this is frankly bizarre. NOONE IS MAKING YOU BREED. In fact please don’t.
@lith: Idunno, your list probably still made sense to racists before you amended it.
@Jesalin re bill about not telling pregnant women about the foetus’ health: what the fuck. No. How can anyone even suggest that? How can anyone with political power suggest that?
And I don’t think it’s in the least comparable with not informing parents of the foetus’ sex. I don’t agree with the latter for various reasons, but not knowing the sex of your future child is on a completely different level from not knowing that your future child will have health issues that you may need to prepare for.
That’s another thing. If the bill goes through, it completely removes the responsibility of those mothers (and fathers) who would be okay with giving birth to a child with congenital defects: because they’re pro-life, or because they want to raise and love their child no matter what, or because they feel they can deal with whatever is the health issue. Instead, they’re just going to get “sorry, you have a child with congenital defects now, we could have informed you about this and given you a chance to prepare mentally and materially but we preferred to treat you as if you were yourself a child who can’t take responsibility, kbye.”
@Imaginary Petal: I can’t commend you enough for this.
The Swedish government has also launched a website explaining that immigration has not increased Sweden’s crime rate to any considerable degree.
Oh, PLEASE do, please warn me if I dont see your comment too, I really really REALLY need reliable sources for that.
Everyone, any debunking that you eventually do, please try warn my airy head if thats not too inconvenient, because I have great interest!
I swear, I AM able to write short things. Sometimes. When the stars align.
*had to roll a Will save not to go into a digression on how academia trains you to analyze everything to exhaustion*
Hi guys. This is my response to the myth of Sweden as the rape capital of the world due to Muslim refugees. Needless to say, this comment will deal with rape, sexual assault, and other sexual crimes. I won’t use any kind of graphic language, but I will discuss various kinds of terrible crimes in a matter of fact tone. In think that’s the only CN necessary.
Let’s start with a graph, based on correct statistics, which at first glance might seem to confirm the conservative narrative.
(fig. 1)
I’ve seen quite a few people post this graph as evidence that rape rates are spiking, often without any further information given as to what the graph is actually meant to be showing. In short, the y axis shows % of the total population in the age group 16-79 who say they have been victims of some kind of sexual crime. The purple line is for women, the blue line is for men, and the green line is for all genders.
Anyone who is somewhat familiar with rational thinking will quickly come to the insight that these stats do not correspond to the number of crimes reported to the police, or even necessarily to the number of crimes actually committed. The graph shows that more people, for some reason or other, said that they had been a victim of a sexual crime when responding to a survey. The upwards trend could be influenced by any number of circumstances, such as increased awareness, increased outspokenness, decreased stigma, a wider and more proper understanding of what a sexual crime really is, etc.
Secondly, these statistics don’t cover the entire population. For example, something like 40% of all rapes are committed against minors. A non-negligable number of sexual crimes have victims over the age of 79.
Thirdly, there’s a bait-and-switch here. This graph covers all sexual crimes – not only rape. To illustrate my point with this complaint, let’s look at a different graph.
(fig. 2)
Here, the y axis shows total number of reported crimes. The turqouise (?) line at the top is for all sexual crimes added together. The yellow line is for sexual assault. The purple line is for rape. The blue line at the bottom covers sexual coercion, blackmail, etc.
The most interesting thing here, in comparison to the previous graph, is that the number of reported sexual crimes dropped in 2015 from the previous year, while significantly more people reported in the survey that they had been victims of such crimes compared to the previous year. Again, this could be due to all kinds of different factors. It doesn’t necessarily mean that fewer sexual crimes were committed.
One very important thing to note, regarding this figure, is that these statistics show the number of separate crimes. A single case reported to the police could contain many separate crimes. For example, a child who reports their parent for sexually assaulting them a hundred times for the past decade would increase the number of reported crimes by a hundred (not by 1), and all those separate crimes would be counted for the year in which they were finally reported. The spike in crime for 2014 is in large part due to just a few cases each covering many separate crimes.
Another elephant in the graph, so to speak, is that both these figures show a more or less clear upward trend over the decade. In order to understand these trends, we need more background information.
First of all, these figures start at 2005 for good reason. In 2005, the legal definitions of rape, sexual assault, sexual crime, etc, were significantly broadened. Because of this, comparisons to pre-2005 would be wildly misleading. Not surprisingly, these new laws coincided with a massively increased awareness of what sexual assault is, largely thanks to feminist activists. A gradually increasing number of people became aware that men can be victims of rape, that women can be perpetrators of rape, that it’s quite possible to rape a sexual and romantic partner, that silence doesn’t necessarily mean yes, that no never means yes, etc etc etc.
Immediately following 2005, we see an increase in the number of reported sexual crimes (and a decrease in the number of self-reported victims of sexual crimes) until it plateaus in 2010. This increase coincided with a large influx of new refugees, mainly from Iraq, leading some people to jump to the conclusion that these mostly Muslim refugees must be responsible for the apparent wave of sexual crime. However, statistics show that the number of reported sexual crimes had been steadily rising for many years prior to 2005, under the old laws, while the number of self-reported victims of such crimes remained largely unchanged. This supports the theory that increased awareness has been a major factor in driving the number of reported sexual crimes up. We also need to consider that these are absolute numbers, i.e. we’re not dealing with crimes per capita. Sweden’s total population has been steadily rising since before crime statistics became available.
Here’s an interesting table that I created by searching the crime statistics database:
(fig. 3)
This covers the decade prior to 2005, showing that the total number of reported sexual crimes (sexualbrott) rose dramatically year to year, well before the recent waves of refugees from majority Muslim countries entered the picture. Those determined to blame refugees for literally everything would undoubtedly try to pin this on Balkan refugees from the early 1990s. However, the steady and dramatic increase in reported sexual crimes has been a fact as far back as the database will let me investigate. I won’t include screenshots of the entire history of sexual crime. Anyone is free to access the database and do their own search, in order to verify my findings.
Take another look at the table in figure 3 before we move on. Many of the boxes are left blank. This is a clear indication that heightened awareness has played a massive part in increasing the number of sexual crimes reported to the authorities. Would anyone believe that there were zero child pornography related crimes prior to 2000? Did grooming (bottom row) simply not exist until a few years ago? Any such claims would be absurd and could be instantly dismissed.
Returning to figure 2, we see that the number of reported rapes in 2009 was around 6000 (more accurately, 5937). For 2015, the number was also around 6000 (more accurately, 5918). In other words, the number is unchanged (slightly down) over the 7 year period in question. Let’s look at migration figures for the same period.
(fig. 4)
From these statistics, we can see that not only did the 2005 spike in immigration have no measurable impact on the number of reported sexual crimes, but the much higher rates of immigration in later years have had even less of an impact. In fact, the number of reported rapes is unchanged as immigration is at an all time high. For every year prior to 2015, the largest group of immigrants has been Swedish citizens returning from having lived abroad for a period of time. Since 2015, the largest group of immigrants is refugees from Syria. The increased immigration by other groups than Swedish expats has had a clear influence on the proportion of Swedish residents born in a country other than Sweden.
(fig. 5)
In 2009, 14.3% of all Swedish citizens had been born abroad. In 2015, the figure was 17%. In absolute numbers, that’s an increase of about 200 000 people, most of whom were recent refugees from majority Muslim countries. This massive influx of what the right would call “rapefugees” has led to a slight decrease in the total number of reported rapes. How could this be?
By now it should be obvious that blaming the increased number of rapes and other sexual crimes on Muslim refugees requires ignorance of all available facts. It should be equally obvious that we cannot determine that the number of rapes has actually increased.
When listening to the talking points from the right, we need to remember that they’re not only claiming that Muslim refugees are prone to rape. They claim, more specifically, that Muslim refugees target young, white women for sexual assault. The numbers, however, show that the number of sexual crimes against minors under the age of 18 dropped by 23% from 2014 to 2015, coinciding with the largest influx of refugees of all time. Of course, comparisons from year to year aren’t all that useful or reliable, but we can safely say that the 2015 statistics do nothing to help the conservative narrative. In addition, second generation immigrants are more at risk of being victims of sexual crimes than “ethnic Swedes” as well as first generation immigrants. Data shows that this is almost certainly due to other factors, such as urban/rural, class, average age, number of individuals per household, etc. Regardless of causation, we can definitely dismiss claims that young white women are more at risk than young WoC, when taking into account the demographics of the total immigrant population.
Before I’m done here, I want to add the caveat that I don’t intend to downplay statistics showing that an increasing number of women say they have been victims of sexual assault, more women say they feel unsafe, and so on. My purpose is only to illustrate that we cannot conclusively say that sexual crime is on the increase, and that it would be nonsensical to blame such an increase on refugees.
Brottsförebyggande Rådet, Brå, is a government agency which collects and analyzes crime statistics and work to prevent crime. This link leads to a page discussing the available statistics for sexual crimes since 2005. Figures 1 and 2 have been lifted from this link.
Migrationsinfo is an independent website which collects data and research regarding migration. Figures 4 and 5 have been lifted from this link.
This is a link to the Brå database of reported crimes, where anyone is free to make custom searches, create tables and diagrams, etc. Figure 3 is a screenshot of one such table, created by me.
If david wants to do a post on he horrifying idea that a woman passed out drunk can consent, there is a petition now:
There are also protests planned, they are linked in this article:
And if you want to complain to the courts, here is the process: