Last month, Reddit admins shut down three subreddits catering to the internet Nazi phenomenon known as the alt right. Not because these subreddits were filled with vile bigotry and hate speech — though they were of course filled with that — but because Reddit’s alt-righties had repeatedly violated the site’s rules against doxxing, according to Reddit’s statement announcing the ban.
But don’t worry, folks! The refugees from these banned subreddits haven’t been forced to leave Reddit for more bigoted pastures, for as it turns out Reddit is chock-full of subreddits big and small where their brand of bigotry is welcomed with open arms and perhaps even a few “Roman salutes.”
One of these places is the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit. While Reddit’s MGTOWs have long been known for their ridiculously over-the-top outbursts of misogyny, many of them are now adding vicious racism and anti-Semitism to the mix. Indeed, some discussions in the subreddit now are basically indistinguishable from the discussions you might have found in the now-banned alt-right subreddits.
Here are some of the, er, highlights of a discussion today in the MGTOW subreddit with the title “Feminists & Refugees Turned Sweden Into GHETTO.”
At this point anyone playing alt-right bingo has probably scored bingoes on all of their cards.
The discussion continues:
So has the MGTOW subreddit simply been overrun with Redditors from the now-banned alt-right subreddits? That’s probably part of the story. But the more disturbing takeaway is that many of Reddit’s lady-hating MGTOWs are turning to the more comprehensive bigotry of the alt-right.
That’s not just a hypothesis on my part; they’re stating this explicitly.
Hell, some just can’t shut up about it.
But don’t worry, Reddit’s MGTOWs haven’t forgotten their roots. And by “their roots” I mean their absurd misogyny. Like many Men’s Rights Activists, MGTOWs love to demonize Sweden as a hotbed of evil feminism and “gynocentrism.”
And so, naturally, some of Reddit’s MGTOWs hope the whole thing ends with Swedish women suffering for their excessively feminist refugee-welcoming ways.
Some look forward not only to female suffering but actual death:
ETKDoom is the sort of immigrant we need to be “extreme vetting.”
All this would be a good deal more amusing if America’s so-called president weren’t himself echoing the alt-right nonsense about Sweden. We’re definitely in the darkest timeline.
That’s because many MGTOWs aren’t actually going their own way at all.
After David Rockefeller was no longer a thing they needed a new boogeyman and George Soros fit the bill.
I’m not dissing events like the panama papers. A lot of power is concentrated in the hands of a few very wealthy people, and they’re to blame for a lot of ills. But not even they can control absolutely everything.
Right now, there’s a new conspiracy on the block that hurricanes Harvey and Irma were caused/amplified via HAARP to punish the US for deviating from the Illuminati Elite’s chosen path.
It would actually be great if men truly started going their own ways, forging new paths and questioning BS instead of eating it up but that’s not what’s happening.
Instead, AT BEST, what most of the harmless MGTOWS are doing is basically adopting the “cat lady” lifestyle, only, with Video Games and dogs instead of TV Dramas and cats. Blech.