A lot of the stuff I write about in my #ResistTrump posts is cribbed from an assortment of handy newsletters offering ideas for resistance and information on protests and other events worth knowing about. Here are the five I’ve found the most useful.
Wall of Us: This newsletter/website offers what it calls FOUR CONCRETE ACTS OF RESISTANCE
Make it Better — A weekly newsletter co-written by feminist author/activist (and friend of WHTM) Jaclyn Friedman. Offers specific suggestions for activism, links to good reads, inspiration, and jokes.
actionnow — An almost-daily newsletter providing suggestions for activism and occasional pep talks.
Resistable — A regular roundup of upcoming real-world protests across the US and sometimes elsewhere.
Signal Boost — A newsletter designed to, well, signal boost “the great work being done in the resistance.”
And while it isn’t a newsletter, one of the handiest resources for those who want to resist Trump in a practical way every single day (or a couple of times a week maybe?), 5Calls.org gives you some suggestions and scripts to make it as easy as possible to call your elected officials.
Have I missed any? I probably missed some. So add your suggestions in the comments.
Oh, and if you want to gloat a bit more about the truly pathetic pro-Trump rallies held yesterday, check out this roundup on Raw Story, complete with EXCITING ACTION PHOTOS of Trump supporters sitting on lawn chairs.
EDIT: And of course I forgot one: the very useful almost-daily Resist newsletter from writer and activist Talia Lavin.
So, I was reading a local Independent Newspaper today, and they said that there was a Trump rally held here on Monday, but there was like only 50 people there (which the Trumpsters denounced as “fake news”, of course), and the best part was they knew that lots of witches had come together to hex Trump.
Their response was “Witches have no power over God!”
I don’t know if they’re just that religious and believe that a man like Trump (despite his OBVIOUS un-Christian like behavior) was sent by God, or if they think that Trump is God.
Either way, that’s so scary all I can really do is laugh.
I mean, my gods are far older than theirs are, but that kind of blind faith is very, if I might borrow a word from our sock, “cult-like”.
@Paradoxical Intention
If you want to get technical, it was a binding spell, not a hex.
Congress is trying to get rid of public education and school lunches
Co-sponsors: Steve King, IA
Andy Harris, ND
Trent Franks, AZ
Pete Olson, TX
Committee: House Education and the Workforce
So I read the comments on some of the articles about the binding spell and a bunch of xtians were talking about how they were going to pray to their god to protect Trump. Some of them even wrote some lovely incantations of protection that I dare say might hold up well as spells of their own. So they don’t think he is their god, they might believe that their god helped bring him to power, and they absolutely believe their god will protect him.
I’m actually impressed they figured out how to do a multiple select radio button.
That’s not what I was doin’.
How curious. Surely, if their god is really driving the Trump train, he will protect his pet project without having to be told? Or do I just not understand Christianity despite having grown up in it? 😉
Doesn’t take much figuring – that’s their default behavior. Until you group them by name the browser won’t do the select-only-one stuff.
I could have sworn it was the default to select only one, but maybe I just named them correctly even back when I knew next to nothing. I use all bootstrap these days anyway, so I don’t need to think too much about how to make my components, I just plug them in. 🙂
Well like, there’s basically no reason to ever use them like that, so I’m sure that any examples or tutorials you followed would have steered you right. Also I love Bootstrap. It makes my life so much easier!
Ugh, nothing pisses me off more than atracking public education.
@Anne Lewis
Indeed, I always thought of it as ‘an alt-right thing’. Damn, I gave republicans far too much credit.
Also, high five for the Edgeworth reaction!
OT, sort of, but the House have decided to investigate Trump’s ties to Russia!
So unexpected. Of course, it will most likely be a half hearted screwing up of an investigation because the Republicans quite clearly just don’t care, but still, its an achievement.
I am trying to waste less time so that I can write to my MP tomorrow and ask her to support repealing the Safe Third Country Agreement, which would make it easier for refugees to get legally to Canada from the US. I started this letter two weeks ago and haven’t finished it. 🙁