@PA : I feel for you. I chose Paris to make my life in because there is a sensible mass transit system. Back when I was in a “remote” country city (~100.000 inhabitant or so), and it was ridiculous. Especially when my father bought a mansion in an outlying small city. I could go to school with a bus, but not come back from school, because there were only one bus per day -_-
@Hambeast : well, “dangerous one need to be kept in check” is more likely. I would be very surprised if humans can survive for long without virus.
But, yes, if diseases of all sorts could never have grave consequences, it would be good. Also, it would be cool if people weren’t assholes, dementia did not transform loved one into husk of themselves, and gender dysphoria wasn’t a thing.
(for the last one : I don’t mean “transgender”.I am more or less into a bout of gender dysphoria, and it’s not particulary pleasant. It is better than when I was insomniac, so there’s that)
*hugs* if desired, I know how much that sucks. Feel free to message me at my nym (Just the first part) at gmx dot us if you need a sympathetic ear/someone to talk with.
re: Buses
On the topic of bus/mass transit systems in the U.S. (the stories are different elsewhere), there are many books to be written (and many that have been), but once again it boils down to ‘fiscal conservatism’, which actually means ‘systemic economic racism’.
Hope you feel better soon, David. The flu this year is a rough one!
Happy Birthday, y’all!
8 years ago
Meanwhile, I know I’ve seen it explained a million times here, but how to I add/change my avatar?
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
@shar http://en.gravatar.com
Use the email you comment with here, everything else should be self explanatory. If not, I’ll be happy to answer any questions
We seriously need to put a gravatar link on the front page or something
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger | February 26, 2017 at 10:20 am
Yooo, fuck buses down south tho! Schedules don’t make no sense, routes make even less. I can either take a bus and then walk 20 min to work, or take 2 buses. By some fuckery, both take the same amount of time. By even more fuckery, it’s a 7 min drive from my house
That’s the same problem I have with the first/last bus I would take to work/home every day.
It would take me the same amount of time to actually walk to the next stop/my house than it does for me to walk to the stop and wait for that bus.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked home, only to see the bus I would have taken pull up to the stop I would have gotten off at.
Of course the thing is, as someone with an injury that affects how long/far I can stand/walk, I have to consider if standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus and taking the bus is better for my leg than just straight up walking.
I mean, most people would say “You should walk, it’s healthier!” but then I have to take my injury into account.
It takes me TWO HOURS sometimes to get to work/internship, and another two hours to get home.
That’s FOUR HOURS of travel time for a five mile distance. This is why I’m working on overcoming my fear of driving, because this is some bullshit.
Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer | February 26, 2017 at 1:12 pm
re: Buses
On the topic of bus/mass transit systems in the U.S. (the stories are different elsewhere), there are many books to be written (and many that have been), but once again it boils down to ‘fiscal conservatism’, which actually means ‘systemic economic racism’.
That’s something I’ve noticed as well. There’s a very obvious racial change when I head into work vs. where I live.
Where I live, there’s a lot of African American people and Latinx people. Where I work (across the street from one major state university) it’s 99% white people.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
This is why I’m working on overcoming my fear of driving, because this is some bullshit
My brother drives, but he has a job and a social life. He takes me most of the time. Still bullshit
Where I live, there’s a lot of African American people and Latinx people. Where I work (across the street from one major state university) it’s 99% white people
^Yup! I live in a pretty white suburban city but in the browner part thereof. I work in an ‘unincorporated community’ where affluent white people go to die. Me and @Dali have taken to calling said community the Heart of Whiteness. And the walk is entirely up and down hill. No flat land at all. Not a single bus will go from my area to the other even tho it’s literally the same street. And a major roadway at that. Coincidence I’m sure *grumble*
8 years ago
Congratulations Viscaria and Happy Birthday Monzach!
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago
Congratulations Viscaria and Happy Birfday, Monzach and Rhuu!
Hope you have a speedy recovery, David!
Lord Pabu
8 years ago
Hey gang, so I just got messaged by a self titled MRA on Facebook. (I’m guessing it’s because I responded to one of the ridiculous memes on the Male Lives Matter Facebook page, and I am questioning the wisdom of that move.) This is what he has to say;
“Are you a feminist? I am a men’s rights activist(MRA). Instead of going by these terms I would like to examine individual points to see if there is some similarity.”
That sounds reasonable enough, but I’ve seen enough of the MRA trolls that have shown up here to know that even the reasonable ones can turn into spewing hate fountains when the conversation progresses far enough, and I don’t want to have something I say copied and pasted on an MRA forum along with my personal information. I use my real name on Facebook, after all.
I should just block him, right? …right? I hate to just block someone without even answering them when they’ve asked for nothing more than a reasonable discussion, but I’m not obliged to talk to anyone and everyone, and I didn’t sign up for this.
Anyway, sorry for interrupting! I only just saw his message, and the whole thing has me feeling uneasy.
8 years ago
@Lord Pabu
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a self-titled MRA argue in good faith, or even politely, on the internet. If there were reasonable ones, I’d like to think that they’d look around at the vile cesspool they’re standing in and think long and hard about whether they want to continue to be associated with it.
I think you’re sensible for not wanting this sort of stress attached to your real name and regular facebook account.
8 years ago
Sorry to hear you’re still not well, try some echinacea – I actually find it works, and I don’t usually bother with herbal remedies.
Please allow me to join in the general congratulations!
Re your bus story – was that in Dentdale, by any chance? When I worked at the Youth Hostel there eleven years ago, I used to run a mile and half down to the pick-up point for the bus on a Wednesday so that I could spend 2 hours in Sedbergh before having to return. It’s amazing how many books you can buy/pints you can drink when it’s your one opportunity in the week.
occasional reader
8 years ago
> David
Keep going to beat the crap of the flu. I would suggest a grog (honey + strong alcool – traditionnaly rhum + some drops of lemon juice – not mandatory but who can really dislike lemon juice ?) to help you fight. The grog generally have to be a bit heated (but not to much or the alcool will lose any effect).
> Viscaria
Congratulations. Enjoy the engaged life !
> Monzach and Rhuu
Happy birthday ! But remember the birthday cake is a lie.
I have been to the Salon de l’Agriculture this week-end, with some family. Seeing animals is fun, but there is no gestion of the traffic of the (walking) visitors, so it is full of bump, push, elbow and shoulder play, which is kind of annoying if you do not like big crowds (or even just crowds). If you have this kind of phobia, avoid week-ends at all costs.
Have a nice day.
Lord Pabu
8 years ago
Yeah, I sort of agree with you. And by sort of, I mean completely. A truly reasonable and fair-minded person wouldn’t find the company of your average MRA to be very palatable.
I’m just going to block him and save myself the pain. I run into misogynist types in the real world too often already.
@Viscaria, Rhuu, and Monzach;
The warmest of congratulations and the happiest of birthdays to you three!
((Meme shows two kittens leaping toward each other in the most epic and fluffy of hugs))
occasional reader
8 years ago
Sorry for the double post.
Being a famous morroco singer seems to grant you a few (sarcasm) privileges…
Mind you, he is already inculped of rape in USA, but he refuse to go to the trial. And he is already charged in France for under an aggravated rape accusation (end of october 2016), and it seems that it makes another victim to have the courage to stand up (the accusation discussed in the article is from november 2016).
Of course, innocent until proven guilty. But having the King of Morroco to pay for one of your trial… So much for the equality… There are even conspiracy theories about some of the accusations.
If you read french, i suggest not reading comments of articles (slut shaming, conspiracy theories, racism, and so on).
8 years ago
Visualize birthday kittens for all more-or-less current birthday havers!
@Lord Pabu
A truly reasonable and fair-minded person wouldn’t find the company of your average MRA to be very palatable.
I’m just going to block him and save myself the pain.
IMO, you did the right thing. Strike preemptively!
8 years ago
@Occasional Reader : I find vomit-inducing the fact the original title (visible in the URL) was “le chanteur Saad entendu dans une affaire de moeur”, which more of less imply it’s just some consensual sex.
I prefer to not even read the comments. It’s bad for my pulse.
@Lord Pabu : that look like a trap. Don’t subject yourself to it.
8 years ago
@eli: THANK YOU! Bookmarked!
@all the birthday wishes: THANK YOU! It was a weird day. Normally i’d have a party, but a friend organised two events this weekend, so i couldn’t really? And it just felt like too much work.
So instead i stayed home. Which was good too, one of my room mates was very nice and spent time with me, and we baked a cake.*
Also i installed my kickstarted copy of night in the woods, and got to play it for like 10 minutes. Yay!
(*Though i CANNOT make a damn sponge cake. I will try again! Stupid eggs as a rising agent!!!)
8 years ago
Note to everyone who may have a doofus dog who needs a wound repaired: Please listen to what the vet says about keeping the Cone of Shame on.
We just had a dog come back in yesterday because the owner wasn’t watching the dog “for a few seconds” while the cone was off. Dog pulled the drain out of the repaired wound and possibly ate it. The vet said a few things when he heard about this.
It’s quite possible for many dogs to eat with the cone on, if you put the dish on a sort of pedestal so the dog’s mouth can reach the food while the cone goes around the bowl. Otherwise, constant vigilance, especially if you own a nervous dog who tries to suddenly sprint from the room and dive off the exam table and so forth.
Also, my cat got her tail caught in a door and had to go in on a day I was not working and now has a shaved section in the middle of her tail and looks like a doofus. I swear she doesn’t realize she has no fur there. I keep laughing whenever I see her; there’s a furry tip, then this section of opossum tail, then more fur.
So, I had some chicken Shawarma today from a local restaurant by my internship. It’s alright. I liked the flavor, but I felt like they would benefit from a touch more chicken. I had a little too much wrap for my tastes. It was like a 7/10 though.
I don’t know if it’s because it’s how they make it today or what but I don’t think I’ll be ordering again, and instead I’ll get their really yummy gyro pitas, which are the same price and I know I like those.
As for my internship, I signed up to sit at a table for an hour at the college across the street and talk about our corporation’s app, which tells people about the area and lets users know about sales and events and stuff, and that’s in about an hour.
I’m mostly sitting on my hands today, waiting for people to get back to me with necessary information so I can complete my projects. I hate this part of the job, it makes me feel lazy for not doing any work, even though I know I can’t move forward and do any work without these other people’s input.
Arctic Ape
8 years ago
The Guardian has a clickbait article on some study suggesting that hetero/bi women are sexually out of luck compared to men and lesbians:
While 95% of heterosexual men reported that they usually or always orgasmed during sexually intimate moments, just 65% of heterosexual women did. By contrast, the figure was 89% for gay men, 86% for lesbian women, 88% for bisexual men and 66% for bisexual women.
Before reading the article, I tried to guess, as a totally inexperienced hetero guy, what these three magic moves might be:
1. Frankly discuss the options before starting.
2. Subtly solicit and follow feedback after starting.
3. Have the towel ready in its place and don’t panic.
OK, turns out that
combination of genital stimulation, deep kissing and oral sex is the “golden trio” for women when it comes to increasing their likelihood of reaching orgasm with a sexual partner.
Apparently, “genital stimulation” is used to mean any other than penile or oral stimulation. At first the list looked a little redundant.
Also, close to the end the researcher herself is quoted noting that women actually have individual desires. So there’s that.
@PA : I feel for you. I chose Paris to make my life in because there is a sensible mass transit system. Back when I was in a “remote” country city (~100.000 inhabitant or so), and it was ridiculous. Especially when my father bought a mansion in an outlying small city. I could go to school with a bus, but not come back from school, because there were only one bus per day -_-
@Hambeast : well, “dangerous one need to be kept in check” is more likely. I would be very surprised if humans can survive for long without virus.
But, yes, if diseases of all sorts could never have grave consequences, it would be good. Also, it would be cool if people weren’t assholes, dementia did not transform loved one into husk of themselves, and gender dysphoria wasn’t a thing.
(for the last one : I don’t mean “transgender”.I am more or less into a bout of gender dysphoria, and it’s not particulary pleasant. It is better than when I was insomniac, so there’s that)
Congrats, Viscaria!!!
Also happy birthday to everyone with recent birthdays!
Happy birthday Monzach, Rhuu!
*hugs* if desired, I know how much that sucks. Feel free to message me at my nym (Just the first part) at gmx dot us if you need a sympathetic ear/someone to talk with.
re: Buses
On the topic of bus/mass transit systems in the U.S. (the stories are different elsewhere), there are many books to be written (and many that have been), but once again it boils down to ‘fiscal conservatism’, which actually means ‘systemic economic racism’.
Happy birthday to Monzach and Rhuu!
Hope you feel better soon, David. The flu this year is a rough one!
Happy Birthday, y’all!
Meanwhile, I know I’ve seen it explained a million times here, but how to I add/change my avatar?
Use the email you comment with here, everything else should be self explanatory. If not, I’ll be happy to answer any questions
We seriously need to put a gravatar link on the front page or something
That’s the same problem I have with the first/last bus I would take to work/home every day.
It would take me the same amount of time to actually walk to the next stop/my house than it does for me to walk to the stop and wait for that bus.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked home, only to see the bus I would have taken pull up to the stop I would have gotten off at.
Of course the thing is, as someone with an injury that affects how long/far I can stand/walk, I have to consider if standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus and taking the bus is better for my leg than just straight up walking.
I mean, most people would say “You should walk, it’s healthier!” but then I have to take my injury into account.
It takes me TWO HOURS sometimes to get to work/internship, and another two hours to get home.
That’s FOUR HOURS of travel time for a five mile distance. This is why I’m working on overcoming my fear of driving, because this is some bullshit.
That’s something I’ve noticed as well. There’s a very obvious racial change when I head into work vs. where I live.
Where I live, there’s a lot of African American people and Latinx people. Where I work (across the street from one major state university) it’s 99% white people.
My brother drives, but he has a job and a social life. He takes me most of the time. Still bullshit
^Yup! I live in a pretty white suburban city but in the browner part thereof. I work in an ‘unincorporated community’ where affluent white people go to die. Me and @Dali have taken to calling said community the Heart of Whiteness. And the walk is entirely up and down hill. No flat land at all. Not a single bus will go from my area to the other even tho it’s literally the same street. And a major roadway at that. Coincidence I’m sure *grumble*
Congratulations Viscaria and Happy Birthday Monzach!
Congratulations Viscaria and Happy Birfday, Monzach and Rhuu!
Hope you have a speedy recovery, David!
Hey gang, so I just got messaged by a self titled MRA on Facebook. (I’m guessing it’s because I responded to one of the ridiculous memes on the Male Lives Matter Facebook page, and I am questioning the wisdom of that move.) This is what he has to say;
“Are you a feminist? I am a men’s rights activist(MRA). Instead of going by these terms I would like to examine individual points to see if there is some similarity.”
That sounds reasonable enough, but I’ve seen enough of the MRA trolls that have shown up here to know that even the reasonable ones can turn into spewing hate fountains when the conversation progresses far enough, and I don’t want to have something I say copied and pasted on an MRA forum along with my personal information. I use my real name on Facebook, after all.
I should just block him, right? …right? I hate to just block someone without even answering them when they’ve asked for nothing more than a reasonable discussion, but I’m not obliged to talk to anyone and everyone, and I didn’t sign up for this.
Anyway, sorry for interrupting! I only just saw his message, and the whole thing has me feeling uneasy.
@Lord Pabu
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a self-titled MRA argue in good faith, or even politely, on the internet. If there were reasonable ones, I’d like to think that they’d look around at the vile cesspool they’re standing in and think long and hard about whether they want to continue to be associated with it.
I think you’re sensible for not wanting this sort of stress attached to your real name and regular facebook account.
Sorry to hear you’re still not well, try some echinacea – I actually find it works, and I don’t usually bother with herbal remedies.
Please allow me to join in the general congratulations!
Re your bus story – was that in Dentdale, by any chance? When I worked at the Youth Hostel there eleven years ago, I used to run a mile and half down to the pick-up point for the bus on a Wednesday so that I could spend 2 hours in Sedbergh before having to return. It’s amazing how many books you can buy/pints you can drink when it’s your one opportunity in the week.
> David
Keep going to beat the crap of the flu. I would suggest a grog (honey + strong alcool – traditionnaly rhum + some drops of lemon juice – not mandatory but who can really dislike lemon juice ?) to help you fight. The grog generally have to be a bit heated (but not to much or the alcool will lose any effect).
> Viscaria
Congratulations. Enjoy the engaged life !
> Monzach and Rhuu
Happy birthday ! But remember the birthday cake is a lie.
I have been to the Salon de l’Agriculture this week-end, with some family. Seeing animals is fun, but there is no gestion of the traffic of the (walking) visitors, so it is full of bump, push, elbow and shoulder play, which is kind of annoying if you do not like big crowds (or even just crowds). If you have this kind of phobia, avoid week-ends at all costs.
Have a nice day.
Yeah, I sort of agree with you. And by sort of, I mean completely. A truly reasonable and fair-minded person wouldn’t find the company of your average MRA to be very palatable.
I’m just going to block him and save myself the pain. I run into misogynist types in the real world too often already.
@Viscaria, Rhuu, and Monzach;
The warmest of congratulations and the happiest of birthdays to you three!

((Meme shows two kittens leaping toward each other in the most epic and fluffy of hugs))
Sorry for the double post.
Being a famous morroco singer seems to grant you a few (sarcasm) privileges…
Mind you, he is already inculped of rape in USA, but he refuse to go to the trial. And he is already charged in France for under an aggravated rape accusation (end of october 2016), and it seems that it makes another victim to have the courage to stand up (the accusation discussed in the article is from november 2016).
Of course, innocent until proven guilty. But having the King of Morroco to pay for one of your trial… So much for the equality… There are even conspiracy theories about some of the accusations.
If you read french, i suggest not reading comments of articles (slut shaming, conspiracy theories, racism, and so on).
Visualize birthday kittens for all more-or-less current birthday havers!
@Lord Pabu
IMO, you did the right thing. Strike preemptively!
@Occasional Reader : I find vomit-inducing the fact the original title (visible in the URL) was “le chanteur Saad entendu dans une affaire de moeur”, which more of less imply it’s just some consensual sex.
I prefer to not even read the comments. It’s bad for my pulse.
@Lord Pabu : that look like a trap. Don’t subject yourself to it.
@eli: THANK YOU! Bookmarked!
@all the birthday wishes: THANK YOU! It was a weird day. Normally i’d have a party, but a friend organised two events this weekend, so i couldn’t really? And it just felt like too much work.
So instead i stayed home. Which was good too, one of my room mates was very nice and spent time with me, and we baked a cake.*
Also i installed my kickstarted copy of night in the woods, and got to play it for like 10 minutes. Yay!
(*Though i CANNOT make a damn sponge cake. I will try again! Stupid eggs as a rising agent!!!)
Note to everyone who may have a doofus dog who needs a wound repaired: Please listen to what the vet says about keeping the Cone of Shame on.
We just had a dog come back in yesterday because the owner wasn’t watching the dog “for a few seconds” while the cone was off. Dog pulled the drain out of the repaired wound and possibly ate it. The vet said a few things when he heard about this.
It’s quite possible for many dogs to eat with the cone on, if you put the dish on a sort of pedestal so the dog’s mouth can reach the food while the cone goes around the bowl. Otherwise, constant vigilance, especially if you own a nervous dog who tries to suddenly sprint from the room and dive off the exam table and so forth.
Also, my cat got her tail caught in a door and had to go in on a day I was not working and now has a shaved section in the middle of her tail and looks like a doofus. I swear she doesn’t realize she has no fur there. I keep laughing whenever I see her; there’s a furry tip, then this section of opossum tail, then more fur.
Hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon.
So, I had some chicken Shawarma today from a local restaurant by my internship. It’s alright. I liked the flavor, but I felt like they would benefit from a touch more chicken. I had a little too much wrap for my tastes. It was like a 7/10 though.
I don’t know if it’s because it’s how they make it today or what but I don’t think I’ll be ordering again, and instead I’ll get their really yummy gyro pitas, which are the same price and I know I like those.
As for my internship, I signed up to sit at a table for an hour at the college across the street and talk about our corporation’s app, which tells people about the area and lets users know about sales and events and stuff, and that’s in about an hour.
I’m mostly sitting on my hands today, waiting for people to get back to me with necessary information so I can complete my projects. I hate this part of the job, it makes me feel lazy for not doing any work, even though I know I can’t move forward and do any work without these other people’s input.
The Guardian has a clickbait article on some study suggesting that hetero/bi women are sexually out of luck compared to men and lesbians:
Before reading the article, I tried to guess, as a totally inexperienced hetero guy, what these three magic moves might be:
1. Frankly discuss the options before starting.
2. Subtly solicit and follow feedback after starting.
3. Have the towel ready in its place and don’t panic.
OK, turns out that
Apparently, “genital stimulation” is used to mean any other than penile or oral stimulation. At first the list looked a little redundant.
Also, close to the end the researcher herself is quoted noting that women actually have individual desires. So there’s that.