milo pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles trump

Sick David

Hey it’s a rhino for no reason

Ugh. I’ve been hit with a nasty flu, so I will be out of commission today and probably for several more as this thing runs its course.

Which is a pity not only because I feel like crap but also because there’s lots of stuff going on. It’s (Not My) Presidet’s day, and there are anti-Trump protests around the US (and in London too, but for different anti-Trump reasons).

Meanwhle, our old friend fiend MILO was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) but, oops, conservatives discovered that their favorite hateful bigot has, on a number of occasions, explicitly defended pedophilia oh sorry “ephebophilia.” And now he’s been un-scheduled. See the latest here!

Anyway, I’m going to go lie down. Feel free to use this as an open thread of course.

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Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


WOAH I’m late, but welcome back ! I am so, so glad about the progress your boyfriend is making, and the proposal. That ring sounds absolutely beautiful and now I wanna get married to whomever just so I can then fantasize about the rings.

You might know already but I was in a LDR for two years and a half, with a Californian who… well… let’s just say she had a lot in common with your boyfriend. Eventually she turned into an angry feminazi SJW, though. I guess it’s the kind of empathy, and potential for change, that only someone who loves you can see. Well anyway, there’s news on that front, and she’s a Milo fan now, as I discovered a week or so ago. Long story short : don’t let go of that boyfriend of yours, never know if he might not go back to being a dick if there’s no one pushing him to be good anymore.

Joke aside, I’m really happy for you and it’s good to see you back.

Hey, that thing when you cried in a museum ? That sounds awfully familiar, so I’ma follow this up along with my reply to Troubelle at the bottom ’cause song.


Hey, I know how to draw and dick and then turn it into a bird. I can show you if you want.

It’s the kind of skill you wish you’d had in junior high, when bullies draw dicks all over your shit. I learned it in high school, when my drunk best friend drew dicks all over my shit then turned them into birds.

“War. War… has changed.”


(Conceived as the delivery being rap. Take that as you will.)

I err can’t figure it out for the life of me. Then again my own flow and the stuff I write might be too embedded for me to be able to make sense of anyone else’s rhymes without actually hearing them ? Plus I’m used to french rap, it’s kinda different I guess, example below. My experience of murican rap is pretty limited, ’cause I dunno where to find the good stuff. CYNE’s been good to me though. Any recomendations beyond that ?

So hey, here’s one example of french rap, just because. It ties in with what Chio said, about that experience of being overwhelmed and crying : I’ve had it happen to me before, I believe that’s what they call Stendhal’s syndrom, which is mentioned in this song. Yeah, sure, I actually just wanted an excuse to post it, but you and Chio gave me two, so there.

For the record, VII is kind of atypical as far as french rap goes. Okay, like extremely atypical. So it’s really just a good example for the delivery. For anyone who understands french : be warned if you follow up on other songs, because some of them are… well, I’m not sure how to put it. In his early days he had a thing going on like a third of his stuff, with a horror theme, like writing songs in the first person about extremely gruesome serial killers, that sorta stuff. I mean I had to make a SFW playlist and weed out “those” songs, ’cause I only know a few people who can stomach them and to be fair I have a hard time at it as well. So yeah, be warned if you understand french.

The whole “Eloge de l’Ombre” album (2015) is entirely safe – it’s mostly political, or touches on subjects like depression and alienation (and ties those in with the politics). Yes, the title does come from that old essay about compared aesthetics between japanese and western cultures. Dude’s a nerd. Picked for Best Album Of 2015 by my old pre-school teacher and my mother.

8 years ago

Trump administration rolls back protections for transgender students

Wonder if former Trump campaign prop Caitlyn Jenner will have anything to say about this.

8 years ago

On ephebophilia… I want to say that my ex, I don’t think he was attracted to young people except of course when he was in that age group himself. Of all the things that are wrong with him, I never suspected that.

But he talked about ephebophilia a lot and made the distinction in a defensive kind of way. I thought it was weird. I thought it was creepy. What I didn’t realise about it was that it was part of the alt-right radicalisation dogma. I don’t know if Milo really believes what he was saying. He’s certainly repugnant enough in so many other ways that I wouldn’t put it past him.

What Milo was doing was part of their code. Where he crossed their line was in equating what creepy men who happen to skeeve on boys to creepy men who happen to skeeve on teenage girls. It’s right to equate them. They’re equally repulsive, they’re equally hurtful. Responsible adults don’t prey on teens sexually. Period. End of story. Does the fact that unpicking it and thinking really they’re mainly upset about the men creeping on boys is why he’s in so much trouble bother me? A little because I think DJT (and others like him) should be in just as much trouble for skeeving on young girls. But fuck Milo. Fuck anyone who defends that.

I wish there was more common knowledge about the alt-right radicalisation and the code words like ephebophilia that are part of it. I don’t know if it would have made me wise up any sooner with my ex. For sure, I should have got rid of him a long time ago because of how he treated me – I mean that was enough reason. But it would have made it a lot easier to justify. It would still make it a lot easier to justify. And I wish more people knew that those who are alt-right radicalised make the lives of those around them a living hell, too.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

I will admit my plate is somewhat limited (wish I actually knew enough French to understand what you linked us to), but a fellow on YouTube by the alias of NoneLikeJoshua plugged me into what could be done. Think of it as a “breakdown”–incredibly rapid, and requiring precise articulation (as well as breaking the meter in the last line).

8 years ago

Trump administration rolls back protections for transgender students

Wonder if former Trump campaign prop Caitlyn Jenner will have anything to say about this.

I doubt it, she can afford all the rights she needs.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago


m not sure how to put it. In his early days he had a thing going on like a third of his stuff, with a horror theme,

Given that the track you posted appears to be named after an HP Lovecraft story, I’m not surprised.

8 years ago

His raging narcissism, and his addiction to controversy, would make him a dangerous addition to the team.

So, Milo would basically be/is basically a little Trump.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


Woah, aight, can’t even begin to start figuring it then. I really, really struggle just to understand words with, like, regular american pacing, ’cause so damn fast. I mean you guys speak fast to begin with, but you rap a lot faster. Like, this guy‘s considered relatively slow ? I can’t even.


Yup, that’s the one, though that song is not really about anything Lovecraft besides said rats in said walls. He’s made several songs much more closely related but believe it or not, I’d count them among the “milder” stuff. Like, “Quest for Kadath” more than “Innsmouth”. Though then again there’s also this one, which completely nails it, no pun intended. Influences also include Poe, Baudelaire, Césaire.

The real nasty stuff is more in the lines of putting a funk beat to Richard Chase’s story, recounted in the first person. Or stuff that I won’t even try to describe ’cause it genuinely makes me wanna puke (yeah, it is the whole point, but still).

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Damn you, edit window.


Re: NoneLikeJoshua. Okay, I guess I have to admit that the Samurai Champloo one is kinda redundant given the original soundtrack, but still, it was totally necessary.

Incidentally, a lot of said soundtrack is by the same Nujabes as that song I posted. Also, it’s friggin awesome. If you haven’t watched Samurai Champloo, you need to do it.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


My experience of murican rap is pretty limited, ’cause I dunno where to find the good stuff. CYNE’s been good to me though. Any recomendations beyond that ?

CW: gangsta rap

Tech N9ne is known for 3 things: unique musicality, high speed, and ubiquitous collabs. He isn’t for everyone, but, if you dig these…

8 years ago

@ Dali
Damn, thats a doggo with style!

Yes, it looks for me youre much better organized there than here.

@Sinkable John

Oh, thats interesting to know, i didnt know it had a name. Interesting that the song about it is a french rap too, because when i was in France I could not stop being baffled. I never thought id like french rap. Thank you!


Yep, yep! My fiance was alike.

He didnt have a thing for teens, he actually always preferred people his age or (sometimes MUCH) older (even when he was a teen)but didnt see anything wrong in liking them either. I kept telling him to stay away from people much younger, even if older than 18, because their minds arent ready, etc. He simply rolled his eyes and kept saying it wasnt wrong and wasnt abusive, that he was with women older than his mim and turned out fine (imho, he didnt). Not even to defend himself and his preferences, but to defend his own abusers (Stockholm?) and make a political point.

It took him some real life experience (and some self awareness of his own past) that feminists dont say this just because they are moralistic killjoys. Só yes, i agree, this ephebophilia talk is a major redflag that the person is burying theirselves into alt right crap.

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago


Damn, thats a doggo with style

Hubby makes all his sweaters. He always likes compliments on them.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

The speed doesn’t come naturally to me, but if someone out there can do it and do it well…just make sure I get a fair cut of the royalties.

8 years ago

I just wanted to jump in here to give an after-action report of Congressman Tony Cardenas’s townhall meeting, which was held yesterday evening.

I was already pretty warmly disposed to him for a) being a Democrat, b) scheduling a townhall meeting without anyone having to twist his arm, and c) scheduling it for 6:30 p.m. on a weekday so that people with regular jobs could actually make it. I didn’t have a ride, so I rode my bicycle six and a half miles to the meeting site. Uphill. In the rain. During rush hour. (Go me?)

I’d never been to one of these and had no basis for comparison, but I think it went well. It was well-organized, for sure. Rep. Cardenas came across really well; I would definitely put him on the “genuine” side of the politician bell-curve. The main topic of conversation was the ACA, and much to the credit of Rep. Cardenas and his staffers, the very first (pre-screened!) question he took was from a young woman who actually found that her healthcare options shrank after the measure was passed. That is, he made sure to address the concerns of someone on the other side of the issue. There were moments where he seemed to be phrasing his answers in the framework of his talking points, but that’s par for the course with politicians and his demeanor was overall a caring and sincere one. I’m glad to have someone like him in my corner.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

Are you interested in rap the way it was in the 90s or the way it is now?

8 years ago

As for American rap, Loaded Lux did this one with Method Man and Redman from Wu-tang Clan, it’s only found as a youtube video tho

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

If we’re talking 90s style hip hop, which still lives on to some extent, I would have to mention Wu-Tang and Company Flow, as well as Talib Kweli/Mos Def/Black Star/Reflection Eternal. There were others, of course, but those were the most important ones to me.


Nitpicky, but I can’t let it go unsaid that Redman wasn’t a Wu-Tang member. :p

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

In case anyone’s interested, I wrote a song parody about Milo:

8 years ago

Stop me if you’ve heard this one.

comment image

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

But Falconer! It’s the Next Big Thing! The Amazons told me so!

(what is with this trend of treating young adult novels like they’re amazing pillars of modern literature? They’re written as a bridge between children’s books and actual novels!)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Shy, teenage (white) girl full of moxie finds she’s special in not being limited to the social dynamics her world forces on everyone (Mom! Dad! Ugh!). But with gender this time… Uh huh…

Ignoring the premise, cos it’s just too much, the hackery at play boggles. Patrus and Matrus. That’s not how countries are named. Like ever. And nobody read Matrus and thought ‘so, the men get a country, but the women get a four poster queen?’ Fuck, at least E L James was clever enough to drop her original template setting with 50 Shades. This is just Hunger Games. Without the interesting Games bit. So, just the last book. And it’s called Gender Game! The fuck!? If she cleans up the river at the end of the book/series, so help me…

YA fiction fans: is anything that’s come out in the last decade or so worth a shit? Harry Potter, Unfortunate Events, Ender’s Game, the Giver, bona fide classics. Does any of the newer stuff warrant a look outside of the ever churning movie franchises?

8 years ago

The Mortal Engines series by Philip Reeve is pretty good. Ambulatory predator cities.

8 years ago

There was an old troll back when this site was still Manboobz who wanted to divide the US down the Mississippi river and put all the men on one side and all the women on the other.

I can’t for the life of me remember his nym tho.

Anyway, we’re now flat-out mining the MGTOWs for plots.

space garbage
space garbage
8 years ago

Sorry for coming back to Milo, but I just gotta plug this:

On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right, by Laurie Penny

If any of you haven’t seen this yet, I strongly recommend giving it a read.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Ambulatory predator cities

3 words, and sold!

Straight up the Mississippi or along the Missouri? And do you remember who got which side?

Also, y’all remember the fairly recent thread in which discussion veered into a future water world in which various sexual/romantic minorities controlled their own (sometimes floating) islands? That was cool, someone should write that book!