milo pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles trump

Sick David

Hey it’s a rhino for no reason

Ugh. I’ve been hit with a nasty flu, so I will be out of commission today and probably for several more as this thing runs its course.

Which is a pity not only because I feel like crap but also because there’s lots of stuff going on. It’s (Not My) Presidet’s day, and there are anti-Trump protests around the US (and in London too, but for different anti-Trump reasons).

Meanwhle, our old friend fiend MILO was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) but, oops, conservatives discovered that their favorite hateful bigot has, on a number of occasions, explicitly defended pedophilia oh sorry “ephebophilia.” And now he’s been un-scheduled. See the latest here!

Anyway, I’m going to go lie down. Feel free to use this as an open thread of course.

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PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Mensez. “Men sez?”



Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Its old news then! My, I have been out for quite a while. Didnt realize it was this long

You’ve had lotsa news in the meantime too! Grats on the nuptials, whenever you kids get around to it ?

Not exactly a couple counselor because of how unexperienced i am with relationships in general

More experienced than me. I really jumped right into the deep end here, didn’t I? ?

a lot of people from my social circle come asking me for advice when they enter a ldr, which has plenty specifics and is much more difficult than it looks

I’ll totes keep that in mind, but, like she said, we’re in a good, if frustrating, place. Time and space are unconquerable assholes, but we’re putting up quite the fight anyway

I swear its not bad intent, its just how my head works

Not even a problem, fam!

Are you skyping? Its important

Not as yet. Time zones and wonky, grinding schedules, ya know? But if it’s important, it’s important. Doctor’s orders ?


I hope you have many many happy years together!

That’s the plan 🙂

OK, nuff about us, it’s going weird on me. What else is being discussed in this thread? Oh. Ohhh… *mutters* don’t respond, Axe. Not worth it…

8 years ago

Hey folks! Here’s edges2cats tool!

You doodle around and go for something cat-like and it conjures a cat!

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago

Ugh, much sympathy. Hubby has rheumatoid arthritis too.

What Axe said. also my current tablet lacks a front camera and my desktop lacks a microphone.

8 years ago


Heh, I do wonder how many people actually like him. They definitely love him out if convenience for the most part. Even back as far as gamergate, they loved to prop him up because he found (by which i mean fabricated) dirt on the very bad women who dare be feminists and critique video games.

It’s scary how far someone can go just telling hateful people what they want to hear. I hope he fades into obscurity now.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


I drew a dick and it became a fluffy kitty butt with a paw on the end of its tail.

… What am I doing with my life?

8 years ago

Rhinos can grow horns on their backs? I’ll be damned.

I’m sorry that Milo was abused. His being victimized doesn’t render him off-limits for criticism, of course. I’ve seen some of his fans asserting that since he’s a victim, attacking him is a form of victim-blaming. Even though he’s quit Bitefart, I doubt he’ll be vanishing from the scene any time soon.

8 years ago

Roundup of Alt-Right reactions to the Milo news.

Unsurprisingly JuiceBro takes the cake.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I’ve seen some of his fans asserting that since he’s a victim, attacking him is a form of victim-blaming

Yeah, the timeline’s kinda off on that one, innit? Unless they’re attacking the idea that Milo’s bullshit as an adult caused him to be abused as a child?

What was that? They’re Milo fans, so they’re arguing against straw while pretending to understand concepts about which they haven’t the foggiest purely as a gotcha? I see. Then, by all means, carry on, shitlords…

Also, just wanna mention Dawkins here. Cos this whole thing is both awful and awfully familiar…

8 years ago


AWESOME! 😀 😀 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee



It’s pretty hypocritical. The alt-right proudly tries to take down and destroy the people they don’t like. They don’t even try to hide it. Even if these revelations about Milo are about nothing but trying to destroy him, so what? Classic case of dishing it out but not being able to take it.

8 years ago

Wow, gold star Trump, after you got voted in by these white supremecist fucks. Did Bannon need to tell you that to help cover up his nazi buddies?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs | February 21, 2017 at 6:20 pm

I drew a dick and it became a fluffy kitty butt with a paw on the end of its tail.

… What am I doing with my life?

I thought that said you “grew” a dick, and my poor dyslexic brain was both concerned and impressed with your prowess.

Ooglyboggles | February 21, 2017 at 8:49 pm

Wow, gold star Trump, after you got voted in by these white supremecist fucks. Did Bannon need to tell you that to help cover up his nazi buddies?

I think a lot of it was other people pushing him to say something after he disrespected that Jewish reporter during his Solo Mission Press Conference.

He was getting it from all sides on that one (wah-hey). So many people are still mad that it took him THIS LONG to fucking say something too.

8 years ago

David, hope you feel a little better. This Korean chicken soup is the best thing I’ve found for colds and flu, and it’s easy to make:

Korean chicken soup

8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut
Yeah there is no way this is anything other than a knuckle dragging token gesture to shut up the press. “See the left is never satisfied even if you go along with them.” No shit we aren’t satisfied that the face of american nazis decided to try to quietly ignore antisemitism until enough people poked and prodded at him to get off his ass.

8 years ago


Aw, its a beautiful age. Today my niece manager to say my name (or almost). I almost cried. Can barely wait for her to reach that age ^^

Awwww yissssssss, glorious. She seems like shes really funny and happy and playful. You go, doggie :3


I assume you are referring to what Milo has said about his “relationship” as a boy with a priest. Well.

Oh my god. I really hope this didnt actually happen (I mean, I always believe the victim by standard in these cases, but sounds really stereotypical and well… You know Millo). It makes everything even more sad and messed up… Gosh.


Or do Priests count as someone in position of authority, like teachers? (which would make sense)

Oh, considering that the abused boys are usually very active in the church, Id say they are much bigger authorities than teachers! And if youre a religious kid the very realization they have a sexuality already is fucked up. When I was 14 I saw a local priest and a woman in a car and… I dont know, it just made the world a darker place. And I wasnt even too religious.

When I was 16, my best friend ended up involved with a creepy middle aged guy – I hated him so much and saw him as using her, she was vulnerable in some ways. I think he’s scum and hope he drops dead but he wasn’t a paedophile

Well… If you consider pedophilia sexual attraction by prepubecent bodies, a middle aged man “dating” a 16 yo most of the time isnt a pedophile. But truth is I dont care what its called. Pedophilia, ephebophilia, potentially abusive relationship, I dont care, truth is at this age many times the BODY is not ready and the mind never is, and its the duty of the law to protect them from this. I dont know what’s the use of discussing semantics every time this situation arises.

And its not moralism of an American. In Brazil the age of consent is 14. When me and my fiancee met only i was 17 and he was 27 (but we only met in person or did anything sexual two years later). Now, I was a pretty mature 17 yo, but I often look back and realize how naive and fragile i was. How he could have destroyed me if he wanted.How i wasnt ready for that. I was very lucky that he was a person with good intentions and not only waited for me to actually be ready, but also made sure I had my own experiences, and a higher self esteem, and got assertive of my limits. So yeah, speaking from a place where this is very normalized and from a relationship that was a best case scenario, I still say that who cares what the name is?! Not okay. I dont even know how attraction can happen, I see a 16 with a nice body and honestly the only thing that goes through my mind is “awwww. Look at how pretty she is. Bet all boys have a crush on her. She will be a beautiful woman someday. You go.”, and I am barely 22, imagine when I’m 45?!

@Axe and Dali
Whaaaaat? No, guise, buy cameras, there are pretty cheap ones. If you have smartphones, you can use it, try, at least once a week. I know that when you love someone talking is already enough, but the advice I always give is never forget the visual and physical part of the relationship. Its easy to let this part die, but we cant forget that we are human and designed to at least look at each other’s eyes and hear the voice. Try to interact in every way possible so your bond keeps strong and the relationship stays exciting.
I know I am giving advice without request but I cant help it! I want you to stay together for a looooong long time and if you research this is the most common problem in LDR. Of course, not saying it wont work otherwise, it has worked like that for centuries, just saying that technology helps a lot.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

I may be pessimistic, but my countdown to Bannon hiring Milo at the White House starts now.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

@Subtract, I thought the same thing.

8 years ago

@Subtract Hominem
Oh, pessimistic? Id call that mild mannered realism. Every since 2016, if I open my window and see crocodiles flying, my only reaction will be close the window and say “ah. Guess thats a thing now.”

By the way, if any of you are curious, what I said during the election (that Trump’s election and win is not simply an American problem, and it would reach the world like a fart stank across a room), unfortunately came true. The internet misogynists that were hiding in their caves came out, confident. Forgetting they are latinos (as brazilians do), they share Trump memes all around.
Did you know Brazil had a version of The Apprentice too? One of the hosts won the election for Mayor of São Paulo, the other is entering the presidential elections. Not that it would be too bad if he won, because the real problem is Bolsonaro. This one has been a darling of the extreme right wing for long, but like Trump he was just a dark humor joke. Now hes becoming mainstream and has a chance of winning. But dont worry, hes not like Trump. He is worse. Not only he is dumb and megalomaniac, he is also militaristic and fundamentalist religious. Remember this is the most catholic country and were in a military dictatorship until a few decades ago? Yeah, we’re in for a treat.

Not that we are safe until next elections either. Our unelected (and unelectable. Literally. He is so corrupt he cant even be in elections anymore) Dracula “president” is showing his fangs. Cutting the few necessary social programs and creating shell ones with the same purpose but less functional. Oh, he forbid, by law, his wife to give interviews about certain subjects. Now she pretty much literally is a decoration object. I think the scariest thing he did so far was reforming high School. He removed history and geography from the obligatory program. HE REMOVED HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY FROM THE OBLIGATORY PROGRAM. Oh, and theres a law project running that forbids school teachers to have any political agenda. So not only the only ones who will learn history and geography are human sciences students, the teachers will also have to take care not to show any judgement about any subject. If thats not mass manipulation I dont know what is. Now, our only hope is the left (and even center and center right, FFS) getting their collective asses up and doing something, but i guess 12 years of center-left democratic government made their asses lazy because all i see them doing is discussing semantics, arguing about pop divas (there was a feminist group kicking out whoever defended Beyoncé because she campaigned for Hillary, and Hillary is worse than Trump?!?!?! I mean, not getting into the absurdity that this even being a subject is, it was Hillary or Trump. Campaigning for Hillary at this point was a matter of doing something instead of ARGUING ABOUT CELEBRITIES), one trying to be more progressive than the next one… The country and the world is going to shit and all they do is micromanaging and arguing about details, like parodies of their own selves.

Its a pretty desperating situation, and I honestly no longer have the health or strength to be active in this shit show. I’ll pack and leave my passport ready, and hope Trudeau has a spare room for me. Preferably next to his. 😛

PS: Sorry for the crazy spelling, grammar and punctuation of the last comments. Spellcheck is off and I have been having trouble writing long texts.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Hi! Welcome back! 🙂

I’m glad you didn’t follow my advice to kill your boyfriend! :p

The only significant thing that happened in my life is that I lost my Pokemon Shuffle save data.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

I’d be interested in hearing the opinions of the gamergaters on Yiannopoulos’s fall. You remember how they flocked to him because he was a respectable unbiased journalist, who would help the world understand the justice of their cause? I wonder what their narrative of the events is, in hindsight. Do they feel betrayed? Do they still feel that Yiannopoulos was worth allying with? Do they think that he’s right, even now?

Of course, that would require an intellectually honest gamergater, which might be a difficult find.

8 years ago

I’m glad you didn’t follow my advice to kill your boyfriend! :p

Oh, dont talk so early, there’s still time. I just can’t reasonably put my hands on an undetectable poison and he is awfully difficult to kill in his sleep, with all his training and so *sigh*.
Also, mami needs that sweet sweet greencard. And maybe i convince him to make a life insurance in my name in the mean time.
See, darling, these things take time, you can’t just kill men before sucking all you can (literally and figuratively).
comment image

Perhaps we can work on this project together on further occasion?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago


When they first reconstructed the iguanadon skeleton they stuck his toe bone on his nose to give him a horn. When I clone dinosaurs for my theme park that’s definitely the look I’ll be going for.

(I’ll use that crispr thing from the Mammoth people)

It is a fact well established in bioscience community that the use of CRISPR/CAS9 will make your wildest fantasies possible, feasible, generally worthwhile and not at all silly.

8 years ago

On the possibility of Bannon hiring Milo: I wouldn’t say that’s impossible, because who the fuck knows any more, but I think it’s unlikely. His raging narcissism, and his addiction to controversy, would make him a dangerous addition to the team. I think he’s more useful to Bannon outside the White House, with his metaphorical bomb-throwing nature and his ability to marshall an online troll army. If Bannon can find a way to covertly fund him, he might do that, rather than openly give him a job. But that may be unnecessary, because the Republican welfare machine finds media jobs for any number of awful people.

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