milo pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles trump

Sick David

Hey it’s a rhino for no reason

Ugh. I’ve been hit with a nasty flu, so I will be out of commission today and probably for several more as this thing runs its course.

Which is a pity not only because I feel like crap but also because there’s lots of stuff going on. It’s (Not My) Presidet’s day, and there are anti-Trump protests around the US (and in London too, but for different anti-Trump reasons).

Meanwhle, our old friend fiend MILO was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) but, oops, conservatives discovered that their favorite hateful bigot has, on a number of occasions, explicitly defended pedophilia oh sorry “ephebophilia.” And now he’s been un-scheduled. See the latest here!

Anyway, I’m going to go lie down. Feel free to use this as an open thread of course.

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8 years ago

Yiannopoulos’ tears are delicious to me but I can’t help noticing that the one thing that has caused this to happen is his suggestion of harm against people who happen to be men. The endless stream of shit he’s sprayed at women all this time is apparently totally fine, that’s free speech, apparently.

Having said that, his plight is hilarious and I hope it ends really, really badly for him.

8 years ago

I hope you feel well soon.

8 years ago

Oh and David, I hope the lurgy clears up soon without too much torment.

8 years ago

Rest up and get well, David. Really appreciate your voice in these “interesting” times.

Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
8 years ago

I assume that Simon and Schuster have been looking for an excuse to get out of the deal for a while now.

Still seeing a lot of excuses being made on social media for Milo.

Austin Loomis
8 years ago

eli wonders:

Haven’t they lost enough revenue on wingnut welfare? Why do they have to chase after the haters? Do they even buy books?

Back in the noughties, when misgendering Ann Coulter was still seen to be on the right side of the edgy-versus-icky line, the richest haters used to bulk-buy her books, among others, for Conservative Book of the Month Clubs. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this was still going on, and that that’s the way these imprints stay alive. (“Darling, there’s a man here with our Book of the Month Club dung!”)

8 years ago

Milo made a quarter-million on the advance, and now he doesn’t even need to get the book ghost-written. Win for him!

8 years ago

@austin loomis

I know that, but I thought I learned along the way that even with the Conservative Book Clubs, they were still losing revenue.

The ‘Conservative Book Club’-types would hate Milo, so I still don’t get it.

8 years ago

Get well and obligatory “You still had a better day than Milo.”

8 years ago

Now we know that the line for what the right wing considers wrong is somewhere between ephebophillia and pederasty.

8 years ago

Iirc since milo’s book was pulled so was the advance.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


wingnut welfare

Eh… Comments policy

8 years ago



Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

All good 🙂

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

In addition to Foucault, Milo also reminds me a lot of the late Harry Hay, the founder of the Radical Faeries. Hay was staunchly anti-assimilationist, instead supporting gay separatism and strongly criticizing the mainstream, “PC” gay rights movement. He also supported NAMBLA when other gay activists were distancing themselves from it. He had a very Milo-esque opinion on that particular topic. Many of NAMBLA’s other supporters (not all of whom were pedophiles themselves) cited absolute belief in “free speech” and opposition to censorship as their reason for supporting it.

On top of that, Hay was even accused of “Faerie Fascism” by other members of his group who thought he was power-hungry.

8 years ago

Ooglyboggles: oh really? I’m not up on how book advances really work.

8 years ago

From what I can gather on how authors get paid, if an author receives an advance payment that person cannot receive more money until the book sales value exceeds the advance. An author can still keep the advance even if the book does not sell well. However Milo did not even get his book on the market in the first place, which means not only is there no sale, but also a complete financial loss on the part of S&S. And since Milo did not fulfill his part of the deal due to the book being cancelled, and because he no longer has a product to promote/sell, I imagine S&S and their team of lawyers are going to file a civil suit.

8 years ago

Hellos! Look who’s back!

How are you guys?! Damn, I miss you. Hope you didnt forget me.
I was out for a few months because the overall political state of the world combined with personal problems and the general freakiness of my brains was making me quite literally sick.

Seriously, not to mention the emotional breakdowns and bad fogged decisions, my imune system went bonkers and I had a series of infections and allergies all over the place. One week my ear decided to bleed, then my hand decided to develop a dermatitis so strong and painful even the doctor was surprised (now it looks like I have vitiligo on my hand! Yeeeeyyy!), then my jaw doesnt work, everything so nice! Apparently my brain and body thinks I am to blame for literally everything wrong with humanity and is attempting to self destroy to save the world. You guys were talking a lot about Trump and this subject really upsets me to an unhealthy level, so i got out for a while and focused on getting professional help.

Anyway, how are you? I am OK! Not many news to give.
Lets see what i can tell:my beloved niece, the tiny life of my life, is so grown up. She walks, says mama, papa, uouo (grandpa), poops in the toilet, understands most of what we say, and most important, is the most happy, healthy and energetic baby i have ever seen. And she’s only ten months! Auntie is so proud.

Remember my boyfriend?! The one with problematic islamophobic views? Who watched Sargon, Thunderf00t, etc? Well, he started working at an employment center, therefore getting in touch with a ton of immigrants daily, helping them, talking to them, and I guess this is what he needed, you know. Of course, he is still not exactly a feminist, but his views are so much more mannered and reasonable, dialogue is much easier, and though its still not ideal I think thats something I can easily live with. Even if his views of the world will still make me fight with him for a long time, his actions make me trust and love him each time more. He is always by my side and I came to understand we have the same fundamental ideals. So… In a completely unexpected move he proposed to me. And I said yes, of course, even though i think we will wait a few more years because I am not ready in many senses. He agreed to my terms. So… I guess now he is my fiance! This made me so happy, despite the emotional distress i went through later.

8 years ago

It’s so good to hear from you again!

I’m so sorry to hear about your illnesses of late but we hope you’re getting much better from that.

Anyway, how are you?

I’m doing pretty okay. I am now officially out of my father’s residency and currently trying to find employment and school again. I haven’t have my anti-depressents renewed yet but I’ll get that fixed up by tomorrow. Nothing like petting your dog to boost your happiness. In terms of self study I am having a much easier time reading japanese from anki and studying my accounting books. Apparently I find myself alot more focused if I make myself type out every word I read. It takes a lot more time, but I feel like it’s making me alot more focused. Only thing I’m slowing down at is math, but that’s mainly by a bit of burnout from doing it every day for hours.

Lets see what i can tell:my beloved niece, the tiny life of my life, is so grown up. She walks, says mama, papa, uouo (grandpa), poops in the toilet, understands most of what we say, and most important, is the most happy, healthy and energetic baby i have ever seen. And she’s only ten months! Auntie is so proud.

Oh my stars that is so adorable!

Remember my boyfriend?! The one with problematic islamophobic views?

Yeah, we remember him. We’re glad things are turning out for the better for the two of you. Here’s to hoping things keep getting better on your side.

We need to celebrate your return! Picture time! image

Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
Dalillama : Shepherd of Demonic Crocodiles.
8 years ago


Great to see you again, I had been wondering lately how your were doing. Sorry to hear that thhe answe is not well.

8 years ago

Chiomara: welcome back, and congrats!

Ooglyboggles: I’m dubious. S&S signed a contract with Milo. To get their money back, the contract needs to say that S&S can demand their money back — but I doubt he’d agree to such a contract — or S&S need to argue that Milo breached the contract, and that the appropriate remedy is that they get their money back. I suspect they just decided to cut their losses: that a quarter-million was cheaper than the bad PR of supporting an author who doesn’t just want to hurt women, but boys too.

8 years ago

Since they kept supporting him up to and including the very moment before he decided that it was a “safe” atmosphere to advocate pedophilia, PR to them seems to not matter nearly as much as the money they’re going to lose with him.

8 years ago

Damn, even at the risk i just necro’d this post and no one will read this (oopsy), let me talk a bit more and tell you about my ring. Its not that i am into material things, its just that its so filled with significance and attention to details, that i just… Cant avoid.

He has always liked to play and write DnD campaigns, and as I always loved elfic aesthetics, I am always a kind of elf in the stories. So following that Idea, the ring is thin and delicate with two leaves – one of the brazilian and one of the german national tree.
The first Museum I have ever been to outside of Brazil was the Green Dungeon, in germany. Now, no museum in my country is that opulent. As a lover of art and history, I was out of my mind. The main attraction of the Museum is a headpiece containing the biggest Green Diamond of the world. Now, i didnt even know green diamonds existed, but when i saw the light hitting that thing, olive colored, with over a hundred white diamonds around, nearly blinding me, I could not stop crying for 15 minutes, dazzled by the beauty. Therefore, the ring has a Green diamond, for the things we have in common and the beautiful moments we had together.

And finally, the inscription inside, which says “If i could begin to be…”, which some of you may recognize as the first words of the ending song of Steven Universe.
Now, this has many meanings. First of all, the cartoon itself. I am in love with animations, and this one is beautiful, its naive, its accepting, it talks about love and forgiveness, and its just a child cartoon, yes, but i have never felt myself so represented in a show. Especially in the character of Pearl. And then the song itself, which begins like “If I could begin to be, half of what you think of me, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you…”, which lyrics he said is about both the way he feels about me, and the way my faith in him made him completely change his life, and a promise to keep getting better and fighting so we both can finally be together and reach our dreams.

I know I am over sharing, but after so many negative stuff i said about him here, I had to share this beautiful gesture. Isnt that amazing?! Dammit, i love that douche.

8 years ago

@Chiomara That’s weird, I was literally just thinking of you yesterday and wondering where you’d been. Great news about your boyfriend–exposure to actual life can change people’s perspectives.

@nequam I’d like your soup recipe–I love hot and sour soup but haven’t found a recipe I really like yet.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

comment image
Dammit, girl, I’m tryna sleep, and now I’m too happy to lie still. Welcome back! *hugs and love* ?