milo pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles trump

Sick David

Hey it’s a rhino for no reason

Ugh. I’ve been hit with a nasty flu, so I will be out of commission today and probably for several more as this thing runs its course.

Which is a pity not only because I feel like crap but also because there’s lots of stuff going on. It’s (Not My) Presidet’s day, and there are anti-Trump protests around the US (and in London too, but for different anti-Trump reasons).

Meanwhle, our old friend fiend MILO was scheduled to be one of the keynote speakers at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) but, oops, conservatives discovered that their favorite hateful bigot has, on a number of occasions, explicitly defended pedophilia oh sorry “ephebophilia.” And now he’s been un-scheduled. See the latest here!

Anyway, I’m going to go lie down. Feel free to use this as an open thread of course.

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Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
Schnookums Von Fancypants, GloboThermoNuclearHomo
8 years ago

@Sinkable John

By the way, I hadn’t seen the “GloboThermoNuclearHomo” addition to your name until now but it is glorious.

Aww, now you’re making me blush.

8 years ago

Nobody come close, I’m contagious!

Looks like I caught the norovirus that’s making rounds in my neighborhood, which is a terrible meh, because I had plans for a happy-funtime for friends on Sunday and already bought ingredients for cheesecake and Stroganoff.

This blows.

Ah well. Best to check out how long those things keep. Maybe some other day 🙁

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago


All the Discworld books are like that. Practically every time I reread one I catch one I’d missed before.

Yeah. Even more so since I tend to read my favorites both in Finnish and English. Some things can’t be translated and some that can, I might not notice them when processing English.

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack: Another vote for The Silver Kiss. The first time I read it, I was an adult, and I loved it. Bittersweet. The latest edition, which I bought for one of my nieces a couple of years ago, includes a short story in which Zoë is grown up. It’s good, too.

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